It is a common practice to normalize input values (to a neural network) to speed up the learning process, especially if features have very large scales.
In its theory, normalization is easy to understand. But I wonder how this is done if the training data set is very large, say for 1 million training examples..? If # features per training example is large as well (say, 100 features per training example), 2 problems pop up all of a sudden:
- It will take some time to normalize all training samples
- Normalized training examples need to be saved somewhere, so that we need to double the necessary disk space (especially if we do not want to overwrite the original data).
How is input normalization solved in practice, especially if the data set is very large?
One option maybe is to normalize inputs dynamically in the memory per mini batch while training.. But normalization results will then be changing from one mini batch to another. Would it be tolerable then?
There is maybe someone in this platform having hands on experience on this question. I would really appreciate if you could share your experiences.
Thank you in advance.
A large number of features makes it easier to parallelize the normalization of the dataset. This is not really an issue. Normalization on large datasets would be easily GPU accelerated, and it would be quite fast. Even for large datasets like you are describing. One of my frameworks that I have written can normalize the entire MNIST dataset in under 10 seconds on a 4-core 4-thread CPU. A GPU could easily do it in under 2 seconds. Computation is not the problem. While for smaller datasets, you can hold the entire normalized dataset in memory, for larger datasets, like you mentioned, you will need to swap out to disk if you normalize the entire dataset. However, if you are doing reasonably large batch sizes, about 128 or higher, your minimums and maximums will not fluctuate that much, depending upon the dataset. This allows you to normalize the mini-batch right before you train the network on it, but again this depends upon the network. I would recommend experimenting based on your datasets, and choosing the best method.
I have 50 time series, each having at least 500 data points (some series have as much as 2000+ data points). All the time series go from a value of 1.089 to 0.886, so you can see that the resolution for each dataset comes close to 10e-4, i.e. the data is something like:
1.079299, 1.078809, 1.078479, 1.078389, 1.078362,... and so on in a decreasing fashion from 1.089 to 0.886 for all 50 time-series.
My questions hence, are:
Can LSTMs handle such dense data?
In order to avoid overfitting, what can be the suggested number of epochs, timesteps per batch, batches, hidden layers and neurons per layer?
I have been struggling with this for more than a week, and no other source that I could find talks about this specific case, so it could also help others.
A good question and I can understand why you did not find a lot of explanations because there are many tutorials which cover some basic concepts and aspects, not necessarily custom problems.
You have 50 time series. However, the frequency of your data is not the same for each time series. You have to interpolate in order to reach the same number of samples for each time series if you want to properly construct the dataset.
LSTMs can handle such dense data. It can be both a classification and a regression problem, neural networks can adapt to such situations.
In order to avoid overfitting(LSTMs are very prone to it), the first major aspect to take into consideration is the hidden layers and the number of units per layer. Normally people tend to use 256-512 by default since in Natural Language Processing where you process huge datasets they are suitable. In my experience, for simpler regression/classification problems you do not need such a big number, it will only lead to overfitting in smaller problems.
Therefore, taking into consideration (1) and (2), start with an LSTM/GRU with 32 units and then the output layer. If you see that you do not have good results, add another layer (64 first 32 second) and then the output layer.
Admittedly, timesteps per batch is of crucial importance. This cannot be determined here, you have to manually iterate through values of it and see what yields you the best results. I assume you create your dataset via sliding window manner; consider this(window size) also a hyperparameter to alter before arriving at the batch and epochs ones.
Do you know if it's possible to use a very small subset of my training data (100 or 500 instances only for example), to train very rough CNN network quickly in order to compare different architectures, then select the best performing one ?
When I say "possible", I mean is there evidence that applying that kind of selection strategy works, and that the selected network will consistently outperform the other to for this specific task.
Thank you,
For information, the project in question would constist of two stages CNNs to classify multichannel timeseries. The first CNN would forecast the inputs data over the next period of time, then the second CNN would use this forecast and classify the results in two categories.
The procedure you are talking about is actually used in practice. When tuning hyperparameters, a lot of people select a subset of the whole dataset to do this.
Is the best architecture on the subset necessarily the best on the full dataset? NO! However, it's the best guess you have and that's why it's useful.
A couple of things to note on your question:
100-500 instances is extremely low! The CNN still needs to be trained. When we say subset we usually mean tens of thousands of images (out of the millions of the dataset). If your dataset is under 50000 images then why do you need a subset? Train on the whole dataset.
Contrary to what a lot of people believe, the details of the architecture are of little importance to the classification performance. Some of the hyperparameters you mention (e.g. kernel size) are of secondary importance. The key things you should focus on is depth, size of layers, use of pooling/skip connections/batch norm/dropout, etc.
I am trying to make a Multi-Class classification application, but my dataset has 300 classes, is it possible to train my model with all these classes with a normal PC?
Sure it is. You can even train imagenet with 1000 categories or more, if you have enough time! ;)
You just have to think about which loss function you want (categorical crossentropy, sparse categorical crossentropy or even binary if you want to penalize each output node independently), apart from that there's not really much difference between 10, 100 or a 1000 classes.
