Python: Visualization tool for graphs - python

Guys I have asked this question before but did not receive a single comment or answer
I want to simulate a search algorithm on a power law graph and want to visually see the algorithm move from one node to another on the graph. How do I do that?

You can adapt this completely different code I happen to have written for Find the most points enclosed in a fixed size circle :)
The useful bit is:
It uses the basic windowing system tkinter to create a frame containing a canvas; it then does some algorithm, calling it's own 'draw()' to change the canvas and then 'update()' to redraw the screen, with a delay. From seeing how easy it is to chart in tkinter, you can perhaps move on to interactive versions etc.
import random, math, time
from Tkinter import * # our UI
def sqr(x):
return x*x
class Point:
def __init__(self,x,y):
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
self.left = 0
self.right = []
def __repr__(self):
return "("+str(self.x)+","+str(self.y)+")"
def distance(self,other):
return math.sqrt(sqr(self.x-other.x)+sqr(self.y-other.y))
def equidist(left,right,dist):
u = (right.x-left.x)
v = (right.y-left.y)
if 0 != u:
r = math.sqrt(sqr(dist)-((sqr(u)+sqr(v))/4.))
theta = math.atan(v/u)
x = left.x+(u/2)-(r*math.sin(theta))
if x < left.x:
x = left.x+(u/2)+(r*math.sin(theta))
y = left.y+(v/2)-(r*math.cos(theta))
y = left.y+(v/2)+(r*math.cos(theta))
theta = math.asin(v/(2*dist))
x = left.x-(dist*math.cos(theta))
y = left.y + (v/2)
return Point(x,y)
class Vis:
def __init__(self):
self.frame = Frame(root)
self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame,bg="white",width=width,height=height)
def run(self):
self.count_calc0 = 0
self.count_calc1 = 0
self.count_calc2 = 0
self.count_calc3 = 0
self.count_calc4 = 0
self.count_calc5 = 0
self.prev_x = 0 = -1
self.best_centre = []
for self.sweep in xrange(0,len(points)):
self.count_calc0 += 1
if len(points[self.sweep].right) <=
self.sweep = len(points) # so that draw() stops highlighting it
print "BEST",, self.best_centre # count left-most point too
print "counts",self.count_calc0, self.count_calc1,self.count_calc2,self.count_calc3,self.count_calc4,self.count_calc5
def calc(self,p):
for self.right in p.right:
self.count_calc1 += 1
if (self.right.left + len(self.right.right)) <
# this can never help us
self.count_calc2 += 1
self.centre = equidist(p,self.right,radius)
assert abs(self.centre.distance(p)-self.centre.distance(self.right)) < 1
count = 0
for p2 in p.right:
self.count_calc3 += 1
if self.centre.distance(p2) <= radius:
count += 1
if < count:
self.count_calc4 += 4 = count
self.best_centre = [self.centre]
elif == count:
self.count_calc5 += 5
def draw(self):
# draw best circle
for best in self.best_centre:
# draw current circle
if self.sweep < len(points):
# draw all the connections
for p in points:
for p2 in p.right:
# plot visited points
for i in xrange(0,self.sweep):
p = points[i]
# plot current point
if self.sweep < len(points):
p = points[self.sweep]
# plot unvisited points
for i in xrange(self.sweep+1,len(points)):
p = points[i]
radius = 60
diameter = radius*2
width = 800
height = 600
points = []
# make some points
for i in xrange(0,100):
# sort points for find-the-right sweep
points.sort(lambda a, b: int(a.x)-int(b.x))
# work out those points to the right of each point
for i in xrange(0,len(points)):
p = points[i]
for j in xrange(i+1,len(points)):
p2 = points[j]
if p2.x > (p.x+diameter):
if (abs(p.y-p2.y) <= diameter) and \
p.distance(p2) < diameter:
p2.left += 1
# sort points in potential order for sweep, point with most right first
points.sort(lambda a, b: len(b.right)-len(a.right))
# debug
for p in points:
print p, p.left, p.right
# show it
root = Tk()
vis = Vis()

You can use matplotlib for that.
Here is a simlple example of a mesh with an animated highlighted point:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
x_size = 4
y_size = 3
# create the points and edges of the mesh
points = [(x,y) for y in range(y_size) for x in range(x_size)]
vert_edges = [((i_y*x_size)+i_x,(i_y*x_size)+i_x+1)
for i_x in range(x_size-1) for i_y in range(y_size)]
horz_edges = [((i_y*x_size)+i_x,((i_y+1)*x_size)+i_x)
for i_x in range(x_size) for i_y in range(y_size-1)]
edges = vert_edges + horz_edges
# plot all the points and edges
lines = []
for edge in edges:
x_coords, y_coords = zip(points[edge[0]], points[edge[1]])
lines.extend((x_coords, y_coords, 'g'))
plt.plot(linewidth=1, *lines)
x, y = zip(*points)
plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
# create the highlighted point
point_plot = plt.plot([0], [0], 'ro')[0]
# turn on interactive plotting mode
plt.ylim(-1, y_size)
plt.xlim(-1, x_size)
# animate the highlighted point
for i_point in range(1, len(x)):


How to excess scipy.solve_ivp solution.y_events?

