MySQLdb executemany not adding data - python

I'm trying to add data to a table (test_copy) using the MySQLdb executemany command, as follows:
db = mdb.connect(host="",port=3306,user='XXXX',db="test")
cursor = db.cursor()
COM = "insert into test_copy (Short_Model) VALUES (%s)"
VALS = ['213','3232','fd','sadad']
Note: Name of Table = test_copy, Column Name = Short_Model
Problem is that the command runs without any errors but when I check the table no data has been added.
Apologies if this is an easy problem but it's driving me crazy for the last few hours.

Thank you #Jon Clements and #Abhishek Mishra - You have returned my sanity. Here is the final solution for those interested:
db = mdb.connect(host="",port=3306,user='xxxx',db="test")
cursor = db.cursor()
COM = "insert into test_copy (Short_Model) VALUES (%s)"
VALS = ['213','3232','fd','sadad']

cursor.close should be cursor.close(), but you normally would want to cursor.commit() just to make sure your changes are reflected in your DB.

A commit() call is needed to finalise things in db. The docs don't clarify if executemany automatically commits the changes. Also turning on auto commit, cursor.autocommit(True) could be helpful.


INSERT doesn't work in pymysql, but SELECT does just fine

I'm working in a Jupyter Notebook and using pymysql. I can read off that database, so the connection must be established, but I can't send any INSERT statements.
connection = pymysql.connect(endpoint, user, passwd, db)
insert = [('Popowice',363000),('Wroclaw',389991),('Biskupin',359000)]
sql = "INSERT INTO housing_wroclaw (`District`, `Price`) VALUES (%s, %s)"
cursor = connection.cursor()
This piece of code with my credentials returns 3 - the number of insert tuples and no errors. But the database just doesn't have those records. I tried also looping through values using execute() rather than executemany(), but neither worked and the latter is apparently better.
Below is my working SELECT statement:
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT * from housing_wroclaw')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
How can I INSERT? Why it doesn't work?
You must call connection.commit() after inserting data to make it persistent.

Insert values from list into table (Python, sqlite3)

I have this simple code which I can't make work.
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('db\\books')
c = conn.cursor()
col = []
title = input('title')
text = input('text')
tags = input('tags')
c.executescript("INSERT INTO books (title,text,tags) "
"VALUES (col[0],col[1],col[2])")
The db code (connection and normal insert) works but the problem rise when I want to do what you see above.
The goal I would like to achieve is to let the user insert the data into db (all strings). I don't know if this is the right way to do this...
How can I do this ?
One option is to change your last line to:
c.execute("INSERT INTO books (title,text,tags) VALUES (?,?,?)", (col[0], col[1], col[2]))
And then commit and close the connection if you're done making changes:
This line:
c.executescript("INSERT INTO books (title,text,tags) "
"VALUES (col[0],col[1],col[2])")
Is not a valid SQL. Now since c is defined as a cursor, you can run execute from it directly instead of executescript, which the latter is suppose to create a cursor from a connection and execute a SQL. Just replace that line with the following should work:
c.execute("INSERT INTO books (title,text,tags) "
"VALUES (?,?,?)", col)
The SQL above uses a "qmark style" placeholder, which takes actual value from the parameter list that follows it.

How to disable query cache with mysql.connector

I'm connecting mysql on my Kivy application.
import mysql.connector
con = mysql.connector.Connect(host='XXX', port=XXX, user='XXX', password='XXX', database='XXX')
cur = con.cursor()
db = cur.execute("""select SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * from abc""")
data = cur.fetchall()
print (data)
After inserting or deleting on table abc from another connection; i call the same query on python; but data is not updating.
I add the query "SET SESSION query_cache_type = OFF;" before select query, but it didn't work. Someone said "select NOW() ..." query is not cachable but it didn't work again. What should I do?
I solved this by adding the code after fetchall()
Calling the same select query without doing a commit, won't update the results.
The solution is to use:
Or, after each select query:
With this option, there will be a commit after each select query.
Otherwise, subsequent selects will render the same result.
This error seems to be Bug #42197 related to Query cache and auto-commit in MySQL. The status is won't fix!
In a few months, this should be irrelevant because MySQL 8.0 is dropping Query Cache.
I encounterd the same problem that has been solved and used the above method.
and I found that different DBMS has different behavior,not all DBMS exist in the connection cache
try this,
this will auto commit after each of you select query.
The MySQL query cache is flushed when tables are modified, so it wouldn't have that effect. It's impossible to say without seeing the rest of your code, but it's most likely that your INSERT / DELETE query is failing to run.

