import math
import random
a = math.floor((random.random())*100)
if a%10 != 00:
c = math.floor(a/10)
a = a - c*10
#to make sure the number isnt over 10
attempts = int(input("enter num of attempts"))
att = attempts
for i in range(0,attempts+1,1):
tr = int(input("try"))
att = att -1
if tr == a:
print("no,try again", "you got",att,"more attempts")
if att == 0:
print("game over,the num was", (a))
the game has random num between 0-10 and you need to insert num of attempst, and then guess what number is it, and you got the amount of attempst you have insert to try guessing the num.
You can replace the for loop by a while loop.
This way you have more control, you can use a found boolean and loop while it is False.
Note also that you have to increment i by yourself.
I printed the messages (win/lost) outside of the loop.
It makes the loop code more readable.
I also used randint() to choose the random number to guess.
It does all the work without further computation and is also part of the random module.
from random import randint
a = randint(1, 10)
attempts = int(input("enter num of attempts"))
att = attempts
found = False
i = 0
while i < attempts and not found:
i += 1
att -= 1
tr = int(input("try"))
if tr == a:
found = True
elif att > 0:
print("no,try again", "you got", att, "more attempts")
if found:
print("game over,the num was", (a))
import time
import threading
import random
#declare variables and constant
guessingelement = ["Hydrogen", "Magnesium", "Cobalt", "Mercury", "Aluminium", "Uranium", "Antimony"]
nicephrases = ["Nice job", "Marvellous", "Wonderful", "Bingo", "Dynamite"]
wronganswers = ["Wrong answer...", "Nope", "Try again next time.", "Wrong answer. Nice effort"]
guess = ""
guess_count = 0
guess_limit = 3
out_of_guesses = False
guess_no = 0
score = 0
def countdown():
global my_timer
my_timer = 5
for i in range(7):
randomelement = random.choice(guessingelement)
for x in range(5):
my_timer = my_timer - 1
print("Out of time.Haiya!")
countdown_thread = threading.Thread(target = countdown)
while my_timer > 0:
#tips of the element
if randomelement == "Hydrogen" and not out_of_guesses:
print("Tip 1: It is the most flammable of all the known substances.")
print("Tip 2: It reacts with oxides and chlorides of many metals, like copper, lead, mercury, to produce free metals.")
print("Tip 3: It reacts with oxygen to form water.")
#test the number of tries so that it doesn't exceed 3 times if answer is wrong
while guess != randomelement and not(out_of_guesses):
if guess_count < guess_limit:
guess = input("Enter guess: ")
guess_count += 1
out_of_guesses = True
#add score, praise when answer is correct and encourage when answer is wrong for 3 times
if out_of_guesses:
print(f"{randomelement} was the element.")
print(random.choice(nicephrases), ", YOU GET IT!")
score = score + 1
if randomelement == "Magnesium" and not out_of_guesses:
print("Tip 1: It has the atomic number of 12.")
print("Tip 2: It's oxide can be extracted into free metal through electrolysis.")
print("Tip 3: It is a type of metal.")
procedure same as the first question. And so on with my questions.
However, it shows that my_timer variable is not defined. The process that I would want it to undergo is that it will countdown for 5 seconds for every questions, and when the timer reaches 0, it will print out of time and proceed to the next question.
In the code you've shown, you haven't assigned a value to my_timer.
my_timer = 5
By assigning the global within countdown() you've merely allowed countdown to change the value of my_timer. You still need to assign a value.
I'm trying to create a program that checks whether the credit card number the user inputed is either invalid, or from AMEX, MASTERCARD, or VISA. I'm using Luhn's formula. Here is a site that contains the explanation to the formula I'm using:
It works with all credit card numbers, except credit cards from AMEX. Could someone help me?
Here is my code:
number = input("Number: ")
valid = False
sumOfOdd = 0
sumOfEven = 0
def validation(credit_num):
global sumOfOdd
global sumOfEven
position = 0
for i in credit_num:
if position % 2 != 0:
sumOfOdd += int(i)
product_greater = str(int(i) * 2)
if len(product_greater) > 1:
sumOfEven += (int(product_greater[0]) + int(product_greater[1]))
sumOfEven += int(product_greater)
position += 1
def main():
if (sumOfOdd + sumOfEven) % 10 == 0:
if number[0] == "3":
elif number[0] == "5":
print(f"{sumOfOdd + sumOfEven}")
Here are some credit card numbers:
VISA: 4111111111111111
MASTERCARD: 5555555555554444
AMEX: 371449635398431
I've found many different ways to calculate this formula, but I'm not sure if mine is correct.
I am building a Hangman game. The code that I wrote prints the 'updated target word' multiple times if a letter occurs multiple times.
