Using a branch and bound algorithm I have evaluated the optimal profit from a given set of items, but now I wish to find out which items are included in this optimal solution. I'm evaluating the profit value of the optimal knapsack as follows (adapted from here):
import Queue
class Node:
def __init__(self, level, profit, weight):
self.level = level # The level within the tree (depth)
self.profit = profit # The total profit
self.weight = weight # The total weight
def solveKnapsack(weights, profits, knapsackSize):
numItems = len(weights)
queue = Queue.Queue()
root = Node(-1, 0, 0)
maxProfit = 0
bound = 0
while not queue.empty():
v = queue.get() # Get the next item on the queue
uLevel = v.level + 1
u = Node(uLevel, v.profit + e[uLevel][1], v.weight + e[uLevel][0])
bound = getBound(u, numItems, knapsackSize, weights, profits)
if u.weight <= knapsackSize and u.profit > maxProfit:
maxProfit = uProfit
if bound > maxProfit:
u = Node(uLevel, v.profit, v.weight)
bound = getBound(u, numItems, knapsackSize, weights, profits)
if (bound > maxProfit):
return maxProfit
# This is essentially the brute force solution to the fractional knapsack
def getBound(u, numItems, knapsackSize, weight, profit):
if u.weight >= knapsackSize: return 0
upperBound = u.profit
totalWeight = u.weight
j = u.level + 1
while j < numItems and totalWeight + weight[j] <= C:
upperBound += profit[j]
totalWeight += weights[j]
j += 1
if j < numItems:
result += (C - totalWeight) * profit[j]/weight[j]
return upperBound
So, how can I get the items that form the optimal solution, rather than just the profit?
I got this working using your code as the starting point. I defined my Node class as:
class Node:
def __init__(self, level, profit, weight, bound, contains):
self.level = level # current level of our node
self.profit = profit
self.weight = weight
self.bound = bound # max (optimistic) value our node can take
self.contains = contains # list of items our node contains
I then started my knapsack solver similarly, but initalized root = Node(0, 0, 0, 0.0, []). The value root.bound could be a float, which is why I initalized it to 0.0, while the other values (at least in my problem) are all integers. The node contains nothing so far, so I started it off with an empty list. I followed a similar outline to your code, except that I stored the bound in each node (not sure this was necessary), and updated the contains list using:
u.contains = v.contains[:] # copies the items in the list, not the list location
# Initialize u as Node(uLevel, uProfit, uWeight, 0.0, uContains)
u.contains.append(uLevel) # add the current item index to the list
Note that I only updated the contains list in the "taking the item" node. This is the first initialization in your main loop, preceding the first if bound > maxProfit: statement. I updated the contains list in the if: statement right before this, when you update the value of maxProfit:
if u.weight <= knapsackSize and u.value > maxProfit:
maxProfit = u.profit
bestList = u.contains
This stores the indices of the items you are taking to bestList. I also added the condition if v.bound > maxProfit and v.level < items-1 to the main loop right after v = queue.get() so that I do not keep going after I reach the last item, and I do not loop through branches that are not worth exploring.
Also, if you want to get a binary list output showing which items are selected by index, you could use:
taken = [0]*numItems
for item in bestList:
taken[item] = 1
print str(taken)
I had some other differences in my code, but this should enable you to get your chosen item list out.
I have been thinking about this for some time. Apparently, you have to add some methods inside your Node class that will assign the node_path and add the current level to it. You call your methods inside your loop and assign the path_list to your optimal_item_list when your node_weight is less than the capacity and its value is greater than the max_profit, ie where you assign the maxProfit. You can find the java implementation here
I have a complex situation trying to solve but struggling to create logic and code for it. Please consider the figure below:
Along the x-axis, I have number of iterations and y-axis I have nodes which are both user-defined and can change but considering 3-nodes and 5-iterations to keep it simple.
I am trying to create a looping frame-work or similar that can go through each node and based on the node number calculate a measure sequentially i.e., N0 then N1 and then N2.
