Performance issues with pandas iterrows - python

I am having performance issues with iterrows in on my dataframe as I start to scale up my data analysis.
Here is the current loop that I am using.
for ii, i in a.iterrows():
for ij, j in a.iterrows():
if ii != ij:
if i['DOCNO'][-5:] == j['DOCNO'][4:9]:
if i['RSLTN1'] > j['RSLTN1']:
elif i['DOCNO'][-5:] == j['DOCNO'][-5:]:
if i['RSLTN1'] > j['RSLTN1']:
c = a.drop(a.index[dl])
The point of the loop is to find 'DOCNO' values that are different in the dataframe but are known to be equivalent denoted by the 5 characters that are equivalent but spaced differently in the string. When found I want to drop the smaller number from the associated 'RSLTN1' column. Additionally, my data set may have multiple entries for a unique 'DOCNO' that I want to drop the lower number 'RSLTN1' result.
I was successful running this will small quantities of data (~1000 rows) but as I scale up 10x I am running into performance issues. Any suggestions?
Sample from dataset
In [107]:a[['DOCNO','RSLTN1']].sample(n=5)
6815 MP00064958 72386.0
218 MP0059189A 65492.0
8262 MP00066187 96497.0
2999 MP00061663 43677.0
4913 MP00063387 42465.0

How does this fit you needs?
import pandas as pd
s = '''\
MP00059189 72386.0
MP0059189A 65492.0
MP00066187 96497.0
MP00061663 43677.0
MP00063387 42465.0'''
# Recreate dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(pd.compat.StringIO(s), sep='\s+')
# Create mask
# We sort to make sure we keep only highest value
# Remove all non-digit according to:
m = (df.sort_values(by='RSLTN1',ascending=False)['DOCNO']
.str.extract('(\d+)', expand=False)
# Apply inverted `~` mask
df = df.loc[~m]
Resulting df:
0 MP00059189 72386.0
2 MP00066187 96497.0
3 MP00061663 43677.0
4 MP00063387 42465.0
In this example the following row was removed:
MP0059189A 65492.0


