I have the following code which reads a csv file and then analyzes it. One patient has more than one illness and I need to find how many times an illness is seen on all patients. But the query given here
raw_data[(raw_data['Finding Labels'].str.contains(ctr)) & (raw_data['Patient ID'] == i)].size
is so slow that it takes more than 15 mins. Is there a way to make the query faster?
raw_data = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\omer.kurular\Desktop\Data_Entry_2017.csv')
data = ["Cardiomegaly", "Emphysema", "Effusion", "No Finding", "Hernia", "Infiltration", "Mass", "Nodule", "Atelectasis", "Pneumothorax", "Pleural_Thickening", "Pneumonia", "Fibrosis", "Edema", "Consolidation"]
illnesses = pd.DataFrame({"Finding_Label":[],
ids = raw_data["Patient ID"].drop_duplicates()
index = 0
for ctr in data[:1]:
illnesses.at[index, "Finding_Label"] = ctr
illnesses.at[index, "Count_of_Times_Being_Shown_In_An_Image"] = raw_data[raw_data["Finding Labels"].str.contains(ctr)].size / 12
for i in ids:
illnesses.at[index, "Count_of_Patientes_Having"] = raw_data[(raw_data['Finding Labels'].str.contains(ctr)) & (raw_data['Patient ID'] == i)].size
index = index + 1
Part of dataframes:
Finding Labels - Patient ID
IllnessA|IllnessB - 1
Illness A - 2
From what I read I understand that ctr stands for the name of a disease.
When you are doing this query:
raw_data[(raw_data['Finding Labels'].str.contains(ctr)) & (raw_data['Patient ID'] == i)].size
You are not only filtering the rows which have the disease, but also which have a specific patient id. If you have a lot of patients, you will need to do this query a lot of times. A simpler way to do it would be to not filter on the patient id and then take the count of all the rows which have the disease.
This would be:
raw_data[raw_data['Finding Labels'].str.contains(ctr)].size
And in this case since you want the number of rows, len is what you are looking for instead of size (size will be the number of cells in the dataframe).
Finally another source of error in your current code was the fact that you were not keeping the count for every patient id. You needed to increment illnesses.at[index, "Count_of_Patientes_Having"] not set it to a new value each time.
The code would be something like (for the last few lines), assuming you want to keep the disease name and the index separate:
for index, ctr in enumerate(data[:1]):
illnesses.at[index, "Finding_Label"] = ctr
illnesses.at[index, "Count_of_Times_Being_Shown_In_An_Image"] = len(raw_data[raw_data["Finding Labels"].str.contains(ctr)]) / 12
illnesses.at[index, "Count_of_Patientes_Having"] = len(raw_data[raw_data['Finding Labels'].str.contains(ctr)])
I took the liberty of using enumerate for a more pythonic way of handling indexes. I also don't really know what "Count_of_Times_Being_Shown_In_An_Image" is, but I assumed you had had the same confusion between size and len.
Likely the reason your code is slow is that you are growing a data frame row-by-row inside a loop which can involve multiple in-memory copying. Usually this is reminiscent of general purpose Python and not Pandas programming which ideally handles data in blockwise, vectorized processing.
Consider a cross join of your data (assuming a reasonable data size) to the list of illnesses to line up Finding Labels to each illness in same row to be filtered if longer string contains shorter item. Then, run a couple of groupby() to return the count and distinct count by patient.
raw_data = (raw_data.assign(key=1)
.merge(pd.DataFrame({'ills':ills, 'key':1}), on='key')
raw_data = raw_data[raw_data.apply(lambda x: x['ills'] in x['Finding Labels'], axis=1)]
# CALCULATE GROUP BY count AND distinct count
def count_distinct(grp):
return (grp.groupby('Patient ID').size()).size
illnesses = pd.DataFrame({'Count_of_Times_Being_Shown_In_An_Image': raw_data.groupby('ills').size(),
'Count_of_Patients_Having': raw_data.groupby('ills').apply(count_distinct)})
To demonstrate, consider below with random, seeded input data and output.
