For a series of angle values in (-pi, pi) range, I make a histogram. Is there an effective way to calculate a mean and modal (post probable) value? Consider following examples:
import numpy as N, cmath
deg = N.pi/180.
d = N.array([-175., 170, 175, 179, -179])*deg
i = N.sum(N.exp(1j*d))
ave = cmath.phase(i)
i /= float(d.size)
stdev = -2. * N.log(N.sqrt(i.real**2 + i.imag**2))
print ave/deg, stdev/deg
Now, let's have a histogram:
counts, bins = N.histogram(data, N.linspace(-N.pi, N.pi, 360))
Is it possible to calculate mean, mode having counts and bins? For non-periodic data, calculation of a mean is straightforward:
ave = sum(counts*bins[:-1])
Calculations of a modal value requires more effort. Actually, I'm not sure my code below is correct: firstly, I identify bins which occur most frequently and then I calculate an arithmetic mean:
cmax = bins[N.argmax(counts)]
mode = N.mean(N.take(bins, N.nonzero(counts == cmax)[0]))
I have no idea, how to calculate standard deviation from such data, though. One obvious solution to all my problems (at least those described above) is to convert histogram data to a data series and then use it in calculations. This is not elegant, however, and inefficient.
Any hints will be very appreciated.
This is the partial solution I wrote.
import numpy as N, cmath
import scipy.stats as ST
d = [-175, 170.2, 175.57, 179, -179, 170.2, 175.57, 170.2]
deg = N.pi/180.
data = N.array(d)*deg
i = N.sum(N.exp(1j*data))
ave = cmath.phase(i) # correct and exact mean for periodic data
wrong_ave = N.mean(d)
i /= float(data.size)
stdev = -2. * N.log(N.sqrt(i.real**2 + i.imag**2))
wrong_stdev = N.std(d)
bins = N.linspace(-N.pi, N.pi, 360)
counts, bins = N.histogram(data, bins, normed=False)
# consider it weighted vector addition
nz = N.nonzero(counts)[0]
weight = counts[nz]
i = N.sum(weight * N.exp(1j*bins[nz])/len(nz))
pave = cmath.phase(i) # correct and approximated mean for periodic data
i /= sum(weight)/float(len(nz))
pstdev = -2. * N.log(N.sqrt(i.real**2 + i.imag**2))
print 'scipy: %12.3f (mean) %12.3f (stdev)' % (ST.circmean(data)/deg, \
When run, it gives following results:
mean: 175.840 85.843 175.360
stdev: 0.472 151.785 0.430
scipy: 175.840 (mean) 3.673 (stdev)
A few comments now: the first column gives mean/stdev calculated. As can be seen, the mean agrees well with scipy.stats.circmean (thanks JoeKington for pointing it out). Unfortunately stdev differs. I will look at it later. The second column gives completely wrong results (non-periodic mean/std from numpy obviously does not work here). The 3rd column gives sth I wanted to obtain from the histogram data (#JoeKington: my raw data won't fit memory of my computer.., #dmytro: thanks for your input: of course, bin size will influence result but in my application I don't have much choice, i.e. I have to reduce data somehow). As can be seen, the mean (3rd column) is properly calculated, stdev needs further attention :)
Have a look at scipy.stats.circmean and scipy.stats.circstd.
Or do you only have the histogram counts, and not the "raw" data? If so, you could fit a Von Mises distribution to your histogram counts and approximate the mean and stddev in that way.
Here's how to get an approximation.
Since Var(x) = <x^2> - <x>^2, we have:
meanX = N.sum(counts * bins[:-1]) / N.sum(counts)
meanX2 = N.sum(counts * bins[:-1]**2) / N.sum(counts)
std = N.sqrt(meanX2 - meanX**2)
Given two independent Gaussian variables X and Y, with probability density functions pdf1 and pdf2, then I want to calculate Z = X + Y ~ PDF(Z).
The probability density function of Z is given by the convolution of pdf1 and pdf2.
