So I have a 2D array (named Data) that looks like:
Shape 0 Shape 1 ... Shape N
------- ------- -------
Scale 0 | Value00 , Value01 ... Value0N |
Scale 1 | Value10 , Value11 ... Value1N |
Scale N | ValueN0 , ValueN1 ... ValueNN |
And I want to create a 3D plot where the ValueXXs are the Z axis. I've tried two attempts, but each give me a surface that is rotated with respect to the other one, so I've gotten myself a bit confused. Here is my 1st attempt at a solution:
x,y = numpy.mgrid[0:50:50j,0:50:50j]
f = Data
fig = plt.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
Here is my second attempt:
nx, ny = 50, 50
x = range(nx)
y = range(ny)
hf = plt.figure()
ha = hf.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y)
Examining X and Y does no help really because its a square. I'm not sure when X represents my 'Scale' vs when it is representing my 'Shape'.
So, what is really going on with these two examples? Is there a better way to plot this array?
If I understand you right, the confusion is which axis is which, right? If this is the case, you can easily plot a known asymmetric shape and the plot will tell you everything. For example, adopting an example from the gallery:
# By Armin Moser
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
step = 0.04
maxval = 1.0
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# create supporting points in polar coordinates
r = np.linspace(0,1.25,50)
p = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,50)
R,P = np.meshgrid(r,p)
# transform them to cartesian system
X,Y = R*np.cos(P),R*np.sin(P)
#Z = ((R**2 - 1)**2)
Z = (X**2 + 0.2*Y**2 -1)**2 # <------- edit
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet)
#ax.set_zlim3d(0, 1)
I was trying to replicate the answer found here with my own data, which happens to be a 3D numpy array of integers. I got close with the following code:
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = np.random.randint(0,6,size=(49,512,512))
x = y = np.arange(0, 512, 1)
z = 20
i = data[z,:,:]
z1 = 21
i1 = data[z1,:,:]
z2 = 22
i2 = data[z2,:,:]
# here are the x,y and respective z values
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = z*np.ones(X.shape)
Z1 = z1*np.ones(X.shape)
Z2 = z2*np.ones(X.shape)
# create the figure, add a 3d axis, set the viewing angle
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# here we create the surface plot, but pass V through a colormap
# to create a different color for each patch
im = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, facecolors=cm.viridis(i))
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z1, facecolors=cm.viridis(i1))
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z2, facecolors=cm.viridis(i2))
But this produces the plot below.
There are two things wrong with this plot: (1) the surfaces are a constant color and (2) the color bar doesn't seem to be referencing the data.
Following the advice here, I found that (1) can be solved by replacing data with a set of random numbers data = np.random.random(size=(49,512,512)), which produces the below image.
I think this suggests the integer data in the first image needs to be normalized before displaying properly, but, if it's possible, I would really like to make this plot without normalization; I want integer values to display like the second image. Also, I'm not sure why the color bar isn't connected to the color scale of the images themselves and could use advice on how to fix that. Ideally, the color bar to be connected to all three surfaces, not just the im surface.
Thanks in advance!
First, you have to normalize your data. Then, you pass the normalized data into the colormap to create the face colors:
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
data = np.random.randint(0,6,size=(49,512,512))
# create a Normalize object with the correct range
norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=data.min(), vmax=data.max())
# normalized_data contains values between 0 and 1
normalized_data = norm(data)
# extract the appropriate values
z = 20
z1 = 21
z2 = 22
i = normalized_data[z,:,:]
i1 = normalized_data[z1,:,:]
i2 = normalized_data[z2,:,:]
x = y = np.arange(0, 512, 1)
# here are the x,y and respective z values
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = z*np.ones(X.shape)
Z1 = z1*np.ones(X.shape)
Z2 = z2*np.ones(X.shape)
# create the figure, add a 3d axis, set the viewing angle
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# here we create the surface plot, but pass V through a colormap
# to create a different color for each patch
im = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, facecolors=cm.viridis(i))
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z1, facecolors=cm.viridis(i1))
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z2, facecolors=cm.viridis(i2))
# create a scalar mappable to create an appropriate colorbar
sm = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.viridis, norm=norm)
I have a spatial dataset with the center coordinates of cubes with a specific size (20 m), and a variable for color mapping.
I want to plot these cubes in 3D; however, I couldn't find a way to do it. I've tried to implement a voxel code by calculating the corner coordinates of the cubes but got stuck after some point.
The dataset looks like this:
x y z variable
0 14630 21750 4690 0.087
1 14630 21770 4690 0.046
2 14630 21790 4690 0.045
3 14630 21930 5290 0.1657
4 14630 21950 5270 0.1144
I'm not sure if I should be using ax.voxels or Poly3DCollection. So, if you have any tips, I'd appreciate it.