For all nodes, the starting value is 'f_value' but subsequent values are dependent based on the node number. For example, Let us consider Node-0 denoted as 'N0'. First iteration depends on N0 last value as well as 'N1' last value which are both 'f_value'. Second iteration, for 'N0', we consider the last calculated value for 'N0' plus the previous value for 'N1' and this continues until the last iteration.
This gets more complex when considering nodes like 'N2' as we have to consider the latest value calculated for 'N0', last value for 'N2', and the previous value for 'N3'. When it comes to 'N3', we consider the last value for 'N3' and the latest value for 'N2' as shown in the picture. For the last node 'N3' we only consider the previous node 'N2'.
In other words, the first and last nodes have a single dependency but all the remaining nodes have multiple dependency i.e., nodes on both sides.
So far, I have managed to create a dictionary which creates the nodes and initialise the 'f_value' using the code below:
node = list(range (int(input())))
obj = {}
for i, j in enumerate(node): # assigning default values
obj['l'+str(i)] = [10]
I am struggling to take it further and requires some help which will be highly appreciated. I am thinking may be some conditional statements will be required but the problem is that you cannot update all the nodes simultaneously.
Please feel free to ask for further clarification.
import pandas as pd
def iterate(f_value: float,
number_of_nodes: int,
weight_1: float = 0.5,
weight_2: float = 0.2) -> list:
"""Itearates the f_value according to provided rule and returns the resulting array
f_value: user input value that will be iterated
number_of_nodes: number of nodes that the iteration will run
number_of_iterations: number of iterations
weight_1: user provided weight, default is 0.5
weight_2: user provided weight, default is 0.2
A list with length=number_of_iterations where each element is a list that represents
the corresponding row. Let's call returned list L. L[0][0] represents the value of
iteration1, node1. L[0][1] represents iteration1 node2 and so on.
>>> iterate(10,3,5)
[[7.0, 15.5, 17.75],
[6.6, 22.35, 28.925],
[7.7700000000000005, 32.02, 44.935],
[10.289000000000001, 46.151500000000006, 68.01075],
[14.374800000000002, 66.94105000000002, 101.48127500000001]]
>>> L = iterate(10,3,5)
>>> print(L[0][0])
>>> print(L[0][1])
weight_1 = 0.5
weight_2 = 0.2
iterations = []
C = f_value + (f_value * weight_2)
for iteration_no in range(number_of_iterations):
nodes = []
for node_no in range(number_of_nodes):
if iteration_no == 0:
if node_no == 0:
# First node
value = f_value * (weight_1 + weight_2)
elif node_no < number_of_nodes-1:
# Nodes in between
value = (nodes[node_no-1] / 2) + C
# Last node
value = (nodes[node_no-1] / 2) + f_value
if node_no == 0:
# First node
value = (iterations[iteration_no-1][0] * weight_1) + (iterations[iteration_no-1][1] * weight_2)
elif node_no < number_of_nodes-1:
# Nodes in between
# we need the latest iteration from [node_no -1]let
value = (iterations[iteration_no-1][node_no]) + (nodes[node_no-1] * weight_1) + (iterations[iteration_no-1][node_no+1] * weight_2)
# Last node
value = iterations[iteration_no-1][node_no] + (nodes[node_no-1] * weight_1)
return iterations
I'm familiar with the naive recursive solution to the knapsack problem. However, this solution simply spits out the max value that can be stored in the knapsack given its weight constraints. What I'd like to do is add some form of metadata cache (namely which items have/not been selected, using a "one-hot" array [0,1,1]).