I have taken the code base (see scipy - Python: How to get the convolution of two continuous distributions? - Stack Overflow) and adapted it.
First, I tested the solution with mean=0 and sigma²=1 for both pdf1 and pdf2. I got the correct solution.
E(Z)=E(X)+E(Y)=0 and Var(Z)=Var(X)+Var(Y)=2
Second, I tested the solution with mean=2 and sigma²=8 for both pdf1 and pdf2. I got an approximate solution with large errors. Result was E(Z)=E(X)+E(Y)=3.21 and Var(Z)=Var(X)+Var(Y)=12.21 but expected was E(Z)=E(X)+E(Y)=4.0 and Var(Z)=Var(X)+Var(Y)=16.0.
The critical part in the code is the convolution of pmf1 and pmf2. The sum of the convoluted PDF should be 1.0 and not 0.93.
Hint: I used a reference implementation based on the "openturns" library to verify my results.
#given two independent gaussian variables X,Y; calculate Z = X + Y ~ PDF(Z)
delta = 1e-4
big_grid = np.arange(-10,10,delta)
mean = 2 #E(X)=E(Y)=2
std = np.sqrt(8) #Var(X)=Var(Y)=8
X = norm(loc=mean, scale=std)
Y = norm(loc=mean, scale=std)
pmf1 = X.pdf(big_grid)*delta
print("Sum of gaussian pmf: "+str(sum(pmf1)))
pmf2 = Y.pdf(big_grid)*delta
print("Sum of gaussian pmf: "+str(sum(pmf1)))
conv_pmf = signal.fftconvolve(pmf1,pmf2,'same') #convolution of pmf1 and pmf2
print("Sum of convoluted pmf: "+str(sum(conv_pmf)))
pdf1 = pmf1/delta
pdf2 = pmf2/delta
conv_pdf = conv_pmf/delta
print("Integration of convoluted pdf: " + str(np.trapz(conv_pdf, big_grid)))
plt.plot(big_grid, pdf1, label='Gaussian PDF1')
plt.plot(big_grid, pdf2, label='Gaussian PDF2')
plt.plot(big_grid, conv_pdf, label='Sum')
plt.legend(loc='best'), plt.suptitle('PDFs')
Mean and variance of convoluted PDF
#E(Z)=E(X)+E(Y); Var(Z)=Var(X)+Var(Y); if E(X)=E(Y)=2 and Var(X)=Var(Y)=8 it follows E(Z)=4 and Var(Z)=16
E_Z = (big_grid * conv_pmf).sum(); E_Z #E(Z) = Σ z . P(z): sum(z[j] * p(z[j])) expected: E(Z)=4
E_Z_squared = (big_grid**2 * conv_pmf).sum(); E_Z_squared #E(Z²) = Σ z² . P(z): sum(z[j]² * p(z[j]))
Var_Z = E_Z_squared - (E_Z)**2; Var_Z #Var(Z) = E(Z²) - E(Z)²; expected: Var(Z)=16
This is the output I get.
Sum of gaussian pmf1: 0.9976499589626819
Sum of gaussian pmf2: 0.9976499589626819
Sum of convoluted pmf: 0.9321607580277965
Integration of convoluted pdf: 0.9321591482687606
E_Z = 3.210819533318452
E_Z_squared = 22.52303025237063
Var_Z = 12.21366817683131
So what is going wrong here? How can I adapt the code to get correct results?
The results you have now are fine. There is no reason to believe the sums you are printing here would be equal to 1. Although it is true that the integral of the PDF over the entire support (from negative to positive infinity) would be 1, this doesn't have to be true discretised version because it is an approximation.
Remember also that your grid is arange(-10, 10, delta), and that a significant proportion of the total probability of norm(4, 4) lies outside of that range.
Luckily, you know the PDF for the sum of normal variables, so you can check your results yourself using the CDF of the real distribution.
def realcdf(x):
return stats.norm(loc = 4, scale = 4).cdf(x)
print("Supposed to be: " + str(realcdf(max(big_grid)) - realcdf(min(big_grid))))
With output:
Supposed to be: 0.9329569316499936
Which is not 1. In fact the fftconvolve approximation is quite close. Errors arising from floating point arithmetic and the discretisation onto the grid likely account for the relatively small difference between the two.
