I don't know why the number of breaches is not counted - if I do it this way:
def test(runs):
runs = runs
for i in range(0,runs):
#some initialized parameter
#initialize v[:,0]=v_0
for i in range(range(0, int(timeSteps)-1, 1)):
#calculate v here using Runge Kutta method
v = v_0 + v
#check if a certain threshold has been reached
if max(v[:]-v_0) > 50:
then I get 5 times the word breach as output
but if I do it like this
def test(runs):
count = 0
for i in range(0,runs):
#some initialized parameter
#initialize v[:,0]=v_0
for i in range(range(0, int(timeSteps)-1, 1)):
#calculate v here using Runge Kutta method
v = v_0 + v
#check if a certain threshold has been reached
if max(v[:]-v_0) > 50:
count += 1
return count
then i get the initialized value count=0 and not count=5 as return value. why does this not work?
You are not storing the returned value in any variable,
returnedValue = test(10)
You can also do this:
in the second loop, you use the variable i when it is already declared in the loop just above. Try to modify it using another variable like j:
def test(runs):
runs = runs
for i in range(0,runs):
#some initialized parameter
#initialize v[:,0]=v_0
for j in range(range(0, int(timeSteps)-1, 1)):
#calculate v here using Runge Kutta method
v = v_0 + v
#check if a certain threshold has been reached
if max(v[:]-v_0) > 50:
I'm trying to implement tabu search algorithm, but I keep getting the following error. NameError: name 'instance_dict' is not defined.
def Objfun(instance_dict, solution, show = False):
dict = instance_dict
t = 0 #starting time
objfun_value = 0
for job in solution:
C_i = t + dict[job]["processing_time"]
d_i = dict[job]["due_date"]
T_i = max(0, C_i - d_i)
W_i = dict[job]["weight"]
objfun_value += W_i * T_i
t = C_i
if show == True:
print("The Objective function value for {} solution schedule is: {}".format(solution ,objfun_value))
return objfun_value
solution_1 = [1,2,5,6,8,9,10,3,4,7]
solution_2 = [2,3,5,10,6,8,9,4,7,1]
Objfun(instance_dict, solution_1, show=True)
Objfun(instance_dict, solution_2, show=True)
The last two lines of your code Objfun(instance_dict, solution_1, show=True) are referencing a variable, instance_dict, that is not defined anywhere. Thus the error, as you are trying to use an undefined variable.
I'm developing an ABtest framework using django. I want to assign variant number based on bucket_id from cookies' request.
bucket_id is set by the front end with a range integer from 0-99.
So far, I have created the function name get_bucket_name:
def get_bucket_range(data):
range_bucket = []
first_val = 0
next_val = 0
for i, v in enumerate(data.split(",")):
v = int(v)
if i == 0:
first_val = v
range_bucket.append([0, first_val])
elif i == 1:
range_bucket.append([first_val, first_val + v])
next_val = first_val + v
range_bucket.append([next_val, next_val + v])
next_val = next_val + v
return range_bucket
Data input for get_bucket_range is a comma delineated string which means we have 3 variants where each variant has its own weight e.g. data = "25,25,50" with first variant's weight being 25 etc.
I then created a function to assign the variant named,
def assign_variant(range_bucket, num):
for i in range(len(range_bucket)):
if num in range(range_bucket[i][0], range_bucket[i][1]):
return i
This function should have 2 parameters, range_bucket -> from get_bucket_range function, and num -> bucket_id from cookies.
With this function I can return which bucket_id belongs to the variant id.
For example, we have 25 as bucket_id, with data = "25,25,50". This means our bucket_id should belong to variant id 1. Or in the case that we have 25 as bucket_id, with data = "10,10,10,70". This should mean that our bucket_id will belong to variant id 2.
However, it feels like neither of my functions are pythonic or optimised. Does anyone here have any suggestions as to how I could improve my code?
Your functions could look like this for example:
def get_bucket_range(data):
last = 0
range_bucket = []
for v in map(int, data.split(',')):
range_bucket.append([last, last+v])
last += v
return range_bucket
def assign_variant(range_bucket, num):
for i, (low, high) in enumerate(range_bucket):
if low <= num < high:
return i
You can greatly reduce the lengths of your functions with the itertools.accumulate and bisect.bisect functions. The first function accumulates all the weights into sums (10,10,10,70 becomes 10,20,30,100), and the second function gives you the index of where that element would belong, which in your case is equivalent to the index of the group it belongs to.
from itertools import accumulate
from bisect import bisect
def get_bucket_range(data):
return list(accumulate(map(int, data.split(',')))
def assign_variant(range_bucket, num):
return bisect(range_bucket, num)
so I've got a list of questions as a dictionary, e.g
{"Question1": 3, "Question2": 5 ... }
That means the "Question1" has 3 points, the second one has 5, etc.