Retaining rows that have percent overlapping ranges in Pandas

I have a dataframe with the columns:
[id, range_start, range_stop, score]
If two rows have a range overlap by x percentage I retain the row with the higher score. However, I am confused how to pull out rows with no overlap to other ranges. I am using a nested loop and recursion to condense overlapping ranges into a new dataframe. However, this structure causes all rows to be retained when I am looking for the non overlapping rows.
## This is my function to recursively select the highest scoring overlapping regions
def overlap_retention(df_overlap, threshold, df_nonoverlap=None):
if df_nonoverlap != None:
df_nonoverlap = pd.DataFrame()
df_overlap = pd.DataFrame()
for index, row in x.iterrows():
rs = row['range_start']
re = row['range_end']
## Silly nested loop to compare ranges between all rows
for index2, row2 in x.drop(index).iterrows():
rs2 = row2['range_start']
re2 = row2['range_end']
regionUnion = set(readRegion).intersection(set(refRegion))
overlap_length = len(regionUnion)
overlap_min = min(rs, rs2)
overlap_max = max(re, re2)
overlap_full_range = overlap_max-overlap_min
overlap_percentage = (overlap_length/overlap_full_range)*100
## Check if they overlap by x_percentage and retain the higher score
if overlap_percentage>x_percentage:
evalue = row['score']
evalue_2 = row2['score']
if evalue_2 > evalue:
df_overlap = df_overlap.append(row2)
df_overlap = df_overlap.append(row)
## How to find non-overlapping rows without pulling everything?
df_nonoverlap = df_nonoverlap.append(row)
# ---------------------------------------------
### Recursion here to condense overlapped list further
if len(df_overlap)>1:
overlap_retention(df_overlap, threshold, df_nonoverlap)
An example input is below:
data = {'id':['id1', 'id2', 'id3', 'id4', 'id5', 'id6'],
'range_start':[1,12,11,1,20, 10],
input = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['id', 'range_start', 'range_end', 'score'])
The desired output can change based on the overlap threshold. In the example above id1 and id4 may both be retained or simply id1 depending on the overlap threshold:
data = {'id':['id1', 'id3', 'id5'],
output = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['id', 'range_start', 'range_end', 'score'])
You can make a cartesian join between all the ranges, then find length and % of the overlap for each pair, and filter it based on the x_overlap threshold.
After that, for each range we can find the overlapping range with the highest score (which could be the range itself, with the overlap of 100%):
# set min overlap parameter
x_overlap = 0.5
# cartesian join all ranges
z = df.assign(k=1).merge(
df.assign(k=1), on='k', suffixes=['_1', '_2'])
# find lengths of overlaps
z['len_overlap'] = (
z[['range_end_1', 'range_end_2']].min(axis=1) -
z[['range_start_1', 'range_start_2']].max(axis=1)).clip(0)
# we're only interested in cases where ranges overlap, so the total
# range is the range between min(start1, start2) and max(end1, end2)
z['len_total'] = (
z[['range_end_1', 'range_end_2']].max(axis=1) -
z[['range_start_1', 'range_start_2']].min(axis=1)).clip(0)
# find % overlap and filter out pairs above threshold
# these include 'pairs' where a range is paired to itself
z['pct_overlap'] = z['len_overlap'] / z['len_total']
z = z[z['pct_overlap'] > x_overlap]
# for each range find an overlapping range with the highest score
# (could be the range itself)
z = z.sort_values('score_2').groupby('id_1')['id_2'].last()
# filter the inputs
df_out = df[df['id'].isin(z)]
id range_start range_end score
0 id1 1 4 3
2 id3 11 15 8
4 id5 20 23 5
P.S. Please note that it is not very clear what should happen with id4 in your example. Since you don't have it in your output, I assumed (hopefully correctly) that you're not interested in zero-length ranges in the output
P.P.S. There is a new syntax for cartesian join in pandas 1.2.0+ with how=cross parameter in the merge method. I've used in my answer a version with a dummy variable k=1, which is more verbose, but compatible with older versions
I think you need a very clear definition of overlap. If you have [2;7], [6;10] and [7;8], which one overlaps with which one ?
Avoid using input as a variable name, it shadows the function input() (to get input from the user)
If you want to select clear overlaps (only the start or the end differs), and you only have at most ONE overlap, here you go:
sorted_df = df.sort_values(by=["range_start"])
starts_earlier = sorted_df[sorted_df.range_end.shift(-1) == sorted_df.range_end]
sorted_df = df.sort_values(by=["range_end"])
ends_earlier = sorted_df[sorted_df.range_start.shift(-1) == sorted_df.range_start]
Then you can do a df.drop(starts_earlier.index) and df.drop(ends_earlier.index) to remove the shorter ones/
df.shift() :
This code won't work for multiple overlapping segments. If you are interested in that, let me know.

Efficient way to loop through GroupBy DataFrame

Since my last post did lack in information:
example of my df (the important col):
deviceID: unique ID for the vehicle. Vehicles send data all Xminutes.
mileage: the distance moved since the last message (in km)
positon_timestamp_measure: unixTimestamp of the time the dataset was created.
deviceID mileage positon_timestamp_measure
54672 10 1600696079
43423 20 1600696079
42342 3 1600701501
54672 3 1600702102
43423 2 1600702701
My Goal is to validate the milage by comparing it to the max speed of the vehicle (which is 80km/h) by calculating the speed of the vehicle using the timestamp and the milage. The result should then be written in the orginal dataset.
What I've done so far is the following:
df_ori['dataIndex'] = df_ori.index
df = df_ori.groupby('device_id')
#create new col and set all values to false
df_ori['valid'] = 0
for group_name, group in df:
#sort group by time
group = group.sort_values(by='position_timestamp_measure')
group = group.reset_index()
#since I can't validate the first point in the group, I set it to valid
df_ori.loc[df_ori.index == group.dataIndex.values[0], 'validPosition'] = 1
#iterate through each data in the group
for i in range(1, len(group)):
timeGoneSec = abs(group.position_timestamp_measure.values[i]-group.position_timestamp_measure.values[i-1])
timeHours = (timeGoneSec/60)/60
#calculate speed
df_ori.loc[dataset.index == group.dataIndex.values[i], 'validPosition'] = 1
It definitely works the way I want it to, however it lacks in performance a lot. The df contains nearly 700k in data (already cleaned). I am still a beginner and can't figure out a better solution. Would really appreciate any of your help.
If I got it right, no for-loops are needed here. Here is what I've transformed your code into:
df_ori['dataIndex'] = df_ori.index
df = df_ori.groupby('device_id')
#create new col and set all values to false
df_ori['valid'] = 0
df_ori = df_ori.sort_values(['position_timestamp_measure'])
# Subtract preceding values from currnet value
df_ori['timeGoneSec'] = \
# The operation above will produce NaN values for the first values in each group
# fill the 'valid' with 1 according the original code
df_ori[df_ori['timeGoneSec'].isna(), 'valid'] = 1
df_ori['timeHours'] = df_ori['timeGoneSec']/3600 # 60*60 = 3600
df_ori['flag'] = (df_ori['mileage'] / df_ori['timeHours']) <= maxSpeedKMH
df_ori.loc[df_ori['flag'], 'valid'] = 1
# Remove helper columns
df_ori = df.drop(columns=['flag', 'timeHours', 'timeGoneSec'])
The basic idea is try to use vectorized operation as much as possible and to avoid for loops, typically iteration row by row, which can be insanly slow.
Since I can't get the context of your code, please double check the logic and make sure it works as desired.

