I was working on a small project, and I've run across a little error in my programming. It's a basic battleship game, and so far I have two "ships" set, and I have the game to end when both on either my side or the enemy side is hit.
def enemy_board():
global enemy_grid
enemy_grid = []
for i in range (0,10):
enemy_grid.append(["="] * 10)
def random_row_one(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
def random_col_one(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
def random_row_two(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
def random_col_two(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
global x_one
x_one = random_row_one(enemy_grid)
global y_one
y_one = random_col_one(enemy_grid)
global x_two
x_two = random_row_two(enemy_grid)
global y_two
y_two = random_col_two(enemy_grid)
So that's the basis of my list, but later on in the code is where it's giving me a little trouble.
elif enemy_grid.count("H") == 2:
print("\nYou got them all!\n")
Sorry I was a little unclear about what I meant.
def my_board():
global my_grid
my_grid = []
for i in range (0,10):
my_grid.append(["O"] * 10)
def my_row_one(my_grid):
int(input("Where do you wish to position your first ship on the x-axis? "))
def my_col_one(my_grid):
int(input("Where do you wish to position your first ship on the y-axis? "))
global x_mio
x_mio = my_row_one(my_grid)
global y_mio
y_mio = my_col_one(my_grid)
def my_row_two(my_grid):
int(input("\nWhere do you wish to position your other ship on the x-axis? "))
def my_col_two(my_grid):
int(input("Where do you wish to position your other ship on the y-axis? "))
global x_mit
x_mit = my_row_two(my_grid)
global y_mit
y_mit = my_col_two(my_grid)
def enemy_board():
global enemy_grid
enemy_grid = []
for i in range (0,10):
enemy_grid.append(["="] * 10)
def random_row_one(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
def random_col_one(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
def random_row_two(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
def random_col_two(enemy_grid):
return randint(0, len(enemy_grid) - 1)
global x_one
x_one = random_row_one(enemy_grid)
global y_one
y_one = random_col_one(enemy_grid)
global x_two
x_two = random_row_two(enemy_grid)
global y_two
y_two = random_col_two(enemy_grid)
m = 20
guesses = m
while guesses > 0:
def printmi_board(my_grid):
for row in my_grid:
print(" ".join(row))
def printyu_board(enemy_grid):
for row in enemy_grid:
print (" ".join(row))
guess_x = int(input("Take aim at the x-xalue: "))
except ValueError:
print("\nI SAID TAKE AIM!\n")
guess_x = int(input("Take aim at the x-xalue: "))
guess_y = int(input("Take aim at the y-value: "))
except ValueError:
print("\nDo you have wax in your ears?? AIM!\n")
guess_y = int(input("Take aim at the y-value: "))
comp_x = randint(0, len(my_grid) - 1)
comp_y = randint(0, len(my_grid) - 1)
if x_one == guess_x and y_one == guess_y:
print("\nYou hit one! \n")
enemy_grid[guess_x - 1][guess_y - 1] = "H"
elif x_two == guess_x and y_two == guess_y:
enemy_grid[guess_x - 1][guess_y - 1] = "H"
print("\nYou hit one! \n")
elif enemy_grid[guess_x - 1][guess_y - 1] == "O":
print("\nYou've tried there before! Here's another round.\n")
print("You have " + str(guesses) + " rounds left, cadet.\n\n")
elif enemy_grid.count("H") == 2:
print("\nYou got them all!\n")
if guess_x not in range(10) or guess_y not in range(10):
print("\nThat's not even in the OCEAN!! Take another free round then.\n")
print("You have " + str(guesses) + " rounds left, cadet.\n\n")
elif enemy_grid[guess_x][guess_y] == "O":
print("\nYou've tried there before! Here's another round.\n")
print("You have " + str(guesses) + " rounds left, cadet.\n\n")
print("\nYou missed, soldier!\n")
guesses = guesses - 1
print("You have " + str(guesses) + " rounds left, cadet.\n\n")
enemy_grid[guess_x - 1][guess_y - 1] = "O"
if comp_x == x_mio and comp_y == y_mio:
my_grid[comp_x - 1][comp_y - 1] = "H"
print("\nThe enemy hit you! \n")
elif comp_x == x_mit and comp_y == y_mit:
my_grid[comp_x - 1][comp_y - 1] = "H"
print("\nThe enemy hit you! \n")
elif my_grid.count("H") == 2:
print("We have to retreat! They've sunken all of your ships...")
my_grid[comp_x - 1][comp_y - 1] = "="
I'm using python 3 if that makes any difference. So it's that if the player hits the correct spot on the grid, then it'll show as "H" and not as "=" or "O". So I was just wondering about if I could count those "H"'s to use to end the IF loop.
