I'm getting a name error. "instance_dict is not defined" - python

I'm trying to implement tabu search algorithm, but I keep getting the following error. NameError: name 'instance_dict' is not defined.
def Objfun(instance_dict, solution, show = False):
dict = instance_dict
t = 0 #starting time
objfun_value = 0
for job in solution:
C_i = t + dict[job]["processing_time"]
d_i = dict[job]["due_date"]
T_i = max(0, C_i - d_i)
W_i = dict[job]["weight"]
objfun_value += W_i * T_i
t = C_i
if show == True:
print("The Objective function value for {} solution schedule is: {}".format(solution ,objfun_value))
return objfun_value
solution_1 = [1,2,5,6,8,9,10,3,4,7]
solution_2 = [2,3,5,10,6,8,9,4,7,1]
Objfun(instance_dict, solution_1, show=True)
Objfun(instance_dict, solution_2, show=True)

The last two lines of your code Objfun(instance_dict, solution_1, show=True) are referencing a variable, instance_dict, that is not defined anywhere. Thus the error, as you are trying to use an undefined variable.


Can an optimization constraint be implemented with 2 variable that declared with different feature?

My goal is to write the following constraint with the doxplex.mp.model with Python API:
P[t,j] >= s[t-j+1] - sum(s[k=t-j+2] from k to t) for t = 1,....,N, j = 1,...,t
my code.
from docplex.mp.model import Model
clsp = Model(name = 'capacitated lot sizing problem')
no_of_period = 8
period_list = [t for t in range(1, no_of_period+1)]
s_indicator = clsp.binary_var_dict(period_list, name = 's_indicator')
p_indicator = clsp.binary_var_matrix(period_list, period_list, name = 'p_indicator')
m_8 = clsp.add_constraints(p_indicator[t,j] >= s_indicator[t-j+1] - clsp.sum(s_indicator[t-j+2] for j in range(1,t+1))
for j in t for t in period_list )
Output: Keyerror 0
Any help would be appreciated
Your code extract is not correct Python (for j in t). I had to modify it to make it run:
m_8 = clsp.add_constraints\
(p_indicator[t,j] >= s_indicator[t-j+1] - clsp.sum(s_indicator[t-j+2] for j in range(1,t+1))
for j in period_list for t in period_list )
Which gives ma a KeyError: 9 exception.
To fix this, remember that binary_var_matrix creates a Python dictionary, whose keys are the first argument, here period_list, ranging from 1 to 8.
To investigate this I wrote this small code to investigate all possible keys generated by your code:
ke = 0
for t in period_list:
for j in period_list:
ix = t-j+2
if ix not in period_list:
ke += 1
print(f"** Key error[{ke}], t={t},j={j}, t-j+2={t-j+2}")
Prints 22 key errors, for example t=8, j=1 computes (t-j+2)=9 which is outside the dictionary key set.
To summarize: check your indices w.r.t the keys of the variable dictionaries in your model.

Solving more than one active objective defined for input model in Pyomo

I am working on an optimization problem based on a kind of "historical memory", ie the only decision variable takes into account its "historical" value at the previous index or indexes. Specifically, I get the following table of objectives:
The same is also true for the constraints, all depending on the same variable newTr for certain indices.
The problem is that when I try to solve the model I get the following error: ValueError: More than one active objective defined for input model; Cannot write legal LP file
Objectives: obj[1] obj[2]
The var newTr is defined as:
model.newTr = pyo.Var(month, bounds = (0, 5), domain=pyo.NonNegativeIntegers, initialize = 0)
The obj function is defined as:
def obj(model, i):
if i == 1 :
return cost_att*(initial_att - model.resig[i]) + cost_tr*model.newTr[i]
elif i == 2 :
return cost_att*(initial_att - model.resig[i]) + cost_tr*(model.newTr[i-1] + model.newTr[i])
else :
return cost_att*(initial_att - model.resig[i] + model.newTr[i-2]) + cost_tr*(model.newTr[i-1] + model.newTr[i])
model.obj = pyo.Objective(month, rule=obj)
How can i solve it?

