Python chat client-server modification goes horribly wrong - python

As an exercise, I looked for a simple Python chat client-server system to modify and toy with. The first major failing I found in the system was that it used a single tcp connection for the server and client to communicate. The second was that you could only have two people (one using the client, and the other using the server) communicate. Thirdly, consecutive posts were impossible. One person sent a message, then had to wait for the other person to send a single message before talking again. Very, very limiting.
So I began threading it and experimenting with the sockets. Clients connect to the server once, give their IP addresses, create a listening thread, and then reconnect to the server's message receiver.
All posts are sent to that receiver, which iterates through a list of connected clients and connects to each of them and sends the message (with the sender's name in the beginning; misc feature).
(I know that opening a new connection so often like that is inefficient, but I wanted to keep with tcp connections until I had it working, and THEN go to UDP)
However, weird crap began happening. Suffice it to say that I have nightmares of Error 91.
Could anyone identify how to render this code operable within this structure and feature-set?
(Python version 2.6 yey; ignore the infinite loop that is just a placeholder)
from socket import *
from time import time, ctime
import Queue, threading
IP = ''
PORT = 5000
PORTPlus = 2
PORTRec = 1000
namelist = []
clientlist = []
class clientRec(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
print "I'm this far:", (IP, (PORT + PORTRec))
self.receiver = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
self.receiver.bind((IP, PORT + PORTRec))
self.sender = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
def run(self):
global clientlist, namelist
connected = True
while connected:
tcpcli, addr = receiver.accept()
message = tcpcli.recv(1024) # Accept clien't IP for home-dialing
for i in range(clientlist.__len__()): # For each connected client
sender.connect(clientlist(i)) # connect
sender.send(namelist[i] + message) # and deliver message with sender's name
del clientlist[i], namelist[i]
print "ADS:", (IP, 5000)
handle = clientRec()
tcpsoc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) # Paperwork
tcpsoc.bind(ADS) # Bind self to port
tcpsoc.listen(5) # Listen on that port0
handle.start() # Start thread
# Main
while 1:
print "Waiting for connection"
tcpcli, addr = tcpsoc.accept() # Accept unknown client
print "Connection received; handling..."
namelist.append(tcpcli.recv(1024)) # Accept client's name
client_IP = tcpcli.recv(1024) # Accept clien't IP for home-dialing
client_port = int(tcpcli.recv(1024))# Accept clien't listening port
port_assign = PORT + PORTRec
tcpcli.send(str(port_assign)) # Tell the client that port
tcpcli.close() # Close client connection
clientlist.append((client_IP, client_port))# Add client to send-list
print "Handled."
#!/usr/bin/env python
from socket import *
import threading, cgi, os
IP = ''
PORT = 5000
PORTmy = 100
class iListen(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.receiver = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)# Paperwork
self.receiver.bind(('', PORT + PORTmy)) # Listen on that port
self.receiver.listen(5) # Listen for posts
def run(self):
while listening:
tcpcli, addr = receiver.accept() # Accept unknown client
message = tcpcli.recv(1024)
if message == "/q":
listening = False
# Initial CONNECT
myname = raw_input("Tell me yer name partnah: ")
tcpsoc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
tcpsoc.connect(ADS) # First Connect
tcpsoc.send(myname) # Declare name
tcpsoc.send(gethostbyname(gethostname()))# Give IP address
tcpsoc.send(str(PORT + PORTmy)) # Give listening port
ADS = (IP, int(tcpsoc.recv(1024))) # Get new connect details
tcpsoc.close() # Close old connection
listen = iListen() # Create listener thread
listen.start() # Start listening
print ADS
tcpsoc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
tcpsoc.connect(ADS) # reconnect to new port
connected = True
# Main Chat-loop
while connected:
mes = raw_input(">>>")
if mes == "/q":
connected = False

I am working on something alot like this, but I am instead going to implement text encryption. I see you are suing lists for the client list... but I would say there is a better way of doing that. I am using a dictionary.
if you are familiar with dictionaries, skip the next paragraph.
Dicionaries can handle basicly 2 variables, and are defined using the {}.
>>> stuff = {'a':'hello','b':'world'}
>>> print stuff['a']
>>> print stuff['a'],stuff['b']
hello world
so using this, you can can make a dictionary like {'username':'ipaddr'} this way you can make it so that both usernames and ips are all in one variable. If you want the end product like me, you will be making it so all the server does is repeat the message, and send it to everyone who is connected. then the server can just cycle through the usernames.
as another note, I think the tcpsoc.listen(5) is how many people can beconnected at once... I think thats what i read somewhere.
I have no idea why you would be having that error, but if you want to look at my halfway constucted code, you are more than welcome too. (ignore the import random, this is not yet used, but will be part of the encryption system)


Is there any way to send a message to everyone except the sender?

