Getting stdout to display called script containing input - python

I was looking to implement a python script that called another script and captured its stdout. The called script will contain some input and output messages eg
print ("Line 1 of Text")
variable = raw_input("Input 1 :")
print "Line 2 of Text Input: ", vairable
The section of the code I'm running is
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
so, se = p.communicate()
The problem that is occurring is that the stdout is not printing until after the script has been executed. This leaves a blank prompt waiting for the user input. Is there a way to get stdout to print while the called script is still running?

There are two problems here.
Firstly, python is buffering output to stdout and you need to prevent this. You could insert a call to sys.stdout.flush() in as Ilia Frenkel has suggested, or you could use python -u to execute with unbuffered I/O. (See the other stack overflow question that Ilia linked to.)
You need a way of asynchronously reading data from the sub-process and then, when it is ready for input, printing the data you've read so that the prompt for the user appears. For this, it would be very helpful to have an asynchronous version of the subprocess module.
I downloaded the asynchronous subprocess and re-wrote your script to use it, along with using python -u to get unbuffered I/O:
import async_subprocess as subprocess
cmd = ['python', '-u', '']
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
so = p.asyncread()
print so,
(so, se) = p.communicate()
print so
When I run this script using python -u I get the following results:
$ python -u
Line 1 of Text
Input 1:
and the script pauses, waiting for input. This is the desired result.
If I then type something (e.g. "Hullo") I get the following:
$ python -u
Line 1 of Text
Input 1:Hullo
Line 2 of Text Input: Hullo

You don't need to capture it's stdout really, just have the child program print out its stuff and quit, instead of feeding the output into your parent program and printing it there. If you need variable output, just use a function instead.
But anyways, that's not what you asked.
I actually got this from another stackoverflow question:
import subprocess, sys
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
out =
if out == '' and p.poll() != None:
if out != '':
First, it opens up your process: then it continually reads the output from p and prints it onto the screen using sys.stdout.write. The part that makes this all work is sys.stdout.flush(), which will continually "flush out" the output of the program.


Interact with python subprocess once waits for user input

I'm working on a script to automate tests of a certain software, and as part of it I need to chech if it runs commands correctly.
I'm currently launching an executeable using subprocess and passing the initial parameters.
My code is:"program.exe get -n WiiVNC", shell=True, check=True)
As far as I understand, this runs the executeable, and is supposed to return an exception if the exit code is 1.
Now, the program launches, but at some point waits for user input like so:
My question is, how do I go about submitting the user input "y" using subprocess once either, the text "Continue with download of "WiiVNC"? (y/n) >" shows up, or once the program waits for user input.
You should use the pexpect module for all complicated subprocessing. In particular, the module is designed to handle the complicated case of either passing through the input to the current process for the user to answer and/or allowing your script to answer the input for the user and continue the subprocess.
Added some code for an example:
### File Temp ###
# #!/bin/env python
# x = input('Type something:')
# print(x)
import pexpect
x = pexpect.spawn('python temp') #Start subprocess.
x.interact() #Imbed subprocess in current process.
# or
x = pexpect.spawn('python temp') #Start subprocess.
find_this_output = x.expect(['Type something:'])
if find_this_output is 0:
x.send('I type this in for subprocess because I found the 0th string.')
Try this:
import subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen("program.exe get -n WiiVNC", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

Read stdout from subprocess until there is nothing left

I would like to run several commands in the same shell. After some research I found that I could keep a shell open using the return process from Popen. I can then write and read to stdin and stdout. I tried implementing it as such:
process = Popen(['/bin/sh'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
process.stdin.write('ls -al\n')
out = ' '
while not out == '':
out = process.stdout.readline().rstrip('\n')
print out
Not only is my solution ugly, it doesn't work. out is never empty because it hands on the readline(). How can I successfully end the while loop when there is nothing left to read?
Use iter to read data in real time:
for line in iter(process.stdout.readline,""):
print line
If you just want to write to stdin and get the output you can use communicate to make the process end:
process = Popen(['/bin/sh'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
out,err =process.communicate('ls -al\n')
Or simply get the output use check_output:
from subprocess import check_output
out = check_output(["ls", "-al"])
The command you're running in a subprocess is sh, so the output you're reading is sh's output. Since you didn't indicate to the shell it should quit, it is still alive, thus its stdout is still open.
You can perhaps write exit to its stdin to make it quit, but be aware that in any case, you get to read things you don't need from its stdout, e.g. the prompt.
Bottom line, this approach is flawed to start with...