As for the statistics at the end, enlarging the size of the grid should help. For example, on the grid:
big_grid = np.arange(-20,20,delta)
Produces statistics closer to the truth:
E_Z = 3.9994379102826576
Var_Z = 15.991432657282482
I am new to Python so please pardon me if this question is very basic.
I have Accelerometer Vector Magnitude (acc_VM) signal with sampling frequency of 100Hz. I have to find the Fourier transform of this signal and find the fundamental frequency between range Df.
Df is the family of frequencies corresponding to walking. Here we use Df = [1.2, 4]Hz. How can I choose the frequency range Df = [1.2, 4]Hz using python should I implement filters OR is combFunction() the correct code ?
def combFunction(n):
combSignal = []
for element in n:
if element>1.2 and element<4 :
return np.maximum(combSignal)
def hann(total_data):
hann_array = np.zeros(total_data)
for i in range(total_data):
hann_array[i] = 0.5 - 0.5 * np.cos((2 * np.pi * i)/(total_data - 1))
return hann_array
def calculate_FT(x):
hann_weight = hann(len(x))
x_multiplied_hann = x * hann_weight
X = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(x_multiplied_hann))
combSignal = combFunction(X)
The FFT does not return frequencies, but rather an array of amplitudes for a fixed set of evenly spaced frequencies.
As a result your combFunction, as implemented, would pick the components which have a spectrum amplitude between 1.2 and 4.
To be able to select frequencies, you would need the corresponding array of those evenly spaced frequencies, which you can get
from np.fft.rfftfreq.
Note that you will need the sampling rate (and if your data isn't uniformly sampled, you will need to resample it).
In the code that follows I'll use the variable sampling_rate for that. Then the frequencies will be given by:
freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(data), sampling_rate)
Now let's extract the array indices corresponding to those frequencies that are within the frequency band of interest:
in_band = np.where([f >= 1.2 and f <= 4 for f in freqs])[0]
Then you may get the location within this band where the original spectrum X has a peak:
peak_location = np.argmax(X[in_band])
which gives you a peak spectrum amplitude X[in_band[peak_location]] at a frequency f[in_band[peak_location]].
Putting it all together should give you something like the following:
def find_peak_in_frequency_range(X, freqs, fmin, fmax):
in_band = np.where([f >= fmin and f <= fmax for f in freqs])[0]
peak_location = np.argmax(X[in_band])
return f[in_band[peak_location]], X[in_band[peak_location]]
def calculate_FT(x, sampling_rage):
hann_weight = hann(len(x))
x_multiplied_hann = x * hann_weight
X = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(x_multiplied_hann))
freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(x), sampling_rate)
peakFreq,peakAmp = find_peak_in_frequency_range(X, freqs, 1.2, 4)
Note that you may get better results by using a spectrum estimation method such as scipy.signal.welch instead of simply taking the FFT.
For sake of illustration, I've ran the above on a sample data set (file 1.csv with some resampling):
I am building a neural network that makes use of T-distribution noise. I am using functions defined in the numpy library np.random.standard_t and the one defined in tensorflow tf.distributions.StudentT. The link to the documentation of the first function is here and that to the second function is here. I am using the said functions like below:
a = np.random.standard_t(df=3, size=10000) # numpy's function
t_dist = tf.distributions.StudentT(df=3.0, loc=0.0, scale=1.0)
sess = tf.Session()
b =
In the documentation provided for the Tensorflow implementation, there's a parameter called scale whose description reads
The scaling factor(s) for the distribution(s). Note that scale is not technically the standard deviation of this distribution but has semantics more similar to standard deviation than variance.
I have set scale to be 1.0 but I have no way of knowing for sure if these refer to the same distribution.
