Print if MySQL returns no results - python

This is my code so far. I'm attempting to print No results found if no results are returned by MySQL however I can't figure it out. Perhaps I'm using incorrect arguments. Could anyone provide me with an example? Much appreciated!
def movie_function(film):
connection = mysql connection info
cursor = connection.cursor()
sql = "SELECT * FROM film_database WHERE film_name = '"+film+"' ORDER BY actor"
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print row[1]

When you execute a select statement, cursor.rowcount is set to the number of results retrieved. Also, there is no real need to call cursor.fetchall(); looping over the cursor directly is easier:
def movie_function(film):
connection = mysql connection info
cursor = connection.cursor()
sql = "SELECT * FROM film_database WHERE film_name = %s ORDER BY actor"
cursor.execute(sql, (film,))
if not cursor.rowcount:
print "No results found"
for row in cursor:
print row[1]
Note that I also switched your code to use SQL parameters; there is no need to use string interpolation here, leave that to the database adapter. The %s placeholder is replaced for you by a correctly quoted value taken from the second argument to cursor.execute(), a sequence of values (here a tuple of one element).
Using SQL parameters also lets a good database reuse the query plan for the select statement, and leaving the quoting up to the database adapter prevents SQL injection attacks.

You could use cursor.rowcount after your code to see how many rows were actually returned. See here for more.

I guess, this should work.
def movie_function(film):
connection = mysql connection info
cursor = connection.cursor()
sql = "SELECT * FROM film_database WHERE film_name = %s ORDER BY actor"
cursor.execute(sql, [film])
rows = cursor.fetchall()
if not rows:
print 'No resulrs found'
for row in rows:
print row[1]
Note, that I changed the way the film parameter is passed to query. I don't know, how exactly it should be (this depends on what MySQL driver for python you use), but important thing to know, is that you should not pass your parameters directly to the query string, because of security reasons.

You can also use :
rows_affected=cursor.execute("SELECT ... ") -> you have directly the number of returned rows


Passing strings to pymysql cursor using Python function

I'm working on a script that will pull data from a database using pymysql and a simple SELECT statement. I'm going to run this statement many times, so I was hoping to simplify things by putting it in a function and passing the column name, table name, where clause and value as arguments to the function.
def retrieve_value_from_db(connection,column_name,table_name,where_clause,where_value):
with connection:
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s=%s"
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result
However calling the function below returns the following error
pymysql.err.ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''mother_table' WHERE 'id'='S50000'' at line 1")
Cursor.execute seems to be reading the quotation mark portion of the string, which is causing the programming error. So how do I pass a string argument to the function that cursor.execute can read? Is what I want to do even possible? Thanks in advance.
Perhaps surprisingly, you should not let the database substitution handle table names and column names. It tries to quote them as if they were fields, which is wrong.
sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s" % (column_name,table_name,where_clause)
cursor.execute(sql, (where_value,))

Heroku Database: Insert operation

I am confused while inserting data to my Postgres Database in heroku.
Here's the thing,
I have created connection to database, then
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO users(username, useremail, userpass) VALUES ('"+_name+"','"+_email+"','"+_password+"')")
After executing, I checked the sql status by
it returns,
but on executing, data =
it throws me error
File "/Users/abc/PycharmProjects/testSkillNetwork/",
line 75, in signUp
data = cursor.fetchall().
ProgrammingError: no results to fetch
So, i am unable to understand why 'no results' when insertion is successful.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
You need to issue a SELECT query in order to retrieve data from the database.
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users")
This should give you some results.
Also, you should commit the transaction once you have finished inserting data, otherwise it will be lost. Use:
Another, bigger, issue is that the way that you construct your queries is vulnerable to SQL injection. Rather than using string concatenation you should use parameterised queries:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO users(username, useremail, userpass) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (_name,_email,_password))
With this style the database adapter will substitute the place holders (%s) with the values from the tuple of arguments passed to cursor.execute(). Not only is this safer, it's a lot easier to read and maintain.
I am not sure what driver are you using to connect to the database, assuming you're using psycopg2, which is one of the most famous, what you're observing is a normal behaviour. Reading from here:
A ProgrammingError is raised if the previous call to execute*() did not produce any result set or no call was issued yet.
An insert statement produces no result, other that an error in case of failure. If you want to obtain the rows that you've just inserted, query the database again:
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users;")
and this will give you the rows.
Aside from this, if you read the basic usage and the section of parametrized queries, never use python string concatenation when executing your queries, because it makes it vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.