This question is similar to this one, but that was for JavaScript whereas mine is for Python.
How do I send a message to every connected client from the server except a selected client in Python using the sockets library?
I am making a simple game, where I want to detect the first person to press a button among three clients, and then notify the other two clients that they lost while notifying the winner that they won.
Usually, to send information to a client you do (on a new thread):
To receive, you do:
data = socket.recv()
But from what I searched, I couldn't find a way to send data to every connected client except a certain client.
I thought I could get around this by creating an 'identifying name' for each thread which ran the receiving function, but I couldn't find a good way to do this due to which I decided to search for a better option.
How can I do this?
Inserting them into a list can help. For example...
For the server side:
import socket
import threading
# This is where you store all of your Client IP's
client_list = []
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server_ip = "yourip"
server_port = 8888
server.bind((server_ip, server_port))
def check_client(client_ip):
while True:
data = client_ip.recv(1024).decode()
if "condition" in data:
for ip in client_list:
if ip != client_ip:
def check_connection():
while True:
client_ip, client_address = server.accept()
threading.Thread(target=check_client, args=(client_ip,), daemon=True).start()
So what happens is you call the check_connection function to check for incoming connections. After it receives one, it appends the connection inside the client_list variable. At the same time, it creates a thread to the current connection, check_client, which checks for any info being sent. If there's an info being sent by one of your clients, it checks if the "condition" string is inside your sent data. If so, it sends "something" string into all of your clients with exception to itself. Take note that when you send data, it must be in bytes.
For the client side:
import socket
import threading
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server_ip = "serverip"
server_port = 8888
server.connect((server_ip, server_port))
def receive_info():
while True:
data = server.recv(1024).decode()
if "something" in data:
print("Someone already sent something")
threading.Thread(target=receive_info, daemon=True).start()
while True:
user_input = input("Type 'condition': ")
What this only does is, it sends your input into the server. If you typed "condition" on your input, it will send "something" on the other clients except you. So you need to setup 2 more clients in order to see the results.
Don't forget to set server_ip and server_port's values!

The server is behaving as if it is blocked but i have set it to non blocking

The server only listens for a message from the first socket to connect, even though it is set to nonblocking, it doesn't skip over it when it doesn't receive data. I'm new to networking and this is my first project, if anyone know of any others good for beginners please let me know. Thanks! Here is the code.
import socket
def Main():
HOST = socket.gethostname()
PORT = 4444
SERVER_SOCKET = socket.socket()
for i in range(2):
for i in range(2):
DEVICE.send(b'SERVER: You have succesfully connected.')
DEVICE.send(b'SERVER: Please wait for permission to talk.')
x = 0
DEVICE.send(b'SERVER: What is your name?')
Name = CONNECTED_SENDERS[x].recv(1024)
x += 1
del x, Name
DEVICE.send(b'SERVER: You may now talk.')
LEAVE = False
while LEAVE == False:
DEVICE.send(NAME + b': ' + MESSAGE)
LEAVE = True
DEVICE.send(NAME + b': ' + MESSAGE)
LEAVE = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
There are a number of issues with your code, some small and some big. But the main problem is that you're marking the server socket nonblocking, not any of the sockets on which communication takes place.
In standard TCP socket programming, you set up a server which listens for incoming connections. When that server accepts a new client, this returns a new socket, and it's on this new socket that all communication with the remote client happens. In other words, the server socket is just for accepting new connections, and nothing else. You never write data through the server socket.
So it doesn't matter that SERVER_SOCKET is marked nonblocking, you must do something like this:
conn, addr = server.accept()
conn is the new socket through which you talk to the client, and can be used in a nonblocking fashion.
Smaller issues:
I should also point out that you call SERVER_SOCKET.listen(1). That argument of 1 means that the server will only have a backlog of waiting connections from one client. So if a second client connects before the first connection is made, the second client will receive an error, ECONNREFUSED. Given what it looks like you're trying to do, I'd guess SERVER_SOCKET.listen(4) is appropriate.
Next, nonblocking communication is much harder than blocking protocols. I'd suggest you improve your networking skills before tackling them, but when you're ready, look at the select or selectors modules for help. They provide tools to wait for communication from any of a number of clients, rather than looping over them all and checking if data is available, as you've done here. This looping is very inefficient.
Finally, in Python, it's good practice to name variables with lower case, underscore-separated names. UPPER_CASE_NAMES are usually reserved for constants. So change SERVER_SOCKET to server_socket, CONNECTED_LISTENERS to connected_listeners, etc.

