I'm working in a Jupyter Notebook and using pymysql. I can read off that database, so the connection must be established, but I can't send any INSERT statements.
connection = pymysql.connect(endpoint, user, passwd, db)
insert = [('Popowice',363000),('Wroclaw',389991),('Biskupin',359000)]
sql = "INSERT INTO housing_wroclaw (`District`, `Price`) VALUES (%s, %s)"
cursor = connection.cursor()
This piece of code with my credentials returns 3 - the number of insert tuples and no errors. But the database just doesn't have those records. I tried also looping through values using execute() rather than executemany(), but neither worked and the latter is apparently better.
Below is my working SELECT statement:
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT * from housing_wroclaw')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
How can I INSERT? Why it doesn't work?
You must call connection.commit() after inserting data to make it persistent.
I need to do a daily load from a source db into a new db.
The new db table columns are identical structure to the source table select statement. The new db table is in a separate db so the cursor object is unique per db connection and I can't just do a select into query.
So, for example, if I do a select on some table in some source db:
# Assuming we already connected to the db and have a cursor object...
sql_query = "SELECT val_bin, val_id, val_sel from table"
I now have the objects I need in the cursor object from the select.
Then to insert, normally I would just grab each value and do an insert statement for each. For example:
for row in cursor.fetchall():
insert_query = "insert into new_table (val_bin, val_id, val_sel) VAULES (%s, %d, %s) % row[0], row[1], row[2]"
However this seems tedious and slow to loop through everything.
Is there a way I can just insert the entire returned cursor object from the select statement into the new db table? The destination table schema matches exactly with what returned from the select.
If it's not possible, that's fine I am just trying to make this easier and more efficient.
You may want to use .executemany instead of .execute if the goal to insert all the results from a given cursor into a table. The following is an illustration:
cursor = connection.cursor()
destination_cursor = connection.cursor()
sql_query = "SELECT val_bin, val_id, val_sel from table"
insert_query = "insert into new_table (val_bin, val_id, val_sel) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
destination_cursor.executemany(insert_query, cursor)
I hope this proves useful.
Can't insert more than two data's in the mysql database i'm running the code in python using raspberry pi.
the code i used is
query="INSERT INTO import(customer,package) VALUES('%s','%s')"
it gives an error to check the syntax.
You also need to add connection.commit() after your insert/update queries.
connection = MySQLdb.connect(*data)
cursor = connection.cursor()
When using parameters, you should not quote your parameters. That is, your query should be;
query="INSERT INTO import(customer,package) VALUES(%s, %s)"
I have a strange problem that Im having trouble both duplicating and solving.
Im using the pyodbc library in Python to access a MS Access 2007 database. The script is basically just importing a csv file into Access plus a few other tricks.
I am trying to first save a 'Gift Header' - then get the auto-incrmented id (GiftRef) that it is saved with - and use this value to save 1 or more associated 'Gift Details'.
Everything works exactly as it should - 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time Access seems to get stuck and repeatedly returns the same value for cur.execute("select last(GiftRef) from tblGiftHeader").
Once it gets stuck it returns this value for the duration of the script. It does not happen while processing a specific entry or at any specific time in the execution - it seems to happen completely
at random.
Also I know that it is returning the wrong value - in other words the Gift Headers are being saved - and are being given new, unique ID's - but for whatever reason that value is not being returned correctly when called.
SQL = "insert into tblGiftHeader (PersonID, GiftDate, Initials, Total) VALUES "+ str(header_vals) + ""
gift_ref = [s[0] for s in cur.execute("select last(GiftRef) from tblGiftHeader")][0]
Any thoughts or insights would be appreciated.
In Access SQL the LAST() function does not necessarily return the most recently created AutoNumber value. (See here for details.)
What you want is to do a SELECT ##IDENTITY immediately after you commit your INSERT, like this:
import pyodbc
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=C:\\Users\\Public\\Database1.accdb;')
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Clients (FirstName, LastName) VALUES (?, ?)", ['Mister', 'Gumby'])
cursor.execute("SELECT ##IDENTITY AS ID")
row = cursor.fetchone()
print row.ID
Yep! That seems to be a much more reliable way of getting the last id. I believe my initial code was based on the example here http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_func_last.asp which I suppose I took out of context.
Thanks for the assist! Here is the updated version of my original code (with connection string):
MDB = 'C:\\Users\\Public\\database.mdb'
DRV = '{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}'
conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={};DBQ={}'.format(DRV,MDB))
curs = conn.cursor()
SQL = "insert into tblGiftHeader (PersonID, GiftDate, Initials, Total) VALUES "+ str(header_vals) + ""
curs.execute("SELECT ##IDENTITY AS ID")
row = curs.fetchone()
gift_ref = row.ID
I am writing my first python script, and I am trying to connect it to a mysql db to insert rows.
import MySQLdb
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","root","xxx","pytest" )
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO `first_table` (`name`) VALUES ('boop') ")
When I check the mysql db via phpmyadmin, it contains no rows, however if the auto incrementing ID was 5 and then I run the script 2 times, when I insert a new row it inserts it as id= 8 so the script has been incrementing the primary key but not inserting the rows?
The script reports no mysql errors, so I'm a bit lost here.
In yuor case please use
import MySQLdb
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","root","jimmypq79","pytest" )
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO `first_table` (`name`) VALUES ('boop') ")
Please put this in top of the code like this--
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","root","jimmypq79","pytest" )
check here
You can use
in the beginning of the code for automatically committing the changes .
you use,
after insert query
I am using python 2.7 and MySQL as database. In my python program have an INSERT query like this:
cursor.execute("insert into login(username,passw)values('"+i.username+"','"+i.password+"')")
result=cursor.execute("select * from login")
print cursor.fetchall()
When I check in the database, there is no entry. But after the select in my python code, when I print the results it is showing the inserted data. I am not using any transaction statement either.
You need to commit your transaction for the database to make your insert permanent, and you need to use SQL parameters to prevent SQL injection attacks and general quoting bugs:
cursor.execute("insert into login (username, passw) values (%s, %s)", (i.username, i.password))
Until you commit, the data you inserted will only be visible to your python program; if you do not commit at all, then the changes will be discarded again by the database.
Alternatively, you could switch on auto-commit mode:
After switching on auto-commit, your insertions will be committed instantly. Be careful with this as this could lead to inconsistent data if you need to insert data into multiple rows and / or tables that is interdependent.
You also need to commit the data after your execution statement. It is important to call this method after you are done inserting, or updating data, as the Python connector does not auto commit by default.
# Execute & Commit
cursor.execute("insert into login(username,passw) values('%s','%s')",
i.username, i.password)
# Commit the insert query!
# Fetch Result
result=cursor.execute("select * from login")
print cursor.fetchall()
If you use mysql-python, you can set connection options to enable autocommit feature.
conn = mysql.connection(host, port, autocommit=True)
# or
conn = mysql.connection(host, port)
You can see more details here