Print if MySQL returns no results

This is my code so far. I'm attempting to print No results found if no results are returned by MySQL however I can't figure it out. Perhaps I'm using incorrect arguments. Could anyone provide me with an example? Much appreciated!
def movie_function(film):
connection = mysql connection info
cursor = connection.cursor()
sql = "SELECT * FROM film_database WHERE film_name = '"+film+"' ORDER BY actor"
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print row[1]
When you execute a select statement, cursor.rowcount is set to the number of results retrieved. Also, there is no real need to call cursor.fetchall(); looping over the cursor directly is easier:
def movie_function(film):
connection = mysql connection info
cursor = connection.cursor()
sql = "SELECT * FROM film_database WHERE film_name = %s ORDER BY actor"
cursor.execute(sql, (film,))
if not cursor.rowcount:
print "No results found"
for row in cursor:
print row[1]
Note that I also switched your code to use SQL parameters; there is no need to use string interpolation here, leave that to the database adapter. The %s placeholder is replaced for you by a correctly quoted value taken from the second argument to cursor.execute(), a sequence of values (here a tuple of one element).
Using SQL parameters also lets a good database reuse the query plan for the select statement, and leaving the quoting up to the database adapter prevents SQL injection attacks.
You could use cursor.rowcount after your code to see how many rows were actually returned. See here for more.
I guess, this should work.
def movie_function(film):
connection = mysql connection info
cursor = connection.cursor()
sql = "SELECT * FROM film_database WHERE film_name = %s ORDER BY actor"
cursor.execute(sql, [film])
rows = cursor.fetchall()
if not rows:
print 'No resulrs found'
for row in rows:
print row[1]
Note, that I changed the way the film parameter is passed to query. I don't know, how exactly it should be (this depends on what MySQL driver for python you use), but important thing to know, is that you should not pass your parameters directly to the query string, because of security reasons.
You can also use :
rows_affected=cursor.execute("SELECT ... ") -> you have directly the number of returned rows

MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor.execute does not work

I have done the following:
import MySQLdb as mdb
con = mdb.connect(hostname, username, password, dbname)
cur = con.cursor()
count = cur.execute(query)
I have two queries, I execute them in the mysql console I can view the results.
But when I give the same through python one query works and the other one does not.
I am sure it is not problem with mysql or query or python code. I suspect cur.execute(query) function.
Have anyone come through similar situation? Any solutions?
Use conn.commit() after execution, to commit/finish insertion and deletion based changes.
I have two queries, I execute them in the mysql console I can view the results.
But I only see one query:
import MySQLdb as mdb
con = mdb.connect(hostname, username, password, dbname)
cur = con.cursor()
count = cur.execute(query)
My guess is query contains the both queries separated by a semin-colon and is an INSERT statement? You probably need to use executemany().
See Executing several SQL queries with MySQLdb
On the other hand, if both of your queries are SELECT statements (you say "I see the result"), I'm not sure you can fetch both results from only one call to execute(). I would consider that as bad style, anyway.
This is a function and the query is passed to this function. When I
execute one query after the other. I dont get the result for few
queries, there is no problem with the queries because I have crossed
checked them with the mysql console.
As you clarified your question in a comment, I post an other answer -- completely different approach.
Are you connected to your DB in autocommit mode? If no, for changes to be permanently applied, you have to COMMIT them. In normal circumstances, you shouldn't create a new connection for each request. That put excessive load on the DB server for almost nothing:
# Open a connection once
con = mdb.connect(hostname, username, password, dbname)
# Do that *for each query*:
cur = con.cursor()
count = cur.execute(query)
conn.commit() # don't forget to commit the transaction
print "DONE:", query # for "debug" -- in real app you migth have an "except:" clause instead
cur.close() # close anyway
# Do that *for each query*:
cur = con.cursor()
count = cur.execute(query)
conn.commit() # don't forget to commit the transaction
print "DONE:", query # for "debug" -- in real app you migth have an "except:" clause instead
cur.close() # close anyway
# Close *the* connection
The above code is directly typed into SO. Please forgive typos and other basic syntax errors. But that's the spirit of it.
A last word, while typing I was wondering how you deal with exceptions? By any chance could the MySQLdb error be silently ignored at some upper level of your program?
Use this query, this will update multiple rows of column in one query
sql=cursor.executemany("UPDATE `table` SET `col1` = %s WHERE `col2` = %s",
[(col1_val1, col2_val1),(col2_val2, col_val2)])
and also commit with database to see the changes.