Rolling sum and mean in a dataframe in python

I have this input df
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[0,'B','A',1,0], [1,'B','C',0,0], [2,'A','B',3,2],[3,'A','B',5,2],[4,'A','C',2,1],[5,'B','A',0,1],[6,'C','B',5,5]], columns=['events','Runner 1','Runner 2','dist_R1','dist_R2'])
and i'd like to add 4 more rolling calculated columns as below:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[0,'B','A',1,0,0,0,0,0], [1,'B','C',0,0,1,0,1,0], [2,'A','B',3,2,0,1,0,0.5],[3,'A','B',5,2,3,3,2,1],[4,'A','C',2,1,8,0,2.67,0],[5,'B','A',0,1,5,10,1.25,2.5],[6,'C','B',5,5,1,5,0.5,1]], columns=['events','Runner 1','Runner 2','dist_R1','dist_R2','sum_dist_last_2_by_R1','sum dist last 2 by R2','mean dist last 2 by R1','mean dist last 2 by R2'])
(sorry, but i'm learning how to format a df in StackOverflow)
I want to calculate last 4 columns.
In details i need to now at the star of the event "n" the sum and the mean km that Runner 1 and Runner 2 completed during the last two events they joined between thost from event 0 to n-1.
I think is quite challenging.
Any help is welcome.
Thanks in advance,
You wrote "rolling", but as a matter of fact it is a "very special type"
of rolling calculation (including only rows for runners from the current
row), so you can not use "pandasonic" rolling functions.
Instead you should compute the result other way.
Start from preparatory computation:
Generate 2 auxiliary DataFrames - results for runner 1 and runner 2:
wrk1 = df[['events', 'Runner 1', 'dist_R1']]
wrk1.columns = ['events', 'Runner', 'dist']
wrk2 = df[['events', 'Runner 2', 'dist_R2']]
wrk2.columns = ['events', 'Runner', 'dist']
Concatenate them, getting wrk DataFrame and delete 2 previous DataFrames:
wrk = pd.concat([wrk1, wrk2]).sort_values('events')
del wrk1, wrk2
Then define 2 following functions:
Get statistisc (sum and mean) for the given runner (rnr),
from 2 last events before the given event (ev):
def getStat(rnr, ev):
res = wrk.query('Runner == #rnr and events < #ev').dist.iloc[-2:]
return res.sum(), res.mean()
Get additional columns for the current row:
def getAddCols(row):
td_r1, md_r1 = getStat(row['Runner 1'],
td_r2, md_r2 = getStat(row['Runner 2'],
return pd.Series([td_r1, td_r2, md_r1, md_r2],
index=['tot dist_R1', 'tot dist_R2', 'mean dist_R1', 'mean dist_R2'])
And to get the result, run:
df.join(df.apply(getAddCols, axis=1).fillna(0))\
.astype({'tot dist_R1': int, 'tot dist_R2': int})
Note that a Series returned by getAddCols contains some float values,
so all 4 new columns are coerced to float.
To convert both total columns back to int, the last step (astype)
is needed.
The detailed results are a bit different from what you wrote in your post,
but I assume that you failed in your computation (in some cases).