Here's my attempt:
class Solution:
def __init__(self):
self.array = []
def knapSack(self,W, wt, val, n):
index = n-1
if n == 0 or W == 0 :
return 0
if (wt[index] > W):
choice = self.knapSack(W, wt, val, index)
option_A = val[index] + self.knapSack( W-wt[index], wt, val, index)
option_B = self.knapSack(W, wt, val, index)
if option_A > option_B:
choice = option_A
choice = option_B
print(int(option_A > option_B)) #tells you which path was traveled
return choice
# To test above function
val = [60, 100, 120]
wt = [10, 20, 30]
W = 50
n = len(val)
# print(knapSack(W, wt, val, n))
s = Solution()
s.knapSack(W, wt, val, n)
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
As you can see, s.array returns [1,1,1,1,1,1] and this tells me a few things. (1), even though there are only three items in the problem set, the knapSack method has been called twice for each item and (2) this is because every item flows through the else statement in the method, so option_A and option_B are each computed for each item (explaining why the array length is 6 not 3.)
I'm confused as to why 1 has been appended in every recursive loop. The item at index 0 would is not selected in the optimal solution. To answer this question, please provide:
(A) Why the current solution is behaving this way
(B) How the code can be restructured such that a one-hot "take or don't take" vector can be captured, representing whether a given item goes in the knapsack or not.
Thank you!
(A) Why the current solution is behaving this way
self.array is an instance attribute that is shared by all recursion paths. On one path or another each item is taken and so a one is appended to the list.
option_A = val[index]... takes an item but doesn't append a one to the list.
option_B = self..... skips an item but doesn't append a zero to the list.
if option_A > option_B: When you make this comparison you have lost the information that made it - the items that were taken/discarded in the branch;
in the suites you just append a one or a zero regardless of how many items made those values.
The ones and zeroes then represent whether branch A (1) or branch B (0) was successful in the current instance of the function.
(B) How the code can be restructured such that a one-hot "take or don't take" vector can be captured, representing whether a given item goes in the knapsack or not.
It would be nice to know what you have taken after running through the analysis, I suspect that is what you are trying to do with self.array. You expressed an interest in OOP: instead of keeping track with lists of numbers using indices to select numbers from the lists, make objects to represent the items work with those. Keep the objects in containers and use the functionality of the container to add or remove items/objects from it. Consider how you are going to use a container before choosing one.
Don't put the function in a class.
Change the function's signature to accept
available weight,
a container of items to be considered,
a container holding the items currently in the sack (the current sack).
Use a collections.namedtuple or a class for the items having value and weight attributes.
Item = collections.namedtuple('Item',['wt','val'])
When an item is taken add it to the current sack.
When recursing
if going down the take path add the return value from the call to the current sack
remove the item that was just considered from the list of items to be considered argument.
if taken subtract the item's weight from the available weight argument
When comparing two branches you will need to add up the values of each item the current sack.
return the sack with the highest value
carefully consider the base case
Make the items to be considered like this.
import collections
Item = collections.namedtuple('Item',['wt','val'])
items = [Item(wght,value) for wght,value in zip(wt,val)]
Add up values like this.
value = sum(item.val for item in current_sack)
# or
import operator
val = operator.itemgetter('val')
wt = operator.itemgetter('wt')
value = sum(map(val,current_sack)
Your solution enhanced with debugging prints for the curious.
class Solution:
def __init__(self):
self.array = []
self.other_array = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
def knapSack(self,W, wt, val, n,j=0):
index = n-1
deep = f'''{' '*j*3}'''
print(f'{deep}level {j}')
print(f'{deep}{W} available: considering {wt[index]},{val[index]}, {n})')
# minor change here but has no affect on the outcome0
#if n == 0 or W == 0 :
if n == 0:
print(f'{deep}Base case found')
return 0
print(f'''{deep}{wt[index]} > {W} --> {wt[index] > W}''')
if (wt[index] > W):
print(f'{deep}too heavy')
self.other_array[index] = 0
choice = self.knapSack(W, wt, val, index,j+1)
print(f'{deep}Going down the option A hole')
option_A = val[index] + self.knapSack( W-wt[index], wt, val, index,j+1)
print(f'{deep}Going down the option B hole')
option_B = self.knapSack(W, wt, val, index,j+1)
print(f'{deep}option A:{option_A} option B:{option_B}')
if option_A > option_B:
print(f'{deep}option A wins')
self.other_array[index] = 1
choice = option_A
print(f'{deep}option B wins')
self.other_array[index] = 0
choice = option_B
print(f'{deep}level {j} Returning value={choice}')
return choice
I have a list named self.items where the elements are:
items = [dict(id=0, w=4, v=12),
dict(id=1, w=6, v=10),
dict(id=2, w=5, v=8),
dict(id=3, w=7, v=11),
dict(id=4, w=3, v=14),
dict(id=5, w=1, v=7),
dict(id=6, w=6, v=9)]
With this I had to do a list of lists, where every element has all the possible combinations including the empty case, so finally my list of lists has more or less this appearence:
[[],[{id:0,w:4,v:12}],....,[{id:0,w:4,v:12}, {id:1,w:6,v:10}]....]