Send messages received by server to multiple clients in python 2.7 with socket programming

So I have created a socket program for both client and server as a basic chat. I made it so the server accepts multiple clients with threading, so that is not the problem. I am having trouble sending messages to each client that is connected to the server. I am not trying to have the server send a message it created but rather have client1 sending a message to client2 by going through the server. For some reason it will only send it back to client1.
For example, client1 will say hello and the server will send the same message back to client1 but nothing to client2. I fixed this slightly by making sure the client doesn't receive its own message but client2 is still not receiving the message from the client1.
Any help will be appreciated.
I have tried multiple changes and nothing seems to work. You can look at my code for specifics on how I did things but ask if there are any questions.
Also, there is a question where someone has asked that is similar and I thought it would give me an answer but the responses stopped going through and a solution was never fully given, so please don't just refer me to that question. that is located here: Python 3: Socket server send to multiple clients with sendto() function.
Here's the code:
import socket
import sys
import thread
#Create a socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
#Enter username to identify self to others
name = raw_input("Enter username: ") + ": "
#Connect socket to ip and port
host = socket.gethostname()
#host = ''
server_address = (host, 4441)
#function waiting to receive and print a message
def receive(nothing):
while True:
data = sock.recv(1024)
if message != data:
print data
# Send messages
while True:
#arbitrary variable allowing us to have a thread
nothing = (0, 1)
message = name + raw_input("> ")
#thread to receive a message
thread.start_new_thread(receive, (nothing,))
import socket
import sys
import thread
# Create a TCP/IP socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Bind the socket to the port
host = socket.gethostname()
server_address = (host, 4441)
#Listen for incoming connections
print "Waiting for connection..."
#Variable for the number of connections
numbOfConn = 0
#Name of list used for connections
addressList = []
#Function that continuosly searches for connections
def clients(connection, addressList):
while True:
message = connection.recv(1024)
print message
#for loop to send message to each
for i in range(0,numbOfConn - 1):
connection.sendto(message, addressList[i])
while True:
#accept a connection
connection, address = sock.accept()
print 'Got connection from', address
numbOfConn += 1
#Thread that calls the function: clients and stores them in a tuple called connection
thread.start_new_thread(clients, (connection, addressList))
Please help me if you can!
I was able to fix it to a certain extent. It is still a little buggy but I am able to send messages back and forth now. I needed to specify the connection socket as well as the address. Here's the updated code:
import socket
import sys
import thread
# Create a TCP/IP socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Bind the socket to the port
host = socket.gethostname()
server_address = (host, 4441)
#Listen for incoming connections
print "Waiting for connection..."
#Variable for the number of connections
numbOfConn = 0
#Name of list used for connections
addressList = []
connectionList = []
#Function that continuosly searches for connections
def clients(connectionList, addressList):
while True:
for j in range(0,numbOfConn):
message = connectionList[j].recv(1024)
print message
#for loop to send message to each
for i in range(0,numbOfConn):
connectionList[i].sendto(message, addressList[i])
while True:
#accept a connection
connection, address = sock.accept()
print 'Got connection from', address
numbOfConn += 1
#Thread that calls the function: clients and stores them in a tuple called connection
thread.start_new_thread(clients, (connectionList, addressList))

