I am trying to make a Multi-Class classification application, but my dataset has 300 classes, is it possible to train my model with all these classes with a normal PC?
Sure it is. You can even train imagenet with 1000 categories or more, if you have enough time! ;)
You just have to think about which loss function you want (categorical crossentropy, sparse categorical crossentropy or even binary if you want to penalize each output node independently), apart from that there's not really much difference between 10, 100 or a 1000 classes.
Of course you have to increase your model size to account for more classes, so RAM may be an issue, but then you can always decrease batch size. If you are using images and convnets and your model is still too large, try to downsample the images, use pooling layers or larger strides.
If your computer is too old and slow, you can also try Google Colab which offers free GPU and even TPU online!
It is difficult to answer this question. The training time of your model depends on a number of factors. It might be best to train your model for a certain amount of hours and evaluate the performance. You could make use of fitting a learning curve, which could provide an esitmation of how many data points your require for training to achieve a certain performance. After that you could link the required amount of data points to computation time.
Here is an article provides an algorithm for fitting a learning curve: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3307431/.
I am performing multi-class text classification using BERT in python. The dataset that I am using for retraining my model is highly imbalanced. Now, I am very clear that the class imbalance leads to a poor model and one should balance the training set by undersampling, oversampling, etc. before model training.
However, it is also a fact that the distribution of the training set should be similar to the distribution of the production data.
Now, if I am sure that the data thrown at me in the production environment will also be imbalanced, i.e., the samples to be classified will likely belong to one or more classes as compared to some other classes, should I balance my training set?
Should I keep the training set as it is as I know that the distribution of the training set is similar to the distribution of data that I will encounter in the production?
Please give me some ideas, or provide some blogs or papers for understanding this problem.
Class imbalance is not a problem by itself, the problem is too few minority class' samples make it harder to describe its statistical distribution, which is especially true for high-dimensional data (and BERT embeddings have 768 dimensions IIRC).
Additionally, logistic function tends to underestimate the probability of rare events (see e.g. https://gking.harvard.edu/files/gking/files/0s.pdf for the mechanics), which can be offset by selecting a classification threshold as well as resampling.
There's quite a few discussions on CrossValidated regarding this (like https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/357466). TL;DR:
while too few class' samples may degrade the prediction quality, resampling is not guaranteed to give an overall improvement; at least, there's no universal recipe to a perfect resampling proportion, you'll have to test it out for yourself;
however, real life tasks often weigh classification errors unequally: resampling may help improving certain class' metrics at the cost of overall accuracy. Same applies to classification threshold selection however.
This depends on the goal of your classification:
Do you want a high probability that a random sample is classified correctly? -> Do not balance your training set.
Do you want a high probability that a random sample from a rare class is classified correctly? -> balance your training set or apply weighting during training increasing the weights for rare classes.
For example in web applications seen by clients, it is important that most samples are classified correctly, disregarding rare classes, whereas in the case of anomaly detection/classification, it is very important that rare classes are classified correctly.
Keep in mind that a highly imbalanced dataset tends to always predicting the majority class, therefore increasing the number or weights of rare classes can be a good idea, even without perfectly balancing the training set..
P(label | sample) is not the same as P(label).
P(label | sample) is your training goal.
In the case of gradient-based learning with mini-batches on models with large parameter space, rare labels have a small footprint on the model training. So, your model fits in P(label).
To avoid fitting to P(label), you can balance batches.
Overall batches of an epoch, data looks like an up-sampled minority class. The goal is to get a better loss function that its gradients move parameters toward a better classification goal.
I don't have any proof to show this here. It is perhaps not an accurate statement. With enough training data (with respect to the complexity of features) and enough training steps you may not need balancing. But most language tasks are quite complex and there is not enough data for training. That was the situation I imagined in the statements above.
Do you know if it's possible to use a very small subset of my training data (100 or 500 instances only for example), to train very rough CNN network quickly in order to compare different architectures, then select the best performing one ?
When I say "possible", I mean is there evidence that applying that kind of selection strategy works, and that the selected network will consistently outperform the other to for this specific task.
Thank you,
For information, the project in question would constist of two stages CNNs to classify multichannel timeseries. The first CNN would forecast the inputs data over the next period of time, then the second CNN would use this forecast and classify the results in two categories.
The procedure you are talking about is actually used in practice. When tuning hyperparameters, a lot of people select a subset of the whole dataset to do this.