Input Data (attempting to mirror original data)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
alpha = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
data_tools = ['sas', 'stata', 'spss', 'python', 'r', 'julia']
ills = ["Cardiomegaly", "Emphysema", "Effusion", "No Finding", "Hernia",
"Infiltration", "Mass", "Nodule", "Atelectasis", "Pneumothorax",
"Pleural_Thickening", "Pneumonia", "Fibrosis", "Edema", "Consolidation"]
raw_data = pd.DataFrame({'Patient ID': np.random.choice(data_tools, 25),
'Finding Labels': np.core.defchararray.add(
np.core.defchararray.add(np.array([''.join(np.random.choice(list(alpha), 3)) for _ in range(25)]),
np.random.choice(ills, 25).astype('str')),
np.array([''.join(np.random.choice(list(alpha), 3)) for _ in range(25)]))
# Patient ID Finding Labels
# 0 r xPNPneumothoraxXYm
# 1 python ScSInfiltration9Ud
# 2 stata tJhInfiltrationJtG
# 3 r thLPneumoniaWdr
# 4 stata thYAtelectasis6iW
# 5 sas 2WLPneumonia1if
# 6 julia OPEConsolidationKq0
# 7 sas UFFCardiomegaly7wZ
# 8 stata 9NQHerniaMl4
# 9 python NB8HerniapWK
Output (after running above process)
# Count_of_Times_Being_Shown_In_An_Image Count_of_Patients_Having
# ills
# Atelectasis 3 1
# Cardiomegaly 2 1
# Consolidation 1 1
# Effusion 1 1
# Emphysema 1 1
# Fibrosis 2 2
# Hernia 4 3
# Infiltration 2 2
# Mass 1 1
# Nodule 2 2
# Pleural_Thickening 1 1
# Pneumonia 3 3
# Pneumothorax 2 2
Let us say I have the following simple data frame. But in reality, I have hundreds thousands of rows like this.
ID Sales
倀굖곾ꆹ譋῾理 100
倀굖곾ꆹ 50
倀굖곾ꆹ譋῾理 70
곾ꆹ텊躥㫆 60
My idea is that I want to replace the Chinese digit with randomly generated 8 digits something looks like below.
ID Sales
13434535 100
67894335 50
13434535 70
10986467 60
The digits are randomly generated but they should keep uniqueness as well. For example, row 0 and 2 are same and when it replaced by a random unique ID, it should be the same as well.
Can anyone help on this in Python pandas? Any solution that is already done before is also welcome.
The primary method here will be to use Series.map() on the 'ID's to assign the new values.
Used for substituting each value in a Series with another value, that may be derived from a function, a dict or a Series.
which is exactly what you're looking for.
Here are some options for generating the new IDs:
1. Randomly generated 8-digit integers, as asked
You can first create a map of randomly generated 8-digit integers with each of the unique ID's in the dataframe. Then use Series.map() on the 'ID's to assign the new values back. I've included a while loop to ensure that the generated ID's are unique.
import random
original_ids = df['ID'].unique()
while True:
new_ids = {id_: random.randint(10_000_000, 99_999_999) for id_ in original_ids}
if len(set(new_ids.values())) == len(original_ids):
# all the generated id's were unique
# otherwise this will repeat until they are
df['ID'] = df['ID'].map(new_ids)
ID Sales
0 91154173 100
1 27127403 50
2 91154173 70
3 55892778 60
Edit & Warning: The original ids are Chinese characters and they are already length 8. There's definitely more than 10 Chinese characters so with the wrong combination of original IDs, it could become impossible to make unique-enough 8-digit IDs for the new set. Unless you are memory bound, I'd recommend using 16-24 digits. Or even better...
2. Use UUIDs. [IDEAL]
You can still use the "integer" version of the ID instead of hex. This has the added benefit of not needing to check for uniqueness:
import uuid
original_ids = df['ID'].unique()
new_ids = {cid: uuid.uuid4().int for cid in original_ids}
df['ID'] = df['ID'].map(new_ids)
(If you are okay with hex id's, change uuid.uuid4().int above to uuid.uuid4().hex.)
