I am using webpy framework for my project. I want to pass a file from my webpy program and display it on html page as it is(files may be any text files/program files). I passed a text file using following function from my webpy program.
class display_files:
def GET(self):
fp=open(file_path,'rU') #reading file from file path
text=fp.read() #no problem found till this line.
return render.file_display(text) #calling file_display.html
When I tried to display the file (here it is 'text') from 'file_display.html', it displays continuously without recognising newline.Here is my html file.
$def with(content)
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/string;charset=utf-8" >
<title>File content</title>
<form name="file_content" id="file_content" methode="GET">
<p> $content</p>
How can I display file as it is in html page.
HTML treats amount of whitespace characters as a single whitespace. If the file that you are displaying contains this text:
line one
line two with indent
the rendered file_display.html will contain this HTML:
<p> line one
line two with indent</p>
Still, the newline and two spaces will be treated as a single space, and in browser it will look like this:
line one line two with indent
The pre element tells the browser that the text inside it is preformatted, so newlines and spaces should be kept. Thus, your template should look like:
<form name="file_content" id="file_content" methode="GET">
As for Joseph's advice, web.py templating system will handle escaping for you. If your file contains characters like < or >, they will be replaced with < and >.
looks like you may need to globally replace any < or > with < or > respectively:
I want to send a verification email. The email consists of HTML. I saved the HTML into a file named email_templates/verify.html (path). The problem is, that there are some constants in the HTML file are unknown until runtime. For instance, in the email, I refer to the username to which I send my email, but since each email is referring to someone else, I can't include the name in the template. One solution that comes to mind is to use some formatting technique in the lines of
hello {usrname}!
and then in the python code do something like:
lines = open('email_templates/verify.html', 'r').read()
But this code, although is, in fact, can work, has some issues:
every {} in the HTML file can be a mistake to be formatted
the code in the current form is not very readable
code is not elegant
for an HTML reader that don't know python the formatting placeholders will be confusing
Is there is any better way to approach this?
This can and should be done through templating.
As you mentioned that maybe python placeholders will be confusing but I tell you they are not confusing, templating engines make sure HTML looks like HTML and these template tags look like template tags. Templating engines lay down the rules which placeholders you can and can't use. Also they are way fast than the file opening method you suggested; because they are optimized to do so.
Let's understand by example:
There are several templating engines out there. Jinja2 is one of the best ones.
First, install Jinja2.
pip install jinja2
Second, create a python file(name it anything you want) and a folder named 'templates'. Under 'templates' folder create your verify.html
Your folder structure should look like this:
|--> pythonfile.py
|--> templates
|--> verify.html
Third, put some sample code in the HTML file. I have this example put in my verify.html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<h1>Dear {{ user }}!</h1>
Hope you are fine.
Thank you for signing up. Here is your {{ coupon_code }}
Now in this html file you see I have normal html tags. But there are two sets of curly braces occurring twice. The word written inside the curly braces will be considered a variable by jinja. The value of this variable will be supplied by our python file to this html file.
Also, to be consistent, jinja doesn't allow you to just use any braces. I mean if I had put "<>" instead of "{{ }}" it would not have worked. So there are some rules to be followed.
Read more here: Jinja allowed tags and filters
Fourth, copy this code into the python file we created.
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, Template
#name of the folder where index file is located.
file_loader = FileSystemLoader('templates')
#This object is needed to create a template object.
env = Environment(loader=file_loader)
#path of the HTML file reletive to the folder.
template = env.get_template('./index.html')
#Data dictionary to be supplied to our HTML file.
input_dict = {
'user': 'Harry',
'coupon_code': '12313ASDSA4'}
#This function renders the data substituted HTML form.
output = template.render(input_dict)
Now run this python file.
Source code: I have the following program.
import genshi
from genshi.template import MarkupTemplate
html = '''
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/">
<py:for each="i in range(3)">
<del py:when="i == 1">
template = MarkupTemplate(html)
stream = template.generate()
html = stream.render('html')
Expected output: the numbers are printed consecutively with no whitespace (and most critically no line-break) between them.
Actual output: It outputs the following:
Question: How do I eliminate the line-breaks? I can deal with the leading whitespace by stripping it from the final HTML, but I don't know how to get rid of the line-breaks. I need the contents of the for loop to be displayed as a single continuous "word" (e.g. 012 instead of 0 \n 1 \n 2).
What I've tried:
Reading the Genshi documentation.
Searching StackOverflow
Searching Google
Using a <?python ...code... ?> code block. This doesn't work since the carets in the <del> tags are escaped and displayed.
def numbers():
n = ''
for i in range(3):
if i == 1:
n += '<del>{i}</del>'.format(i=i)
n += str(i)
return n
Produces 0<del>1</del>2
I also tried this, but using genshi.builder.Element('del') instead. The results are the same, and I was able to conclusively determine that the string returned by numbers() is being escaped after the return occurs.
A bunch of other things that I can't recall at the moment.
Not ideal, but I did finally find an acceptable solution. The trick is to put the closing caret for a given tag on the next line right before the next tag's opening caret.
<py:for each="i in range(3)"
><del py:when="i == 1">${i}</del
Source: https://css-tricks.com/fighting-the-space-between-inline-block-elements/
If anyone has a better approach I'd love to hear it.
I have one list of bugs = ['bug1','bug2']. I want to put that in HTML page which I create from python script.
bgs = "print '\\n'.join(bugs_list)"
html_str = """
"""% {'bugs_list' : bgs}
How can I take bgs value as strings in new lines on html page?
bgs = exec(bgs) -> I can't take output of exec in variable, so got stuck here. Can someone please suggest me how to do this?
I'm trying to use the built-in SimpleHTTPServer in Python to serve a static page locally. I start it with python -m SimpleHTTPServer.
At the moment, the HTML is just
The server returns the page with status 200 but the browser console says ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH and won't render anything. If I change the content to single line of text it shows up fine. Adding another line breaks it again. Per the comments, it seems like the problem is with newlines. I'm writing this in Sublime Text (on Windows) and using Chrome to view, if that helps.
It turned out to be a Sublime Text issue. Just had to change the line endings in View > Line Endings to Unix.
Big ups to this post:
Fixing Sublime Text 2 line endings?
I'm trying to translate text out of a template file in a Pyramid project. More or less as in this example: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_cookbook/en/latest/chameleon_i18n.html
Now how do I get rid of the <dynamic element> in the comment of my .pot file? I'd like to see the rest of the code along with its tags.
My chameleon template (.pt):
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" xmlns:tal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal"
<div i18n:translate="MyID">
This will appear in the comments.
<span>This will NOT.</span>
While this will again appear.
I use Babel and Lingua to extract the messages with the following options in my setup.py:
message_extractors = { '.': [
('**.py', 'lingua_python', None ),
('**.pt', 'lingua_xml', None ),
And the relevant output in my .pot file looks like this:
#. Default: This will appear in the comments. <dynamic element> While this will
#. again appear.
#: myproject/templates/base.pt:10
msgid "MyID"
msgstr ""
This is explicitly not supported: a translation should only contain the text - it should never contain markup. Otherwise you would have two problems:
translators could insert markup, which may break your site or create a security problem
a template toolkit would have no way to determine if any characters in a translation
need to be escaped or should be output as-is.
It is common to need to translate items with dynamic components or markup inside them: for those you use the i18n:name attribute. For example you can do this:
<p i18n:translate="">This is <strong i18n:name="very" i18n:translate="">very</strong> important.
That would give you two strings to translate: This is ${very} string and very.