You haven't really explained the problem, and so much of the code is missing that it's very hard to tell you what's wrong, I'm going to guess at it though.
My guess is that you create an '=' grid to represent a player's board, and then if their ship is 'hit' you replace the '=' in that position with an 'H'.
The structure you create (enemy_grid) seems to look something like:
in which case your test, enemy_grid.count("H") doesn't make sense as enemy_grid is a list that contains other lists (so the count of Hs will always be 0 - they're deeper down in the 2nd layer of lists).
You probably want a test more along the lines of:
[cell for row in enemy_grid for cell in row].count('H')
My code for now works as desired where the user can input a level 1-3 depending on how hard they would like it to be (1-3 being the amount of digits the numbers will have in the math equation), and then must solve math equations. Those math equations will output EEE if the answer is incorrect and everything works as planned if you correctly answer the question as it exits the function and adds one total_correct_answers variable at the bottom, then will prompt you with another equation. However, if you input an incorrect answer and then a correct answer, you will just be prompted with the same question over and over again without the try loop being truly broken out of and total_correct_answers not being incremented positively by 1. The incrementation block of code is at lines 61-65, and the equation code is lines 30-49.
import random
def main():
def get_level():
while True:
level_input = int(input("Level: "))
if level_input in [1,2,3]:
return level_input
def integer_generator(level):
if level == 1:
x = random.randint(0,9)
y = random.randint(0,9)
elif level == 2:
x = random.randint(10, 99)
y = random.randint(10, 99)
x = random.randint(100, 999)
y = random.randint(100, 999)
return x, y
def question_generator(x, y):
real_answer = x + y
wrong_counter = 0
while True:
answer_given = input(str(x) + " + " + str(y) + " = ")
if int(answer_given) == real_answer:
if wrong_counter == 0:
return True
elif int(answer_given) == real_answer and wrong_counter != 0:
while wrong_counter < 2:
wrong_counter +=1
print(str(x) + " + " + str(y) + " = " + str(real_answer))
print("False, that was last attempt")
def ten_questions():
num_of_questions = 0
total_correct_answers = 1
my_level = get_level()
correct_answers = question_generator(*integer_generator(my_level))
while num_of_questions <= 8:
num_of_questions +=1
if correct_answers == True:
total_correct_answers +=1
print("Score: " + str(total_correct_answers))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Because of your line 36:
if int(answer_given) == real_answer: happens when someone answers correctly, wether they are right or wrong. So it enters the if, and then faces if wrong_counter == 0: which discards wrong answers. So just replace those two lines with if int(answer_given) == real_answer and wrong_counter == 0: and you are good to go.
I'm trying to develop a code for the zombie dice game.
My problem is when the first player replies that he doesn't want to continue playing.
The game ends and I can't get the second player to play. Can someone help me?
import random
print("========== ZOMBIE DICE (PROTÓTIPO SEMANA 4) ==========")
print("========= WELCOME TO THE ZOMBIE DICE GAME! ========")
numeroJogadores = 0
while numeroJogadores < 2:
numeroJogadores = int(input("Enter the number of players: "))
if numeroJogadores < 2:
print("NOTICE: You must have at least 2 players to continue!")
listaJogadores = []
for i in range(numeroJogadores):
nome = str(input("\nEnter player name: " + str(i+1) + ": "))
dadoVerde = ("brain", "steps", "brain", "shot", "steps", "brain")
dadoAmarelo = ("shot", "steps", "brain", "shot", "steps", "brain")
dadoVermelho = ("shot", "steps", "shot", "brain", "steps", "shot")
listaDados = [dadoVerde, dadoVerde, dadoVerde, dadoVerde, dadoVerde, dadoVerde,
dadoAmarelo, dadoAmarelo, dadoAmarelo, dadoAmarelo,
dadoVerde, dadoVermelho, dadoVermelho]
print("\nSTARTING THE GAME...")