ID Sales
0 10302456644733067873760508402841674050 100
1 99013251285361656191123600060539725783 50
2 10302456644733067873760508402841674050 70
3 112767087159616563475161054356643068804 60
2.B. Smaller numbers from UUIDs
If the ID generated above is too long, you could truncate it, with some minor risk. Here, I'm only using the first 16 hex characters and converting those to an int. You may put that in the uniqueness loop check as done for option 1, above.
import uuid
original_ids = df['ID'].unique()
DIGITS = 16 # number of hex digits of the UUID to use
new_ids = {cid: int(uuid.uuid4().hex[:DIGITS], base=16) for cid in original_ids}
df['ID'] = df['ID'].map(new_ids)
ID Sales
0 14173925717660158959 100
1 10599965012234224109 50
2 14173925717660158959 70
3 13414338319624454663 60
3. Creating a mapping based on the actual value:
This group of options has these advantages:
not needing a uniqueness check since it's deterministically based on the original ID and
So original IDs which were the same will generate the same new ID
doesn't need a map created in advance
3.A. CRC32
(Higher probability of finding a collision with different IDs, compared to option 2.B. above.)
import zlib
df['ID'] = df['ID'].map(lambda cid: zlib.crc32(bytes(cid, 'utf-8')))
ID Sales
0 2083453980 100
1 1445801542 50
2 2083453980 70
3 708870156 60
3.B. Python's built-in hash() of the orignal ID [My preferred approach in this scenario]
Can be done in one line, no imports needed
Reasonably secure to not generate collisions for IDs which are different
df['ID'] = df['ID'].map(hash)
ID Sales
0 4663892623205934004 100
1 1324266143210735079 50
2 4663892623205934004 70
3 6251873913398988390 60
3.C. MD5Sum, or anything from hashlib
Since the IDs are expected to be small (8 chars), even with MD5, the probability of a collision is very low.
import hashlib
DIGITS = 16 # number of hex digits of the hash to use
df['ID'] = df['ID'].str.encode('utf-8').map(lambda x: int(hashlib.md5(x).hexdigest()[:DIGITS], base=16))
ID Sales
0 17469287633857111608 100
1 4297816388092454656 50
2 17469287633857111608 70
3 11434864915351595420 60
Not very expert in Pandas, that's why implementing solution for you with Numpy + Pandas. As solution uses fast Numpy it means it will be much faster than pure Python solution especially if you have thousands of rows.
Try it online!
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame([
['倀굖곾ꆹ譋῾理', 100],
['倀굖곾ꆹ', 50],
['倀굖곾ꆹ譋῾理', 70],
['곾ꆹ텊躥㫆', 60],
], columns = ['ID', 'Sales'])
u, iv = np.unique(df.ID.values, return_inverse = True)
while True:
ids = np.random.randint(10 ** 7, 10 ** 8, u.size)
if np.all(np.unique(ids, return_counts = True)[1] <= 1):
df.ID = ids[iv]
ID Sales
0 31043191 100
1 36168634 50
2 31043191 70
3 17162753 60
Given a dataframe df, create a list of the ids:
id_list = list(df.ID)
Then import the random package
from random import randint
from collections import deque
def idSetToNumber(id_list):
id_set = deque(set(id_list))
checked_numbers = []
while len(id_set)>0:
#get the id
id = randint(10000000,99999999)
#check if the id has been used
if id not in checked_numbers:
return checked_numbers
This gives a list of unique 8-digit number for each of your keys.