I need to simulate a penalty where the ball shoots in every direction. For this I use solve_ivp and I terminate the integration when the ball crosses the backline. When this happens I want to use the values found when the integration stops to see if the ball at that point is within the dimensions of the goal (and count it as a goal). However, solution.y does not give the required precision that I want. The desired values are within solution.y_events, however, I can't seem to be able to get receive them. I also can't find information about this online. My code:
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
from scipy import constants
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#### Constants
# Number of simulations
number_of_penalty_shots = 10
# Angle of the shots
theta = np.random.uniform(0, 2.0*np.pi, number_of_penalty_shots)
phi = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, number_of_penalty_shots)
# Velocity of the ball
v_magnitude = 80
### Starting Position Ball (defined as the penalty stip)
pos_x = 0.0
pos_y = 0.0
pos_z = 0.0
in_position = np.array([pos_x, pos_y, pos_z]) # Inital position in m
def homo_magnetic_field(t, vector):
vx = vector[3] # dx/dt = vx
vy = vector[4] # dy/dt = vy
vz = vector[5] # dz/dt = vz
# ax = -0.05*vector[3] # dvx/dt = ax
# ay = -0.05*vector[4] # dvy/dy = ay
# az = -0.05*vector[5] - constants.g #dvz/dt = az
ax = 0
ay = 0
az = 0
dvectordt = (vx,vy,vz,ax,ay,az)
def goal(t, vector):
return vector[1] - 11
def own_goal(t,vector):
return vector[1] + 100
def ground(t,vector):
return vector[2]
def is_it_goal(vector):
if vector.status == 1:
if (vector.y[1][len(vector.y[1])-1] > 0) and (-3.36 < vector.y[0][len(vector.y[1])-1] < 3.36) and (vector.y[2][len(vector.y[1])-1] < 2.44):
elif (vector.y[1][len(vector.y[1])-1] < 0) and (-3.36 < vector.y[0][len(vector.y[1])-1] < 3.36) and (vector.y[2][len(vector.y[1])-1] < 2.44):
print("Own goal?! Why?")
else: print("Awwwwh")
else: print("Not even close, lol")
# Integrating
time_range = (0.0, 10**2)
for i in range(number_of_penalty_shots):
v_x = v_magnitude*np.sin(phi[i])*np.cos(theta[i])
v_y = v_magnitude*np.sin(phi[i])*np.sin(theta[i])
v_z = v_magnitude*np.cos(phi[i])
in_velocity = np.array([v_x, v_y, v_z])
initial_point = np.array([in_position, in_velocity])
start_point = initial_point.reshape(6,)
solution = integrate.solve_ivp(homo_magnetic_field , time_range, start_point,events=(goal, own_goal))
Here I want to change vector.y[1][len(vector.y[1])-1] into something like vector.y_events...

tkinter execution dies after about 140 iterations with no error message (mem leak?)

My code dies after about 140+ iterations, and I don't know why. I guess memory leak is a possibility, but I couldn't find it. I also found out that changing some arithmetic constants can prolong the time until the crash.
I have a genetic algorithm that tries to find best (i.e. minimal steps) route from point A (src) to point B (dst).
I create a list of random chromosomes, where each chromosome has:
src + dst [always the same]
list of directions (random)
I then run the algorithm:
find best route and draw it (for visualization purposes)
Given a probability P - replace the chromosomes with cross-overs (i.e. pick 2, and take the "end" of one's directions, and replace the "end" of the second's)
Given probability Q - mutate (replace the next direction with a random direction)
This all goes well, and most of the times I do find a route (usually not the ideal one), but sometimes, when it searches for a long time (say, about 140+ iterations) it just crushes. No warning. No error.
How can I prevent that (a simple iteration limit can work, but I do want the algorithm to run for a long time [~2000+ iterations])?
I think the relevant parts of the code are:
update function inside GUI class
which calls to cross_over
When playing with the update_fitness() score values (changing score -= (weight+1)*2000*(shift_x + shift_y) to score -= (weight+1)*2*(shift_x + shift_y) it runs for a longer time. Could be some kind of an arithmetic overflow?
import tkinter as tk
from enum import Enum
from random import randint, sample
from copy import deepcopy
from time import sleep
from itertools import product
debug_flag = False
class Direction(Enum):
Up = 0
Down = 1
Left = 2
Right = 3
def __str__(self):
return str(
def __repr__(self):
return str([0]
# A chromosome is a list of directions that should lead the way from src to dst.
# Each step in the chromosome is a direction (up, down, right ,left)
# The chromosome also keeps track of its route
class Chromosome:
def __init__(self, src = None, dst = None, length = 10, directions = None):
self.MAX_SCORE = 1000000
self.route = [src]
if not directions:
self.directions = [Direction(randint(0,3)) for i in range(length)]
self.directions = directions
self.src = src
self.dst = dst = self.MAX_SCORE
def __str__(self):
return str(
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def set_src(self, pixel):
self.src = pixel
def set_dst(self, pixel):
self.dst = pixel
def set_directions(self, ls):
self.directions = ls
def update_fitness(self):
# Higher score - a better fitness
score = self.MAX_SCORE - len(self.route)
score += 4000*(len(set(self.route)) - len(self.route)) # penalize returning to the same cell
score += (self.dst in self.route) * 500 # bonus routes that get to dst
for weight,cell in enumerate(self.route):
shift_x = abs(cell[0] - self.dst[0])
shift_y = abs(cell[1] - self.dst[1])
score -= (weight+1)*2000*(shift_x + shift_y) # penalize any wrong turn = max(score, 0)
def update(self, mutate_chance = 0.9):
# mutate #
self.mutate(chance = mutate_chance)
# move according to direction
last_cell = self.route[-1]
direction = self.directions[len(self.route) - 1]
except IndexError:
print('No more directions. Halting')
if direction == Direction.Down:
x_shift, y_shift = 0, 1
elif direction == Direction.Up:
x_shift, y_shift = 0, -1
elif direction == Direction.Left:
x_shift, y_shift = -1, 0
elif direction == Direction.Right:
x_shift, y_shift = 1, 0
new_cell = last_cell[0] + x_shift, last_cell[1] + y_shift
def cross_over(p1, p2, loc = None):
# find the cross_over point
if not loc:
loc = randint(0,len(p1.directions))
# choose one of the parents randomly
x = randint(0,1)
src_parent = (p1, p2)[x]
dst_parent = (p1, p2)[1 - x]
son = deepcopy(src_parent)
son.directions[loc:] = deepcopy(dst_parent.directions[loc:])
return son
def mutate(self, chance = 1):
if 100*chance > randint(0,99):
self.directions[len(self.route) - 1] = Direction(randint(0,3))
class GUI:
def __init__(self, rows = 10, cols = 10, iteration_timer = 100, chromosomes = [], cross_over_chance = 0.5, mutation_chance = 0.3, MAX_ITER = 100):
self.rows = rows
self.cols = cols
self.canv_w = 800
self.canv_h = 800
self.cell_w = self.canv_w // cols
self.cell_h = self.canv_h // rows
self.master = tk.Tk()
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.master, width = self.canv_w, height = self.canv_h)
self.rect_dict = {}
self.iteration_timer = iteration_timer
self.iterations = 0
self.chromosome_list = chromosomes
self.src = chromosomes[0].src # all chromosomes share src + dst
self.dst = chromosomes[0].dst
self.prev_best_route = []
self.cross_over_chance = cross_over_chance
self.mutation_chance = mutation_chance
self.no_obstacles = True
# init grid #
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
self.rect_dict[(r, c)] = self.canvas.create_rectangle(r *self.cell_h, c *self.cell_w,
(1+r)*self.cell_h, (1+c)*self.cell_w,
# init grid #
# draw src + dst #
# draw src + dst #
# after + mainloop #
self.master.after(iteration_timer, self.start_gui)
# after + mainloop #
def start_gui(self):
self.start_msg = self.canvas.create_text(self.canv_w // 2,3*self.canv_h // 4, fill = "black", font = "Times 25 bold underline",
text="Starting new computation.\nPopulation size = %d\nCross-over chance = %.2f\nMutation chance = %.2f" %
(len(self.chromosome_list), self.cross_over_chance, self.mutation_chance))
self.master.after(2000, self.update)
def end_gui(self, msg="Bye Bye!"):
self.master.wm_attributes('-alpha', 0.9) # transparency
self.canvas.create_text(self.canv_w // 2,3*self.canv_h // 4, fill = "black", font = "Times 25 bold underline", text=msg)
cell_ls = []
for idx,cell in enumerate(self.prev_best_route):
if cell in cell_ls:
self.canvas.create_text(cell[0]*self.cell_w, cell[1]*self.cell_h, fill = "purple", font = "Times 16 bold italic", text=str(idx+1))
self.master.after(3000, self.master.destroy)
def color_src_dst(self):
r_src = self.rect_dict[self.src]
r_dst = self.rect_dict[self.dst]
c_src = 'blue'
c_dst = 'red'
self.canvas.itemconfig(r_src, fill=c_src)
self.canvas.itemconfig(r_dst, fill=c_dst)
def color_route(self, route, color):
for cell in route:
self.canvas.itemconfig(self.rect_dict[cell], fill=color)
except KeyError:
# out of bounds -> ignore
# keep the src + dst
# keep the src + dst
def compute_shortest_route(self):
if self.no_obstacles:
return (1 +
abs(self.chromosome_list[0].dst[0] - self.chromosome_list[0].src[0]) +
abs(self.chromosome_list[0].dst[1] - self.chromosome_list[0].src[1]))
return 0
def create_weighted_chromosome_list(self):
ls = []
for ch in self.chromosome_list:
tmp = [ch] * ( // 200000)
return ls
def cross_over(self):
new_chromosome_ls = []
weighted_ls = self.create_weighted_chromosome_list()
while len(new_chromosome_ls) < len(self.chromosome_list):
p1, p2 = sample(weighted_ls, 2)
son = Chromosome.cross_over(p1, p2)
if son in new_chromosome_ls:
except ValueError:
return new_chromosome_ls
def end_successfully(self):
self.end_gui(msg="Got to destination in %d iterations!\nBest route length = %d" % (len(self.prev_best_route), self.compute_shortest_route()))
def update(self):
# first time #
# first time #
# end #
if self.iterations >= self.MAX_ITER:
# end #
# clean the previously best chromosome route #
self.color_route(self.prev_best_route[1:], 'gray')
# clean the previously best chromosome route #
# cross over #
if 100*self.cross_over_chance > randint(0,99):
self.chromosome_list = self.cross_over()
# cross over #
# update (includes mutations) all chromosomes #
for ch in self.chromosome_list:
# update (includes mutations) all chromosomes #
# show all chromsome fitness values #
if debug_flag:
fit_ls = [ for ch in self.chromosome_list]
print(self.iterations, sum(fit_ls) / len(fit_ls), fit_ls)
# show all chromsome fitness values #
# find and display best chromosome #
best_ch = max(self.chromosome_list, key=lambda ch :
self.prev_best_route = deepcopy(best_ch.route)
self.color_route(self.prev_best_route[1:], 'gold')
# find and display best chromosome #
# check if got to dst #
if best_ch.dst == best_ch.route[-1]:
# check if got to dst #
# after + update iterations #
self.master.after(self.iteration_timer, self.update)
self.iterations += 1
# after + update iterations #
def main():
iter_timer, ITER = 10, 350
r,c = 20,20
s,d = (13,11), (7,8)
population_size = [80,160]
cross_over_chance = [0.2,0.4,0.5]
for pop_size, CO_chance in product(population_size, cross_over_chance):
M_chance = 0.7 - CO_chance
ch_ls = [Chromosome(src=s, dst=d, directions=[Direction(randint(0,3)) for i in range(ITER)]) for i in range(pop_size)]
g = GUI(rows=r, cols=c, chromosomes = ch_ls, iteration_timer=iter_timer,
cross_over_chance=CO_chance, mutation_chance=M_chance, MAX_ITER=ITER-1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I do not know if you know the Python Profiling tool of Visual Studio, but it is quite useful in cases as yours (though I usually program with editors, like VS Code).
