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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have the following list stored in a variable:
names = ['a.lastname1', 'b.lastname2']
I would like to parse out the '.' in each string and return a string so it reads each last name on two lines without the 'a.' and 'b.'
Simple solution using str.split() function:
names = ['a.lastname1', 'b.lastname2']
l1, l2 = (lname.split('.')[1] for lname in names)
print(l1, l2)
The output:
lastname1 lastname2
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Closed 9 days ago.
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Is there a way to compress this whole operation into one line?
# a string containing comma separated key value pairs
long_string = "value1=hello,value2=world"
# split string into pairs
kv_pairs = long_string.split(',')
# split into actual key value dictionary
my_dict = dict(i.split('=') for i in kv_pairs)
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Closed 4 months ago.
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I have a list of words like below
and another list of tuples
If all the words in first list comes in second list atleast once then I need True as outcome else False.
Python version (based on comments from
Pranav Hosangadi and matszwecja)
a = ["HEllO","HI","GREAT"]
b = [("HELLO",123),("HI",2134),("HELLO",65)]
not (set(a) - set(x[0] for x in b))
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Closed 1 year ago.
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So i have a list with strings for path of images:
["folder1/_D7327", "folder1/_D7527", "folder2/_D7455", "folder3/_D1237"]
I want to automatically create a dictionary to store each photo:
{"folder1": ["_D7327", "_D7527"], "folder2": ["_D7455"], "folder3": ["_D1237"]}
How can I achieve something like this automatically?
You can use dict.setdefault. For example:
lst = ["folder1/_D7327", "folder1/_D7527", "folder2/_D7455", "folder3/_D1237"]
out = {}
for path in lst:
folder, file = path.split("/")
out.setdefault(folder, []).append(file)
{'folder1': ['_D7327', '_D7527'], 'folder2': ['_D7455'], 'folder3': ['_D1237']}
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Closed 2 years ago.
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How can I grab the invite code from this string?
The expected output would be "111A111A".
Any help is appreciated
I tried it in a simple way, You could give more details for further improvement.
s = "{awarded:1,inviteURL:https:\/\/\/refer\/invite\/111A111A\/}"
print(s[-11: -3])
This will do it with ReGex
import re
def findInvite(s):
assert findInvite("{awarded:1,inviteURL:https:\/\/\/refer\/invite\/111A111A\/}") == "111A111A"
And if this isn't a string but a dict, then change the function to:
def findInvite(d):
s = d["inviteURL"]
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Closed 2 years ago.
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Context: I want to use Python to iterate over a bunch of json documents (cosmodb) and remove the last portion of a string in the value of a key
I want to turn this:
"id": "randomstuff-channelruleprintermap-1234-$pc2$randomstuff$1234$uspc02"
into this:
"id": "randomstuff-channelruleprintermap-1234-$pc2$randomstuff$"
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You could easily implement this with this piece of code:
result = my_string.rsplit('$', 1)[0] + "$"
Which behaves like this:
>>> my_string = "randomstuff-channelruleprintermap-1234-$pc2$randomstuff$1234$uspc02"
>>> print(my_string.rsplit('_', 1)[0])