Then create a dictionary
checked_numbers = idSetToNumber(id_list)
name2id = {}
for i in range(len(checked_numbers)):
Last step, replace all the pandas ID fields with the ones in the dictionary.
for i in range(df.shape[0]):
df.ID[i] = str(name2id[df.ID[i]])
I would:
identify the unique ID values
build (from np.random) an array of unique values of same size
build a tranformation dataframe with that array
use merge to replace the original ID values
Possible code:
trans = df[['ID']].drop_duplicates() # unique ID values
n = len(trans)
# np.random.seed(0) # uncomment for reproducible pseudo random sequences
while True:
# build a greater array to have a higher chance to get enough unique values
arr = np.unique(np.random.randint(10000000, 100000000, n + n // 2))
if len(arr) >= n:
arr = arr[:n] # ok keep only the required number
trans['new'] = arr # ok we have our transformation table
df['ID'] = df.merge(trans, how='left', on='ID')['new'] # done...
With your sample data (and with np.random.seed(0)), it gives:
ID Sales
0 12215104 100
1 48712131 50
2 12215104 70
3 70969723 60
Per #Arty's comment, np.unique will return a ascending sequence. If you do not want that, shuffle it before using it for the transformation table:
trans['new'] = arr
Since my last post did lack in information:
example of my df (the important col):
deviceID: unique ID for the vehicle. Vehicles send data all Xminutes.
mileage: the distance moved since the last message (in km)
positon_timestamp_measure: unixTimestamp of the time the dataset was created.
deviceID mileage positon_timestamp_measure
54672 10 1600696079
43423 20 1600696079
42342 3 1600701501
54672 3 1600702102
43423 2 1600702701
My Goal is to validate the milage by comparing it to the max speed of the vehicle (which is 80km/h) by calculating the speed of the vehicle using the timestamp and the milage. The result should then be written in the orginal dataset.
What I've done so far is the following:
df_ori['dataIndex'] = df_ori.index
df = df_ori.groupby('device_id')
#create new col and set all values to false
df_ori['valid'] = 0
for group_name, group in df:
#sort group by time
group = group.sort_values(by='position_timestamp_measure')
group = group.reset_index()
#since I can't validate the first point in the group, I set it to valid
df_ori.loc[df_ori.index == group.dataIndex.values[0], 'validPosition'] = 1
#iterate through each data in the group
for i in range(1, len(group)):
timeGoneSec = abs(group.position_timestamp_measure.values[i]-group.position_timestamp_measure.values[i-1])
timeHours = (timeGoneSec/60)/60
#calculate speed
df_ori.loc[dataset.index == group.dataIndex.values[i], 'validPosition'] = 1
It definitely works the way I want it to, however it lacks in performance a lot. The df contains nearly 700k in data (already cleaned). I am still a beginner and can't figure out a better solution. Would really appreciate any of your help.
If I got it right, no for-loops are needed here. Here is what I've transformed your code into:
df_ori['dataIndex'] = df_ori.index
df = df_ori.groupby('device_id')
#create new col and set all values to false
df_ori['valid'] = 0
df_ori = df_ori.sort_values(['position_timestamp_measure'])
# Subtract preceding values from currnet value
df_ori['timeGoneSec'] = \
# The operation above will produce NaN values for the first values in each group
# fill the 'valid' with 1 according the original code
df_ori[df_ori['timeGoneSec'].isna(), 'valid'] = 1
df_ori['timeHours'] = df_ori['timeGoneSec']/3600 # 60*60 = 3600
df_ori['flag'] = (df_ori['mileage'] / df_ori['timeHours']) <= maxSpeedKMH
df_ori.loc[df_ori['flag'], 'valid'] = 1
# Remove helper columns
df_ori = df.drop(columns=['flag', 'timeHours', 'timeGoneSec'])
The basic idea is try to use vectorized operation as much as possible and to avoid for loops, typically iteration row by row, which can be insanly slow.
Since I can't get the context of your code, please double check the logic and make sure it works as desired.
Overview: I am working with pandas dataframes of census information, while they only have two columns, they are several hundred thousand rows in length. One column is a census block ID number and the other is a 'place' value, which is unique to the city in which that census block ID resides.
Example Data:
0 60014001001000 53000
1 60014001001001 53000
5844 60014099004021 53000
5845 60014100001000
5846 60014100001001
5847 60014100001002 53000
Problem: As shown above, there are several place values that are blank, though they have a census block ID in their corresponding row. What I found was that in several instances, the census block ID that is missing a place value, is located within the same city as the surrounding blocks that do not have a missing place value, especially if the bookend place values are the same - as shown above, with index 5844 through 5847 - those two blocks are located within the same general area as the surrounding blocks, but just seem to be missing the place value.
