Problem building a complete binary tree of height 'h' in Python - python

Here is my code. The complete binary tree has 2^k nodes at depth k.
class Node:
def __init__(self, data):
# initializes the data members
self.left = None
self.right = None = data
root = Node(data_root)
def create_complete_tree():
row = [root]
for i in range(h):
newrow = []
for node in row:
left = Node(data1)
right = Node(data2)
node.left = left
node.right = right
row = copy.deepcopy(newrow)
def traverse_tree(node):
if node == None:
print 'Node traversal'
The tree traversal only gives the data of root and its children. What am I doing wrong?

The main problem here is that you are using deepcopy on the temporary list. Consider what happens each iteration:
Your initial root gets inspected, and child nodes get created
These child nodes are placed in newrow
Copies of these child nodes are copied into row for the next iteration.
This means the subsequent iteration will not be mutating the nodes you created (and which root.left and root.right points to), but copies of them, leaving the originals in their current state (with None for .left and .right)


Removing a node from binary tree

I'm currently working on leetcode problem 366 where we have to find list of lists that contains values of leaves of each generation. I wanted to achieve this by recursion where if a node does not have left or right child, the value is recorded then the node removed by setting it to None. Here is my code:
def findLeaves(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> List[List[int]]:
leaf_list = []
sub_list = []
def traverse(node):
if node == None:
if node.left == None and node.right == None:
node = None
return root
while True:
if root == None:
sub_list = []
return leaf_list
The problem seems to be that when a certain node is set to None, that change isn't retained. Why is it that I can't set a node to None to remove it?
The tree can only be mutated when you assign to one if its node's attributes. An assignment to a variable, only changes what the variable represents. Such assignment never impacts whatever previous value that variable had. Assigning to a variable is like switching from one value to another without affecting any data structure. So you need to adapt your code such that the assignment of None is done to a left or right attribute.
The exception is for the root node itself. When the root is a leaf, then there is no parent to mutate. You will then just discard the tree and switch to an empty one (None).
One way to achieve this, is to use the return value of traverse to update the child-reference (left or right) that the caller of traverse needs to update.
Here is your code with those adaptations:
def findLeaves(root):
sub_list = []
def traverse(node):
if not node:
if not node.left and not node.right:
return # By returning None, the parent can remove it
node.left = traverse(node.left) # Assign the returned node reference
node.right = traverse(node.right)
return node # Return the node (parent does not need to remove it)
leaf_list = []
while root:
sub_list = []
root = traverse(root)
return leaf_list

How to fix NoneType error in Python Binary Search Tree?

I'm creating a basic binary search tree program where the nodes have to be strings however, I keep getting this error:
'builtins.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'addNode'
I'm a bit confused because I thought you had to declare the children nodes as None. My code is below (please excuse the messiness and extra print statements):
class BinarySearchTree:
#constructor with insertion value & left/right nodes as None
def __init__(self, data): = data
self.left = None
self.right = None
#function to insert node
def addNode(root, data):
#when tree doesn't exist
if root == None:
return BinarySearchTree(data)
#when node is already in tree
if == data:
return root
#smaller values go left
elif data <
#bigger values go right
return root
#function to find smallest node value (to help with deletion)
def smallestNode(root):
node = root
#loop goes to lowest left leaf
while(node.left is not None):
node = node.left
return node
#function to delete node
def removeNode(root, data):
if root == None:
return root
#when node to be deleted in smaller than root, go left
if data <
root.left = root.left.removeNode(data)
#when node to be deleted in bigger than root, go right
elif data >
root.right = root.right.removeNode(data)
##when node to be deleted in the same as root...
#when node has only 1 or 0 children
if root.right == None:
move = root.left
root = None
return move
elif root.left == None:
move = root.right
root = None
return move
#when node has 2 children, copy then delete smallest node
move = root.right.smallestNode() =
root.right = root.right.removeNode(
return root
def findNode(root, data):
#if current node is equal to data value then return the root
if == data or root == None:
return root
#if current node is greater than the data value then, search to the left
elif data <
return root.left.findNode(data)
#if current node is less than the data value then, search to the right
return root.right.findNode(data)
def createBST(keys):
root = BinarySearchTree(keys[0])
for i in range(1,len(keys)):
return root
print('Hi! Welcome to the Binary Search Tree Builder')
print('Here are your options below:')
print('1) Build new tree')
print('2) Add a node')
print('3) Find a node')
print('4) Delete a node')
choice = int(input('What would you like to do?: '))
if choice == 1:
nodes = list(input("Enter the strings you would like to build your tree from (separate by a space): ").split())
tree = createBST(nodes)
I'm wondering where exactly is this error coming from and how can I fix it? Also, if you see any other problems occuring in my code, please let me know!
You have conflated the notion of "tree node" and "tree". What you have there is a mixture of the two. Remember, the first parameter to ALL member functions should be "self". Replacing "root" by "self" might make your problem more clear.
So, you might create a BinaryTree class, which has a single member called self.root that holds a BinaryTreeNode object, once you have a node. The nodes will hold the left and right values, each of which will either have None or a BinaryTreeNode object. The node class probably doesn't need much code -- just self.left and self.right.
The BinaryTree class will have an addNode member that knows how to traverse the tree to find the right spot, but when you find the spot, you just set self.left = BinaryTreeNode(...). A node does not know about the tree, so a node does not know how to add new nodes. That's a function of the tree itself.
Does that make your path forward more clear?