I'm trying to create all subset of question that have between a certain number of questions and points.
I've tried something like
questions = {"Q1":1, "Q2":2, "Q3": 1, "Q4" : 3, "Q5" : 1, "Q6" : 2}
u = 3 #
v = 5 # between u and v questions
x = 5 #
y = 10 #between x and y points
solution = []
n = 0
def main(n_):
global n
n = n_
global solution
solution = []
finalSolution = []
for x in questions.keys():
return finalSolution
def Backtracking(k):
finalSolution = []
for c in questions.keys():
solution[k] = c
print ("candidate: ", solution)
if not reject(k):
print ("not rejected: ", solution)
if accept(k):
return finalSolution
def reject(k):
if solution[k] in solution: #if the question already exists
return True
if k > v: #too many questions
return True
points = 0
for x in solution:
if x in questions.keys():
points = points + questions[x]
if points > y: #too many points
return True
return False
def accept(k):
points = 0
for x in solution:
if x in questions.keys():
points = points + questions[x]
if points in range (x, y+1) and k in range (u, v+1):
return True
return False
but it's not trying all possibilities, only putting all the questions on the first index..
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
There are three problems with your code.
The first issue is that the first check in your reject function is always True. You can fix that in a variety of ways (you commented that you're now using solution.count(solution[k]) != 1).
The second issue is that your accept function uses the variable name x for what it intends to be two different things (a question from solution in the for loop and the global x that is the minimum number of points). That doesn't work, and you'll get a TypeError when trying to pass it to range. A simple fix is to rename the loop variable (I suggest q since it's a key into questions). Checking if a value is in a range is also a bit awkward. It's usually much nicer to use chained comparisons: if x <= points <= y and u <= k <= v
The third issue is that you're not backtracking at all. The backtracking step needs to reset the global solution list to the same state it had before Backtracking was called. You can do this at the end of the function, just before you return, using solution[k] = "_" (you commented that you've added this line, but I think you put it in the wrong place).
Anyway, here's a fixed version of your functions:
def Backtracking(k):
finalSolution = []
for c in questions.keys():
solution[k] = c
print ("candidate: ", solution)
if not reject(k):
print ("not rejected: ", solution)
if accept(k):
solution[k] = "_" # backtracking step here!
return finalSolution
def reject(k):
if solution.count(solution[k]) != 1: # fix this condition
return True
if k > v:
return True
points = 0
for q in solution:
if q in questions:
points = points + questions[q]
if points > y: #too many points
return True
return False
def accept(k):
points = 0
for q in solution: # change this loop variable (also done above, for symmetry)
if q in questions:
points = points + questions[q]
if x <= points <= y and u <= k <= v: # chained comparisons are much nicer than range
return True
return False
There are still things that could probably be improved in there. I think having solution be a fixed-size global list with dummy values is especially unpythonic (a dynamically growing list that you pass as an argument would be much more natural). I'd also suggest using sum to add up the points rather than using an explicit loop of your own.
I'm getting this error: 'TypeError: list indices must be integers, not float'
but the functions I'm using need to accept non integer values, otherwise my results are different...
Just to give you an idea, I have written some code that fits a gaussian to some data with a single peak. To do this, I need to calculate an estimated value for sigma. To get that, I've written two functions that are meant to look at the data, use the x value for the peak to find two points(r_pos and l_pos) which are either side of the peak and a set distance from the y axis (thresh). And from that I can get an estimated sigma(r_pos - l_pos).
This is all coming about from a piece of code that worked, but the mark sheet for my coursework says I need to use functions, so I'm trying to turn this:
I0 = max(y)
pos = y.index(I0)
print 'Peak value is',I0,'Counts per sec at' ,x[pos], 'degrees(2theta)'
print pos,I0
#left position
thresh = 10
i = pos
while y[i] > thresh:
i -= 1
l_pos = x[i]
#right position
thresh = 10
i = y.index(I0)
while y[i] > thresh:
i += 1
r_pos = x[i]
print r_pos
sigma0 = r_pos - l_pos
print sigma0
Into something that uses functions that can be called etc. This is my attempt:
def Peak_Find(x,y):
I0 = max(y)
pos = y.index(I0)
return I0, x[pos]
def R_Pos(thresh,position):
i = position
while y[i] > thresh:
i += 0.1
r_pos = x[i]
return r_pos
peak_y,peak_x = Peak_Find(x,y)
Right Position = R_Pos(10,peak_x)
peak_y = 855.0
Peak_x = 32.1 , by the way
It looks like you want to replace the line
i = position
With something like
i = x.index(position)
because position is a float, and you want the location in the array of position. You are using i to get the index of an array, and you must use ints to do this, hence using the .index method to return the (integer) location in the array.