Goal: I want to be able to go through this dataframe, find these instances and fill in the missing place value, based on the place value before the missing value and the place value that immediately follows.
Current State & Obstacle: I wrote a loop that goes through the dataframe to correct these issues, shown below.
current_state_blockid_df = pandas.DataFrame({'BLOCKID':[60014099004021,60014100001000,60014100001001,60014100001002,60014301012019,60014301013000,60014301013001,60014301013002,60014301013003,60014301013004,60014301013005,60014301013006],
'PLACEFP': [53000,,,53000,11964,'','','','','','',11964]})
for i in current_state_blockid_df.index:
if current_state_blockid_df.loc[i, 'PLACEFP'] == '':
#Get value before blank
prior_place_fp = current_state_blockid_df.loc[i - 1, 'PLACEFP']
next_place_fp = ''
_n = 1
# Find the end of the blank section
while next_place_fp == '':
next_place_fp = current_state_blockid_df.loc[i + _n, 'PLACEFP']
if next_place_fp == '':
_n += 1
# if the blanks could likely be in the same city, assign them the city's place value
if prior_place_fp == next_place_fp:
for _i in range(1, _n):
current_state_blockid_df.loc[_i, 'PLACEFP'] = prior_place_fp
However, as expected, it is very slow when dealing with hundreds of thousands or rows of data. I have considered using maybe ThreadPool executor to split up the work, but I haven't quite figured out the logic I'd use to get that done. One possibility to speed it up slightly, is to eliminate the check to see where the end of the gap is and instead just fill it in with whatever the previous place value was before the blanks. While that may end up being my goto, there's still a chance it's too slow and ideally I'd like it to only fill in if the before and after values match, eliminating the possibility of the block being mistakenly assigned. If someone has another suggestion as to how this could be achieved quickly, it would be very much appreciated.
You can use shift to help speed up the process. However, this doesn't solve for cases where there are multiple blanks in a row.
df['PLACEFP_PRIOR'] = df['PLACEFP'].shift(1)
df['PLACEFP_SUBS'] = df['PLACEFP'].shift(-1)
criteria1 = df['PLACEFP'].isnull()
criteria2 = df['PLACEFP_PRIOR'] == df['PLACEFP_AFTER']
df.loc[criteria1 & criteria2, 'PLACEFP'] = df.loc[criteria1 & criteria2, 'PLACEFP_PRIOR']
If you end up needing to iterate over the dataframe, use df.itertuples. You can access the column values in the row via dot notation (row.column_name).
for idx, row in df.itertuples():
# logic goes here
Using your dataframe as defined
def fix_df(current_state_blockid_df):
df_with_blanks = current_state_blockid_df[current_state_blockid_df['PLACEFP'] == '']
df_no_blanks = current_state_blockid_df[current_state_blockid_df['PLACEFP'] != '']
sections = {}
last_i = 0
grouping = []
for i in df_with_blanks.index:
if i - 1 == last_i:
last_i = i
last_i = i
if len(grouping) > 0:
sections[min(grouping)] = {'indexes': grouping}
grouping = []
if len(grouping) > 0:
sections[min(grouping)] = {'indexes': grouping}
for i in sections.keys():
sections[i]['place'] = current_state_blockid_df.loc[i-1, 'PLACEFP']
l = []
for i in sections:
for x in sections[i]['indexes']:
df_with_blanks['PLACEFP'] = l
final_df = pandas.concat([df_with_blanks, df_no_blanks]).sort_index(axis=0)
return final_df
df = fix_df(current_state_blockid_df)
0 60014099004021 53000
1 60014100001000 53000
2 60014100001001 53000
3 60014100001002 53000
4 60014301012019 11964
5 60014301013000 11964
6 60014301013001 11964
7 60014301013002 11964
8 60014301013003 11964
9 60014301013004 11964
10 60014301013005 11964
11 60014301013006 11964
I have a data frame with 384 rows (and an additional dummy one in the bigining).
each row has 4 variable I wrote manually. 3 calculated fields based on those 4 variables.
and 3 that are comparing each calculated variable to the row before. each field can have 1 of two values (basically True/False).
