Read stdout from subprocess until there is nothing left - python

I would like to run several commands in the same shell. After some research I found that I could keep a shell open using the return process from Popen. I can then write and read to stdin and stdout. I tried implementing it as such:
process = Popen(['/bin/sh'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
process.stdin.write('ls -al\n')
out = ' '
while not out == '':
out = process.stdout.readline().rstrip('\n')
print out
Not only is my solution ugly, it doesn't work. out is never empty because it hands on the readline(). How can I successfully end the while loop when there is nothing left to read?

Use iter to read data in real time:
for line in iter(process.stdout.readline,""):
print line
If you just want to write to stdin and get the output you can use communicate to make the process end:
process = Popen(['/bin/sh'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
out,err =process.communicate('ls -al\n')
Or simply get the output use check_output:
from subprocess import check_output
out = check_output(["ls", "-al"])

The command you're running in a subprocess is sh, so the output you're reading is sh's output. Since you didn't indicate to the shell it should quit, it is still alive, thus its stdout is still open.
You can perhaps write exit to its stdin to make it quit, but be aware that in any case, you get to read things you don't need from its stdout, e.g. the prompt.
Bottom line, this approach is flawed to start with...


Need help to read out the output of a subprocess

My python script (python 3.4.3) calls a bash script via subprocess.
OutPST = subprocess.check_output(cmd,shell=True)
It works, but the problem is, that I only get half of the data. The subprocess I call, calls a different subprocess and I have the guess, that if the "sub subprocess" sends the EOF, my programm thinks, that that´s it and ends the check_output.
Has someone an idea how to get all the data?
You should use unless you really need that fine grained of control over talking to the processing via its stdin (or doing something else while the process is running instead of blocking for it to finish). It makes capturing output super easy:
from subprocess import run, PIPE
result = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
If you want to merge stdout and stderr (like how you'd see it in your terminal if you didn't do any redirection), you can use the special destination STDOUT for stderr:
from subprocess import STDOUT
result = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)

python subprocess.Popen stdin.write

I'm new to python and would like to open a windows cmd prompt, start a process, leave the process running and then issue commands to the same running process.
The commands will change so i cant just include these commands in the cmdline variable below. Also, the process takes 10-15 seconds to start so i dont want to waste time waiting for the process to start and run commands each time. just want to start process once. and run quick commands as needed in the same process
I was hoping to use subprocess.Popen to make this work, though i am open to better methods. Note that my process to run is not cmd, but im just using this as example
import subprocess
cmdline = ['cmd', '/k']
cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
cmd.stdin.write("echo hi") #would like this to be written to the cmd prompt
print cmd.stdout.readline() #would like to see 'hi' readback
cmd.stdin.write("echo hi again") #would like this to be written to the cmd prompt
print cmd.stdout.readline() #would like to see 'hi again' readback
The results arent what i expect. Seems as though the stdin.write commands arent actually getting in and the readline freezes up with nothing to read.
I have tried the popen.communicate() instead of write/readline, but it kills the process. I have tried setting bufsize in the Popen line, but that didn't make too much difference
Your comments suggest that you are confusing command-line arguments with input via stdin. Namely, the fact that system-console.exe program accepts script=filename parameter does not imply that you can send it the same string as a command via stdin e.g., python executable accepts -c "print(1)" command-line arguments but it is a SyntaxError if you pass it as a command to Python shell.
Therefore, the first step is to use the correct syntax. Suppose the system-console.exe accepts a filename by itself:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
with Popen(r'C:\full\path\to\system-console.exe -cli -',
stdin=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as shell:
for _ in range(10):
print('capture.tcl', file=shell.stdin, flush=True)
Note: if you've redirected more than one stream e.g., stdin, stdout then you should read/write both streams concurrently (e.g., using multiple threads) otherwise it is very easy to deadlock your program.
Q: Why not just use a pipe (popen())? -- mandatory reading for Unix environment but it might also be applicable for some programs on Windows
subprocess readline hangs waiting for EOF -- code example on how to pass multiple inputs, read multiple outputs using subprocess, pexpect modules.
The second and the following steps might have to deal with buffering issues on the side of the child process (out of your hands on Windows), whether system-console allows to redirect its stdin/stdout or whether it works with a console directly, and character encoding issues (how various commands in the pipeline encode text).
Here is some code that I tested and is working on Windows 10, Quartus Prime 15.1 and Python 3.5
import subprocess
class altera_system_console:
def __init__(self):
sc_path = r'C:\altera_lite\15.1\quartus\sopc_builder\bin\system-console.exe --cli --disable_readline'
self.console = subprocess.Popen(sc_path, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def read_output(self):
rtn = ""
loop = True
i = 0
match = '% '
while loop:
out = self.console.stdout.read1(1)
if bytes(match[i],'utf-8') == out:
i = i+1
if i==len(match):
rtn = rtn + out.decode('utf-8')
return rtn
def cmd(self,cmd_string):
c = altera_system_console()
c.cmd('set jtag_master [lindex [get_service_paths master] 0]')
c.cmd('open_service master $jtag_master')
c.cmd('master_write_8 $jtag_master 0x00 0xFF')
You need to use iter if you want to see the output in real time:
import subprocess
cmdline = ['cmd', '/k']
cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
cmd.stdin.write("echo hi\n")#would like this to be written to the cmd prompt
for line in iter(cmd.stdout.readline,""):
print line
cmd.stdin.write("echo hi again\n")#would like this to be written to the cmd prompt
Not sure exactly what you are trying to do but if you want to input certain data when you get certain output then I would recommend using pexpect