python subprocess.Popen stdin.write

I'm new to python and would like to open a windows cmd prompt, start a process, leave the process running and then issue commands to the same running process.
The commands will change so i cant just include these commands in the cmdline variable below. Also, the process takes 10-15 seconds to start so i dont want to waste time waiting for the process to start and run commands each time. just want to start process once. and run quick commands as needed in the same process
I was hoping to use subprocess.Popen to make this work, though i am open to better methods. Note that my process to run is not cmd, but im just using this as example
import subprocess
cmdline = ['cmd', '/k']
cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
cmd.stdin.write("echo hi") #would like this to be written to the cmd prompt
print cmd.stdout.readline() #would like to see 'hi' readback
cmd.stdin.write("echo hi again") #would like this to be written to the cmd prompt
print cmd.stdout.readline() #would like to see 'hi again' readback
The results arent what i expect. Seems as though the stdin.write commands arent actually getting in and the readline freezes up with nothing to read.
I have tried the popen.communicate() instead of write/readline, but it kills the process. I have tried setting bufsize in the Popen line, but that didn't make too much difference
Your comments suggest that you are confusing command-line arguments with input via stdin. Namely, the fact that system-console.exe program accepts script=filename parameter does not imply that you can send it the same string as a command via stdin e.g., python executable accepts -c "print(1)" command-line arguments but it is a SyntaxError if you pass it as a command to Python shell.
Therefore, the first step is to use the correct syntax. Suppose the system-console.exe accepts a filename by itself:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
with Popen(r'C:\full\path\to\system-console.exe -cli -',
stdin=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as shell:
for _ in range(10):
print('capture.tcl', file=shell.stdin, flush=True)
Note: if you've redirected more than one stream e.g., stdin, stdout then you should read/write both streams concurrently (e.g., using multiple threads) otherwise it is very easy to deadlock your program.
Q: Why not just use a pipe (popen())? -- mandatory reading for Unix environment but it might also be applicable for some programs on Windows
subprocess readline hangs waiting for EOF -- code example on how to pass multiple inputs, read multiple outputs using subprocess, pexpect modules.
The second and the following steps might have to deal with buffering issues on the side of the child process (out of your hands on Windows), whether system-console allows to redirect its stdin/stdout or whether it works with a console directly, and character encoding issues (how various commands in the pipeline encode text).
Here is some code that I tested and is working on Windows 10, Quartus Prime 15.1 and Python 3.5
import subprocess
class altera_system_console:
def __init__(self):
sc_path = r'C:\altera_lite\15.1\quartus\sopc_builder\bin\system-console.exe --cli --disable_readline'
self.console = subprocess.Popen(sc_path, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def read_output(self):
rtn = ""
loop = True
i = 0
match = '% '
while loop:
out = self.console.stdout.read1(1)
if bytes(match[i],'utf-8') == out:
i = i+1
if i==len(match):
rtn = rtn + out.decode('utf-8')
return rtn
def cmd(self,cmd_string):
c = altera_system_console()
c.cmd('set jtag_master [lindex [get_service_paths master] 0]')
c.cmd('open_service master $jtag_master')
c.cmd('master_write_8 $jtag_master 0x00 0xFF')
You need to use iter if you want to see the output in real time:
import subprocess
cmdline = ['cmd', '/k']
cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
cmd.stdin.write("echo hi\n")#would like this to be written to the cmd prompt
for line in iter(cmd.stdout.readline,""):
print line
cmd.stdin.write("echo hi again\n")#would like this to be written to the cmd prompt
Not sure exactly what you are trying to do but if you want to input certain data when you get certain output then I would recommend using pexpect

