I'm trying to modify some existing code to return the value from 'title' from an API call. Was wondering if its possible?
Example API Url: http://domain.com/rest/getSong.view?u=username&p=password&v=1.8.0&id=11452
The above URL returns:
<domain-response xmlns="http://domain.org/restapi" status="ok" version="1.8.0">
<song id="11452" parent="11044" title="The Title" album="The Album"/>
Now is there a way to use python to get the 'title' value if I know the id?
Example of current code using the REST API in a file called domain.py
def get_playlist(self, playlist_id):
Addon.log('get_playlist: ' + playlist_id)
payload = self.__get_json('getPlaylist.view', {'id': playlist_id})
if payload:
songs = self.listify(payload['playlist']['entry'])
Rest of referenced code from another file called default.py
elif Addon.plugin_queries['mode'] == 'playlist':
As your response is in XML format, the intuitive way to use an XML parser. Here's how to use lxml to parse your response and get the title of song with ID 11452:
from lxml import etree
s = """<domain-response xmlns="http://domain.org/restapi" status="ok" version="1.8.0">
<song id="11452" parent="11044" title="The Title" album="The Album"/>
tree = etree.fromstring(s)
song = tree.xpath("//ns:song[#id=\'11452\']",namespaces={'ns':'http://domain.org/restapi'})
print song[0].get('title')
It's worth mentioning that there's also a dirty way to get the title if you don't care about the rest content by using regular expression:
import re
print re.compile("song id=\"11452\".*?title=\"(.*?)\"").search(s).group(1)
So I was creating a script to list information from Google's V3 YouTube API and I used the structure that was shown on their Site describing it, so I'm pretty sure I'm misunderstanding something.
I tried using the structure that was shown to print JUST the Video's Title as a test
and was expecting that to print, however it just throws an error. Error is below
Here's what I wrote below
import sys, json, requests
vidCode = input('\nVideo Code Here: ')
url = requests.get(f'https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet%2CcontentDetails%2Cstatistics&id={vidCode}&key=(not sharing the api key, lol)')
text = url.text
data = json.loads(text)
if "kind" in data:
print(f'Video URL: youtube.com/watch?v={vidCode}')
print('Title: ', data['snippet.title'])
print("The video could not be found.\n")
This did not work, however if I change snippet.title to just something like etag the print is successful.
I take it this is because the Title is further down in the JSON List.
I've also tried doing data['items'] which did work, but I also don't want to output a massive chunk of unformatted information, it's not pretty lol.
Another test I did was data['items.snippet.title'] to see if that was what I was missing, also no, that didn't work.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
you need to access the keys in the dictionary separately.
import sys, json, requests
vidCode = input('\nVideo Code Here: ')
url = requests.get(f'https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet%2CcontentDetails%2Cstatistics&id={vidCode}&key=(not sharing the api key, lol)')
text = url.text
data = json.loads(text)
if "kind" in data:
print(f'Video URL: youtube.com/watch?v={vidCode}')
print('Title: ', data['items'][0]['snippet']['title'])
print("The video could not be found.\n")
To be clear, you need to access the 'items' value in the dictionary which is a list, get the first item from that list, then get the 'snippet' sub object, then finally the title.
i am trying to extract specific data from requested json file
so after passing Authorization and using requests.get i got my request , i think it is called dictionary for python coders and called json for javascript coders
it containt too much information that i dont need and i would like to extract one or two only
for example {"bio" : " hello world " }
and that json file contains more that one " bio "
for example i am scraping 100 accounts and i would like to extract all " bio " in one code
so i tried this :
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
headers = {"Authorization" : "xxxx"}
req = requests.get('website', headers = headers)
data = req.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data,'html.parser')
titles = soup.find_all('span',{'class':'bio'})
for title in titles :
and didnt work , i tried multiple ideas with no success
if possible please write me a code that i can understande since iam trying to learn more about my mistakes
The Aphid library I created is perfect for this.
from command-prompt
py -m pip install Aphid
Then its just as easy as loading your json data and searching it with aphid.
import json
import Aphid
resp = requests.get(yoururl)
data = json.loads(resp.text)
results = Aphid.findall(data, 'bio')
results is now equal to a list of tuples(key, value), of every occurence of the 'bio' key.
After you get your request either:
you get a simple json file (in which case you import it to python using json) or
you get an html file from which you can extract the json code (using BeautifulSoup) which in turn you will parse using json library.
So I have a data retrieval/entry project and I want to extract a certain part of a webpage and store it in a text file. I have a text file of urls and the program is supposed to extract the same part of the page for each url.
Specifically, the program copies the legal statute following "Legal Authority:" on pages such as this. As you can see, there is only one statute listed. However, some of the urls also look like this, meaning that there are multiple separated statutes.
My code works for pages of the first kind:
from sys import argv
from urllib2 import urlopen
script, urlfile, legalfile = argv
input = open(urlfile, "r")
output = open(legalfile, "w")
def get_legal(page):
# this is where Legal Authority: starts in the code
start_link = page.find('Legal Authority:')
start_legal = page.find('">', start_link+1)
end_link = page.find('<', start_legal+1)
legal = page[start_legal+2: end_link]
return legal
for line in input:
pg = urlopen(line).read()
statute = get_legal(pg)
Giving me the desired statute name in the "legalfile" output .txt. However, it cannot copy multiple statute names. I've tried something like this:
def get_legal(page):
# this is where Legal Authority: starts in the code
end_link = ""
legal = ""
start_link = page.find('Legal Authority:')
while (end_link != '</a> '):
start_legal = page.find('">', start_link+1)
end_link = page.find('<', start_legal+1)
end2 = page.find('</a> ', end_link+1)
legal += page[start_legal+2: end_link]
return legal
Since every list of statutes ends with '</a> ' (inspect the source of either of the two links) I thought I could use that fact (having it as the end of the index) to loop through and collect all the statutes in one string. Any ideas?
I would suggest using BeautifulSoup to parse and search your html. This will be much easier than doing basic string searches.
Here's a sample that pulls all the <a> tags found within the <td> tag that contains the <b>Legal Authority:</b> tag. (Note that I'm using requests library to fetch page content here - this is just a recommended and very easy to use alternative to urlopen.)
import requests
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
# fetch the content of the page with requests library
url = "http://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/eAgendaViewRule?pubId=200210&RIN=1205-AB16"
response = requests.get(url)
# parse the html
html = BeautifulSoup(response.content)
# find all the <a> tags
a_tags = html.findAll('a', attrs={'class': 'pageSubNavTxt'})
def fetch_parent_tag(tags):
# fetch the parent <td> tag of the first <a> tag
# whose "previous sibling" is the <b>Legal Authority:</b> tag.
for tag in tags:
sibling = tag.findPreviousSibling()
if not sibling:
if sibling.getText() == 'Legal Authority:':
return tag.findParent()
# now, just find all the child <a> tags of the parent.
# i.e. finding the parent of one child, find all the children
parent_tag = fetch_parent_tag(a_tags)
tags_you_want = parent_tag.findAll('a')
for tag in tags_you_want:
print 'statute: ' + tag.getText()
If this isn't exactly what you needed to do, BeautifulSoup is still the tool you likely want to use for sifting through html.
They provide XML data over there, see my comment. If you think you can't download that many files (or the other end could dislike so many HTTP GET requests), I'd recommend asking their admins if they would kindly provide you with a different way of accessing the data.
I have done so twice in the past (with scientific databases). In one instance the sheer size of the dataset prohibited a download; they ran a SQL query of mine and e-mailed the results (but had previously offered to mail a DVD or hard disk). In another case, I could have done some million HTTP requests to a webservice (and they were ok) each fetching about 1k bytes. This would have taken long, and would have been quite inconvenient (requiring some error-handling, since some of these requests would always time out) (and non-atomic due to paging). I was mailed a DVD.
I'd imagine that the Office of Management and Budget could possibly be similar accomodating.
I have tried this before. I'm completely at a loss for ideas.
On this page this dialog box to qet quotes.