I have run your program and, as you said, it sometimes crashes. I have analyzed the code with the profiling tool and it seems that the problem is the function cross_over, specifically the random function:
I would strongly suggest reviewing your cross_over and mutation functions. The random function should not be called so many times (2 millions).
I have previously programmed Genetic Algorithms and, to me, it seems that your program is falling into a local minimum. What is suggested in these cases is playing with the percentage of mutation. Try to increase it a little bit so that you could get out of the local minimum.

Python Scatter plot

Got this question from 'how to think like a computer scientist' course:
Interpret the data file labdata.txt such that each line contains a an x,y coordinate pair. Write a function called plotRegression that reads the data from this file and uses a turtle to plot those points and a best fit line according to the following formulas:
my code doesnt seem to be working and i cant figure out why. it looks like python is interpreting the data as str as opposed to float.
def plotregression(t):
labfile = open('labdata.txt','r')
sumx = 0
sumy = 0
count = 0
sumprod = 0
sumsqrx =0
sumsqrnx = 0
for i in labfile:
points = i.split()
print (points)
sumx = sumx + int(points[0])
sumy = sumy + int(points[1])
prod = points[0]*int(points[1])
sumprod = sumprod + prod
count += 1
sqrx = int(points[0])**2
sumsqrx = sumsqrx + sqrx
sqrnx = int(points[0])**(-2)
sumsqrnx = sumsqrnx + sqrnx
avgx = sumx/count
avgy = sumy/count
m = (sumprod - count(avgx*avgy))/sumsqrx- (count(avgx**2))
for bestline in labfile:
line = bestline.split()
y= avgy + m(int(line[0])-avgx)
Appreciate your help.
I actually worked out the problem myself and it finally seems to be doing what i'm telling it to. But i would love to know if i can cut out any unnecessary lines of code. I'm thinking its a bit too long and i'm missing out something which would make this more simpler to do.
import turtle
wn= turtle.Screen()
kj = turtle.Turtle()
def plotregression(t):
sumx = 0
sumy = 0
count = 0
sumprod = 0
sumsqrx =0
labfile = open('labdata.txt','r')
for i in labfile:
points = i.split()
print (points)
sumx = sumx + int(points[0])
sumy = sumy + int(points[1])
prod = int(points[0])*int(points[1])
sumprod = sumprod + prod
count += 1
sqrx = int(points[0])**2
sumsqrx = sumsqrx + sqrx
avgx = sumx/count
avgy = sumy/count
m = (sumprod - count*(avgx*avgy))/(sumsqrx- (count*(avgx**2)))
print('M is: ',m )
labfile = open('labdata.txt','r')
besttfit = open('bestfit.txt','w')
for bestline in labfile:
line = bestline.split()
y = avgy + m*(int(line[0])-avgx)
print('y is:' ,y)
bestfitline = open('bestfit.txt','r')
for regline in bestfitline:
reg = regline.split()
t.write('Best fit line')
figure = plotregression(kj)
please let me know if i can cut down anywhere
I was solving the same problem form the interactive python. Here is how I did it.
import turtle
def plotRegression(data):
win = turtle.Screen()
t = turtle.Turtle()
x_list, y_list = [i[0] for i in plot_data], [i[1] for i in plot_data]
x_list, y_list = [float(i) for i in x_list], [float(i) for i in y_list]
x_sum, y_sum = sum(x_list), sum(y_list)
x_bar, y_bar = x_sum / len(x_list), y_sum / len(y_list)
x_list_square = [i ** 2 for i in x_list]
x_list_square_sum = sum(x_list_square)
xy_list = [x_list[i] * y_list[i] for i in range(len(x_list))]
xy_list_sum = sum(xy_list)
m = (xy_list_sum - len(x_list) * x_bar * y_bar) / (x_list_square_sum - len(x_list) * x_bar ** 2)
# best y
y_best = [ (y_bar + m * (x_list[i] - x_bar)) for i in range( len(x_list) ) ]
# plot points
max_x = max(x_list)
max_y = max(y_list)
win.setworldcoordinates(0, 0, max_x, max_y)
for i in range(len(x_list)):
t.setposition(x_list[i], y_list[i])
#plot best y
for i in range(len(x_list)):
with open('files/labdata.txt', 'r') as f:
plot_data = [aline.split() for aline in f]
I am about 5 years too late but here is my two cents.
The problem might be in the line:
This is telling the turtle to go to the string value of the points[0] and points[1].
For example, if points[0] stores the value of "50" and points[1] holds the value "60" then "50" + "60" would be return the string "5060"
This line might have problems as well:
prod = points[0]*int(points[1])
This is adding the string value in points[0] to the integer value in points[1]
In this case, using the previous values points[0] would be "50" and int(points[1]) would be 60. That is 60 and not "60". So you cant add the string "50" with the integer 60.
Here is how I worked out the problem:
import turtle
import math
import statistics as stats
def get_line(means, slope, xlist):
"""Return a list of best y values."""
line = [(means[1] + slope * (xlist[x] + means[0]))
for x in range(len(xlist))]
return line
def get_mtop(xlist, ylist, n, means):
"""Return top half of m expression."""
xbyy_list = [xlist[x] * ylist[x] for x in range(len(xlist))]
xbyy_sum = sum(xbyy_list)
nby_means = n * (means[0] * means[1])
top = xbyy_sum - nby_means
return top
def get_mbot(xlist, n, means):
"""Return bottom half of m expression."""
sqr_comprehension = [x**2 for x in xlist]
sqr_sum = sum(sqr_comprehension)
nbymean_sqr = n * means[0]**2
bot = sqr_sum - nbymean_sqr
return bot
def get_mean(xlist, ylist):
"""Return a tuple that contains the means of xlist and ylist
in form of (xmean,ymean)."""