Now I have to found a recursive function to search what combination of elements has the max weight permitted and the max value.
def recursive(self, n, max_weight):
""" Recursive Knapsack
:param n: Number of elements
:param max_weight: Maximum weight allowed
:return: max_value
self.iterations += 1
result = 0
if max_weight > self.max_weight: #they gave me self.max_weight as a variable of __init__ method which shows me what is the maximum weight permitted
self.recursive(self, self.items+self.iterations, max_weight)
if max_weight < self.max_weight:
self.recursive(self, self.items+self.iterations, max_weight)
result = self.items['v']+result
return result
I think that my error is in this line:
result = self.items['v']+result
But I cannot find it.
I just have found the solution to this recursive problem:
(I'm from Spain so the variable "cantidad" also means "quantity")
def recursive(self, n, max_weight):
""" Recursive Knapsack
:param n: Number of elements
:param max_weight: Maximum weight allowed
:return: max_valu
self.iterations += 1
result = 0
cantidad = 0
quantity = 0
if max_weight == 0 or n == 1:
if max_weight >= self.items[n-1]['w'] :
cantidad= self.items[n-1]['v']
return max(cantidad,quantity)
if max_weight >= self.items[n-1]['w']:
cantidad = self.items[n-1]['v']+self.recursive(n-1,max_weight-self.items[n-1]['w'])
quantity = self.recursive(n-1,max_weight)
result = max(cantidad, quantity)
return result
I put this code into a program proportioned by the university I am studying at and it returns to me the correct result:
Method: recursive
Max value:44 expected max_value:44
I have some calculations on biological data. Each function calculates the total, average, min, max values for one list of objects.
The idea is that I have a lot of different lists each one is for a different object type.
I don't want to repeat my code for every function just changing the "for" line and the call of the object's method!
For example:
Volume function:
def calculate_volume(self):
total = 0
min = sys.maxint
max = -1
compartments_counter = 0
for n in self.nodes:
compartments_counter += 1
current = n.get_compartment_volume()
if min > current:
min = current
if max < current:
max = current
total += current
avg = float(total) / compartments_counter
return total, avg, min, max
Contraction function:
def get_contraction(self):
total = 0
min = sys.maxint
max = -1
branches_count = self.branches.__len__()
for branch in self.branches:
current = branch.get_contraction()
if min > current:
min = current
if max < current:
max = current
total += current
avg = float(total) / branches_count
return total, avg, min, max
Both functions look almost the same, just a little modification!
I know I can use the sum, min, max, ... etc. but when I apply them for my values they take more time than doing them in the loop because they can't be called at once.
I just want to know if is it the right way to write a function for every calculation? (i.e. a professional way?) Or maybe I can write one function and pass the list, object type and the method to call.
It's hard to say without seeing the rest of the code but from the limited view given I'd reckon you shouldn't have these functions in methods at all. I also really don't understand your reasoning for not using the builtins("they can't be called at once?"). If you're implying that implementing the 4 statistical methods in a single pass in python is faster than 4 passes in builtin (C) then I'm afraid you have a very wrong assumption.