Socket Server in Python

I am trying to set up a local server so that other PCs on the same local network can connect to it. When trying to do so, on the client side, I get the following error:
[Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
I have been searching around for hours and still couldn't resolve this issue. I tried turning off my Firewall too, but nothing.
These are my server and client codes:
Server Code:
import socket
import threading
import SocketServer
import datetime
ver_codes = []
class ThreadedTCPRequestHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
print threading.current_thread().isDaemon()
data = self.request.recv(1024)
command = data.split()[0]
self.request.sendall(login(data.split()[1], data.split()[2]))
self.request.sendall("already in")
class ThreadedTCPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.TCPServer):
def client(ip, port, message):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((ip, port))
response = sock.recv(1024)
print "Received: {}".format(response)
def logged_in(id_num):
for i in ver_codes:
return True
return False
def login(username, password):
login_file = open("Login.txt", "r")
match = login_file.readline()
ver_codes.append([match.split()[0], encryption_code(match.split()[2])])
return "{} {}".format(match.split()[2], encryption_code(match.split()[2]))
print "And Here"
match = login_file.readline()
return "Denied"
def encryption_code(to_encrypt):
now =
return int(str(now.microsecond)) * int(to_encrypt)
if __name__ == "__main__":
HOST, PORT = "localhost", 7274
server = ThreadedTCPServer((HOST, PORT), ThreadedTCPRequestHandler)
ip, port = server.server_address
print server.server_address
server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
server_thread.daemon = False
print "Server loop running in thread:",
Client Code:
import socket
import sys
HOST, PORT = "localhost", 7274
data = " ".join(sys.argv[1:])
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((HOST, PORT))
sock.sendall("login mahdiNolan m1373")
received = sock.recv(1024)
I really appreciate any help you could give me!
Thanks A LOT beforehand!
Your issue is because you're listening on localhost - this will only accept connections from the local machine.
If you want to accept connections from anywhere, instead of "localhost" just pass the empty string "". This is equivalent to specifying INADDR_ANY to the C sockets API - see the ip man page for more information, or this page also looks like it has some useful explanation. In short, this means "accept connections on any local interface".
Instead of the empty string you can instead specify an IP address of a local interface to only accept connections on that interface - it's unlikely you need to do this unless you machine has multiple network cards inside it (e.g. acting as a gateway) and you only want to serve requests on one of the networks.
Also, on the client side you should use the actual address of the machine - replace "localhost" with the IP address or hostname of the server machine. For example, something like "". If you want to find the IP address of the server under Windows, open a DOS window and run the ipconfig command, look for the line with IPv4 Address (assuming you've got an IPv4 network which is very likely).
The Windows firewall will also block the server from accepting connections as you've already found, but you shouldn't need to disable it - as soon as you run your server you should see a popup window where you can instruct it to accept connections (that was on Windows 7, it might be different on other versions). In any case, turning the software firewall off should allow everything to work, although whether that's a security risk is a matter outside of the scope of this question.

Client/Server Not Receiving Data in Python

I am totally new to socket programming.
I have a product and trying to connect.
I can send the data and see its result on product, but I cannot receive anything.
this is my script:
import socket
def ScktConn():
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('', 5006))
# our local IP is, but it works even with, I don't know from where #it is coming
Freq=raw_input('Frequency(450-2500): ')
CmdF='0 ace_set_frequency C1 '+str(Freq)+' \r\n'
# so far I sent a tcl command to product to set the frequency and it works
s.send('0 ace_azplayer_remove_player XXX \r\n')
# sending another tcl command and works
s.send('0 ace_azplayer_add_player \r\n')
# here it is working too
s.send('0 ace_azplayer_add_ace XXX C1\r\n')
s.send('0 ace_azplayer_load_csvfile AzPlayer1 '+Path+' \r\n')
# here I should receive some numbers, but always returning me 0!
#even if I send ('hello!') and use recv(1024), it returns 0!
print csvid
Path2='0 ace_azplayer_edit_playback_file AzPlayer1 '+str(csvid)+' -linkConfiguration "4x4" \r\n'
print Path2
After using recv(4096), I should receive some numbers, but it always returning me 0!
even if I send ('hello!') and use recv(1024), it returns 0!
I'm using python 2.7.
I am not even sure whether or not the server and client sides are correct in my script!
Please help me out about it.
You need more than one socket, here is a minimal example (which would need more work to be made robust). ScktConn spawns a new thread which creates a server socket that listens for the connection from s.
import socket
import threading
import time
address = ('', 5007)
def ScktRecv():
r = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
conn, _ = r.accept()
csvid = conn.recv(4096)
print "recv: %s" % csvid
def ScktConn():
recv_thread = threading.Thread(target=ScktRecv)
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# our local IP is, but it works even with, I don't know from where #it is coming
Freq=raw_input('Frequency(450-2500): ')
CmdF='0 ace_set_frequency C1 '+str(Freq)+' \r\n'