Can someone help me verify this? Thanks
I would say they are, as their sampling is defined in almost the exact same way in both cases. This is how the sampling of tf.distributions.StudentT is defined:
def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
# The sampling method comes from the fact that if:
# X ~ Normal(0, 1)
# Z ~ Chi2(df)
# Y = X / sqrt(Z / df)
# then:
# Y ~ StudentT(df).
seed = seed_stream.SeedStream(seed, "student_t")
shape = tf.concat([[n], self.batch_shape_tensor()], 0)
normal_sample = tf.random.normal(shape, dtype=self.dtype, seed=seed())
df = self.df * tf.ones(self.batch_shape_tensor(), dtype=self.dtype)
gamma_sample = tf.random.gamma([n],
0.5 * df,
samples = normal_sample * tf.math.rsqrt(gamma_sample / df)
return samples * self.scale + self.loc # Abs(scale) not wanted.
So it is a standard normal sample divided by the square root of a chi-square sample with parameter df divided by df. The chi-square sample is taken as a gamma sample with parameter 0.5 * df and rate 0.5, which is equivalent (chi-square is a special case of gamma). The scale value, like the loc, only comes into play in the last line, as a way to "relocate" the distribution sample at some point and scale. When scale is one and loc is zero, they do nothing.
Here is the implementation for np.random.standard_t:
double legacy_standard_t(aug_bitgen_t *aug_state, double df) {
double num, denom;
num = legacy_gauss(aug_state);
denom = legacy_standard_gamma(aug_state, df / 2);
return sqrt(df / 2) * num / sqrt(denom);
So essentially the same thing, slightly rephrased. Here we have also have a gamma with shape df / 2 but it is standard (rate one). However, the missing 0.5 is now by the numerator as / 2 within the sqrt. So it's just moving the numbers around. Here there is no scale or loc, though.
In truth, the difference is that in the case of TensorFlow the distribution really is a noncentral t-distribution. A simple empirical proof that they are the same for loc=0.0 and scale=1.0 is to plot histograms for both distributions and see how close they look.
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
t_np = np.random.standard_t(df=3, size=10000)
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
t_dist = tf.distributions.StudentT(df=3.0, loc=0.0, scale=1.0)
t_tf =
plt.hist((t_np, t_tf), np.linspace(-10, 10, 20), label=['NumPy', 'TensorFlow'])
That looks pretty close. Obviously, from the point of view of statistical samples, this is not any kind of proof. If you were not still convinced, there are some statistical tools for testing whether a sample comes from a certain distribution or two samples come from the same distribution.
I wanted to create a data set with a specific Mean and Std deviation.
Using np.random.normal() gives me an approximate. However for what I want to test I need an exact Mean and Std deviation.
I have tried using a combination of norm.pdf and np.linspace however the data set generated doesn't match up either (It could just be me misusing it though).
It really doesn't matter whether the data set is random or not as long as I can set a specific Sample size, mean and Std deviation.
Help would be much appreciated
The easiest would be to generate some zero-mean samples, with the desired standard deviation. Then subtract the sample mean from the samples so it is truly zero mean. Then scale the samples so that the standard deviation is spot on, and then add the desired mean.