That said, here's my take on the problem:
def get_stats(l):
s = sum(l)
return (
float(s) / len(l),
# then create numeric lists from your data and send 'em through:
node_volumes = [n.get_compartment_volume() for n in self.nodes]
branches = [b.get_contraction() for b in self.branches]
# ...
total_1, avg_1, min_1, max_1 = get_stats(node_volumes)
total_2, avg_2, min_2, max_2 = get_stats(branches)
Some benchmarks to prove that builtin is win:
import sys
def get_stats(l):
s = sum(l)
return (
float(s) / len(l),
branches = [i for i in xrange(10000000)]
print get_stats(branches)
import sys
branches = [i for i in xrange(10000000)]
total = 0
min = sys.maxint
max = -1
branches_count = branches.__len__()
for current in branches:
if min > current:
min = current
if max < current:
max = current
total += current
avg = float(total) / branches_count
print total, avg, min, max
And finally with some timers:
smassey#hacklabs:/tmp $ time python
(49999995000000, 4999999.5, 0, 9999999)
real 0m1.225s
user 0m0.996s
sys 0m0.228s
smassey#hacklabs:/tmp $ time python
49999995000000 4999999.5 0 9999999
real 0m2.369s
user 0m2.180s
sys 0m0.180s
First, notice that while it is probably more efficient to call len(self.branches) (don't call __len__ directly), it is more general to increment a counter in the loop like you do with calculate_volume. With that change, you can refactor as follows:
def _stats(self, iterable, get_current):
total = 0.0
min_value = None # Slightly better
max_value = -1
counter = 0
for n in iterable:
counter += 1
current = get_current(n)
if min_value is None or min_value > current:
min_value = current
if max_value < current:
max_value = current
total += current
avg = total / denom
return total, avg, min_value, max_value
Now, each of the two can be implemented in terms of _stats:
import operator
def calculate_volume(self):
return self._stats(self.nodes, operator.methodcaller('get_compartment_volume'))
def get_contraction(self):
return self.refactor(self.branches, operator.methodcaller('get_contraction'))
methodcaller provides a function f such that f('method_name')(x) is equivalent to x.method_name(), which allows you to factor out the method call.
You can use getattr( instance, methodname) to write a function to process lists of arbitrary objects.
def averager( things, methodname):
count,total,min,max = 0,0,sys.maxint,-1
for thing in things:
current = getattr(thing, methodname)()
count += 1
if min > current:
min = current
if max < current:
max = current
total += current
avg = float(total) / branches_count
return total, avg, min, max
Then inside your class definitions you just need
def calculate_volume(self): return averager( self.nodes, 'get_compartment_volume')
def get_contraction(self): return averager( self.branches, 'get_contraction' )
Writing a function that takes another function that knows how to extract values from the list is very common. In fact, min and max both take arguments to such and effect.
items = [1, 0, -2]
print(max(items, key=abs)) # prints -2
So it's perfectly acceptable to write your own function that does the same. Normally, I would just create a new list of all the values you want to examine and then work with that (eg. [branch.get_contraction() for branch in branches]). But perhaps space is an issue for you, so here is an example using a generator.
def sum_avg_min_max(iterable, key=None):
if key is not None:
iter_ = (key(item) for item in iterable)
# if there is no key, just use the iterable itself
iter_ = iter(iterable)
# We don't know sensible starting values for total, min or max. So use
# the first value.
total = min_ = max_ = next(iter_)
except StopIteration:
# can't have a min or max if we have no items in the iterable...
raise ValueError("empty iterable") from None
count = 1
for item in iter_:
total += item
min_ = min(min_, item)
max_ = max(max_, item)
count += 1
return total, float(total) / count, min_, max_
Then you might use it like this:
class MyClass(int):
def square(self):
return self ** 2
items = [MyClass(i) for i in range(10)]
print(sum_avg_min_max(items, key=MyClass.square)) # prints (285, 28.5, 0, 81)
This works because when you fetch an instance method from the class it gives your underlying function itself (without self bound). So we can use it as the key. eg.
str.upper("hello world") == "hello world".upper()
With a more concrete example (assuming items in branches are instances of Branch):
def get_contraction(self):
result = sum_avg_min_max(self.branches, key=Branch.get_contraction)
return result
Or maybe I can write one function and pass the list, object type and the method to call.