xmean = stats.mean(xlist)
ymean = stats.mean(ylist)
return xmean, ymean
def plotRegression(input_file, input_turtle):
"""Draw the plot regression.""""
infile = open(input_file, 'r')
# Get a list of xcoor and a list of ycoor
xcoor = []
ycoor = []
for line in infile:
coor = line.split()
# Plot and count the points
num_points = 0
for count in range(len(xcoor)):
input_turtle.goto(xcoor[count], ycoor[count])
num_points += 1
# Get the mean values of the xcoor and ycoor lists
means_tup = get_mean(xcoor, ycoor)
# Get the value for M
mtop = get_mtop(xcoor, ycoor, num_points, means_tup)
mbot = get_mbot(xcoor, num_points, means_tup)
m = mtop / mbot
# Draw the line
yline = get_line(means_tup, m, xcoor)
input_turtle.goto(xcoor[0], yline[0])
for x in range(len(xcoor)):
print(xcoor[x], yline[x])
input_turtle.goto(xcoor[x], yline[x])
def main():
"""Create the canvas and the turtle. Call the function(s)"""
# Set up the screen
sc = turtle.Screen()
sc.setworldcoordinates(0, 0, 100, 100)
# Create the turtle
Donatello = turtle.Turtle()
# Run plot Regression
labdata = """C:\\Users\\user\\pathtofile\\labdata.txt"""
plotRegression(labdata, Donatello)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I don't know if this is the correct slope but it seems to be in the right direction. Hopefully this helps some one who has the same problem.

spiraling hexagonal grid in python

I want to create a hexagonal grid using XYZ coordinates that is constructed in a spiraling pattern. This is my current code, which produces a grid depicted by the red arrows below. My problem area is circled. Rather than going from [-1,0,1] to [0,-2,2] I need to move from [-1,0,1] to [-1,-1,2] (following the blue line).
The complete code appears below the hash line- I am creating the visualization in Blender 2.65a
radius = 11 # determines size of field
deltas = [[1,0,-1],[0,1,-1],[-1,1,0],[-1,0,1],[0,-1,1],[1,-1,0]]
hex_coords = []
for r in range(radius):
x = 0
y = -r
z = +r
points = x,y,z
for j in range(6):
if j==5:
num_of_hexas_in_edge = r-1
num_of_hexas_in_edge = r
for i in range(num_of_hexas_in_edge):
x = x+deltas[j][0]
y = y+deltas[j][1]
z = z+deltas[j][2]
plot = x,y,z
import bpy
FOXP2 = '''
set_size = len(FOXP2)
def makeMaterial(name, diffuse, specular, alpha):
mat =
mat.diffuse_color = diffuse
mat.diffuse_shader = 'LAMBERT'
mat.diffuse_intensity = 1.0
mat.specular_color = specular
mat.specular_shader = 'COOKTORR'
mat.specular_intensity = 0.5
mat.alpha = alpha
mat.ambient = 1
return mat
def setMaterial(ob, mat):
me =
# Create four materials
red = makeMaterial('Red', (1,0,0), (0,0,0), .5)
blue = makeMaterial('BlueSemi', (0,0,1), (0,0,0), 0.5)
green = makeMaterial('Green',(0,1,0), (0,0,0), 0.5)
yellow = makeMaterial('Yellow',(1,1,0), (0,0,0), 0.5)
black = makeMaterial('Black',(0,0,0), (0,0,0), 0.5)
white = makeMaterial('White',(1,1,1), (0,0,0), 0.5)
def make_sphere(volume, position):
create = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add
create(size=volume, location=position)
# Builds a list of coordinate points
radius = 11
deltas = [[1,0,-1],[0,1,-1],[-1,1,0],[-1,0,1],[0,-1,1],[1,-1,0]]
hex_coords = []
for r in range(radius):
x = 0
y = -r
z = +r
points = x,y,z
for j in range(6):
if j==5:
num_of_hexas_in_edge = r-1
num_of_hexas_in_edge = r
for i in range(num_of_hexas_in_edge):
x = x+deltas[j][0]
y = y+deltas[j][1]
z = z+deltas[j][2]
plot = x,y,z
# Color-codes sequence and appends to color_array
color_array = []
for x in FOXP2:
if x == 'A':
elif x == 'T':
elif x == 'C':
elif x == 'G':
# Pulls from sequence data and applies color to sphere
# Positions sphere to coordinates
# Pulls from color_code and applies color scheme to sphere object
for x in color_array:
if x =='RED':
coord_tuple = hex_coords.pop(0)
make_sphere(1, coord_tuple)
setMaterial(bpy.context.object, red)
elif x =='GREEN':
coord_tuple = hex_coords.pop(0)
make_sphere(1, coord_tuple)
setMaterial(bpy.context.object, green)
elif x =='BLUE':
coord_tuple = hex_coords.pop(0)
make_sphere(1, coord_tuple)
setMaterial(bpy.context.object, blue)
elif x =='YELLOW':
coord_tuple = hex_coords.pop(0)
make_sphere(1, coord_tuple)
setMaterial(bpy.context.object, yellow)

Mesh Generation for Computational Science in Python

I have a need for a Python module/package that provides a mesh on which I can do computational science? I am not doing graphics, so I don't think the blender package is what I want.
Does anyone know of a good package?
The most useful packages out there are perhaps
pygmsh, and
In addition, there is optimesh for improving the quality of any mesh.
(Disclaimer: I'm the author of pygmsh, pygalmesh, dmsh, meshzoo, and optimesh.)
If you're trying to solve FE or CFD style equations on a mesh you can use MeshPy in 2 and 3 dimensions. Meshpy is a nice wrapper around the existing tools tetgen and triangle.
If you're looking for more typical graphics style meshes, there was an interesting talk at PyCon 2011 "Algorithmic Generation of OpenGL Geometry", which described a pragmatic approach to procedural mesh generation. The code from the presentation is available online
If you're interested in reconstruction of surfaces from data, you can't go past the Standford 3D Scanning Repository, home of the Stanford Bunny
A dependancy free alternative may be to use something like gmsh, which is platform independent, and uses similar tools to meshpy in its back-end.