Is the best architecture on the subset necessarily the best on the full dataset? NO! However, it's the best guess you have and that's why it's useful.
A couple of things to note on your question:
100-500 instances is extremely low! The CNN still needs to be trained. When we say subset we usually mean tens of thousands of images (out of the millions of the dataset). If your dataset is under 50000 images then why do you need a subset? Train on the whole dataset.
Contrary to what a lot of people believe, the details of the architecture are of little importance to the classification performance. Some of the hyperparameters you mention (e.g. kernel size) are of secondary importance. The key things you should focus on is depth, size of layers, use of pooling/skip connections/batch norm/dropout, etc.
I tried training an AutoEnsembleEstimator with two DNNEstimators (with hidden units of 1000,500, 100) on a dataset with around 1850 features (after feature engineering), and I kept running out of memory (even on larger 400G+ high-mem gcp vms).
I'm using the above for binary classification. Initially I had trained various models and combined them by training a traditional ensemble classifier over the trained models. I was hoping that Adanet would simplify the generated model graph that would make the inference easier, rather than having separate graphs/pickles for various scalers/scikit models/keras models.
Three hypotheses:
You might have too many DNNs in your ensemble, which can happen if max_iteration_steps is too small and max_iterations is not set (both of those are constructor arguments to AutoEnsembleEstimator). If you want to train each DNN for N steps, and you want an ensemble with 2 DNNs, you should set max_iteration_steps=N, set max_iterations=2, and train the AutoEnsembleEstimator for 2N steps.
You might have been on adanet-0.6.0-dev, which had a memory leak. To fix this, try updating to the latest release and seeing if this problem still arises.
Your batch size might have been too large. Try lowering your batch size.
It is a common practice to normalize input values (to a neural network) to speed up the learning process, especially if features have very large scales.
In its theory, normalization is easy to understand. But I wonder how this is done if the training data set is very large, say for 1 million training examples..? If # features per training example is large as well (say, 100 features per training example), 2 problems pop up all of a sudden:
- It will take some time to normalize all training samples
- Normalized training examples need to be saved somewhere, so that we need to double the necessary disk space (especially if we do not want to overwrite the original data).
How is input normalization solved in practice, especially if the data set is very large?
One option maybe is to normalize inputs dynamically in the memory per mini batch while training.. But normalization results will then be changing from one mini batch to another. Would it be tolerable then?
There is maybe someone in this platform having hands on experience on this question. I would really appreciate if you could share your experiences.
Thank you in advance.
A large number of features makes it easier to parallelize the normalization of the dataset. This is not really an issue. Normalization on large datasets would be easily GPU accelerated, and it would be quite fast. Even for large datasets like you are describing. One of my frameworks that I have written can normalize the entire MNIST dataset in under 10 seconds on a 4-core 4-thread CPU. A GPU could easily do it in under 2 seconds. Computation is not the problem. While for smaller datasets, you can hold the entire normalized dataset in memory, for larger datasets, like you mentioned, you will need to swap out to disk if you normalize the entire dataset. However, if you are doing reasonably large batch sizes, about 128 or higher, your minimums and maximums will not fluctuate that much, depending upon the dataset. This allows you to normalize the mini-batch right before you train the network on it, but again this depends upon the network. I would recommend experimenting based on your datasets, and choosing the best method.
Does sklearn.LinearRegression support online/incremental learning?
I have 100 groups of data, and I am trying to implement them altogether. For each group, there are over 10000 instances and ~ 10 features, so it will lead to memory error with sklearn if I construct a huge matrix (10^6 by 10). It will be nice if I can update the regressor each time with batch samples of new group.
I found this post relevant, but the accepted solution works for online learning with single new data (only one instance) rather than batch samples.
Take a look at linear_model.SGDRegressor, it learns a a linear model using stochastic gradient.
In general, sklearn has many models that admit "partial_fit", they are all pretty useful on medium to large datasets that don't fit in the RAM.
Not all algorithms can learn incrementally, without seeing all of the instances at once that is. That said, all estimators implementing the partial_fit API are candidates for the mini-batch learning, also known as "online learning".
Here is an article that goes over scaling strategies for incremental learning. For your purposes, have a look at the sklearn.linear_model.SGDRegressor class. It is truly online so the memory and convergence rate are not affected by the batch size.