Altough you can definitely pass a function to function, and it's actually a very common way to avoid repeating yourself, in this case you can't because each object in the list has it's own method. So instead, I'm passing the function's name as a string, then using getattr in order to get the actual callable method from the object. Also note that I'm using len() instead of explicitly calling __len()__.
def handle_list(items_list, func_to_call):
total = 0
min = sys.maxint
max = -1
count = len(items_list)
for item in items_list:
current = getattr(item, func_to_call)()
if min > current:
min = current
if max < current:
max = current
total += current
avg = float(total) / count
return total, avg, min, max
I am working on an Agent class in Python 2.7.11 that uses a Markov Decision Process (MDP) to search for an optimal policy π in a GridWorld. I am implementing a basic value iteration for 100 iterations of all GridWorld states using the following Bellman Equation:
T(s,a,s') is the probability function of successfully transitioning to successor state s' from current state s by taking action a.
R(s,a,s') is the reward for transitioning from s to s'.
γ (gamma) is the discount factor where 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1.
Vk(s') is a recursive call to repeat the calculation once s' has been reached.
Vk+1(s) is representative of how after enough k iterations have occured, the Vk iteration value will converge and become equivalent to Vk+1
This equation is derived from taking the maximum of a Q value function, which is what I am using within my program:
When constructing my Agent, it is passed an MDP, which is an abstract class containing the following methods:
# Returns all states in the GridWorld
def getStates()
# Returns all legal actions the agent can take given the current state
def getPossibleActions(state)
# Returns all possible successor states to transition to from the current state
# given an action, and the probability of reaching each with that action
def getTransitionStatesAndProbs(state, action)
# Returns the reward of going from the current state to the successor state
def getReward(state, action, nextState)
My Agent is also passed a discount factor, and a number of iterations. I am also making use of a dictionary to keep track of my values. Here is my code:
class IterationAgent:
def __init__(self, mdp, discount = 0.9, iterations = 100):
self.mdp = mdp = discount
self.iterations = iterations
self.values = util.Counter() # A Counter is a dictionary with default 0
for transition in range(0, self.iterations, 1):
states = self.mdp.getStates()
valuesCopy = self.values.copy()
for state in states:
legalMoves = self.mdp.getPossibleActions(state)
convergedValue = 0
for move in legalMoves:
value = self.computeQValueFromValues(state, move)
if convergedValue <= value or convergedValue == 0:
convergedValue = value
valuesCopy.update({state: convergedValue})
self.values = valuesCopy
def computeQValueFromValues(self, state, action):
successors = self.mdp.getTransitionStatesAndProbs(state, action)
reward = self.mdp.getReward(state, action, successors)
qValue = 0
for successor, probability in successors:
# The Q value equation: Q*(a,s) = T(s,a,s')[R(s,a,s') + gamma(V*(s'))]
qValue += probability * (reward + ( * self.values[successor]))
return qValue
This implementation is correct, though I am unsure why I need valuesCopy to accomplish a successful update to my self.values dictionary. I have tried the following to omit the copying, but it does not work since it returns slightly incorrect values:
for i in range(0, self.iterations, 1):
states = self.mdp.getStates()
for state in states:
legalMoves = self.mdp.getPossibleActions(state)
convergedValue = 0
for move in legalMoves:
value = self.computeQValueFromValues(state, move)
if convergedValue <= value or convergedValue == 0:
convergedValue = value
self.values.update({state: convergedValue})
My question is why is including a copy of my self.values dictionary necessary to update my values correctly when valuesCopy = self.values.copy() makes a copy of the dictionary anyways every iteration? Shouldn't updating the values in the original result in the same update?
There's an algorithmic difference in having or not having the copy:
# You update your copy here, so the original will be used unchanged, which is not the
# case if you don't have the copy
valuesCopy.update({state: convergedValue})
# If you have the copy, you'll be using the old value stored in self.value here,
# not the updated one
qValue += probability * (reward + ( * self.values[successor]))