I recommend using NumPy (especially if you've used MATLAB before). Many computational scientists / mechanical engineers working in python might agree, but I'm biased as it found it's way into much of the last year of my research. It's part of SciPy:
I was fond of numpy.linspace(a,b,N) which makes an N length vector of equally spaced values from a to b. You can use numpy.ndarray to make a N x M matrix, or if you want 2D arrays use numpy.meshgrid.
Here is code adapted from Kardontchik's port,
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi as pi
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from scipy.optimize import fmin
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
def ktrimesh(p,bars,pflag=0):
# create the (x,y) data for the plot
xx1 = p[bars[:,0],0]; yy1 = p[bars[:,0],1]
xx2 = p[bars[:,1],0]; yy2 = p[bars[:,1],1]
xmin = np.min(p[:,0])
xmax = np.max(p[:,0])
ymin = np.min(p[:,1])
ymax = np.max(p[:,1])
xmin = xmin - 0.05*(xmax - xmin)
xmax = xmax + 0.05*(xmax - xmin)
ymin = ymin - 0.05*(ymax - ymin)
ymax = ymax + 0.05*(ymax - ymin)
for i in range(len(xx1)):
xp = np.array([xx1[i],xx2[i]])
yp = np.array([yy1[i],yy2[i]])
if pflag == 0:
stitle = 'Triangular Mesh'
if pflag == 1:
stitle = 'Visual Boundary Integrity Check'
#plt.title('Triangular Mesh')
return 1
def ccw_tri(p,t):
orients all the triangles counterclockwise
# vector A from vertex 0 to vertex 1
# vector B from vertex 0 to vertex 2
A01x = p[t[:,1],0] - p[t[:,0],0]
A01y = p[t[:,1],1] - p[t[:,0],1]
B02x = p[t[:,2],0] - p[t[:,0],0]
B02y = p[t[:,2],1] - p[t[:,0],1]
# if vertex 2 lies to the left of vector A the component z of
# their vectorial product A^B is positive
Cz = A01x*B02y - A01y*B02x
a = t[np.where(Cz<0)]
b = t[np.where(Cz>=0)]
a[:,[1,2]] = a[:,[2,1]]
t = np.concatenate((a, b))
return t
def triqual_flag(p,t):
# a(1,0), b(2,0), c(2,1)
a = np.sqrt((p[t[:,1],0] - p[t[:,0],0])**2 + (p[t[:,1],1] - p[t[:,0],1])**2)
b = np.sqrt((p[t[:,2],0] - p[t[:,0],0])**2 + (p[t[:,2],1] - p[t[:,0],1])**2)
c = np.sqrt((p[t[:,2],0] - p[t[:,1],0])**2 + (p[t[:,2],1] - p[t[:,1],1])**2)
A = 0.25*np.sqrt((a+b+c)*(b+c-a)*(a+c-b)*(a+b-c))
R = 0.25*(a*b*c)/A
r = 0.5*np.sqrt( (a+b-c)*(b+c-a)*(a+c-b)/(a+b+c) )
q = 2.0*(r/R)
min_edge = np.minimum(np.minimum(a,b),c)
min_angle_deg = (180.0/np.pi)*np.arcsin(0.5*min_edge/R)
min_q = np.min(q)
min_ang = np.min(min_angle_deg)
return min_q, min_ang
def triqual(p,t,fh,qlim=0.2):
# a(1,0), b(2,0), c(2,1)
a = np.sqrt((p[t[:,1],0] - p[t[:,0],0])**2 + (p[t[:,1],1] - p[t[:,0],1])**2)
b = np.sqrt((p[t[:,2],0] - p[t[:,0],0])**2 + (p[t[:,2],1] - p[t[:,0],1])**2)
c = np.sqrt((p[t[:,2],0] - p[t[:,1],0])**2 + (p[t[:,2],1] - p[t[:,1],1])**2)
A = 0.25*np.sqrt((a+b+c)*(b+c-a)*(a+c-b)*(a+b-c))
R = 0.25*(a*b*c)/A
r = 0.5*np.sqrt( (a+b-c)*(b+c-a)*(a+c-b)/(a+b+c) )
q = 2.0*(r/R)
pmid = (p[t[:,0]] + p[t[:,1]] + p[t[:,2]])/3.0
hmid = fh(pmid)
Ah = A/hmid
Anorm = Ah/np.mean(Ah)
min_edge = np.minimum(np.minimum(a,b),c)
min_angle_deg = (180.0/np.pi)*np.arcsin(0.5*min_edge/R)
plt.title('Histogram;Triangle Statistics:q-factor,Minimum Angle and Area')
plt.ylabel('Number of Triangles')
plt.xlabel('Note: for equilateral triangles q = 1 and angle = 60 deg')
indq = np.where(q < qlim) # indq is a tuple: len(indq) = 1
if list(indq[0]) != []:
print ('List of triangles with q < %5.3f and the (x,y) location of their nodes' % qlim)
print ('')
print ('q t[i] t[nodes] [x,y][0] [x,y][1] [x,y][2]')
for i in indq[0]:
print ('%.2f %4d [%4d,%4d,%4d] [%+.2f,%+.2f] [%+.2f,%+.2f] [%+.2f,%+.2f]' % \
print ('')
# end of detailed data on worst offenders
return q,min_angle_deg,Anorm
class Circle:
def __init__(self,xc,yc,r):
self.xc, self.yc, self.r = xc, yc, r
def __call__(self,p):
xc, yc, r = self.xc, self.yc, self.r
d = np.sqrt((p[:,0] - xc)**2 + (p[:,1] - yc)**2) - r
return d
class Rectangle:
def __init__(self,x1,x2,y1,y2):
self.x1, self.x2, self.y1, self.y2 = x1,x2,y1,y2
def __call__(self,p):
x1,x2,y1,y2 = self.x1, self.x2, self.y1, self.y2
d1 = p[:,1] - y1 # if p inside d1 > 0
d2 = y2 - p[:,1] # if p inside d2 > 0
d3 = p[:,0] - x1 # if p inside d3 > 0
d4 = x2 - p[:,0] # if p inside d4 > 0
d = -np.minimum(np.minimum(np.minimum(d1,d2),d3),d4)
return d
class Polygon:
def __init__(self,verts):
self.verts = verts
def __call__(self,p):
verts = self.verts
# close the polygon
cverts = np.zeros((len(verts)+1,2))
cverts[0:-1] = verts
cverts[-1] = verts[0]
# initialize
inside = np.zeros(len(p))
dist = np.zeros(len(p))
Cz = np.zeros(len(verts)) # z-components of the vectorial products
dist_to_edge = np.zeros(len(verts))
in_ref = np.ones(len(verts))
# if np.sign(Cz) == in_ref then point is inside
for j in range(len(p)):
Cz = (cverts[1:,0] - cverts[0:-1,0])*(p[j,1] - cverts[0:-1,1]) - \
(cverts[1:,1] - cverts[0:-1,1])*(p[j,0] - cverts[0:-1,0])
dist_to_edge = Cz/np.sqrt( \
(cverts[1:,0] - cverts[0:-1,0])**2 + \
(cverts[1:,1] - cverts[0:-1,1])**2)
inside[j] = int(np.array_equal(np.sign(Cz),in_ref))
dist[j] = (1 - 2*inside[j])*np.min(np.abs(dist_to_edge))
return dist
class Union:
def __init__(self,fd1,fd2):
self.fd1, self.fd2 = fd1, fd2
def __call__(self,p):
fd1,fd2 = self.fd1, self.fd2
d = np.minimum(fd1(p),fd2(p))
return d
class Diff:
def __init__(self,fd1,fd2):
self.fd1, self.fd2 = fd1, fd2
def __call__(self,p):
fd1,fd2 = self.fd1, self.fd2
d = np.maximum(fd1(p),-fd2(p))
return d
class Intersect:
def __init__(self,fd1,fd2):
self.fd1, self.fd2 = fd1, fd2
def __call__(self,p):
fd1,fd2 = self.fd1, self.fd2
d = np.maximum(fd1(p),fd2(p))
return d
class Protate:
def __init__(self,phi):
self.phi = phi
def __call__(self,p):
phi = self.phi
c = np.cos(phi)
s = np.sin(phi)
temp = np.copy(p[:,0])
rp = np.copy(p)
rp[:,0] = c*p[:,0] - s*p[:,1]
rp[:,1] = s*temp + c*p[:,1]
return rp
class Pshift:
def __init__(self,x0,y0):
self.x0, self.y0 = x0,y0
def __call__(self,p):
x0, y0 = self.x0, self.y0
p[:,0] = p[:,0] + x0
p[:,1] = p[:,1] + y0
return p
def Ellipse_dist_to_minimize(t,p,xc,yc,a,b):
x = xc + a*np.cos(t) # coord x of the point on the ellipse
y = yc + b*np.sin(t) # coord y of the point on the ellipse
dist = (p[0] - x)**2 + (p[1] - y)**2
return dist
class Ellipse:
def __init__(self,xc,yc,a,b):
self.xc, self.yc, self.a, self.b = xc, yc, a, b
self.t, self.verts = self.pick_points_on_shape()
def pick_points_on_shape(self):
xc, yc, a, b = self.xc, self.yc, self.a, self.b
c = np.array([xc,yc])
t = np.linspace(0,(7.0/4.0)*pi,8)
verts = np.zeros((8,2))
verts[:,0] = c[0] + a*np.cos(t)
verts[:,1] = c[1] + b*np.sin(t)
return t, verts
def inside_ellipse(self,p):
xc, yc, a, b = self.xc, self.yc, self.a, self.b
c = np.array([xc,yc])
r, phase = self.rect_to_polar(p-c)
r_ellipse = self.rellipse(phase)
in_ref = np.ones(len(p))
inside = 0.5 + 0.5*np.sign(r_ellipse-r)
return inside
def rect_to_polar(self,p):
r = np.sqrt(p[:,0]**2 + p[:,1]**2)
phase = np.arctan2(p[:,1],p[:,0])
# note: np.arctan2(y,x) order; phase in +/- pi (+/- 180deg)
return r, phase
def rellipse(self,phi):
a, b = self.a, self.b
r = a*b/np.sqrt((b*np.cos(phi))**2 + (a*np.sin(phi))**2)
return r
def find_closest_vertex(self,point):
t, verts = self.t, self.verts
dist = np.zeros(len(t))
for i in range(len(t)):
dist[i] = (point[0] - verts[i,0])**2 + (point[1] - verts[i,1])**2
ind = np.argmin(dist)
t0 = t[ind]
return t0
def __call__(self,p):
xc, yc, a, b = self.xc, self.yc, self.a, self.b
t, verts = self.t, self.verts
dist = np.zeros(len(p))
inside = self.inside_ellipse(p)
for j in range(len(p)):
t0 = self.find_closest_vertex(p[j]) # initial guess to minimizer
opt = fmin(Ellipse_dist_to_minimize,t0, \
# add full_output=1 so we can retrieve the min dist(squared)
# (2nd argument of opt array, 1st argument is the optimum t)
min_dist = np.sqrt(opt[1])
dist[j] = min_dist*(1 - 2*inside[j])
return dist
def distmesh(fd,fh,h0,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,pfix,ttol=0.1,dptol=0.001,Iflag=1,qmin=1.0):
geps = 0.001*h0; deltat = 0.2; Fscale = 1.2
deps = h0 * np.sqrt(np.spacing(1))
random_seed = 17
h0x = h0; h0y = h0*np.sqrt(3)/2 # to obtain equilateral triangles