IIUC, simply modifying this brilliant answer pointed by #David_sd in a comment, you can get the following figure:
Code to plot 3D cubes:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [14630, 14630, 14360, 14360, 14360], "y" : [21750, 21770, 21790, 21930, 21950], "z" : [4690, 4690, 4690, 5290, 5270]})
def get_cube():
phi = np.arange(1,10,2)*np.pi/4
Phi, Theta = np.meshgrid(phi, phi)
x = np.cos(Phi)*np.sin(Theta)
y = np.sin(Phi)*np.sin(Theta)
z = np.cos(Theta)/np.sqrt(2)
return x,y,z
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
L = 20
for i in df.index:
x,y,z = get_cube()
# Change the centroid of the cube from zero to values in data frame
x = x*L + df.x[i]
y = y*L + df.y[i]
z = z*L + df.z[i]
ax.plot_surface(x, y, z)
I have a 3d plot made using matplotlib. I now want to fill the vertical space between the drawn line and the x,y axis to highlight the height of the line on the z axis. On a 2d plot this would be done with fill_between but there does not seem to be anything similar for a 3d plot. Can anyone help?
here is my current code
from stravalib import Client
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
... code to get the data ....
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
zi = alt
x = df['x'].tolist()
y = df['y'].tolist()
ax.plot(x, y, zi, label='line')
and the current plot
just to be clear I want a vertical fill to the x,y axis intersection NOT this...
You're right. It seems that there is no equivalent in 3D plot for the 2D plot function fill_between. The solution I propose is to convert your data in 3D polygons. Here is the corresponding code:
import math as mt
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import numpy as np
import random as rd
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
# Parameter (reference height)
h = 0.0
# Code to generate the data
n = 200
alpha = 0.75 * mt.pi
theta = [alpha + 2.0 * mt.pi * (float(k) / float(n)) for k in range(0, n + 1)]
xs = [1.0 * mt.cos(k) for k in theta]
ys = [1.0 * mt.sin(k) for k in theta]
zs = [abs(k - alpha - mt.pi) * rd.random() for k in theta]
# Code to convert data in 3D polygons
v = []
for k in range(0, len(xs) - 1):
x = [xs[k], xs[k+1], xs[k+1], xs[k]]
y = [ys[k], ys[k+1], ys[k+1], ys[k]]
z = [zs[k], zs[k+1], h, h]
#list is necessary in python 3/remove for python 2
v.append(list(zip(x, y, z)))
poly3dCollection = Poly3DCollection(v)
# Code to plot the 3D polygons
fig = pl.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
ax.set_xlim([min(xs), max(xs)])
ax.set_ylim([min(ys), max(ys)])
ax.set_zlim([min(zs), max(zs)])
It produces the following figure:
I hope this will help you.
I have a spreadsheet file that I would like to input to create a 3D surface graph using Matplotlib in Python.
I used plot_trisurf and it worked, but I need the projections of the contour profiles onto the graph that I can get with the surface function, like this example.
I'm struggling to arrange my Z data in a 2D array that I can use to input in the plot_surface method. I tried a lot of things, but none seems to work.
Here it is what I have working, using plot_trisurf
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df=pd.read_excel ("/Users/carolethais/Desktop/Dissertação Carol/Códigos/Resultados/res_02_0.5.xlsx")
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
# I got the graph using trisurf
graf=ax.plot_trisurf(df["Diametro"],df["Comprimento"], df["temp_out"],
ax.set_xlim(0, 0.5)
ax.set_ylim(0, 100)
fig.colorbar(graf, shrink=0.5, aspect=15)
ax.set_xlabel('Diâmetro (m)')
ax.set_ylabel('Comprimento (m)')
ax.set_zlabel('Temperatura de Saída (ºC)')
This is a part of my df, dataframe:
Diametro Comprimento temp_out
0 0.334294 0.787092 34.801994
1 0.334294 8.187065 32.465551
2 0.334294 26.155976 29.206090
3 0.334294 43.648591 27.792126
4 0.334294 60.768219 27.163233
... ... ... ...
59995 0.437266 14.113660 31.947302
59996 0.437266 25.208851 30.317583
59997 0.437266 33.823035 29.405461
59998 0.437266 57.724209 27.891616
59999 0.437266 62.455890 27.709298
I tried this approach to use the imported data with plot_surface, but what I got was indeed a graph but it didn't work, here it's the way the graph looked with this approach:
Thank you so much
A different approach, based on re-gridding the data, that doesn't require that the original data is specified on a regular grid [deeply inspired by this example;-].
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.tri as tri
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# compute the sombrero over a cloud of random points
npts = 10000
x, y = np.random.uniform(-5, 5, npts), np.random.uniform(-5, 5, npts)
z = np.cos(1.5*np.sqrt(x*x + y*y))/(1+0.33*(x*x+y*y))
# prepare the interpolator
triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y)
interpolator = tri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang, z)
# do the interpolation
xi = yi = np.linspace(-5, 5, 101)
Xi, Yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
Zi = interpolator(Xi, Yi)
# plotting
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
norm = plt.Normalize(-1,1)
ax.plot_surface(Xi, Yi, Zi,
plot_trisurf expects x, y, z as 1D arrays while plot_surface expects X, Y, Z as 2D arrays or as x, y, Z with x, y being 1D array and Z a 2D array.
