SyntaxError: bad input ('def') - python

I am doing Coursera mini project.
I got this problem as bad input ('def') for the line def range100(). I am trying to play guess number game in the range. I check the indentation and it's all right. Please help. Thanks
import simplegui
import random
import math
# helper function to start and restart the game
def new_game():
# initialize global variables used in your code here
global secret_number
low = 0
global n
if range100():
high = math.ceil(100)
n = int(math.log((high - low + 1),2))
elif range1000():
high = math.ceil(1000)
n = int(math.log((high - low + 1),2)
# define event handlers for control panel
def range100():
# button that changes the range to [0,100) and starts a new game
global secret_number
secret_number = random.randrange(0, 100)
return True
def range1000():
# button that changes the range to [0,1000) and starts a new game
global secret_number
secret_number = random.randrange(0, 1000)
return True
def input_guess(guess):
# main game logic goes here
global secret_number
guess_num = int(guess)
print 'Guess was %s' %guess_num
global n
if secret_number > guess_num:
print 'Lower'
n -= 1
if n >= 0:
print 'Number of remaining guesses is %s' %n
print 'You are running out of chances'
elif secret_number < guess_num:
print 'Higher'
n -= 1
if n >= 0:
print 'Number of remaining guesses is %s' %n
print 'You are running out of chances'
print 'Correct'
# create frame
frame = simplegui.create_frame('Guess the number',200, 200)
frame.add_input('Input Guess:', input_guess, 100)
frame.add_button('Range is [0, 100)', range100, 100)
frame.add_button('Range is [0, 1000)', range1000, 100)
# register event handlers for control elements and start frame
# call new_game
I am trying to count guess and output the outcome. But I can't pass this run as I don't know why def is a syntax wrong....

Looking at your code, you are missing a parenthesis in the line before def range100(). The line should be n = int(math.log((high - low + 1),2)).


how to stop it without using "brake;"? its a guessing play

import math
import random
a = math.floor((random.random())*100)
if a%10 != 00:
c = math.floor(a/10)
a = a - c*10
#to make sure the number isnt over 10
attempts = int(input("enter num of attempts"))
att = attempts
for i in range(0,attempts+1,1):
tr = int(input("try"))
att = att -1
if tr == a:
print("no,try again", "you got",att,"more attempts")
if att == 0:
print("game over,the num was", (a))
the game has random num between 0-10 and you need to insert num of attempst, and then guess what number is it, and you got the amount of attempst you have insert to try guessing the num.
You can replace the for loop by a while loop.
This way you have more control, you can use a found boolean and loop while it is False.
Note also that you have to increment i by yourself.
I printed the messages (win/lost) outside of the loop.
It makes the loop code more readable.
I also used randint() to choose the random number to guess.
It does all the work without further computation and is also part of the random module.
from random import randint
a = randint(1, 10)
attempts = int(input("enter num of attempts"))
att = attempts
found = False
i = 0
while i < attempts and not found:
i += 1
att -= 1
tr = int(input("try"))
if tr == a:
found = True
elif att > 0:
print("no,try again", "you got", att, "more attempts")
if found:
print("game over,the num was", (a))