Pandas very slow query

I have the following code which reads a csv file and then analyzes it. One patient has more than one illness and I need to find how many times an illness is seen on all patients. But the query given here
raw_data[(raw_data['Finding Labels'].str.contains(ctr)) & (raw_data['Patient ID'] == i)].size
is so slow that it takes more than 15 mins. Is there a way to make the query faster?
raw_data = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\omer.kurular\Desktop\Data_Entry_2017.csv')
data = ["Cardiomegaly", "Emphysema", "Effusion", "No Finding", "Hernia", "Infiltration", "Mass", "Nodule", "Atelectasis", "Pneumothorax", "Pleural_Thickening", "Pneumonia", "Fibrosis", "Edema", "Consolidation"]
illnesses = pd.DataFrame({"Finding_Label":[],
ids = raw_data["Patient ID"].drop_duplicates()
index = 0
for ctr in data[:1]:[index, "Finding_Label"] = ctr[index, "Count_of_Times_Being_Shown_In_An_Image"] = raw_data[raw_data["Finding Labels"].str.contains(ctr)].size / 12
for i in ids:[index, "Count_of_Patientes_Having"] = raw_data[(raw_data['Finding Labels'].str.contains(ctr)) & (raw_data['Patient ID'] == i)].size
index = index + 1
Part of dataframes:
Finding Labels - Patient ID
IllnessA|IllnessB - 1
Illness A - 2
From what I read I understand that ctr stands for the name of a disease.
When you are doing this query:
raw_data[(raw_data['Finding Labels'].str.contains(ctr)) & (raw_data['Patient ID'] == i)].size
You are not only filtering the rows which have the disease, but also which have a specific patient id. If you have a lot of patients, you will need to do this query a lot of times. A simpler way to do it would be to not filter on the patient id and then take the count of all the rows which have the disease.
This would be:
raw_data[raw_data['Finding Labels'].str.contains(ctr)].size
And in this case since you want the number of rows, len is what you are looking for instead of size (size will be the number of cells in the dataframe).
Finally another source of error in your current code was the fact that you were not keeping the count for every patient id. You needed to increment[index, "Count_of_Patientes_Having"] not set it to a new value each time.
The code would be something like (for the last few lines), assuming you want to keep the disease name and the index separate:
for index, ctr in enumerate(data[:1]):[index, "Finding_Label"] = ctr[index, "Count_of_Times_Being_Shown_In_An_Image"] = len(raw_data[raw_data["Finding Labels"].str.contains(ctr)]) / 12[index, "Count_of_Patientes_Having"] = len(raw_data[raw_data['Finding Labels'].str.contains(ctr)])
I took the liberty of using enumerate for a more pythonic way of handling indexes. I also don't really know what "Count_of_Times_Being_Shown_In_An_Image" is, but I assumed you had had the same confusion between size and len.
Likely the reason your code is slow is that you are growing a data frame row-by-row inside a loop which can involve multiple in-memory copying. Usually this is reminiscent of general purpose Python and not Pandas programming which ideally handles data in blockwise, vectorized processing.
Consider a cross join of your data (assuming a reasonable data size) to the list of illnesses to line up Finding Labels to each illness in same row to be filtered if longer string contains shorter item. Then, run a couple of groupby() to return the count and distinct count by patient.
raw_data = (raw_data.assign(key=1)
.merge(pd.DataFrame({'ills':ills, 'key':1}), on='key')
raw_data = raw_data[raw_data.apply(lambda x: x['ills'] in x['Finding Labels'], axis=1)]
# CALCULATE GROUP BY count AND distinct count
def count_distinct(grp):
return (grp.groupby('Patient ID').size()).size
illnesses = pd.DataFrame({'Count_of_Times_Being_Shown_In_An_Image': raw_data.groupby('ills').size(),
'Count_of_Patients_Having': raw_data.groupby('ills').apply(count_distinct)})
To demonstrate, consider below with random, seeded input data and output.
Input Data (attempting to mirror original data)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
alpha = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
data_tools = ['sas', 'stata', 'spss', 'python', 'r', 'julia']
ills = ["Cardiomegaly", "Emphysema", "Effusion", "No Finding", "Hernia",
"Infiltration", "Mass", "Nodule", "Atelectasis", "Pneumothorax",
"Pleural_Thickening", "Pneumonia", "Fibrosis", "Edema", "Consolidation"]
raw_data = pd.DataFrame({'Patient ID': np.random.choice(data_tools, 25),
'Finding Labels': np.core.defchararray.add(
np.core.defchararray.add(np.array([''.join(np.random.choice(list(alpha), 3)) for _ in range(25)]),
np.random.choice(ills, 25).astype('str')),
np.array([''.join(np.random.choice(list(alpha), 3)) for _ in range(25)]))
# Patient ID Finding Labels
# 0 r xPNPneumothoraxXYm
# 1 python ScSInfiltration9Ud
# 2 stata tJhInfiltrationJtG
# 3 r thLPneumoniaWdr
# 4 stata thYAtelectasis6iW
# 5 sas 2WLPneumonia1if
# 6 julia OPEConsolidationKq0
# 7 sas UFFCardiomegaly7wZ
# 8 stata 9NQHerniaMl4
# 9 python NB8HerniapWK
Output (after running above process)
# Count_of_Times_Being_Shown_In_An_Image Count_of_Patients_Having
# ills
# Atelectasis 3 1
# Cardiomegaly 2 1
# Consolidation 1 1
# Effusion 1 1
# Emphysema 1 1
# Fibrosis 2 2
# Hernia 4 3
# Infiltration 2 2
# Mass 1 1
# Nodule 2 2
# Pleural_Thickening 1 1
# Pneumonia 3 3
# Pneumothorax 2 2