The output is the above with a table.
If you have an account the quote are real time --- via cookie.
How do I get the table into python using 2.6. The data as list or dictionary
Use something like Beautiful Soup to parse the HTML response from the web site and load it into a dictionary. use the symbol as the key and a tuple of whatever data you're interested in as the value. Iterate over all the symbols returned and add one entry per symbol.
You can see examples of how to do this in Toby Segaran's "Programming Collective Intelligence". The samples are all in Python.
First problem: the data is actually in an iframe in a frame; you need to be looking at https://www.schwab.wallst.com/public/research/stocks/summary.asp?user_id=schwabpublic&symbol=APC (where you substitute the appropriate symbol on the end of the URL).
Second problem: extracting the data from the page. I personally like lxml and xpath, but there are many packages which will do the job. I would probably expect some code like
import urllib2
import lxml.html
import re
re_dollars = '\$?\s*(\d+\.\d{2})'
def urlExtractData(url, defs):
Get html from url, parse according to defs, return as dictionary
defs is a list of tuples ("name", "xpath", "regex", fn )
name becomes the key in the returned dictionary
xpath is used to extract a string from the page
regex further processes the string (skipped if None)
fn casts the string to the desired type (skipped if None)
page = urllib2.urlopen(url) # can modify this to include your cookies
tree = lxml.html.parse(page)
res = {}
for name,path,reg,fn in defs:
txt = tree.xpath(path)[0]
if reg != None:
match = re.search(reg,txt)
txt = match.group(1)
if fn != None:
txt = fn(txt)
res[name] = txt
return res
def getStockData(code):
url = 'https://www.schwab.wallst.com/public/research/stocks/summary.asp?user_id=schwabpublic&symbol=' + code
defs = [
("stock_name", '//span[#class="header1"]/text()', None, str),
("stock_symbol", '//span[#class="header2"]/text()', None, str),
("last_price", '//span[#class="neu"]/text()', re_dollars, float)
# etc
return urlExtractData(url, defs)
When called as
print repr(getStockData('MSFT'))
it returns
{'stock_name': 'Microsoft Corp', 'last_price': 25.690000000000001, 'stock_symbol': 'MSFT:NASDAQ'}
Third problem: the markup on this page is presentational, not structural - which says to me that code based on it will likely be fragile, ie any change to the structure of the page (or variation between pages) will require reworking your xpaths.
Hope that helps!
Have you thought of using yahoo's quotes api?
see: http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console/?q=show%20tables&env=store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys#h=select%20*%20from%20yahoo.finance.quotes%20where%20symbol%20%3D%20%22YHOO%22
You will be able to dynamically generate a request to the website such as:
And just poll it with standard a http GET request. The response is in XML format.
matplotlib has a module that gets historical quotes from Yahoo:
>>> from matplotlib.finance import quotes_historical_yahoo
>>> from datetime import date
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(quotes_historical_yahoo('IBM', date(2010, 11, 12), date(2010, 11, 18)))
I was trying out the bit.ly api for shorterning and got it to work. It returns to my script an xml document. I wanted to extract out the tag but cant seem to parse it properly.
askfor = urllib2.Request(full_url)
response = urllib2.urlopen(askfor)
the_page = response.read()
So the_page contains the xml document. I tried:
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
doc = parse(the_page)
this causes an error. what am I doing wrong?
You don't provide an error message so I can't be sure this is the only error. But, xml.minidom.parse does not take a string. From the docstring for parse:
Parse a file into a DOM by filename or file object.
You should try:
response = urllib2.urlopen(askfor)
doc = parse(response)
since response will behave like a file object. Or you could use the parseString method in minidom instead (and then pass the_page as the argument).
EDIT: to extract the URL, you'll need to do:
url_nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName('url')
url = url_nodes[0]
print url.childNodes[0].data
The result of getElementsByTagName is a list of all nodes matching (just one in this case). url is an Element as you noticed, which contains a child Text node, which contains the data you need.
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
doc = parseString(the_page)
See the documentation for xml.dom.minidom.