jogadorAtual = 0
dadosSorteados = []
tiros = 0
cerebros = 0
passos = 0
while True:
print("PLAYER TURN: ", listaJogadores[jogadorAtual])
for i in range (3):
numeroSorteado = random.randint(0, 12)
dadoSorteado = listaDados[numeroSorteado]
if (dadoSorteado == dadoVerde):
corDado = "Green"
elif (dadoSorteado == dadoAmarelo):
corDado = "Yellow"
corDado = "Red"
print("Dice Drawn: ", corDado)
print("\nThe faces drawn were: ")
for dadoSorteado in dadosSorteados:
numeroFaceDado = random.randint(0,5)
if dadoSorteado[numeroFaceDado] == "brain":
print("- brain (you ate a brain)")
cerebros = cerebros + 1
elif dadoSorteado[numeroFaceDado] == "tiro":
print("- shot (you got shot)")
tiros = tiros + 1
print("- steps (a victim escaped)")
passos = passos + 1
print("\nCURRENT SCORE: ")
print("brins: ", cerebros)
print("shots: ", tiros)
if cerebros >= 13:
print("Congratulations, you've won the game!")
elif tiros >= 3:
print("You lost the game!")
continuarTurno = str(input("\nNOTICE: Do you want to continue playing dice? (y=yes / n=no)")).lower()
if continuarTurno == "n":
jogadorAtual = jogadorAtual + 1
dadossorteados = 0
tiros = 0
cerebros = 0
passos = 0
if jogadorAtual > numeroJogadores:
print("Finalizing the game prototype")
print("Starting another round of the current turn")
dadossorteados = []
print("===================== END OF THE GAME ====================")
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
I'm new as a programmer. If anyone knows how to help me with this problem, I would be grateful.
EDIT: Well now the code just works. I can switch players just fine, but if you go through all the characters it crashes again since jogadorAtual gets too big for listaJogadores. I don't quite understand the game, but assuming you want to start back with the first player, an elegant way you can accomplish that is by doing modulus with the % operator, which divides two numbers but returns the remainder. If you divide the number of players by the size of listaJogadores, you'll always get a number inside listaJogadores's range.
# Change this...
print("PLAYER TURN: ", listaJogadores[jogadorAtual])
# ...to this
print("PLAYER TURN: ", listaJogadores[jogadorAtual % len(listaJogadores)])
If that's not what you need for your game, let me know.
Original answer: Is the game ending or is it crashing? When I run the game, it always crashes with:
File "C:\Users\me\Desktop\Untitled-1.py", line 56, in <module>
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'append'
This is because after looping, you try to do diceDrawns.append(), but you've already replaced the diceDrawns list with an integer on line 87. I'm not sure if you meant to replace diceDrawn instead, but that's definitely the source of the problem.
An unrelated note: You can do += as a shorthand way to increment a variable by a certain amount, so you can replace a lot of instances of things like currentPlayer = currentPlayer + 1 with currentPlayer += 1, and the same can be done with any operator, so you could also do things like -= or *=
Ok I have a feeling that this is a simple simple issue but I have been staring at this code for about 10 hours now.
The issue I am having is in mastermind is that once I get it to recognize that I have the correct colors in the right spot I can get it to display the right spots with X and the wrong spots with O. I need to be able to convert that so instead of X and O I need it to tell the user that he/she has 2 blacks and one white
For example: The secret code is RGYB The user enters RGOY so then Python relays "You have 2 blacks(The R and G spots) and one 1 White (The Y because it's the right color just in the wrong index) As of right now I got it to display X for the right color in the right spot and anything else it is an O
I will post what I have been working with now but today I am at my wit's end
if correctColor != "XXXX":
for i in range(4):
if guess[i] == tempCode[i]:
correctColor += "X"
if guess[i] != tempCode[i] in tempCode:
correctColor += "O"
print (correctColor + "\n")
if correctColor == "XXXX":
if attempts == 1:
print ("You think you are sweet because you got it right on the first try? Play me again!")
print ("Well done... You needed " + str(attempts) + " attempts to guess.")
game = False
A few comments
X and O
you use X and 0 to denote the success, it will be easier and faster to use a list or tuple or booleans for this, that way you can use sum() to count how many colors and locations were correct. Then whether you represent that with X and O or red and white pins is a matter for later
Your game logic (guess input, input validation, do you want to continue, etc) is mixed with the comparison logic, so it would be best to separate the different functions of your program into different methods.