Of course you have to increase your model size to account for more classes, so RAM may be an issue, but then you can always decrease batch size. If you are using images and convnets and your model is still too large, try to downsample the images, use pooling layers or larger strides.
If your computer is too old and slow, you can also try Google Colab which offers free GPU and even TPU online!
It is difficult to answer this question. The training time of your model depends on a number of factors. It might be best to train your model for a certain amount of hours and evaluate the performance. You could make use of fitting a learning curve, which could provide an esitmation of how many data points your require for training to achieve a certain performance. After that you could link the required amount of data points to computation time.
Here is an article provides an algorithm for fitting a learning curve:
I have been working on creating and training a Deep Learning model for the first time. I did not have any knowledge about the subject prior to the project and therefor my knowledge is limited even now.
I used to run the model on my own laptop but after implementing a well working OHE and SMOTE I simply couldnt run it on my own device anymore due to MemoryError (8GB of RAM). Therefor I am currently running the model on a 30GB RAM RDP which allows me to do so much more, I thought.
My code seems to have some horribly inefficiencies of which I wonder if they can be solved. One example is that by using pandas.concat my model's RAM usages skyrockets from 3GB to 11GB which seems very extreme, afterwards I drop a few columns making the RAm spike to 19GB but actually returning back to 11GB after the computation is completed (unlike the concat). I also forced myself to stop using the SMOTE for now just because the RAM usage would just go up way too much.
At the end of the code, where the training happens the model breaths its final breath while trying to fit the model. What can I do to optimize this?
I have thought about splitting the code into multiple parts (for exmaple preprocessing and training) but to do so I would need to store massive datasets in a pickle which can only reach 4GB (correct me if I'm wrong). I have also given thought about using pre-trained models but I truely did not understand how this process goes to work and how to use one in Python.
P.S.: I would also like my SMOTE back if possible
Thank you all in advance!
Let's analyze the steps:
Step 1: OHE
For your OHE, the only dependence there is between data points is that it needs to be clear what categories are there overall. So the OHE can be broken into two steps, both of which do not require that all data points are in RAM.
Step 1.1: determine categories
Stream read your data points, collecting all the categories. It is not necessary to save the data points you read.
Step 1.2: transform data
After step 1.1, each data point can be independently converted. So stream read, convert, stream write. You only need one or very few data points in memory at all times.
Step 1.3: feature selection
It may be worthwile to look at feature selection to reduce the memory footprint and improve performance. This answer argues it should happen before SMOTE.
Feature selection methods based on entropy depend on all data. While you can probably also throw something together which streams, one approach that worked well for me in the past is removing features that only one or two data points have, since these features definitely have low entropy and probably don't help the classifier much. This can be done again like Step 1.1 and Step 1.2
Step 2: SMOTE
I don't know SMOTE enough to give an answer, but maybe the problem has already solved itself if you do feature selection. In any case, save the resulting data to disk so you do not need to recompute for every training.
Step 3: training
See if the training can be done in batches or streaming (online, basically), or simply with less sampled data.
With regards to saving to disk: Use a format that can be easily streamed, like csv or some other splittable format. Don't use pickle for that.
Slightly orthogonal to your actual question, if your high RAM usage is caused by having entire dataset in memory for the training, you could eliminate such memory footprint by reading and storing only one batch at a time: read a batch, train on this batch, read next batch and so on.
I am using the Python SciKit OneClass SVM classifier to detect outliers in lines of text. The text is converted to numerical features first using bag of words and TF-IDF.
When I train (fit) the classifier running on my computer, the time seems to increase exponentially with the number of items in the training set:
Number of items in training data and training time taken:
10K: 1 sec, 15K: 2 sec, 20K: 8 sec, 25k: 12 sec, 30K: 16 sec, 45K: 44 sec.
Is there anything I can do to reduce the time taken for training, and avoid that this will become too long when training data size increases to a couple of hundred thousand items ?
Well scikit's SVM is a high-level implementation so there is only so much you can do, and in terms of speed, from their website, "SVMs do not directly provide probability estimates, these are calculated using an expensive five-fold cross-validation."
You can increase your kernel size parameter based on your available RAM, but this increase does not help much.
You can try changing your kernel, though your model might be incorrect.
Here is some advice from Scale your data.
Otherwise, don't use scikit and implement it yourself using neural nets.
Hope I'm not too late. OCSVM, and SVM, is resource hungry, and the length/time relationship is quadratic (the numbers you show follow this). If you can, see if Isolation Forest or Local Outlier Factor work for you, but if you're considering applying on a lengthier dataset I would suggest creating a manual AD model that closely resembles the context of these off-the-shelf solutions. By doing this then you should be able to work either in parallel or with threads.
For anyone coming here from Google, sklearn has implemented SGDOneClassSVM, which "has a linear complexity in the number of training samples". It should be faster for large datasets.