Final goal - I want to arrange the data frame in a way that the 64 possible combination of the 6 calculated fields (2^6), occur 6 times (2^6*6=384).
Each iteration does a frequency table (pivot) and if one of the fields differ from 6 it breaks and randomize the order.
The problem that there are 384!-12*6! possible combinations and my computer is running the following script for over 4 days without a solution.
import pandas as pd
from numpy import random
# a function that calculates if a row is congruent or in-congruent
def set_cong(df):
if df["left"] > df["right"] and df["left_size"] > df["right_size"] or df["left"] < df["right"] and df["left_size"] < df["right_size"]:
return "Cong"
return "InC"
# open file and calculate the basic fields
DF = pd.read_csv("generator.csv")
DF["distance"] = abs(DF.right-DF.left)
DF["CR"] = DF.left > DF.right
DF["Cong"] = DF.apply(set_cong, axis=1)
again = 1
# main loop to try and find optimal order
while again == 1:
# make a copy of the DF to not have to load it each iteration
df = DF.copy()
again = 0
df["rand"] = [[random.randint(low=1, high=100000)] for i in range(df.shape[0])]
# as 3 of the fields are calculated based on the previous row the first one is a dummy and when sorted needs to stay first
df.rand.loc[0] = 0
Sorted = df.sort_values(['rand'])
Sorted["Cong_n1"] = Sorted.Cong.eq(Sorted.Cong.shift())
Sorted["Side_n1"] = Sorted.CR.eq(Sorted.CR.shift())
Sorted["Dist_n1"] = Sorted.distance.eq(Sorted.distance.shift())
# here the dummy is deleted
Sorted = Sorted.drop(0, axis=0)
grouped = Sorted.groupby(['distance', 'CR', 'Cong', 'Cong_n1', 'Dist_n1', "Side_n1"])
for name, group in grouped:
if group.shape[0] != 6:
again = 1
Sorted.to_csv("Edos.csv", sep="\t",index=False)
print ("bye")
the data frame looks like this:
left right size_left size_right distance cong CR distance_n1 cong_n1 side_n1
1 6 22 44 5 T F dummy dummy dummy
5 4 44 22 1 T T F T F
2 3 44 22 1 F F T F F
Firstly, sorry if this is a bit lengthy, but I wanted to fully describe what I have having problems with and what I have tried already.
I am trying to join (merge) together two dataframe objects on multiple conditions. I know how to do this if the conditions to be met are all 'equals' operators, however, I need to make use of LESS THAN and MORE THAN.
The dataframes represent genetic information: one is a list of mutations in the genome (referred to as SNPs) and the other provides information on the locations of the genes on the human genome. Performing df.head() on these returns the following:
SNP DataFrame (snp_df):
chromosome SNP BP
0 1 rs3094315 752566
1 1 rs3131972 752721
2 1 rs2073814 753474
3 1 rs3115859 754503
4 1 rs3131956 758144
This shows the SNP reference ID and their locations. 'BP' stands for the 'Base-Pair' position.
Gene DataFrame (gene_df):
chromosome chr_start chr_stop feature_id
0 1 10954 11507 GeneID:100506145
1 1 12190 13639 GeneID:100652771
2 1 14362 29370 GeneID:653635
3 1 30366 30503 GeneID:100302278
4 1 34611 36081 GeneID:645520
This dataframe shows the locations of all the genes of interest.
What I want to find out is all of the SNPs which fall within the gene regions in the genome, and discard those that are outside of these regions.