updating a mysql database from a pandas dataframe wiht executemany

I am using mysqldb to try to update a lot of records in a database.
cur.executemany("""UPDATE {} set {} =%s Where id = %s """.format(table, ' = %s, '.join(col)),updates.values.tolist())
I get the error message...
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near...
So I tried outputting the actual sql update statement as that error message wasn't helpful using the following code:
cur.execute('set profiling = 1')
cur.executemany("""UPDATE {} set {} =%s Where id = %s """.format(table, ' = %s, '.join(col)),updates.values.tolist())
except Exception:
cur.execute('show profiles')
for row in cur:
That print statement seems to cut off the update statement at 300 characters. I can't find anything in the documentation about limits so I am wondering is this the print statement limiting or is it mysqldb?
Is there a way I can generate the update statement with just python rather than mysqldb to see the full statement?
To see exactly what the cursor was executing, you can use the cursor.statement command as shown here in the API. That may help with the debugging.
I don't have experience with the mySQL adapter, but I work with the PostgreSQL adapter on a daily basis. At least in that context, it is recommended not to format your query string directly, but let the second argument in the cursor.execute statement do the substitution. This avoids problems with quoted strings and such. Here is an example, the second one is correct (at least for Postgres):
cur.execute("""UPDATE mytbl SET mycol = %s WHERE mycol2 = %s""".format(val, cond))
cur.execute("""UPDATE mytbl SET mycol = %(myval)s WHERE mycol2 = %(mycond)s""", {'myval': val, 'mycond': cond})
This can result in the query
UPDATE mytbl SET mycol = abc WHERE mycol2 = xyz
instead of
UPDATE mytbl SET mycol = 'abc' WHERE mycol2 = 'xyz'.
You would have needed to explicitly add those quotes if you do the value substitution in the query yourself, which becomes annoying and circumvents the type handling of the database adapter (keep in mind this was only a text example). See the API for a bit more information on this notation and the cursor.executemany command.

Select Array from MySQL in Python without For Loop

I am trying to select an array of values from my MySQL without using a for loop. The for loop takes to long and I want to grab all of the values at once. I do not know what is wrong with my arguments and I am having a hard time interpreting what the error message I receive means.
zipcode = ["37204", "60964", "60068"]
connection = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="password", db="database", cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor)
cursor = connection.cursor()
query = "SELECT fips FROM us WHERE zip = %s"
results = cursor.fetchall()
The error looks like this:
query = query % tuple([db.literal(item) for item in args])
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
Any help is appreciated.
Python is not my forte and I've not used executemany before, but I don't think it's supposed to be used for executing code that's supposed to return something. You probably want to use IN with your query.
query = "SELECT fips FROM us WHERE zip IN ('%s')" % "','".join(zipcode)
results = cursor.fetchall()

Using SELECT LAST() with pyodbc and MSACCESS sometimes returns same value

I have a strange problem that Im having trouble both duplicating and solving.
Im using the pyodbc library in Python to access a MS Access 2007 database. The script is basically just importing a csv file into Access plus a few other tricks.
I am trying to first save a 'Gift Header' - then get the auto-incrmented id (GiftRef) that it is saved with - and use this value to save 1 or more associated 'Gift Details'.
Everything works exactly as it should - 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time Access seems to get stuck and repeatedly returns the same value for cur.execute("select last(GiftRef) from tblGiftHeader").
Once it gets stuck it returns this value for the duration of the script. It does not happen while processing a specific entry or at any specific time in the execution - it seems to happen completely
at random.
Also I know that it is returning the wrong value - in other words the Gift Headers are being saved - and are being given new, unique ID's - but for whatever reason that value is not being returned correctly when called.
SQL = "insert into tblGiftHeader (PersonID, GiftDate, Initials, Total) VALUES "+ str(header_vals) + ""
gift_ref = [s[0] for s in cur.execute("select last(GiftRef) from tblGiftHeader")][0]
Any thoughts or insights would be appreciated.
In Access SQL the LAST() function does not necessarily return the most recently created AutoNumber value. (See here for details.)
What you want is to do a SELECT ##IDENTITY immediately after you commit your INSERT, like this:
import pyodbc
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=C:\\Users\\Public\\Database1.accdb;')
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Clients (FirstName, LastName) VALUES (?, ?)", ['Mister', 'Gumby'])
cursor.execute("SELECT ##IDENTITY AS ID")
row = cursor.fetchone()
print row.ID
Yep! That seems to be a much more reliable way of getting the last id. I believe my initial code was based on the example here which I suppose I took out of context.
Thanks for the assist! Here is the updated version of my original code (with connection string):
MDB = 'C:\\Users\\Public\\database.mdb'
DRV = '{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}'
conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={};DBQ={}'.format(DRV,MDB))
curs = conn.cursor()
SQL = "insert into tblGiftHeader (PersonID, GiftDate, Initials, Total) VALUES "+ str(header_vals) + ""
curs.execute("SELECT ##IDENTITY AS ID")
row = curs.fetchone()
gift_ref = row.ID