Here is some example code:
import numpy as np
num_samples = 1000
desired_mean = 50.0
desired_std_dev = 10.0
samples = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=desired_std_dev, size=num_samples)
actual_mean = np.mean(samples)
actual_std = np.std(samples)
print("Initial samples stats : mean = {:.4f} stdv = {:.4f}".format(actual_mean, actual_std))
zero_mean_samples = samples - (actual_mean)
zero_mean_mean = np.mean(zero_mean_samples)
zero_mean_std = np.std(zero_mean_samples)
print("True zero samples stats : mean = {:.4f} stdv = {:.4f}".format(zero_mean_mean, zero_mean_std))
scaled_samples = zero_mean_samples * (desired_std_dev/zero_mean_std)
scaled_mean = np.mean(scaled_samples)
scaled_std = np.std(scaled_samples)
print("Scaled samples stats : mean = {:.4f} stdv = {:.4f}".format(scaled_mean, scaled_std))
final_samples = scaled_samples + desired_mean
final_mean = np.mean(final_samples)
final_std = np.std(final_samples)
print("Final samples stats : mean = {:.4f} stdv = {:.4f}".format(final_mean, final_std))
Which produces output similar to this:
Initial samples stats : mean = 0.2946 stdv = 10.1609
True zero samples stats : mean = 0.0000 stdv = 10.1609
Scaled samples stats : mean = 0.0000 stdv = 10.0000
Final samples stats : mean = 50.0000 stdv = 10.0000
For others seeing this later, Python 3.8+ has the statistics.NormalDist class for exactly this purpose:
import statistics as s
n = s.NormalDist(mu=10, sigma=2)
samples = n.samples(100_000, seed=42) # remove seed if desired
print(s.mean(samples)) # 10.004521585462394
print(s.stdev(samples)) # 2.0052615406360457
Methods from #Spoonless's answer can be used to tweak the exact mean and stdev of the samples if needed, or one can just use a large enough number of samples to get exceedingly close -- this is statistics, after all.
You can also do this with the random library.
import random as rand
mean = 20.9
stdd = 3
samples = 1000
data = [rand.normalvariate(mean, stdd) for i in samples]
I also needed to generate data with residuals, so I simply added the product of a rand.randomrange(-1,1) with the residual.
data = [rand.normalvariate(mean, stdd)+(rand.randrange(-1,1)*residual) for i in samples]
Note by adding residuals you will throw off the exact mean and stdd slightly.
I am trying to learn how to sample truncated distributions. To begin with I decided to try a simple example I found here example
I didn't really understand the division by the CDF, therefore I decided to tweak the algorithm a bit. Being sampled is an exponential distribution for values x>0 Here is an example python code:
# Sample exponential distribution for the case x>0
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm
def pdf(x):
return x*np.exp(-x)
for i in range(1000000):
if a > 0. :
if np.random.uniform()<A :
plt.hist([x for x in xvec if x != 0],bins=150,normed=True)
Ant the output is:
The code above seems to work fine only for when using the condition if a > 0. :, i.e. positive x, choosing another condition (e.g. if a > 0.5 :) produces wrong results.
Since my final goal was to sample a 2D-Gaussian - pdf on a truncated interval I tried extending the simple example using the exponential distribution (see the code below). Unfortunately, since the simple case didn't work, I assume that the code given below would yield wrong results.
I assume that all this can be done using the advanced tools of python. However, since my primary idea was to understand the principle behind, I would greatly appreciate your help to understand my mistake.
Thank you for your help.
# code updated according to the answer of CrazyIvan
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
b_range=[0.01, 2.5]
cov=[[3.1313994E-05, 1.8013737E-03],[ 1.8013737E-03, 1.0421529E-01]]
for i in range(RANGE):
# accept if within bounds - all that is neded to truncate
if a_range[0]<a_t and a_t<a_range[1] and b_range[0]<b_t and b_t<b_range[1]:
I changed the code by norming the analytic pdf according to this scheme, and according to the answers given by, #Crazy Ivan and #Leandro Caniglia , for the case where the bottom of the pdf is removed. That is dividing by (1-CDF(0.5)) since my accept condition is x>0.5. This seems again to show some discrepancies. Again the mystery prevails ..
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm
def pdf(x):
return x*np.exp(-x)
# included the corresponding cdf
def cdf(x):
return 1. -np.exp(-x)-x*np.exp(-x)
for i in range(1000000):
if a > 0.5 :
if np.random.uniform()<A :
# new part norm the analytic pdf to fix the area
plt.hist([x for x in xvec if x != 0],bins=200,normed=True)
It seems that this can be cured by choosing larger shift size
which is in general an issue of the Metropolis - Hastings. See the graph below:
I also checked shift=150
Bottom line is that changing the shift size definitely improves the convergence. The misery is why, since the Gaussian is unbounded.