How does Python represent the LinkedList in terms of memory reference?

Note: I prefer to not use any external module since it is for interview prep purpose.
I know that there is no a built-in linked-list DS in python. However, we can implement the linked-list through a class Node. In the following code, I did a method (intersect_ll) to find an intersection between two linkedlists where the definition of intersections: node(s) are in the same order and value in the both linkedlists:
class Node:
def __init__(self, data=None, next=None): = data = next
class SingleLinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
def add_node(self, data):
newNode = Node(data)
if self.head:
current = self.head
current = = newNode
self.head = newNode
def print_ll(self):
current = self.head
ll_data = []
while current:
ll_data += []
current =
return ll_data
def intesect_ll (self, first_ll, second_ll):
current_first = first_ll.head
current_second = second_ll.head
if current_first is None or current_second is None:
return False
list_intersect = []
while current_first and current_second:
if ==
list_intersect += []
current_first =
current_second =
for item in list_intersect:
return self.print_ll()
My Question is: :
I am pretty new to python so I am struggling to understand why comparing instead by memory reference is not working. In other word, why python did not give these two nodes with the same value and order in both linkedlists, the same memory location ?!. Is that because I am implementing my own data-structure and hence,I assume that python would take care of the rest which is not the reality?
if current_first is current_second
compiler result:
it gives two different memory references for the both nodes of the same value and order in both linkedlists. Hence, this does not work and need to make it (.data) comparing by value then.
I found out that what I expect from python to do in terms of memory management is not that what really happens. I need to allocate the same object and then reference it in both linked lists in order to comparing by reference becomes a valid solution.
assign ObjectA : locationA in memory
linkedlist1: --> LocationA ---> n nodes
linkedlist2: --> LocationA ----> k nodes
Otherwise, they are completely two different linkedlists and the interpreter would assign each one of the nodes into different memory location:
linkedlist1: ---> locationX -- n nodes
linkedlist2: ---> locationY --- k nodes
Hope that helps anyone would have the same concern

BST problems in python

class BST:
"""A Binary Search Tree."""
def __init__(self: 'BST', container: list =None) -> None:
Initialize this BST by inserting the items from container (default [])
one by one, in the order given.
# Initialize empty tree.
self.root = None
# Insert every item from container.
if container:
for item in container:
def insert(self: 'BST', item: object) -> None:
Insert item into this BST.
# Find the point of insertion.
parent, current = None, self.root
while current:
if item < current.item:
parent, current = current, current.left
else: # item > current.item
parent, current = current, current.right
# Create a new node and link it in appropriately.
new_node = _BSTNode(item)
if parent:
if item < parent.item:
parent.left = new_node
else: # item > parent.item
parent.right = new_node
self.root = new_node
this is the code that I built for the BST class, I would like implement a max_node function that finds the maximum node without using recursion , how am I suppose to do that?
In a BST, the maximum node is simply the right-most node, so start at the head and just keep taking right children until you hit a node with no right child. This can easily be done iteratively (and in fact, that's probably how I would do it anyway).
In pseudocode:
max_node = head
while hasRightChild(max_node)
max_node = max_node.right_child;

how to iterate through a binary search tree in python(no recursion)

So far I have
def tree_iterate():
parent, current = None, self.root
lst = []
while current is not None:
if current.left not None:
parent, current = current, current.left
if current.right not None:
parent, current = current, current.right
(sorry about spacing I'm quite new at this)
I'm not quite sure how to iterate on both sides of the tree when current has left and right, without using recursion. My main goal is to have a list of all the nodes in this BSTenter code here
To get a list of all nodes in the BST iteratively, use Breadth-First Search (BFS). Note that this won't give you the nodes in sorted order:
queue = [root]
result = []
while queue:
l = queue.pop(0)
if l.left != None:
if l.right!= None:
If you want the nodes in sorted order, you will need to simulate inorder traversal using a stack:
result = []
stack = [root]
while stack:
stack[-1].visited = True
if stack[-1].left != None and not stack[-1].left.visited:
node = stack.pop()
if stack[-1].right != None:

