How to fix NoneType error in Python Binary Search Tree? - python

I'm creating a basic binary search tree program where the nodes have to be strings however, I keep getting this error:
'builtins.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'addNode'
I'm a bit confused because I thought you had to declare the children nodes as None. My code is below (please excuse the messiness and extra print statements):
class BinarySearchTree:
#constructor with insertion value & left/right nodes as None
def __init__(self, data): = data
self.left = None
self.right = None
#function to insert node
def addNode(root, data):
#when tree doesn't exist
if root == None:
return BinarySearchTree(data)
#when node is already in tree
if == data:
return root
#smaller values go left
elif data <
#bigger values go right
return root
#function to find smallest node value (to help with deletion)
def smallestNode(root):
node = root
#loop goes to lowest left leaf
while(node.left is not None):
node = node.left
return node
#function to delete node
def removeNode(root, data):
if root == None:
return root
#when node to be deleted in smaller than root, go left
if data <
root.left = root.left.removeNode(data)
#when node to be deleted in bigger than root, go right
elif data >
root.right = root.right.removeNode(data)
##when node to be deleted in the same as root...
#when node has only 1 or 0 children
if root.right == None:
move = root.left
root = None
return move
elif root.left == None:
move = root.right
root = None
return move
#when node has 2 children, copy then delete smallest node
move = root.right.smallestNode() =
root.right = root.right.removeNode(
return root
def findNode(root, data):
#if current node is equal to data value then return the root
if == data or root == None:
return root
#if current node is greater than the data value then, search to the left
elif data <
return root.left.findNode(data)
#if current node is less than the data value then, search to the right
return root.right.findNode(data)
def createBST(keys):
root = BinarySearchTree(keys[0])
for i in range(1,len(keys)):
return root
print('Hi! Welcome to the Binary Search Tree Builder')
print('Here are your options below:')
print('1) Build new tree')
print('2) Add a node')
print('3) Find a node')
print('4) Delete a node')
choice = int(input('What would you like to do?: '))
if choice == 1:
nodes = list(input("Enter the strings you would like to build your tree from (separate by a space): ").split())
tree = createBST(nodes)
I'm wondering where exactly is this error coming from and how can I fix it? Also, if you see any other problems occuring in my code, please let me know!

You have conflated the notion of "tree node" and "tree". What you have there is a mixture of the two. Remember, the first parameter to ALL member functions should be "self". Replacing "root" by "self" might make your problem more clear.
So, you might create a BinaryTree class, which has a single member called self.root that holds a BinaryTreeNode object, once you have a node. The nodes will hold the left and right values, each of which will either have None or a BinaryTreeNode object. The node class probably doesn't need much code -- just self.left and self.right.
The BinaryTree class will have an addNode member that knows how to traverse the tree to find the right spot, but when you find the spot, you just set self.left = BinaryTreeNode(...). A node does not know about the tree, so a node does not know how to add new nodes. That's a function of the tree itself.
Does that make your path forward more clear?


Inserting a node in a complete binary tree with python

How to insert a node in a complete binary tree without using queue DS? I tried the following code:
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, value=None) -> None:
self.left = None
self.value = value
self.right = None
class Tree:
def __init__(self, root=None) -> None:
self.__root = root if not root else TreeNode(root)
self.__len = 1 if root else 0
def append(self, data, root="_"):
if self.__root.value is None:
self.__root = TreeNode(data)
self.__len += 1
root = self.__root if root == "_" else root
if not root:
return False
if root.left is None and root.right is None:
root.left = TreeNode(data)
self.__len += 1
return True
elif root.left is not None and root.right is None:
root.right = TreeNode(data)
self.__len += 1
return True
elif root.left is not None and root.right is not None:
if self.append(data, root.left):
self.append(data, root.right)
the recursive call of that function always add the new node on the left side of the tree, so what should I do to make it recursively checks the right side too?
First of all, the first line in your append code seems to give a special meaning to the value in the root node. When it is None it is not considered a real node, but to represent an empty tree. This is not a good approach. An empty tree is represented by a __root that is None -- nothing else. I would also suggest to remove the optional data argument from the constructor. Either the constructor should allow an arbitrary number of values or none at all. To allow one is odd and strengthens the idea that a tree could have a special None in its root node.
To the core of your question. There is nice attribute to complete binary trees. The paths from the root to a leaf can be represented by a bit pattern, where a 0 means "go left" and a 1 means "go right". And the path to the "slot" where a new node should be injected has a relationship with the size of the tree once that node has been added:
new size
binary representation
path to new node
In general the path to the new node is defined by the bits in the binary representation of the new tree size, ignoring the leftmost 1.
This leads to the following code:
class Tree:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.__root = None
self.__len = 0
def append(self, data):
self.__len += 1
if self.__len == 1: # First node
self.__root = TreeNode(data)
node = self.__root
# Iterate all the bits except the leftmost 1 and the final bit
for bit in bin(self.__len)[3:-1]:
node = [node.left, node.right][int(bit)] # Choose side
if self.__len & 1: # Use final bit to determine where child goes:
node.right = TreeNode(data)
node.left = TreeNode(data)

Removing a node from binary tree

I'm currently working on leetcode problem 366 where we have to find list of lists that contains values of leaves of each generation. I wanted to achieve this by recursion where if a node does not have left or right child, the value is recorded then the node removed by setting it to None. Here is my code:
def findLeaves(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> List[List[int]]:
leaf_list = []
sub_list = []
def traverse(node):
if node == None:
if node.left == None and node.right == None:
node = None
return root
while True:
if root == None:
sub_list = []
return leaf_list
The problem seems to be that when a certain node is set to None, that change isn't retained. Why is it that I can't set a node to None to remove it?
The tree can only be mutated when you assign to one if its node's attributes. An assignment to a variable, only changes what the variable represents. Such assignment never impacts whatever previous value that variable had. Assigning to a variable is like switching from one value to another without affecting any data structure. So you need to adapt your code such that the assignment of None is done to a left or right attribute.
The exception is for the root node itself. When the root is a leaf, then there is no parent to mutate. You will then just discard the tree and switch to an empty one (None).
One way to achieve this, is to use the return value of traverse to update the child-reference (left or right) that the caller of traverse needs to update.
Here is your code with those adaptations:
def findLeaves(root):
sub_list = []
def traverse(node):
if not node:
if not node.left and not node.right:
return # By returning None, the parent can remove it
node.left = traverse(node.left) # Assign the returned node reference
node.right = traverse(node.right)
return node # Return the node (parent does not need to remove it)
leaf_list = []
while root:
sub_list = []
root = traverse(root)
return leaf_list

Binary Tree: How Do Class Instances Link?

I am trying to understand binary trees, but doing so has brought me to confusion about how class instances interact, how does each instance link to another?
My Implementation:
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, key):
self.key= key
self.L = None
self.R = None
class BinaryTree(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def get_root(self):
return self.root
def insert(self, key):
if self.get_root()==None:
self.root = Node(key)
self._insert(key, self.root)
def _insert(self, key, node):
if key < node.key:
if node.L == None:
node.L = key
self._insert(key, Node(node.L))
if key > node.key:
if node.R == None:
node.R = key
self._insert(key, Node(node.R))
myTree= BinaryTree()
A Scenario
So lets say I want to insert 10, I do myTree.insert(10) and this will instantiate a new instance of Node(), this is clear to me.
Now I want to add 11, I would expect this to become the right node of the root node; i.e it will be stored in the attribute R of the root node Node().
Now here comes the part I don't understand. When I add 12, it should become the child of the root nodes right child. In my code this creates a new instance of Node() where 11 should the be key and 12 should be R.
So my question is 2-fold: what happens to the last instance of Node()? Is it deleted if not how do I access it?
Or is the structure of a binary tree to abstract to think of each Node() connected together like in a graph
NB: this implementation is heavily derived from djra's implementation from this question How to Implement a Binary Tree?
Make L and R Nodes instead of ints. You can do this by changing the parts of your _insert function from this:
if node.L == None:
node.L = key
to this:
if node.L == None:
node.L = Node(key)
There is also a problem with this line:
self._insert(key, Node(node.L))
The way you're doing it right now, there is no way to access that last reference of Node() because your _insert function inserted it under an anonymously constructed node that has no parent node, and therefore is not a part of your tree. That node being passed in to your insert function is not the L or R of any other node in the tree, so you're not actually adding anything to the tree with this.
Now that we changed the Ls and Rs to be Nodes, you have a way to pass in a node that's part of the tree into the insert function:
self._insert(key, node.L)
Now you're passing the node's left child into the recursive insert, which by the looks of thing is what you were originally trying to do.
Once you make these changes in your code for both the L and R insert cases you can get to the last instance of Node() in your
example tree via myTree.root.R.R. You can get its key via myTree.root.R.R.key, which equals 12.
Most of you're questions come from not finishing the program; In your current code after myTree.insert(11) you're tree is setting R equal to a int rather than another Node.
If the value isn't found then create the new node at that point. Otherwise pass the next node into the recursive function to keep moving further down the tree.
def _insert(self, key, node):
if key < node.key:
if node.L == None:
node.L = Node(key)
self._insert(key, node.L)
if key > node.key:
if node.R == None:
node.R = Node(key)
self._insert(key, node.R)
P.S. This isn't finished you're going to need another level of logic testing incase something is bigger than the current Node.key but smaller than the next Node.

Find number of elements smaller than a given element in BST

I have been struggling with this problem for a while and I am a Python beginner when it comes to BST, so I would appreciate some help. I am dynamically adding elements from an (unsorted) array into BST. That part is fine, I know how to do that. The next step, proved to be impossible with my current skill set. As I am adding elements to the tree, I need to be able to find current rank of any element in the tree. I know there are subtleties in this problem, so I would need help to at least find the number of nodes that are below the given node in BST. For example, in this case, node 15 has nodes 10,5 and 13 below it, so the function will return 3. Here is my existing code [this is a problem from Cracking the coding interview, chapter 11]
class Node:
"""docstring for Node"""
def __init__(self, data): = data
class BSTree:
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def addNode(self, data):
return Node(data)
def insert(self, root, data):
if root == None:
return self.addNode(data)
if data <=
root.left = self.insert(root.left, data)
root.right = self.insert(root.right, data)
return root
def getRankOfNumber(self,root,x):
if root==None:
return 0
if x> :
return self.getRankOfNumber(root.right,x)+root.numLeftChildren+1
return root.numLeftChildren
return self.getRankOfNumber(root.left,x)
You can go by this approach:
1. Have 2 more fields in each node numLeftChildren and numRightChildren.
2. Initialize both of them to 0 when you create a new node.
3. At the time of insertion, you make a comparison if the newly added node's
key is less than root's key than you increment, root's numLeftChildren and
call recursion on root's left child with the new node.
4. Do Same thing if new node's key is greater than root's key.
Now, come back to your original problem, You have to find out the number of children in left subtree. Just find out that node in O(logN) time and just print the numLeftChildren
Time Complexity: O(logN)
PS: I have added another field numRightChildren which you can remove if you are always interested in knowing the number of nodes in left subtree only.
You could modify your BST to contain the number of nodes beneath each node.
Or you could iterate over a traditional BST from least to greatest, counting as you go, and stop counting when you find a node of the required value.
You could simplify the code by using just instances of the Node class, as your BSTree instance operates on the root node anyway. Another optimization could be to not represent duplicate values as separate nodes, but instead use a counter of occurrences of the key:
class Node:
def __init__(self, data): = data
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.num_left_children = 0
self.occurrences = 1
def insert(self, data):
if data <
if self.left is None:
self.left = Node(data)
self.num_left_children += 1
elif data >
if self.right is None:
self.right = Node(data)
self.occurrences += 1
def get_rank(self, data):
if data <
return self.left.get_rank(data)
elif data >
return (self.occurrences + self.num_left_children +
return self.num_left_children
root = Node(20)
print(root.get_rank(15)) # 4
You can use the below function to find the number of the nodes in the tree (including the root).
def countNodes(self, root):
if root == None:
return 0
return (1 + countNodes(root.left) + countNodes(root.right));
To find the number of nodes that lie below root, subtract 1 from the value returned by the function. I think this will help get you started on the problem.
Your code will look like:
class Node:
"""docstring for Node"""
def init(self, data): = data
class BSTree:
def init(self):
self.root = None
def addNode(self, data):
return Node(data)
def insert(self, root, data):
if root == None:
return self.addNode(data)
if data <=
root.left = self.insert(root.left, data)
root.right = self.insert(root.right, data)
return root
numLeft = countNodes(root->left);
numRight = countNodes(root->right);
numChildren = numLeft + numRight;

Problem building a complete binary tree of height 'h' in Python

Here is my code. The complete binary tree has 2^k nodes at depth k.
class Node:
def __init__(self, data):
# initializes the data members
self.left = None
self.right = None = data
root = Node(data_root)
def create_complete_tree():
row = [root]
for i in range(h):
newrow = []
for node in row:
left = Node(data1)
right = Node(data2)
node.left = left
node.right = right
row = copy.deepcopy(newrow)
def traverse_tree(node):
if node == None:
print 'Node traversal'
The tree traversal only gives the data of root and its children. What am I doing wrong?
The main problem here is that you are using deepcopy on the temporary list. Consider what happens each iteration:
Your initial root gets inspected, and child nodes get created
These child nodes are placed in newrow
Copies of these child nodes are copied into row for the next iteration.
This means the subsequent iteration will not be mutating the nodes you created (and which root.left and root.right points to), but copies of them, leaving the originals in their current state (with None for .left and .right)