If I wanted to merge together two dataframes based on multiple (equals) conditions, I would do something like the following:
merged_df = pd.merge(snp_df, gene_df, on=['chromosome', 'other_columns'])
However, in this instance - I need to find the SNPs where the chromosome values match those in the Gene dataframe, and the BP value falls between 'chr_start' and 'chr_stop'. What makes this challenging is that these dataframes are quite large. In this current dataset the snp_df has 6795021 rows, and the gene_df has 34362.
I have tried to tackle this by either looking at chromosomes or genes seperately. There are 22 different chromosome values (ints 1-22) as the sex chromosomes are not used. Both methods are taking an extremely long time. One uses the pandasql module, while the other approach is to loop through the separate genes.
SQL method
import pandas as pd
import pandasql as psql
pysqldf = lambda q: psql.sqldf(q, globals())
q = """
SELECT s.SNP, g.feature_id
FROM this_snp s INNER JOIN this_genes g
WHERE s.BP >= g.chr_start
AND s.BP <= g.chr_stop;
all_dfs = []
for chromosome in snp_df['chromosome'].unique():
this_snp = snp_df.loc[snp_df['chromosome'] == chromosome]
this_genes = gene_df.loc[gene_df['chromosome'] == chromosome]
genic_snps = pysqldf(q)
all_genic_snps = pd.concat(all_dfs)
Gene iteration method
all_dfs = []
for line in gene_df.iterrows():
info = line[1] # Getting the Series object
this_snp = snp_df.loc[(snp_df['chromosome'] == info['chromosome']) &
(snp_df['BP'] >= info['chr_start']) & (snp_df['BP'] <= info['chr_stop'])]
if this_snp.shape[0] != 0:
this_snp = this_snp[['SNP']]
this_snp.insert(len(this_snp.columns), 'feature_id', info['feature_id'])
all_genic_snps = pd.concat(all_dfs)
Can anyone give any suggestions of a more effective way of doing this?
I've just thought of a way to solve this - by combining my two methods:
First, focus on the individual chromosomes, and then loop through the genes in these smaller dataframes. This also doesn't have to make use of any SQL queries either. I've also included a section to immediately identify any redundant genes that don't have any SNPs that fall within their range. This makes use of a double for-loop which I normally try to avoid - but in this case it works quite well.
all_dfs = []
for chromosome in snp_df['chromosome'].unique():
this_chr_snp = snp_df.loc[snp_df['chromosome'] == chromosome]
this_genes = gene_df.loc[gene_df['chromosome'] == chromosome]
# Getting rid of redundant genes
min_bp = this_chr_snp['BP'].min()
max_bp = this_chr_snp['BP'].max()
this_genes = this_genes.loc[~(this_genes['chr_start'] >= max_bp) &
~(this_genes['chr_stop'] <= min_bp)]
for line in this_genes.iterrows():
info = line[1]
this_snp = this_chr_snp.loc[(this_chr_snp['BP'] >= info['chr_start']) &
(this_chr_snp['BP'] <= info['chr_stop'])]
if this_snp.shape[0] != 0:
this_snp = this_snp[['SNP']]
this_snp.insert(1, 'feature_id', info['feature_id'])
all_genic_snps = pd.concat(all_dfs)
While this doesn't run spectacularly quickly - it does run so that I can actually get some answers. I'd still like to know if anyone has any tips to make it run more efficiently though.
You can use the following to accomplish what you're looking for:
merged_df=merged_df[(merged_df.BP>=merged_df.chr_start) & (merged_df.BP<=merged_df.chr_stop)][['SNP','feature_id']]
Note: your example dataframes do not meet your join criteria. Here is an example using modified dataframes:
chromosome SNP BP
0 1 rs3094315 752566
1 1 rs3131972 30400
2 1 rs2073814 753474
3 1 rs3115859 754503
4 1 rs3131956 758144
chromosome chr_start chr_stop feature_id
0 1 10954 11507 GeneID:100506145
1 1 12190 13639 GeneID:100652771
2 1 14362 29370 GeneID:653635
3 1 30366 30503 GeneID:100302278
4 1 34611 36081 GeneID:645520
SNP feature_id
8 rs3131972 GeneID:100302278