Nx = int(np.floor((xmax - xmin)/h0x))
Ny = int(np.floor((ymax - ymin)/h0y))
x = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,Nx)
y = np.linspace(ymin,ymax,Ny)
# create the grid in the (x,y) plane
xx,yy = np.meshgrid(x,y)
xx[1::2] = xx[1::2] + h0x/2.0 # shifts even rows by h0x/2
p = np.zeros((np.size(xx),2))
p[:,0] = np.reshape(xx,np.size(xx))
p[:,1] = np.reshape(yy,np.size(yy))
p = np.delete(p,np.where(fd(p) > geps),axis=0)
r0 = 1.0/fh(p)**2
p = np.concatenate((pfix,p[np.random.rand(len(p))<r0/max(r0),:]))
pold = np.inf
Num_of_Delaunay_triangulations = 0
Num_of_Node_movements = 0 # dp = F*dt
while (1):
Num_of_Node_movements += 1
if Iflag == 1 or Iflag == 3: # Newton flag
print ('Num_of_Node_movements = %3d' % (Num_of_Node_movements))
if np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum((p - pold)**2,axis = 1))) > ttol:
Num_of_Delaunay_triangulations += 1
if Iflag == 1 or Iflag == 3: # Delaunay flag
print ('Num_of_Delaunay_triangulations = %3d' % \
pold = p
tri = Delaunay(p) # instantiate a class
t = tri.vertices
pmid = (p[t[:,0]] + p[t[:,1]] + p[t[:,2]])/3.0
t = t[np.where(fd(pmid) < -geps)]
bars = np.concatenate((t[:,[0,1]],t[:,[0,2]], t[:,[1,2]]))
bars = np.unique(np.sort(bars),axis=0)
if Iflag == 4:
min_q, min_angle_deg = triqual_flag(p,t)
print ('Del iter: %3d, min q = %5.2f, min angle = %3.0f deg' \
% (Num_of_Delaunay_triangulations, min_q, min_angle_deg))
if min_q > qmin:
if Iflag == 2 or Iflag == 3:
# move mesh points based on bar lengths L and forces F
barvec = p[bars[:,0],:] - p[bars[:,1],:]
L = np.sqrt(np.sum(barvec**2,axis=1))
hbars = 0.5*(fh(p[bars[:,0],:]) + fh(p[bars[:,1],:]))
L0 = hbars*Fscale*np.sqrt(np.sum(L**2)/np.sum(hbars**2))
F = np.maximum(L0-L,0)
Fvec = np.column_stack((F,F))*(barvec/np.column_stack((L,L)))
Ftot = np.zeros((len(p),2))
n = len(bars)
for j in range(n):
Ftot[bars[j,0],:] += Fvec[j,:] # the : for the (x,y) components
Ftot[bars[j,1],:] -= Fvec[j,:]
# force = 0 at fixed points, so they do not move:
Ftot[0: len(pfix),:] = 0
# update the node positions
p = p + deltat*Ftot
# bring outside points back to the boundary
d = fd(p); ix = d > 0 # find points outside (d > 0)
dpx = np.column_stack((p[ix,0] + deps,p[ix,1]))
dgradx = (fd(dpx) - d[ix])/deps
dpy = np.column_stack((p[ix,0], p[ix,1] + deps))
dgrady = (fd(dpy) - d[ix])/deps
p[ix,:] = p[ix,:] - np.column_stack((dgradx*d[ix], dgrady*d[ix]))
# termination criterium: all interior nodes move less than dptol:
if max(np.sqrt(np.sum(deltat*Ftot[d<-geps,:]**2,axis=1))/h0) < dptol:
final_tri = Delaunay(p) # another instantiation of the class
t = final_tri.vertices
pmid = (p[t[:,0]] + p[t[:,1]] + p[t[:,2]])/3.0
# keep the triangles whose geometrical center is inside the shape
t = t[np.where(fd(pmid) < -geps)]
bars = np.concatenate((t[:,[0,1]],t[:,[0,2]], t[:,[1,2]]))
# delete repeated bars
#bars = unique_rows(np.sort(bars))
bars = np.unique(np.sort(bars),axis=0)
# orient all the triangles counterclockwise (ccw)
t = ccw_tri(p,t)
# graphical output of the current mesh
return p,t,bars
def boundary_bars(t):
# create the bars (edges) of every triangle
bars = np.concatenate((t[:,[0,1]],t[:,[0,2]], t[:,[1,2]]))
# sort all the bars
data = np.sort(bars)
# find the bars that are not repeated
Delaunay_bars = dict()
for row in data:
row = tuple(row)
if row in Delaunay_bars:
Delaunay_bars[row] += 1
Delaunay_bars[row] = 1
# return the keys of Delaunay_bars whose value is 1 (non-repeated bars)
bbars = []
for key in Delaunay_bars:
if Delaunay_bars[key] == 1:
bbars = np.asarray(bbars)
return bbars
def plot_shapes(xc,yc,r):
# circle for plotting
t_cir = np.linspace(0,2*pi)
x_cir = xc + r*np.cos(t_cir)
y_cir = yc + r*np.sin(t_cir)
xc = 0; yc = 0; r = 1.0
x1,y1 = -1.0,-2.0
x2,y2 = 2.0,3.0
xmin = -1.5; ymin = -1.5
xmax = 1.5; ymax = 1.5
h0 = 0.4
pfix = np.zeros((0,2)) # null 2D array, no fixed points provided
fd = Circle(xc,yc,r)
fh = lambda p: np.ones(len(p))
p,t,bars = distmesh(fd,fh,h0,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,pfix,Iflag=4)