This is an fineexample to introduce object oriented programming, but is so simple it doesn't need OO, but it can help. What you need is a method which takes a series of colours and compares it to another series of colours
Standard library
Python has a very extended standard library, so a lot of stuff you want to do probably already exists
Correct colours
to count the number of letters which occur in 2 strings, you can use collections.Counter
guess = "RGOY "
solution = "RGYB"
a = collections.Counter(guess)
b = collections.Counter(solution)
a & b
Counter({'G': 1, 'R': 1, 'Y': 1})
correct_colours = sum((a & b).values())
So the user guessed 3 colours correctly
Correct locations
can be solved with an easy list comprehension
[g == s for g, s in zip(guess, solution)]
[True, True, False, False]
sum(g == s for g, s in zip(guess, solution))
so the used put 2 colours on the correct location
This is a MasterMind I made in Python. Hope you like it and it helped you! :)
import random
import time
from tkinter import *
def select_level():
global level
level = level_selector.get()
root = Tk()
level_selector = Scale(root, from_=1, to=3, tickinterval=1)
Button(root, text="Select a difficulty level", command=select_level).pack()
cpc_1_digit = 0
cpc_2_digit = 0
cpc_3_digit = 0
cpc_4_digit = 0
p_1_digit = 0
p_2_digit = 0
p_3_digit = 0
p_4_digit = 0
correct_correct = 0
correct_wrong = 0
chances = 0
if level == 1:
chances = 15
elif level == 2:
chances = 10
chances = 7
cpc_1_digit = random.randint(0, 9)
while cpc_2_digit == cpc_1_digit or cpc_2_digit == cpc_3_digit or cpc_2_digit ==
cpc_2_digit = random.randint(0, 9)
while cpc_3_digit == cpc_1_digit or cpc_3_digit == cpc_2_digit or cpc_3_digit ==
cpc_3_digit = random.randint(0, 9)
while cpc_4_digit == cpc_1_digit or cpc_4_digit == cpc_2_digit or cpc_4_digit ==
cpc_4_digit = random.randint(0, 9)
while chances > 0:
correct_correct = 0
correct_wrong = 0
answer = input("Enter a four-digit number with different digits (e.g 1476): ")
p_1_digit = int(answer[0])
p_2_digit = int(answer[1])
p_3_digit = int(answer[2])
p_4_digit = int(answer[3])
if p_1_digit == cpc_1_digit:
correct_correct = int(correct_correct) + 1
elif p_1_digit == cpc_2_digit or p_1_digit == cpc_3_digit or p_1_digit ==
correct_wrong = int(correct_wrong) + 1
if p_2_digit == cpc_2_digit:
correct_correct = correct_correct + 1
elif p_2_digit == cpc_1_digit or p_2_digit == cpc_3_digit or p_2_digit ==
correct_wrong = int(correct_wrong) + 1
if p_3_digit == cpc_3_digit:
correct_correct = int(correct_correct) + 1
elif p_3_digit == cpc_1_digit or p_3_digit == cpc_2_digit or p_3_digit ==
correct_wrong = int(correct_wrong) + 1
if p_4_digit == cpc_4_digit:
correct_correct = int(correct_correct) + 1
elif p_4_digit == cpc_1_digit or p_4_digit == cpc_3_digit or p_4_digit ==
correct_wrong = int(correct_wrong) + 1
if int(correct_correct) == 4:
print("Congratsulations! You found the computer's number!")
elif int(correct_wrong) > 0 or int(correct_correct) >= 1 and int(correct_correct)
< 4:
print("You got " + str(correct_correct) + " correct digit(s) in the correct
place, and " + str(correct_wrong) + " correct digit(s) but in wrong place.")
elif int(correct_correct) == 0 and int(correct_wrong) == 0:
print("You didn't guess any number, try again!")
raise Exception("CheckError: line 69, something went wrong with the
chances = chances - 1
if chances == 0:
print("You lost... The secret number was " + str(cpc_1_digit) + str(cpc_2_digit)
+ str(cpc_3_digit) + str(cpc_4_digit) + ". Try again by rerunning the program.")
I've got a piece of code I'm working on for a school project and the basic idea is that there's a battle between two characters where the user can input 2 attributes to each character: Strength and Skill. Now there are also modifiers for skill and strength which is the difference of the player's skill and strength attributes, divided by 5 and then rounded down respectively. Then each player has a dice roll, depending on who got the higher roll, that player gets the skill and strength modifiers added to their given attributes whilst the one that lost gets the modifiers deducted from their score. This then repeats until the strength attribute of one of them reaches 0 where that player then dies and the game ends.