You are better off writing the program this way because then the variable names will actually match what is contained in the variables.
def Peak_Find(x,y):
I0 = max(y)
pos = y.index(I0)
return I0, pos
def R_Pos(thresh,position):
while y[position] > thresh:
position += 1 # Not sure if this is what you want
r_pos = x[position]
return r_pos # Not sure what you want here... this is the value at x, not the position
Using a branch and bound algorithm I have evaluated the optimal profit from a given set of items, but now I wish to find out which items are included in this optimal solution. I'm evaluating the profit value of the optimal knapsack as follows (adapted from here):
import Queue
class Node:
def __init__(self, level, profit, weight):
self.level = level # The level within the tree (depth)
self.profit = profit # The total profit
self.weight = weight # The total weight
def solveKnapsack(weights, profits, knapsackSize):
numItems = len(weights)
queue = Queue.Queue()
root = Node(-1, 0, 0)
maxProfit = 0
bound = 0
while not queue.empty():
v = queue.get() # Get the next item on the queue
uLevel = v.level + 1
u = Node(uLevel, v.profit + e[uLevel][1], v.weight + e[uLevel][0])
bound = getBound(u, numItems, knapsackSize, weights, profits)
if u.weight <= knapsackSize and u.profit > maxProfit:
maxProfit = uProfit
if bound > maxProfit:
u = Node(uLevel, v.profit, v.weight)
bound = getBound(u, numItems, knapsackSize, weights, profits)
if (bound > maxProfit):
return maxProfit
# This is essentially the brute force solution to the fractional knapsack
def getBound(u, numItems, knapsackSize, weight, profit):
if u.weight >= knapsackSize: return 0
upperBound = u.profit
totalWeight = u.weight
j = u.level + 1
while j < numItems and totalWeight + weight[j] <= C:
upperBound += profit[j]
totalWeight += weights[j]
j += 1
if j < numItems:
result += (C - totalWeight) * profit[j]/weight[j]
return upperBound
So, how can I get the items that form the optimal solution, rather than just the profit?
I got this working using your code as the starting point. I defined my Node class as:
class Node:
def __init__(self, level, profit, weight, bound, contains):
self.level = level # current level of our node
self.profit = profit
self.weight = weight
self.bound = bound # max (optimistic) value our node can take
self.contains = contains # list of items our node contains
I then started my knapsack solver similarly, but initalized root = Node(0, 0, 0, 0.0, []). The value root.bound could be a float, which is why I initalized it to 0.0, while the other values (at least in my problem) are all integers. The node contains nothing so far, so I started it off with an empty list. I followed a similar outline to your code, except that I stored the bound in each node (not sure this was necessary), and updated the contains list using:
u.contains = v.contains[:] # copies the items in the list, not the list location
# Initialize u as Node(uLevel, uProfit, uWeight, 0.0, uContains)
u.contains.append(uLevel) # add the current item index to the list
Note that I only updated the contains list in the "taking the item" node. This is the first initialization in your main loop, preceding the first if bound > maxProfit: statement. I updated the contains list in the if: statement right before this, when you update the value of maxProfit:
if u.weight <= knapsackSize and u.value > maxProfit:
maxProfit = u.profit
bestList = u.contains
This stores the indices of the items you are taking to bestList. I also added the condition if v.bound > maxProfit and v.level < items-1 to the main loop right after v = queue.get() so that I do not keep going after I reach the last item, and I do not loop through branches that are not worth exploring.
Also, if you want to get a binary list output showing which items are selected by index, you could use:
taken = [0]*numItems
for item in bestList:
taken[item] = 1
print str(taken)
I had some other differences in my code, but this should enable you to get your chosen item list out.
I have been thinking about this for some time. Apparently, you have to add some methods inside your Node class that will assign the node_path and add the current level to it. You call your methods inside your loop and assign the path_list to your optimal_item_list when your node_weight is less than the capacity and its value is greater than the max_profit, ie where you assign the maxProfit. You can find the java implementation here