Example: the target word is 'celebrate'. If I guess e then it prints
I would like to avoid printing the first two printouts and only print the third and most updated version.
import random
import re
word_list = ["fireboard", "identical", "chocolate", "christmas", "beautiful", "happiness", "wednesday", "challenge", "celebrate"]
random_pick = random.choice(word_list)
random_pick_a = re.sub("[a-z]","*", random_pick)
random_pick_list_a = list(random_pick_a)
count = 0
def main_function():
global count
while count <= 9:
user_input = str(input("type a letter:"))
for i, c in enumerate(random_pick):
if c == user_input.casefold():
random_pick_list_a[i] = user_input.casefold()
random_pick_list_b = ''.join(random_pick_list_a)
if random_pick_list_b == random_pick:
if user_input.casefold() not in random_pick:
count = count+1
if count == 10:
Disclaimer: I am in my first weeks of coding!
No need to str() the input(), it's already a string. So strip str(input("type a letter:")) to input("type a letter:").
No need in
it will continue even without it. Don't use globals, just move your count into main_function().
Don't do if count == 10, you're already doing it in while count <= 9.
As for your question - move the block
if random_pick_list_b == random_pick:
out of the for-loop. So the whole thing would look like this:
def main_function():
count = 0
while count <= 4:
user_input = input("type a letter:")
for i, c in enumerate(random_pick):
if c == user_input.casefold():
random_pick_list_a[i] = user_input.casefold()
random_pick_list_b = ''.join(random_pick_list_a)
if random_pick_list_b == random_pick:
if user_input.casefold() not in random_pick:
count = count+1
You have:
Inside the for loop that is checking each character for the chosen letter. So, it prints out random_pick_list_b every time it finds a match.
Move it to right after the for loop if you want to do it one time when the checking is complete.
I would do this check once before the for loop.
I am trying to make a poker game where it would check if it is a pair or three of a kind or four of a kind.
I am trying to figure out where to insert a while loop. if I should put it in front of the for card in set(cards): statement or the for i in range(5):
I want to keep printing 5 cards until it shows either a pair, 3 of a kind, or 4 of a kind.
Then what I want to do is to print the probability of printing one of those options
import random
def poker():
cards = []
count = 0
for i in range(5):
for card in set(cards):
number = cards.count(card) # Returns how many of this card is in your hand
print(f"{number} x {card}")
if(number == 2):
print("One Pair")
if(number == 3):
print("Three of a kind")
if(number == 4):
print("Four of a kind")
You should put the while above cards but bring count outside of that loop so you can maintain it. You do this because you need to repeat the entire card creation/selection process each time until you meet the condition you are looking for.
import random
def poker():
count = 0
while True:
cards = []
for i in range(5):
stop = False
for card in cards:
number = cards.count(card) # Returns how many of this card is in your hand
print(f"{number} x {card}")
if(number == 4):
print("Four of a kind")
stop = True
elif(number == 3):
print("Three of a kind")
stop = True
elif(number == 2):
print("One Pair")
stop = True
if stop:
count += 1
print(f'Count is {count}')
I am trying to use a while statement like so:
o = 0
while o == 0:
n = int(raw_input("Which number do you want to begin with?"))
o = 1
o = 0
print "Please use a valid number."
However, when I try to use variable n later, it gives me the "local variable 'n' referenced before assignment' UnboundLocalError. That means that n cannot be recognized as a variable in the def I am using, because it only exists in the while statement? Is this possible?
The whole code:
import time
from sys import argv
import os
print "Welcome to Number counter 2.0!"
a = True
def program():
global a
if a == False:
o = 0
while o == 0:
n = int(raw_input("Which number do you want to begin with?"))
o = 1
o = 0
print "Please use a valid number."
if n == "/historyKeep false":
if a == False:
print "Command historyKeep is already set to false."
a = False
print "Command set successfully."
elif n == "/historyKeep true":
if a == True:
print "Command historyKeep is already set to true."
a = True
print "Command set successfully."
if n == "/historyKeep false":
n = raw_input("Which number do you want to begin with?")
elif n == "/historyKeep true":
n = raw_input("Which number do you want to begin with?")
d = raw_input("How many seconds between each number?")
d = int(d)
total_s = n * d
while n > 0:
print n
n = n - 1
print "Done in", total_s, "seconds in total!"
end_q = raw_input("Exit or retry? (e/r)")
if end_q == "e":
print "Exiting."
print "Exiting.."
print "Exiting..."
elif end_q == "r":
You set a = True at the beginning. You then test if a == False and only set n if it is. But then you test n == "/history.... n has not been set at this point.
You need to make sure n is assigned before you use it. It is not enough to just mention it in a branch that is not taken.
n is not defined in the scope that you are trying to use it to fix this define it outside of the while loop and the if statement the while loop is in:
global a
n = 0
Then when you ask the user for what number to start with, that value will replace 0, and you should be good to go. Also instead of declaring global a, why not just make a an input argument for the program() function?
Just to make sure, declare n outside of the loop first:
n = None
while True:
n = int(raw_input("Text..."))
print("Please enter a valid number!")
Note: Usually, you would use break to exit a loop. This is because your method requires an extra variable, which uses more memory (not much, but if you keep doing it, it will stack up).