In my code, the dice rolling function runs twice, and then crashes for an unknown reason I cannot identify.
import random
import time
import math
import sys
strength_mod = 0
skill_mod = 0
def delay_print(s):
for c in s:
sys.stdout.write( '%s' % c )
def str_mod(charone_str,chartwo_str):
if charone_str > chartwo_str:
top = charone_str
bottom = chartwo_str
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
elif chartwo_str > charone_str:
top = chartwo_str
bottom = charone_str
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
elif charone_str == chartwo_str:
top = charone_str
bottom = chartwo_str
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
def skl_mod(charone_skl, chartwo_skl):
if charone_skl > chartwo_skl:
top = charone_skl
bottom = chartwo_skl;
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
elif chartwo_skl > charone_skl:
top = chartwo_skl
bottom = charone_skl
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
elif charone_skl == chartwo_skl:
top = charone_skl
bottom = chartwo_skl
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
def mods():
global strength_mod
global skill_mod
strength_mod = str_mod(charone_strength, chartwo_strength)
skill_mod = skl_mod(charone_skill, chartwo_skill)
print "\nFor this battle, the strength modifier is:",strength_mod
print "For this battle, the skill modifier is: ",skill_mod
diceroll(charone, chartwo)
print "\n"+str(charone)+"'s","dice roll is:",player1
print "\n"+str(chartwo)+"'s","dice roll is:",player2
def diceroll(charone, chartwo):
print "\n"+str(charone)+" will roll the 6 sided dice first!"
global player1
player1 = random.randint(1,6)
delay_print("\nRolling dice!")
global player2
player2 = random.randint(1,6)
print "\nNow",chartwo,"will roll the 6 sided dice!"
delay_print("\nRolling dice!")
def battle(charone_str, chartwo_str, charone_skl, chartwo_skl, str_mod, skl_mod):
global charone_strength
global charone_skill
global chartwo_strength
global chartwo_skill
if player1 == player2:
print "\nThis round is a draw! No damage done"
elif player1 > player2:
charone_strength = charone_str + str_mod
charone_skill = charone_skl + skl_mod
chartwo_strength = charwo_skl - str_mod
chartwo_skill = chartwo_skl - skl_mod
print "\n"+charone+" won this round"
print "\n"+"Character 1:",charone
print "Strength:",charone_strength
print "Skill:",charone_skill
print "\nCharacter 2:",chartwo
print "Strength:",chartwo_strength
print "Skill:",chartwo_skill
elif player2 > player1:
chartwo_strength = chartwo_str + str_mod
chartwo_skill = chartwo_skl + skl_mod
charone_strength = charone_str - str_mod
charone_skill = charone_skl - skl_mod
print "\n"+chartwo+" won this round"
print "\nCharacter 2:",chartwo
print "Strength:",chartwo_strength
print "Skill:",chartwo_skilll
print "\n"+"Character 1:",charone
print "Strength:",charone_strength
print "Skill:",charone_skill
if charone_skill >= 0:
charone_skill = 0
elif chartwo_skill >= 0:
chartwo_skill = 0
if charone_strength <= 0:
print charone,"has died!",chartwo,"wins!"
elif chartwo_strength <= 0:
print chartwo,"has died!",charone,"wins!"
charone = raw_input("Enter the name of character one: ")
chartwo = raw_input("Enter the name of character two: ")
print "\n",charone,"encounters",chartwo
delay_print("\nBattle Initiated!")
charone_strength = int(raw_input("\nEnter the strength score for "+str(charone)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
while charone_strength > 100 or charone_strength < 50:
print "That number is not between 50-100"
charone_strength = int(raw_input("\nEnter the strength score for "+str(charone)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
charone_skill = int(raw_input("Enter the skill score for "+str(charone)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
while charone_skill > 100 or charone_skill < 50:
print "That number is not between 50-100"
charone_skill = int(raw_input("Enter the skill score for "+str(charone)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
chartwo_strength = int(raw_input("\nEnter the strength score for "+str(chartwo)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
while chartwo_strength > 100 or chartwo_strength < 50:
print "That number is not between 50-100"
chartwo_strength = int(raw_input("\n Enter the strength score for "+str(chartwo)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
chartwo_skill = int(raw_input("Enter the skill score for "+str(chartwo)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
while chartwo_skill > 100 or chartwo_skill < 50:
print "That number is not between 50-100"
chartwo_skill = int(raw_input("Enter the skill score for "+str(chartwo)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
print "\nCharacter 1:",charone
print "Strength:",charone_strength
print "Skill:",charone_skill
print "\nCharacter 2:",chartwo
print "Strength:",chartwo_strength
print "Skill:",chartwo_skill
while charone_strength != 0 or chartwo_strength != 0:
ent = raw_input("Press Enter to roll! ")
battle(charone_strength, chartwo_strength, charone_skill, chartwo_skill, str_mod, skl_mod)
play = raw_input("\nWould you like to play again?")
if play in ["yes","y","Yes","Y"]:
print "Goodbye"
This code is an excellent example of how not to program:
heavy use of global variables
multiple variables with very similar names (ie charone_strength, charone_str)
reuse of names in different contexts (in global scope, str_mod is a function, but in function battle it is supposed to be an integer
Your immediate problem: in line 182, you call
battle(charone_strength, chartwo_strength, charone_skill, chartwo_skill, str_mod, skl_mod)
which should be
battle(charone_strength, chartwo_strength, charone_skill, chartwo_skill, strength_mod, skill_mod)
but is confused because in the function strength_mod is referred to as str_mod.