Counting via if

I don't know why the number of breaches is not counted - if I do it this way:
def test(runs):
runs = runs
for i in range(0,runs):
#some initialized parameter
#initialize v[:,0]=v_0
for i in range(range(0, int(timeSteps)-1, 1)):
#calculate v here using Runge Kutta method
v = v_0 + v
#check if a certain threshold has been reached
if max(v[:]-v_0) > 50:
then I get 5 times the word breach as output
but if I do it like this
def test(runs):
count = 0
for i in range(0,runs):
#some initialized parameter
#initialize v[:,0]=v_0
for i in range(range(0, int(timeSteps)-1, 1)):
#calculate v here using Runge Kutta method
v = v_0 + v
#check if a certain threshold has been reached
if max(v[:]-v_0) > 50:
count += 1
return count
then i get the initialized value count=0 and not count=5 as return value. why does this not work?
You are not storing the returned value in any variable,
returnedValue = test(10)
You can also do this:
in the second loop, you use the variable i when it is already declared in the loop just above. Try to modify it using another variable like j:
def test(runs):
runs = runs
for i in range(0,runs):
#some initialized parameter
#initialize v[:,0]=v_0
for j in range(range(0, int(timeSteps)-1, 1)):
#calculate v here using Runge Kutta method
v = v_0 + v
#check if a certain threshold has been reached
if max(v[:]-v_0) > 50:

PySpark: difficulty implementing KMeans with mapreduce functions

I am currently tasekd in a Distributed DataBase class to create an implementation of kmeans with map reduce based approach (yes i know that there is a premade function for it but the task is specifically to do your own approach), and while i have figured out the approach itself, i am struggling with implementing it with the appropriate use of the map and reduce functions.
def Find_dist(x,y):
sum = 0
vec1= list(x)
vec2 = list(y)
for i in range(len(vec1)):
sum = sum +(vec1[i]-vec2[i])*(vec1[i]-vec2[i])
return sum
def mapper(cent, datapoint):
min = Find_dist(datapoint,cent[0])
closest = cent[0]
for i in range(1,len(cent)):
curr = Find_dist(datapoint,cent[i])
if curr < min:
min = curr
closest = cent[i]
yield closest,datapoint
def combine(x):
Key = x[0]
Values = x[1]
sum = [0]*len(Key)
counter = 0
for datapoint in Values:
vec = list(datapoint[0])
counter = counter+1
sum = sum+vec
point = Row(vec)
result = (counter,point)
yield Key, result
def Reducer(x):
Key = x[0]
Values = x[1]
sum = [0]*len(Key)
counter = 0
for datapoint in Values:
vec = list(datapoint[0])
counter = counter+1
sum = sum+vec
avg = [0]*len(Key)
for i in range(len(Key)):
avg[i] = sum[i]/counter
centroid = Row(avg)
yield Key, centroid
def kmeans_fit(data,k,max_iter):
centers = data.rdd.takeSample(False,k,seed=42)
for i in range(max_iter):
mapped = data.rdd.map(lambda x: mapper(centers,x))
combined = mapped.reduceByKeyLocally(lambda x: combiner(x))
reduced = combined.reduceByKey(lambda x: Reducer(x)).collect()
flag = True
for i in range(k):
if(reduced[i][1] != reduced[i][0] ):
for j in range(k):
centers[i] = reduced[i][1]
flag = False
if (flag):
return centers
data = spark.read.parquet("/mnt/ddscoursedatabricksstg/ddscoursedatabricksdata/random_data.parquet")
My main issue for the most part is I encounter difficulty in the usage of dataframes and the map, reducebykeylocally and reducebykey fucntions.
Currently the run fails at calling reduceByKeyLocally(lambda x: combiner(x)) because "ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)", and i really need to get this all working properly soon, so please, anyone i would love assistance on this, and thank you in advance, I will be very grateful for any help!

Gurobi with python dictionary key value error

I am using Gurobi 7 with Python 2.7 and want to implement the following linear optimization problem:
I have translated the above to Python and Gurobi using the following code:
T = range(1,17520)
# Create variables - defined as dictionaries
p = {} # power
s = {} # SOC
b = {} # buy
for t in T:
p[t] = m.addVar(vtype = GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb = -R, ub = R, name = "power_{}".format(t))
s[t] = m.addVar(vtype = GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb = 0, ub = E, name = "SOC_{}".format(t))
b[t] = m.addVar(vtype = GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb = 0, name = "Buy_{}".format(t))
# constraints
for t in T:
m.addConstr(b[t] == demand[t] + p[t], name = "balance_{}".format(t))
if t == 0:
m.addConstr(s[t] == p[t], name = "charge_{}".format(t))
m.addConstr(s[t] == s[t-1] + p[t], name = "charge_{}".format(t))
# integrate variables and constraints
# Objective function
obj = quicksum(
for t in T
# start optimization
The error message I get (shown below) is probably due to the [t-1] index; however I do not see why this is not accepted by the compiler. Do I need to define this constraints in a different way?
I have not found any other examples of gurobi optimization problems being defined with this structure (variable is a function of the preceding variable etc.) but this is a very typical structure for LP problems.
Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.
OK turns out I was confused with Python's zero-indexing; I have defined the set T as a range from 1 to 17520 and yet I subsequently define constraints for variables indexed in 0.
My problem was fixed by defining the set T as
T = range(0,17519)