Program will not stop when the conditions are passed

I'm writing a sum up game where two players will take turns picking a random number in the range (1,9), no repeated number allowed. If the first player picks [7, 2, 3, 5], he will win because 7+3+5 = 15
So my question is why doesn't the program stop when first_player has a sum of inputs that == 15
Below is the readme file
The game doesn't stop when first player's inputs equal 15 because you ask for second player's input regardless of whether the first player won. You can see this in your testing code, where you have two while statements for each player's input. If you complete that round with second player's input, your program works and stops there. To stop when a player wins on input, just add the conditional check to break out of main loop before asking for next player's input.
Your script is too verbose. If you made it more dynamic, with reusable logic, it becomes much easier to work with. I rewrote your game as an example.
All the game states are reused in fstrings, as dict keys, and even to represent the player
The game loop (update()) represents a single turn, and the player that turn corresponds to is toggled at the end of the loop
make_move also represents one turn
the entire game is contained in the class
reset() is used to clear the window, reset all the game properties, and start the loop, but the very first time it is called it acts as an initializer for all of the game properties.
There is never going to be an instance where both players have 15 points
import os
UNFINISHED = "unfinished"
DRAW = "draw"
FIRST_WON = "First"
SECOND_WON = "Second"
CLEAR = lambda: os.system('cls') #windows only
class AddThreeGame:
def current_state(self):
return self.__state
def player(self):
return self.__rotation[self.__player]
def __init__(self):
self.__rotation = [FIRST_WON, SECOND_WON]
self.__states = {
UNFINISHED:'We have unfinished business, come back for more\n',
DRAW:'Draw game\n',
FIRST_WON:'First player won this game!!!\n',
SECOND_WON:'Second player won this game!!!\n',
def make_move(self, player, number):
if number not in range(1, 10) or number in self.__input:
return False
if len(self.__players[self.player]) >= 3:
L = self.__players[self.player]
for i in range(0, len(L)-2):
for j in range(i+1, len(L)-1):
for k in range(j+1, len(L)):
if (L[i] + L[j] + L[k]) == 15:
self.__state = player
return True
if len(self.__input) == 9:
self.__state = DRAW
return True
def update(self):
while True:
num = int(input(f'{self.player} player please enter a number from 1 to 9: '))
while True:
if self.make_move(self.player, num):
num = int(input("Wrong input, please try a different number: "))
if self.current_state == UNFINISHED:
if self.__player == 1: #technically, this is player 2
#next player
self.__player = (self.__player + 1) % 2
if input('Play Again? (y or n): ') == 'y':
def reset(self):
self.__player = 0
self.__input = []
self.__state = UNFINISHED
self.__players = {
if __name__ == '__main__':

Trying to fix TypeError: freqRolls() missing 1 required positional argument: 'sides' python

I am a new python programmer and I am creating a program that will randomly generate dice program that will choose how many sides of a dice it is going to use, so I can then, later on, figure out how to print the frequency of how many times the dice landed on that number. I am getting a "TypeError: freqRolls() missing 1 required positional argument: 'sides' error when trying to print out how many sides the dice has starting at 1 and going up to the number of sides the program decided to use.
import random
listRolls = []
#Randomly choose the number of sides of dice between 6 and 12
#Print out 'Will be using: x sides' variable = numSides
def main() :
global numSides
global numRolls
numSides = sides()
numRolls = rolls()
def rolls() :
x = (random.randint(200, 500))
print('Ran for: %s rounds' %(x))
return x
def sides():
y = (random.randint(6, 12))
print('Will be using: %s sides' %(y))
return y
def freqRolls(sides):
for i in range(1, len(sides)) :
print("%2d: %4d" % (i, sides[i]))
# Face value of die based on each roll (numRolls = number of times die is
# numSides = number of faces)
def rollDice():
i = 0
while (i < numRolls):
x = (random.randint(1, numSides))
# print (x)
i = i + 1
# print ('Done')
def listPrint():
for i, item in enumerate(listRolls):
if (i+1)%13 == 0:
print(item,end=', ')
When you declared the freqrolls() function in this piece of code
def freqRolls(sides):
for i in range(1, len(sides)) :
print("%2d: %4d" % (i, sides[i]))
the "sides" is an argument, it means that the function expects a value and will call it "sides" only inside the function. To your function work, you need to pass this value in the moment you call it, like this:

Loops incorrectly then crashes

I've got a piece of code I'm working on for a school project and the basic idea is that there's a battle between two characters where the user can input 2 attributes to each character: Strength and Skill. Now there are also modifiers for skill and strength which is the difference of the player's skill and strength attributes, divided by 5 and then rounded down respectively. Then each player has a dice roll, depending on who got the higher roll, that player gets the skill and strength modifiers added to their given attributes whilst the one that lost gets the modifiers deducted from their score. This then repeats until the strength attribute of one of them reaches 0 where that player then dies and the game ends.
In my code, the dice rolling function runs twice, and then crashes for an unknown reason I cannot identify.
import random
import time
import math
import sys
strength_mod = 0
skill_mod = 0
def delay_print(s):
for c in s:
sys.stdout.write( '%s' % c )
def str_mod(charone_str,chartwo_str):
if charone_str > chartwo_str:
top = charone_str
bottom = chartwo_str
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
elif chartwo_str > charone_str:
top = chartwo_str
bottom = charone_str
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
elif charone_str == chartwo_str:
top = charone_str
bottom = chartwo_str
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
def skl_mod(charone_skl, chartwo_skl):
if charone_skl > chartwo_skl:
top = charone_skl
bottom = chartwo_skl;
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
elif chartwo_skl > charone_skl:
top = chartwo_skl
bottom = charone_skl
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
elif charone_skl == chartwo_skl:
top = charone_skl
bottom = chartwo_skl
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
def mods():
global strength_mod
global skill_mod
strength_mod = str_mod(charone_strength, chartwo_strength)
skill_mod = skl_mod(charone_skill, chartwo_skill)
print "\nFor this battle, the strength modifier is:",strength_mod
print "For this battle, the skill modifier is: ",skill_mod
diceroll(charone, chartwo)
print "\n"+str(charone)+"'s","dice roll is:",player1
print "\n"+str(chartwo)+"'s","dice roll is:",player2
def diceroll(charone, chartwo):
print "\n"+str(charone)+" will roll the 6 sided dice first!"
global player1
player1 = random.randint(1,6)
delay_print("\nRolling dice!")
global player2
player2 = random.randint(1,6)
print "\nNow",chartwo,"will roll the 6 sided dice!"
delay_print("\nRolling dice!")
def battle(charone_str, chartwo_str, charone_skl, chartwo_skl, str_mod, skl_mod):
global charone_strength
global charone_skill
global chartwo_strength
global chartwo_skill
if player1 == player2:
print "\nThis round is a draw! No damage done"
elif player1 > player2:
charone_strength = charone_str + str_mod
charone_skill = charone_skl + skl_mod
chartwo_strength = charwo_skl - str_mod
chartwo_skill = chartwo_skl - skl_mod
print "\n"+charone+" won this round"
print "\n"+"Character 1:",charone
print "Strength:",charone_strength
print "Skill:",charone_skill
print "\nCharacter 2:",chartwo
print "Strength:",chartwo_strength
print "Skill:",chartwo_skill
elif player2 > player1:
chartwo_strength = chartwo_str + str_mod
chartwo_skill = chartwo_skl + skl_mod
charone_strength = charone_str - str_mod
charone_skill = charone_skl - skl_mod
print "\n"+chartwo+" won this round"
print "\nCharacter 2:",chartwo
print "Strength:",chartwo_strength
print "Skill:",chartwo_skilll
print "\n"+"Character 1:",charone
print "Strength:",charone_strength
print "Skill:",charone_skill
if charone_skill >= 0:
charone_skill = 0
elif chartwo_skill >= 0:
chartwo_skill = 0
if charone_strength <= 0:
print charone,"has died!",chartwo,"wins!"
elif chartwo_strength <= 0:
print chartwo,"has died!",charone,"wins!"
charone = raw_input("Enter the name of character one: ")
chartwo = raw_input("Enter the name of character two: ")
print "\n",charone,"encounters",chartwo
delay_print("\nBattle Initiated!")
charone_strength = int(raw_input("\nEnter the strength score for "+str(charone)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
while charone_strength > 100 or charone_strength < 50:
print "That number is not between 50-100"
charone_strength = int(raw_input("\nEnter the strength score for "+str(charone)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
charone_skill = int(raw_input("Enter the skill score for "+str(charone)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
while charone_skill > 100 or charone_skill < 50:
print "That number is not between 50-100"
charone_skill = int(raw_input("Enter the skill score for "+str(charone)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
chartwo_strength = int(raw_input("\nEnter the strength score for "+str(chartwo)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
while chartwo_strength > 100 or chartwo_strength < 50:
print "That number is not between 50-100"
chartwo_strength = int(raw_input("\n Enter the strength score for "+str(chartwo)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
chartwo_skill = int(raw_input("Enter the skill score for "+str(chartwo)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
while chartwo_skill > 100 or chartwo_skill < 50:
print "That number is not between 50-100"
chartwo_skill = int(raw_input("Enter the skill score for "+str(chartwo)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
print "\nCharacter 1:",charone
print "Strength:",charone_strength
print "Skill:",charone_skill
print "\nCharacter 2:",chartwo
print "Strength:",chartwo_strength
print "Skill:",chartwo_skill
while charone_strength != 0 or chartwo_strength != 0:
ent = raw_input("Press Enter to roll! ")
battle(charone_strength, chartwo_strength, charone_skill, chartwo_skill, str_mod, skl_mod)
play = raw_input("\nWould you like to play again?")
if play in ["yes","y","Yes","Y"]:
print "Goodbye"
This code is an excellent example of how not to program:
heavy use of global variables
multiple variables with very similar names (ie charone_strength, charone_str)
reuse of names in different contexts (in global scope, str_mod is a function, but in function battle it is supposed to be an integer
Your immediate problem: in line 182, you call
battle(charone_strength, chartwo_strength, charone_skill, chartwo_skill, str_mod, skl_mod)
which should be
battle(charone_strength, chartwo_strength, charone_skill, chartwo_skill, strength_mod, skill_mod)
but is confused because in the function strength_mod is referred to as str_mod.
Here is a greatly cleaned-up version. (Further suggestions for improvement are welcome).
from __future__ import division, print_function
from random import randint
import sys
from time import sleep
# Python 2/3 compatibility shim
if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
# Python 2.x
inp = raw_input
rng = xrange
# Python 3.x
inp = input
rng = range
'y': True, 'yes': True, 't': True, '': True,
'n': False, 'no': False, 'f': False
def get_int(prompt="Enter an integer: ", lo=None, hi=None):
while True:
i = int(inp(prompt))
if (lo is None or lo <= i) and (hi is None or i <= hi):
return i
except ValueError:
def get_tf(prompt="Yes or no? ", tf_values=TF_VALUES):
while True:
s = inp(prompt).strip().lower()
tf = tf_values.get(s, None)
if tf is not None:
return tf
def pause(delay=PAUSE_DELAY):
def roll(die_sides=6):
return randint(1, die_sides)
def slow_print(s, delay=PRINT_DELAY):
for ch in s:
print(ch, end='', flush=True)
print('') # end of line
def wait_for_enter(prompt):
class Fighter:
def get_fighter(cls, prompt):
name = inp ("Name: ")
health = get_int("Health: (50-100) ", 50, 100)
skill = get_int("Skill: (50-100) ", 50, 100)
return cls(name, health, skill)
def __init__(self, name, health, skill): = name = health
self.skill = skill
def is_alive(self):
return > 0
def health_mod(self, other_fighter):
delta = abs( -
return int(delta / 5)
def skill_mod(self, other_fighter):
delta = abs(self.skill - other_fighter.skill)
return int(delta / 5)
def attack(self, other_fighter):
wait_for_enter("Hit Enter to fight!")
# figure out mod values
health_mod = self.health_mod(other_fighter)
skill_mod = self.skill_mod (other_fighter)
self_roll = roll()
other_roll = roll()
"Health mod: {} Skill mod: {} {} rolls {} {} rolls {}"
health_mod, skill_mod,, self_roll,, other_roll
# figure out who won this round
if self_roll == other_roll:
print("Draw! No damage done.")
winner, loser = (self, other_fighter) if self_roll > other_roll else (other_fighter, self)
print("{} hits {}!".format(, += health_mod
winner.skill += skill_mod -= health_mod
loser.skill -= skill_mod
# show results
def __str__(self):
return "{}: health {}, skill {}".format(, max(, 0), max(self.skill, 0))
def fight():
f1 = Fighter.get_fighter("\nFirst fighter:")
f2 = Fighter.get_fighter("\nSecond fighter:")
slow_print("\n{} encounters {}\nBattle Initiated!".format(,
while f1.is_alive() and f2.is_alive():
winner, loser = (f1, f2) if f1.is_alive() else (f2, f1)
print("{} has died; {} wins!".format(,
def main():
while True:
if not get_tf("Would you like to play again? (Y/n)"):
if __name__=="__main__":