You say you want to learn the basic idea of sampling a truncated distribution, but your source is a blog post about
Metropolis–Hastings algorithm? Do you actually need this "method for obtaining a sequence of random samples from a probability distribution for which direct sampling is difficult"? Taking this as your starting point is like learning English by reading Shakespeare.
Truncated normal
For truncated normal, basic rejection sampling is all you need: generate samples for original distribution, reject those outside of bounds. As Leandro Caniglia noted, you should not expect truncated distribution to have the same PDF except on a shorter interval — this is plain impossible because the area under the graph of a PDF is always 1. If you cut off stuff from sides, there has to be more in the middle; the PDF gets rescaled.
It's quite inefficient to gather samples one by one, when you need 100000. I would grab 100000 normal samples at once, accept only those that fit; then repeat until I have enough. Example of sampling truncated normal between amin and amax:
import numpy as np
n_samples = 100000
amin, amax = -1, 2
samples = np.zeros((0,)) # empty for now
while samples.shape[0] < n_samples:
s = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(n_samples,))
accepted = s[(s >= amin) & (s <= amax)]
samples = np.concatenate((samples, accepted), axis=0)
samples = samples[:n_samples] # we probably got more than needed, so discard extra ones
And here is the comparison with the PDF curve, rescaled by division by cdf(amax) - cdf(amin) as explained above.
from scipy.stats import norm
_ = plt.hist(samples, bins=50, density=True)
t = np.linspace(-2, 3, 500)
plt.plot(t, norm.pdf(t)/(norm.cdf(amax) - norm.cdf(amin)), 'r')
Truncated multivariate normal
Now we want to keep the first coordinate between amin and amax, and the second between bmin and bmax. Same story, except there will be a 2-column array and the comparison with bounds is done in a relatively sneaky way:
(np.min(s - [amin, bmin], axis=1) >= 0) & (np.max(s - [amax, bmax], axis=1) <= 0)
This means: subtract amin, bmin from each row and keep only the rows where both results are nonnegative (meaning we had a >= amin and b >= bmin). Also do a similar thing with amax, bmax. Accept only the rows that meet both criteria.
n_samples = 10
amin, amax = -1, 2
bmin, bmax = 0.2, 2.4
mean = [0.3, 0.5]
cov = [[2, 1.1], [1.1, 2]]
samples = np.zeros((0, 2)) # 2 columns now
while samples.shape[0] < n_samples:
s = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, size=(n_samples,))
accepted = s[(np.min(s - [amin, bmin], axis=1) >= 0) & (np.max(s - [amax, bmax], axis=1) <= 0)]
samples = np.concatenate((samples, accepted), axis=0)
samples = samples[:n_samples, :]
Not going to plot, but here are some values: naturally, within bounds.
array([[ 0.43150033, 1.55775629],
[ 0.62339265, 1.63506963],
[-0.6723598 , 1.58053835],
[-0.53347361, 0.53513105],
[ 1.70524439, 2.08226558],
[ 0.37474842, 0.2512812 ],
[-0.40986396, 0.58783193],
[ 0.65967087, 0.59755193],
[ 0.33383214, 2.37651975],
[ 1.7513789 , 1.24469918]])
To compute the truncated density function pdf_t from the entire density function pdf, do the following:
Let [a, b] be the truncation interval; (x axis)
Let A := cdf(a) and B := cdf(b); (cdf = non-truncated cumulative distribution function)
Then pdf_t(x) := pdf(x) / (B - A) if x in [a, b] and 0 elsewhere.
In cases where a = -infinity (resp. b = +infinity), take A := 0 (resp. B := 1).
As for the "mystery" you see
please note that your blue curve is wrong. It is not the pdf of your truncated distribution, it is just the pdf of the non-truncated one, scaled by the correct amount (division by 1-cdf(0.5)). The actual truncated pdf curve starts with a vertical line on x = 0.5 which goes up until it reaches your current blue curve. In other words, you only scaled the curve but forgot to truncate it, in this case to the left. Such a truncation corresponds to the "0 elsewhere" part of step 3 in the algorithm above.