Your data consists of 3 1D arrays, so plotting them with plot_trisurf is immediate but you need to use plot_surface to be able to project the isolines on the coordinate planes... You need to reshape your data.
It seems that you have 60000 data points, in the following I assume that you have a regular grid 300 points in the x direction and 200 points in y — but what is important is the idea of regular grid.
The code below shows
the use of plot_trisurf (with a coarser mesh), similar to your code;
the correct use of reshaping and its application in plot_surface;
note that the number of rows in reshaping corresponds to the number
of points in y and the number of columns to the number of points in x;
and 4. incorrect use of reshaping, the resulting subplots are somehow
similar to the plot you showed, maybe you just need to fix the number
of row and columns.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
x, y = np.arange(30)/3.-5, np.arange(20)/2.-5
x, y = (arr.flatten() for arr in np.meshgrid(x, y))
z = np.cos(1.5*np.sqrt(x*x + y*y))/(1+0.1*(x*x+y*y))
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, subplot_kw={"projection" : "3d"})
axes = iter(axes.flatten())
ax = next(axes)
ax.plot_trisurf(x,y,z, cmap='Reds')
X, Y, Z = (arr.reshape(20,30) for arr in (x,y,z))
ax = next(axes)
ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z, cmap='Reds')
ax.set_title('Surface 20×30')
X, Y, Z = (arr.reshape(30,20) for arr in (x,y,z))
ax = next(axes)
ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z, cmap='Reds')
ax.set_title('Surface 30×20')
X, Y, Z = (arr.reshape(40,15) for arr in (x,y,z))
ax = next(axes)
ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z, cmap='Reds')
ax.set_title('Surface 40×15')
I would like to plot a heat map on the unit sphere using the matplotlib library of python. There are several places where this question is discussed. Just like this: Heat Map half-sphere plot
I can do this partially. I can creat the sphere and the heatplot. I have coordinate matrices X,Y and Z, which have the same size. I have another variable of the same size as X, Y and Z, which contains scalars used to creat the heat map. However in case c contains scalars differ from zero in its first and last rows, just one polar cap will be colored but not the other. The code generates the above mentioned result is the next:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
#Creating the theta and phi values.
theta = np.linspace(0,np.pi,100,endpoint=True)
phi = np.linspace(0,np.pi*2,100,endpoint=True)
#Creating the coordinate grid for the unit sphere.
X = np.outer(np.sin(theta),np.cos(phi))
Y = np.outer(np.sin(theta),np.sin(phi))
Z = np.outer(np.cos(theta),np.ones(100))
#Creating a 2D matrix contains the values used to color the unit sphere.
c = np.zeros((100,100))
for i in range(100):
c[0,i] = 100
c[99,i] = 100
#Creat the plot.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=cm.plasma(c/np.amax(c)), alpha=0.22, linewidth=1)
m = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.plasma)
#Show the plot.
The plot which was generated:
Could somebody help me what's going on here?
Thank you for your help in advance!
There are a number of small differences with your example but an
important one, namely the shape of the values array c.
As mentioned in another
answer the grid that
defines the surface is larger (by one in both dimensions) than the
grid that defines the value in each quadrangular patch, so that by
using a smaller array for c it is possible to choose correctly the
bands to color not only with respect to the beginnings of the c
array but also with respect to its ends, as I tried to demonstrate in
the following.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# Creating the theta and phi values.
intervals = 8
ntheta = intervals
nphi = 2*intervals
theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi*1, ntheta+1)
phi = np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, nphi+1)
# Creating the coordinate grid for the unit sphere.
X = np.outer(np.sin(theta), np.cos(phi))
Y = np.outer(np.sin(theta), np.sin(phi))
Z = np.outer(np.cos(theta), np.ones(nphi+1))
# Creating a 2D array to be color-mapped on the unit sphere.
# {X, Y, Z}.shape → (ntheta+1, nphi+1) but c.shape → (ntheta, nphi)
c = np.zeros((ntheta, nphi)) + 0.4
# The poles are different
c[ :1, :] = 0.8
c[-1:, :] = 0.8
# as well as the zones across Greenwich
c[:, :1] = 0.0
c[:, -1:] = 0.0
# Creating the colormap thingies.
cm =
sm =
# Creating the plot.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=cm(c), alpha=0.3)
# Showing the plot.
The values in the arrays define the edges of the grid. The color of the ith face is determined by the ith value in the color array. However, for n edges you only have n-1 faces, such that the last value is ignored.
E.g. if you have 4 grid values and 4 colors, the plot will have only the first three colors in the grid.
Thus a solution for the above would be to use a color array with one color less than gridpoints in each dimension.
c = np.zeros((99,99))
c[[0,98],:] = 100