Trouble printing text live with Python

Off the bat, here is what I am importing:
import os, shutil
from subprocess import call, PIPE, STDOUT
I have a line of code that calls bjam to compile a library:
'--prefix="' + tools_dir + '"'],
I want it to print out text as the compilation occurs. Instead, it prints everything out at the end.
It does not print anything when I run it like this. I have tried running the command outside of Python and determined that all of the output is to stdout (when I did ./bjam -j8 > /dev/null I got no output, and when I ran ./bjam -j8 2> /dev/null I got output).
What am I doing wrong here? I want to print the output from call live.
As a sidenote, I also noticed something when I was outputting the results of a git clone operation:
'clone', ''],
prints the stdout text live as the call process is run.
'clone', ''],
stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
does not print out any text. What is going on here?
stdout=PIPE redirects subprocess' stdout to a pipe. Don't do it unless you want to read from the subprocesses stdout in your code using proc.communicate() method or using proc.stdout attribute directly.
If you remove it then subprocess should print to stdout like it does in the shell:
from subprocess import check_call
check_call(['./bjam', '-j8', '--prefix', tools_dir])
I've used check_call() to raise an exception if the child process fails.
See Python: read streaming input from subprocess.communicate() if you want to read subprocess' output line by line (making the line available as a variable in Python) as soon as it is avaiable.
def run(command):
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for lineno, line in enumerate(proc.stdout):
print(line.decode('utf-8').replace('\n', ''))
except UnicodeDecodeError:
print('error(%d): cannot decode %s' % (lineno, line))
The try...except logic is for python 3 (maybe 3.2/3.3, I'm not sure), as there line is a byte array not a string. For earlier versions of python, you should be able to do:
def run(command):
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in proc.stdout:
print(line.replace('\n', ''))
Now, you can do:
run(['./bjam', '-j8', '--prefix="' + tools_dir + '"'])
call will not print anything it captures. As documentation says "Do not use stdout=PIPE or stderr=PIPE with this function. As the pipes are not being read in the current process, the child process may block if it generates enough output to a pipe to fill up the OS pipe buffer."
Consider using check_output and print its return value.
In the first case with git call you are not capturing stderr and therefor it normally flows onto your terminal.

Handling tcpdump output in python

Im trying to handle tcpdump output in python.
What I need is to run tcpdump (which captures the packets and gives me information) and read the output and process it.
The problem is that tcpdump keeps running forever and I need to read the packet info as soon as it outputs and continue doing it.
I tried looking into subprocess of python and tried calling tcpdump using popen and piping the stdout but it doesnt seem to work.
Any directions on how to proceed with this.
import subprocess
def redirect():
tcpdump = subprocess.Popen("sudo tcpdump...", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
while True:
s = tcpdump.stdout.readline()
# do domething with s
You can make tcpdump line-buffered with "-l". Then you can use subprocess to capture the output as it comes out.
import subprocess as sub
p = sub.Popen(('sudo', 'tcpdump', '-l'), stdout=sub.PIPE)
for row in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
print row.rstrip() # process here
By default, pipes are block buffered and interactive output is line buffered. It sounds like you need a line buffered pipe - coming from tcpdump in a subprocess.
In the old days, we'd recommend Dan Bernstein's "pty" program for this kind of thing. Today, it appears that pty hasn't been updated in a long time, but there's a new program called "emtpy" which is more or less the same idea:
You might try running tcpdump under empty in your subprocess to make tcpdump line buffered even though it's writing to a pipe.

Popen does not give output immediately when available

I am trying to read from both stdout and stderr from a Popen and print them out. The command I am running with Popen is the following
while (( i > 0 )); do
sleep 1s
echo heyo-$i
echo 'to error' >&2
When I run this in the shell, I get one line of output and then a second break and then one line again, etc. However, I am unable to recreate this using python. I am starting two threads, one each to read from stdout and stderr, put the lines read into a Queue and another thread that takes items from this queue and prints them out. But with this, I see that all the output gets printed out at once, after the subprocess ends. I want the lines to be printed as and when they are echo'ed.
Here's my python code:
# The `randoms` is in the $PATH
proc = sp.Popen(['randoms'], stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, bufsize=0)
q = Queue()
def stream_watcher(stream, name=None):
"""Take lines from the stream and put them in the q"""
for line in stream:
q.put((name, line))
if not stream.closed:
Thread(target=stream_watcher, args=(proc.stdout, 'out')).start()
Thread(target=stream_watcher, args=(proc.stderr, 'err')).start()
def displayer():
"""Take lines from the q and add them to the display"""
while True:
name, line = q.get(True, 1)
except Empty:
if proc.poll() is not None:
# Print line with the trailing newline character
print(name.upper(), '->', line[:-1])
print('-*- FINISHED -*-')
Any ideas? What am I missing here?
Only stderr is unbuffered, not stdout. What you want cannot be done using the shell built-ins alone. The buffering behavior is defined in the stdio(3) C library, which applies line buffering only when the output is to a terminal. When the output is to a pipe, it is pipe-buffered, not line-buffered, and so the data is not transferred to the kernel and thence to the other end of the pipe until the pipe buffer fills.
Moreover, the shell has no access to libc’s buffer-controlling functions, such as setbuf(3) and friends. The only possible solution within the shell is to launch your co-process on a pseudo-tty, and pty management is a complex topic. It is much easier to rewrite the equivalent shell script in a language that does grant access to low-level buffering features for output streams than to arrange to run something over a pty.
However, if you call /bin/echo instead of the shell built-in echo, you may find it more to your liking. This works because now the whole line is flushed when the newly launched /bin/echo process terminates each time. This is hardly an efficient use of system resources, but may be an efficient use of your own.
IIRC, setting shell=True on Popen should do it.