Here is a greatly cleaned-up version. (Further suggestions for improvement are welcome).
from __future__ import division, print_function
from random import randint
import sys
from time import sleep
# Python 2/3 compatibility shim
if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
# Python 2.x
inp = raw_input
rng = xrange
# Python 3.x
inp = input
rng = range
'y': True, 'yes': True, 't': True, '': True,
'n': False, 'no': False, 'f': False
def get_int(prompt="Enter an integer: ", lo=None, hi=None):
while True:
i = int(inp(prompt))
if (lo is None or lo <= i) and (hi is None or i <= hi):
return i
except ValueError:
def get_tf(prompt="Yes or no? ", tf_values=TF_VALUES):
while True:
s = inp(prompt).strip().lower()
tf = tf_values.get(s, None)
if tf is not None:
return tf
def pause(delay=PAUSE_DELAY):
def roll(die_sides=6):
return randint(1, die_sides)
def slow_print(s, delay=PRINT_DELAY):
for ch in s:
print(ch, end='', flush=True)
print('') # end of line
def wait_for_enter(prompt):
class Fighter:
def get_fighter(cls, prompt):
name = inp ("Name: ")
health = get_int("Health: (50-100) ", 50, 100)
skill = get_int("Skill: (50-100) ", 50, 100)
return cls(name, health, skill)
def __init__(self, name, health, skill):
self.name = name
self.health = health
self.skill = skill
def is_alive(self):
return self.health > 0
def health_mod(self, other_fighter):
delta = abs(self.health - other_fighter.health)
return int(delta / 5)
def skill_mod(self, other_fighter):
delta = abs(self.skill - other_fighter.skill)
return int(delta / 5)
def attack(self, other_fighter):
wait_for_enter("Hit Enter to fight!")
# figure out mod values
health_mod = self.health_mod(other_fighter)
skill_mod = self.skill_mod (other_fighter)
self_roll = roll()
other_roll = roll()
"Health mod: {} Skill mod: {} {} rolls {} {} rolls {}"
health_mod, skill_mod,
self.name, self_roll,
other_fighter.name, other_roll
# figure out who won this round
if self_roll == other_roll:
print("Draw! No damage done.")
winner, loser = (self, other_fighter) if self_roll > other_roll else (other_fighter, self)
print("{} hits {}!".format(winner.name, loser.name))
winner.health += health_mod
winner.skill += skill_mod
loser.health -= health_mod
loser.skill -= skill_mod
# show results
def __str__(self):
return "{}: health {}, skill {}".format(self.name, max(self.health, 0), max(self.skill, 0))
def fight():
f1 = Fighter.get_fighter("\nFirst fighter:")
f2 = Fighter.get_fighter("\nSecond fighter:")
slow_print("\n{} encounters {}\nBattle Initiated!".format(f1.name, f2.name))
while f1.is_alive() and f2.is_alive():
winner, loser = (f1, f2) if f1.is_alive() else (f2, f1)
print("{} has died; {} wins!".format(loser.name, winner.name))
def main():
while True:
if not get_tf("Would you like to play again? (Y/n)"):
if __name__=="__main__":
I am trying to write a program for connect 4 but am having a lot of trouble getting past the directions. Everything under the comment, "#everything works up to here" works but then it all explodes and I have no idea even where to start to fix it.
#connect 4
import random
#define global variables
X = "X"
O = "O"
EMPTY = "_"
def display_instruct():
"""Display game instructions."""
Welcome to the second greatest intellectual challenge of all time: Connect4.
This will be a showdown between your human brain and my silicon processor.
You will make your move known by entering a column number, 1 - 7. Your move
(if that column isn't already filled) will move to the lowest available position.
Prepare yourself, human. May the Schwartz be with you! \n
def ask_yes_no(question):
"""Ask a yes or no question."""
response = None
while response not in ("y", "n"):
response = input(question).lower()
return response
def ask_number(question,low,high):
"""Ask for a number within range."""