List object occurrence checker python

I was working on a small project, and I've run across a little error in my programming. It's a basic battleship game, and so far I have two "ships" set, and I have the game to end when both on either my side or the enemy side is hit.
def enemy_board():
global enemy_grid
enemy_grid = []
for i in range (0,10):
enemy_grid.append(["="] * 10)
def random_row_one(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
def random_col_one(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
def random_row_two(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
def random_col_two(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
global x_one
x_one = random_row_one(enemy_grid)
global y_one
y_one = random_col_one(enemy_grid)
global x_two
x_two = random_row_two(enemy_grid)
global y_two
y_two = random_col_two(enemy_grid)
So that's the basis of my list, but later on in the code is where it's giving me a little trouble.
elif enemy_grid.count("H") == 2:
print("\nYou got them all!\n")
Sorry I was a little unclear about what I meant.
def my_board():
global my_grid
my_grid = []
for i in range (0,10):
my_grid.append(["O"] * 10)
def my_row_one(my_grid):
int(input("Where do you wish to position your first ship on the x-axis? "))
def my_col_one(my_grid):
int(input("Where do you wish to position your first ship on the y-axis? "))
global x_mio
x_mio = my_row_one(my_grid)
global y_mio
y_mio = my_col_one(my_grid)
def my_row_two(my_grid):
int(input("\nWhere do you wish to position your other ship on the x-axis? "))
def my_col_two(my_grid):
int(input("Where do you wish to position your other ship on the y-axis? "))
global x_mit
x_mit = my_row_two(my_grid)
global y_mit
y_mit = my_col_two(my_grid)
def enemy_board():
global enemy_grid
enemy_grid = []
for i in range (0,10):
enemy_grid.append(["="] * 10)
def random_row_one(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
def random_col_one(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
def random_row_two(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
def random_col_two(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
global x_one
x_one = random_row_one(enemy_grid)
global y_one
y_one = random_col_one(enemy_grid)
global x_two
x_two = random_row_two(enemy_grid)
global y_two
y_two = random_col_two(enemy_grid)
m = 20
guesses = m
while guesses > 0:
def printmi_board(my_grid):
for row in my_grid:
print(" ".join(row))
def printyu_board(enemy_grid):
for row in enemy_grid:
print (" ".join(row))
guess_x = int(input("Take aim at the x-xalue: "))
except ValueError:
print("\nI SAID TAKE AIM!\n")
guess_x = int(input("Take aim at the x-xalue: "))
guess_y = int(input("Take aim at the y-value: "))
except ValueError:
print("\nDo you have wax in your ears?? AIM!\n")
guess_y = int(input("Take aim at the y-value: "))
comp_x = randint(0, len(my_grid) - 1)
comp_y = randint(0, len(my_grid) - 1)
if x_one == guess_x and y_one == guess_y:
print("\nYou hit one! \n")
enemy_grid[guess_x - 1][guess_y - 1] = "H"
elif x_two == guess_x and y_two == guess_y:
enemy_grid[guess_x - 1][guess_y - 1] = "H"
print("\nYou hit one! \n")
elif enemy_grid[guess_x - 1][guess_y - 1] == "O":
print("\nYou've tried there before! Here's another round.\n")
print("You have " + str(guesses) + " rounds left, cadet.\n\n")
elif enemy_grid.count("H") == 2:
print("\nYou got them all!\n")
if guess_x not in range(10) or guess_y not in range(10):
print("\nThat's not even in the OCEAN!! Take another free round then.\n")
print("You have " + str(guesses) + " rounds left, cadet.\n\n")
elif enemy_grid[guess_x][guess_y] == "O":
print("\nYou've tried there before! Here's another round.\n")
print("You have " + str(guesses) + " rounds left, cadet.\n\n")
print("\nYou missed, soldier!\n")
guesses = guesses - 1
print("You have " + str(guesses) + " rounds left, cadet.\n\n")
enemy_grid[guess_x - 1][guess_y - 1] = "O"
if comp_x == x_mio and comp_y == y_mio:
my_grid[comp_x - 1][comp_y - 1] = "H"
print("\nThe enemy hit you! \n")
elif comp_x == x_mit and comp_y == y_mit:
my_grid[comp_x - 1][comp_y - 1] = "H"
print("\nThe enemy hit you! \n")
elif my_grid.count("H") == 2:
print("We have to retreat! They've sunken all of your ships...")
my_grid[comp_x - 1][comp_y - 1] = "="
I'm using python 3 if that makes any difference. So it's that if the player hits the correct spot on the grid, then it'll show as "H" and not as "=" or "O". So I was just wondering about if I could count those "H"'s to use to end the IF loop.
You haven't really explained the problem, and so much of the code is missing that it's very hard to tell you what's wrong, I'm going to guess at it though.
My guess is that you create an '=' grid to represent a player's board, and then if their ship is 'hit' you replace the '=' in that position with an 'H'.
The structure you create (enemy_grid) seems to look something like:
in which case your test, enemy_grid.count("H") doesn't make sense as enemy_grid is a list that contains other lists (so the count of Hs will always be 0 - they're deeper down in the 2nd layer of lists).
You probably want a test more along the lines of:
[cell for row in enemy_grid for cell in row].count('H')