Repartition Dask DataFrame to get even partitions

I have a Dask DataFrames that contains index which is not unique (client_id). Repartitioning and resetting index ends up with very uneven partitions - some contains only a few rows, some thousands. For instance the following code:
for p in range(ddd.npartitions):
prints out something like that:
My DataFrame is one-hot encoded and has over 500 columns. Larger partitions don't fit in memory. I wanted to repartition the DataFrame to have partitions even in size. Do you know an efficient way to do this?
Simple reproduce:
df = pd.DataFrame({'x':np.arange(0,10000),'y':np.arange(0,10000)})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'x':np.append(np.arange(0,4995),np.arange(5000,10000,1000)),'y2':np.arange(0,10000,2)})
dd_df = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=10).set_index('x')
dd_df2= dd.from_pandas(df2, npartitions=5).set_index('x')
new_ddf=dd_df.merge(dd_df2, how='right')
#new_ddf = new_ddf.reset_index().set_index('x')
#new_ddf = new_ddf.repartition(npartitions=2)
for p in range(new_ddf.npartitions):
Note the last partitions (one single element):
Even when we uncomment the commented lines, partitions remain uneven in the size.
Edit II: Walkoround
Simple wlakoround can be achieved by the following code.
Is there a more elgant way to do this (more in a Dask way)?
def repartition(ddf, npartitions=None):
MAX_PART_SIZE = 100*1024
if npartitions is None:
npartitions = ddf.npartitions
one_row_size = sum([dt.itemsize for dt in ddf.dtypes])
length = len(ddf)
requested_part_size = length/npartitions*one_row_size
if requested_part_size <= MAX_PART_SIZE:
np = npartitions
np = length*one_row_size/MAX_PART_SIZE
chunksize = int(length/np)
vc = ddf.index.value_counts().to_frame(name='count').compute().sort_index()
vsum = 0
divisions = [ddf.divisions[0]]
for i,v in vc.iterrows():
if vsum > chunksize:
vsum = 0
return ddf.repartition(divisions=divisions, force=True)
You're correct that .repartition won't do the trick since it doesn't handle any of the logic for computing divisions and just tries to combine the existing partitions wherever possible. Here's a solution I came up with for the same problem:
def _rebalance_ddf(ddf):
"""Repartition dask dataframe to ensure that partitions are roughly equal size.
Assumes `ddf.index` is already sorted.
if not ddf.known_divisions: # e.g. for read_parquet(..., infer_divisions=False)
ddf = ddf.reset_index().set_index(, sorted=True)
index_counts = ddf.map_partitions(lambda _df: _df.index.value_counts().sort_index()).compute()
index = np.repeat(index_counts.index, index_counts.values)
divisions, _ =, npartitions=ddf.npartitions)
return ddf.repartition(divisions=divisions)
The internal function sorted_division_locations does what you want already, but it only works on an actual list-like, not a lazy dask.dataframe.Index. This avoids pulling the full index in case there are many duplicates and instead just gets the counts and reconstructs locally from that.
If your dataframe is so large that even the index won't fit in memory then you'd need to do something even more clever.