#using range in Python sense-i.e., to ask for
#a number between 1 and 7, call ask_number with low=1, high=8
response = None
while response not in range (low,high):
return response
def pieces():
"""Determine if player or computer goes first."""
go_first = ask_yes_no("Do you require the first move? (y/n): ")
if go_first == "y":
print("\nThen take the first move. You will need it.")
human = X
computer = O
print("\nYour bravery will be your undoing... I will go first.")
computer = X
human = O
return computer, human
def new_board():
board = []
for x in range (NUM_COLS):
board.append([" "]*NUM_ROWS)
return board
def display_board(board):
"""Display game board on screen."""
for r in range(NUM_ROWS):
def print_row(board, num):
"""Print specified row from current board"""
this_row = board[num]
print("\n\t| ", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num],"|")
print("\t", "|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|")
# everything works up to here!
def legal_moves(board):
"""Create list of column numbers where a player can drop piece"""
while not legal:
col = input("What column would you like to move into (1-7)?")
for row in range (6,0,1):
if (1 <= row <= 6) and (1 <= col <= 7) and (board[row][col]==" "):
board[row][col] = turn
legal = True
print("Sorry, that is not a legal move.")
def human_move(board,human):
"""Get human move"""
legals = legal_moves(board)
move = None
while move not in legals:
move = ask_number("Which column will you move to? (1-7):", 1, NUM_COLS)
if move not in legals:
print("\nThat column is already full, nerdling. Choose another.\n")
print("Human moving to column", move)
return move #return the column number chosen by user
except NameError:
print ("Only numbers are allowed.")
except IndexError:
print ("You can only select colums from 1-7.")
def get_move_row(turn,move):
for m in (NUM_COLS):
def computer_move ():
move= random.choice(legal)
return move
def place_piece(turn,move):
if this_row[m[move]]==" ":
def winner(board):
# Check rows for winner
for row in range(6):
for col in range(3):
if (board[row][col] == board[row][col + 1] == board[row][col + 2] == board[row][col + 3]) and (board[row][col] != " "):
return [row][col]
# Check columns for winner
for col in range(6):
for row in range(3):
if (board[row][col] == board[row + 1][col] == board[row + 2][col] ==board[row + 3][col]) and (board[row][col] != " "):
return [row][col]
# Check diagonal (top-left to bottom-right) for winner
for row in range(3):
for col in range (4):
if (board[row][col] == board[row + 1][col + 1] == board[row + 2][col + 2] == board[row + 3][col + 3]) and (board[row][col] != " "):
return true
# Check diagonal (bottom-left to top-right) for winner
for row in range (5,2,-1):
for col in range (3):
if (board[row][col] == board[row - 1][col + 1] == board[row - 2][col + 2] == board[row - 3][col + 3]) and (board[row][col] != " "):
return [row][col]
# No winner
return False
def main():
computer,human = pieces()
turn = X
board = new_board()
while not winner(board) and (" " not in board):
if turn == human:
turn = next_turn()
the_winner = winner(board)
congrat_winner(the_winner, computer, human)
#start the program
main ()
input ("\nPress the enter key to quit.")
For fun, here's an object-oriented refactorization. It's a bit long, but well documented and should be easy to understand.
I started with your code and split it into Board, Player, and Game classes, then derived Computer and Human classes from Player.
Board knows the shape and size of the rack, what moves are legal, and recognizes when wins and ties occur
Player has a name and knows how to choose (or prompt for) a legal move
Game has a Board and two Players and controls turn-taking and output
I'm not 100% happy with it - Board has a .board that is a list of list of string, but Game has a .board that is a Board; a bit of judicious renaming would be a good idea - but for an hour's work it's pretty solid.