subprocess in Python hangs

I am trying to retrieve some information from a Perl script using Python and subprocess:
command = ["perl","script.perl","arg1.txt","<","arg2.txt"]
print " ".join(command)
p = subprocess.Popen(command,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True)
text =
The join-statement simply prints the command as I would enter it in the terminal for double-checking the quality of the command. That one always works... But within Python, it hangs at the subprocess.Popen() (at p= ... ).
I also tried several other methods such as call() but to no avail.
It only outputs one line of text, so I don't know how that could be the problem.
There's no need to involve the shell if you only want a simple input redirection. Open the file in Python, and pass the file handle to Popen via the stdin argument.
with open("arg2.txt") as infile:
command = ["perl", "script.perl", "arg1.txt"]
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=infile)
text =
command = "perl script.perl arg1.txt < arg2.txt"
p = subprocess.Popen(command,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True)
text =
With a list and shell=True, it's not clear to me why it the call to perl blocks. When I try something like"cat < .bashrc".split(), shell=True)
it blocks as if it is still trying to read from the inherited standard input. If I provide it with input using"cat < .bashrc".split(), shell=True, stdin=open("/dev/null"))
the call returns immediately. In either case, it appears that cat is ignoring its further arguments.

Executing shell program in Python without printing to screen

Is there a way that I can execute a shell program from Python, which prints its output to the screen, and read its output to a variable without displaying anything on the screen?
This sounds a little bit confusing, so maybe I can explain it better by an example.
Let's say I have a program that prints something to the screen when executed
bash> ./my_prog
bash> "Hello World"
When I want to read the output into a variable in Python, I read that a good approach is to use the subprocess module like so:
my_var = subprocess.check_output("./my_prog", shell=True)
With this construct, I can get the program's output into my_var (here "Hello World"), however it is also printed to the screen when I run the Python script. Is there any way to suppress this? I couldn't find anything in the subprocess documentation, so maybe there is another module I could use for this purpose?
I just found out that commands.getoutput() lets me do this. But is there also a way to achieve similar effects in subprocess? Because I was planning to make a Python3 version at some point.
EDIT2: Particular Example
Excerpt from the python script:
oechem_utils_path = "/soft/linux64/openeye/examples/oechem-utilities/"\
rmsd_path = oechem_utils_path + "rmsd"
for file in lMol2:
sReturn = subprocess.check_output("{rmsd_exe} {rmsd_pars}"\
" -in {sIn} -ref {sRef}".format(rmsd_exe=sRmsdExe,\
rmsd_pars=sRmsdPars, sIn=file, sRef=sReference), shell=True)
dRmsds[file] = sReturn
Screen Output (Note that not "everything" is printed to the screen, only a part of
the output, and if I use commands.getoutput everything works just fine:
/soft/linux64/openeye/examples/oechem-utilities/openeye/toolkits/ mols in: 1 out: 0
/soft/linux64/openeye/examples/oechem-utilities/openeye/toolkits/ confs in: 1 out: 0
/soft/linux64/openeye/examples/oechem-utilities/openeye/toolkits/ - RMSD utility [OEChem 1.7.2]
/soft/linux64/openeye/examples/oechem-utilities/openeye/toolkits/ mols in: 1 out: 0
/soft/linux64/openeye/examples/oechem-utilities/openeye/toolkits/ confs in: 1 out: 0
To add to Ryan Haining's answer, you can also handle stderr to make sure nothing is printed to the screen:
p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
out,err = p.communicate()
If subprocess.check_ouput is not working for you, use a Popen object and a PIPE to capture the program's output in Python.
prog = subprocess.Popen('./myprog', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = prog.communicate()[0]
the .communicate() method will wait for a program to finish execution and then return a tuple of (stdout, stderr) which is why you'll want to take the [0] of that.
If you also want to capture stderr then add stderr=subprocess.PIPE to the creation of the Popen object.
If you wish to capture the output of prog while it is running instead of waiting for it to finish, you can call line = prog.stdout.readline() to read one line at a time. Note that this will hang if there are no lines available until there is one.
I always used Subprocess.Popen, which gives you no output normally