Hope you find this educational:
# Connect-4
from itertools import cycle, groupby
from random import choice
from textwrap import dedent
import sys
# version compatibility shims
if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
# Python 2.x
inp = raw_input
rng = xrange
# Python 3.x
inp = input
rng = range
def get_yn(prompt, default=None, truthy={"y", "yes"}, falsy={"n", "no"}):
Prompt for yes-or-no input
Return default if answer is blank and default is set
Return True if answer is in truthy
Return False if answer is in falsy
while True:
yn = inp(prompt).strip().lower()
if not yn and default is not None:
return default
elif yn in truthy:
return True
elif yn in falsy:
return False
def get_int(prompt, lo=None, hi=None):
Prompt for integer input
If lo is set, result must be >= lo
If hi is set, result must be <= hi
while True:
value = int(inp(prompt))
if (lo is None or lo <= value) and (hi is None or value <= hi):
return value
except ValueError:
def four_in_a_row(tokens):
If there are four identical tokens in a row, return True
for val,iterable in groupby(tokens):
if sum(1 for i in iterable) >= 4:
return True
return False
class Board:
class BoardWon (BaseException): pass
class BoardTied(BaseException): pass
EMPTY = " . "
HOR = "---"
P1 = " X "
P2 = " O "
VER = "|"
def __init__(self, width=8, height=6):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.board = [[Board.EMPTY] * width for h in rng(height)]
self.tokens = cycle([Board.P1, Board.P2])
self.rowfmt = Board.VER + Board.VER.join("{}" for col in rng(width)) + Board.VER
self.rule = Board.VER + Board.VER.join(Board.HOR for col in rng(width)) + Board.VER
def __str__(self):
lines = []
for row in self.board:
lines.append(self.rowfmt.format(*("{:^3d}".format(i) for i in rng(1, self.width+1))))
return "\n".join(lines)
def is_board_full(self):
return not any(cell == Board.EMPTY for cell in self.board[0])
def is_win_through(self, row, col):
Check for any winning sequences which pass through self.board[row][col]
(This is called every time a move is made;
thus any win must involve the last move,
and it is faster to check just a few cells
instead of the entire board each time)
# check vertical
down = min(3, row)
up = min(3, self.height - row - 1)
tokens = [self.board[r][col] for r in rng(row - down, row + up + 1)]
if four_in_a_row(tokens):
return True
# check horizontal
left = min(3, col)
right = min(3, self.width - col - 1)
tokens = [self.board[row][c] for c in rng(col - left, col + right + 1)]
if four_in_a_row(tokens):
return True
# check upward diagonal
down = left = min(3, row, col)
up = right = min(3, self.height - row - 1, self.width - col - 1)
tokens = [self.board[r][c] for r,c in zip(rng(row - down, row + up + 1), rng(col - left, col + right + 1))]
if four_in_a_row(tokens):
return True
# check downward diagonal
down = right = min(3, row, self.width - col - 1)
up = left = min(3, self.height - row - 1, col)
tokens = [self.board[r][c] for r,c in zip(rng(row - down, row + up + 1), rng(col + right, col - left - 1, -1))]
if four_in_a_row(tokens):
return True
# none of the above
return False
def legal_moves(self):
Return a list of columns which are not full
return [col for col,val in enumerate(self.board[0], 1) if val == Board.EMPTY]
def do_move(self, column):
token = next(self.tokens)
col = column - 1
# column is full?
if self.board[0][col] != Board.EMPTY:
next(self.move) # reset player token
raise ValueError
# find lowest empty cell (guaranteed to find one)
for row in rng(self.height-1, -1, -1): # go from bottom to top
if self.board[row][col] == Board.EMPTY: # find first empty cell
# take cell
self.board[row][col] = token
# did that result in a win?
if self.is_win_through(row, col):
raise Board.BoardWon
# if not, did it result in a full board?
if self.is_board_full():
raise Board.BoardTied
# done
class Player:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def get_move(self, board):
Given the current board state, return the row to which you want to add a token
# you should derive from this class instead of using it directly
raise NotImplemented
class Computer(Player):
def get_move(self, board):
return choice(board.legal_moves())
class Human(Player):
def get_move(self, board):
legal_moves = board.legal_moves()
while True:
move = get_int("Which column? (1-{}) ".format(board.width), lo=1, hi=board.width)
if move in legal_moves:
return move
print("Please pick a column that is not already full!")
class Game:
welcome = dedent("""
Welcome to the second greatest intellectual challenge of all time: Connect4.
This will be a showdown between your human brain and my silicon processor.
You will make your move known by entering a column number, 1 - 7. Your move
(if that column isn't already filled) will move to the lowest available position.
Prepare yourself, human. May the Schwartz be with you!
def __init__(self):
# set up new board
self.board = Board()
# set up players
self.players = cycle([Human("Dave"), Computer("HAL")])
# who moves first?
if get_yn("Do you want the first move? (Y/n) ", True):
print("You will need it...\n")
# default order is correct
print("Your rashness will be your downfall...\n")
def play(self):
for player in self.players:
while True:
col = player.get_move(self.board) # get desired column
print("{} picked Column {}".format(player.name, col))
self.board.do_move(col) # make the move
except ValueError:
print("Bad column choice - you can't move there")
# try again
except Board.BoardWon:
print("{} won the game!".format(player.name))
except Board.BoardTied:
print("The game ended in a stalemate")
def main():
while True:
if not get_yn("Do you want to play again? (Y/n) ", True):
if __name__=="__main__":