scraping data from json after using requests - python

i am trying to extract specific data from requested json file
so after passing Authorization and using requests.get i got my request , i think it is called dictionary for python coders and called json for javascript coders
it containt too much information that i dont need and i would like to extract one or two only
for example {"bio" : " hello world " }
and that json file contains more that one " bio "
for example i am scraping 100 accounts and i would like to extract all " bio " in one code
so i tried this :
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
headers = {"Authorization" : "xxxx"}
req = requests.get('website', headers = headers)
data = req.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data,'html.parser')
titles = soup.find_all('span',{'class':'bio'})
for title in titles :
and didnt work , i tried multiple ideas with no success
if possible please write me a code that i can understande since iam trying to learn more about my mistakes

The Aphid library I created is perfect for this.
from command-prompt
py -m pip install Aphid
Then its just as easy as loading your json data and searching it with aphid.
import json
import Aphid
resp = requests.get(yoururl)
data = json.loads(resp.text)
results = Aphid.findall(data, 'bio')
results is now equal to a list of tuples(key, value), of every occurence of the 'bio' key.

After you get your request either:
you get a simple json file (in which case you import it to python using json) or
you get an html file from which you can extract the json code (using BeautifulSoup) which in turn you will parse using json library.


How to scrape data from JSON/Javascript of web page?

I'm new to Python, just get started with it today.
My system environment are Python 3.5 with some libraries on Windows10.
I want to extract football player data from site below as CSV file.
Problem: I can not extract data from soup.find_all('script')[17] to my expected CSV format. How to extract those data as I want ?
My code is shown as below.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
req = Request('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
webpage = urlopen(req).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(webpage,'html.parser') #not sure if i need to use lxml
soup.find_all('script')[17] #My target data is in 17th
My expected output would be similar to this
As #josiah Swain said, it's not going to be pretty. For this sort of thing it's more recommended to use JS as it can understand what you have.
Saying that, python is awesome and here is you solution!
#Same imports as before
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
#And one more
import json
# The code you had
req = Request('',
headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
webpage = urlopen(req).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(webpage,'html.parser')
# Store the script
script = soup.find_all('script')[17]
# Extract the oneline that stores all that JSON
uncleanJson = [line for line in script.text.split('\n')
if line.lstrip().startswith('squad.register_players($.parseJSON') ][0]
# The easiest way to strip away all that yucky JS to get to the JSON
cleanJSON = uncleanJson.lstrip() \
.replace('squad.register_players($.parseJSON(\'', '') \
# Extract out that useful info
data = [ [p['position'],p['data']['slot_position'],p['data']['slug']]
for p in json.loads(cleanJSON)
if p['player'] is not None]
for line in data:
The result I get for copying and pasting this into python is:
Edit: On reflection this is not the easiest code to read for a beginner. Here is a easier to read version
# ... All that previous code
script = soup.find_all('script')[17]
allScriptLines = script.text.split('\n')
uncleanJson = None
for line in allScriptLines:
# Remove left whitespace (makes it easier to parse)
cleaner_line = line.lstrip()
if cleaner_line.startswith('squad.register_players($.parseJSON'):
uncleanJson = cleaner_line
cleanJSON = uncleanJson.replace('squad.register_players($.parseJSON(\'', '').replace('\'));','')
for player in json.loads(cleanJSON):
if player['player'] is not None:
So my understanding is that beautifulsoup is better for HTML parsing, but you are trying to parse javascript nested in the HTML.
So you have two options
Simply create a function that takes the result of soup.find_all('script')[17], loop and search the string manually for the data and extract it. You can even use ast.literal_eval(string_thats_really_a_dictionary) to make it even easier. This is may not be the best a approach but if you are new to python you might want to do it this just for practice.
Use the json library like in this example. or alternatively like this way. This is probably the better way to do.

python web-scraping yahoo finance

Since Yahoo finance updated their website. some tables seem to be created dynamically and not actually stored in the HTML (I used to get this information using BeautifulSoup, urllib but this won't work anymore). I am after the Analyst tables for example ADP specifically the Earnings Estimates for Year Ago EPS (Current Year Column). You cannot get this information from the API.
I found this link which works well for the Analyst Recommendations Trends. does anyone know how to do something similar for the main table on this page? (LINK:
python lxml etree applet information from yahoo )
I tried to follow the steps taken but frankly its beyond me.
returning the whole table is all I need I can pick out bits from there. cheers
In order to get that data, you need to open Chrome DevTools and select Network tab with XHR filter. If you click on ADP request you can see link in RequestUrl.
You can use Requests library for making a request and parsing json response from the site.
import requests
from pprint import pprint
url = ''
r = requests.get(url).json()
further to volds answer above and using the answer in the link I posted above. (credit to saaj). This gives just the dataset I need and is neater when calling the module. I am not sure what the parameter crumb is but, it seems to work ok without it.
import json
from pprint import pprint
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlencode
def parse():
host = ''
#host = '' # try if above doesn't work
path = '/v10/finance/quoteSummary/%s' % 'ADP'
params = {
'formatted' : 'true',
#'crumb' : 'ILlIC9tOoXt',
'lang' : 'en-US',
'region' : 'US',
'modules' : 'earningsTrend',
'domain' : ''
response = urlopen('{}{}?{}'.format(host, path, urlencode(params)))
data = json.loads(
if __name__ == '__main__':
Other modules (just add a comma between them):
In GitHub, c0redumb has proposed a whole solution. You can download the After import it, you can get Yahoo finance data by one line of code, as blew.
import yqd
yf_data = yqd.load_yahoo_quote('GOOG', '20170722', '20170725')
The result 'yf_data' is:
['Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Adj Close,Volume',

Python print values from json table with requests?

I just started python and can't figure out how I would do this.
So I want to make a tool that interacts with
I'm using requests to get something from a specific user.
r = requests.get("")
print r.text
{"Shedletsky" : {"GroupId" : 2814397, "GroupName" : "Shedletsky Studios", "RoleSetName" : "Owner", "RoleSetRank" : 255}}
How do I interact with the json table to get only certain variables? e.g make it Print the GroupName only so in the end I would get something like:
Groupname: Shedletsky Studios
to extract your data from text json you need to convert it to json first, so do this
import json
r = requests.get("")
print r.text
data = json.load(r.text)
print data['GroupName']
this will get your work done
hope this helps :)

Connecting to YouTube API and download URLs - getting KeyError

My goal is to connect to Youtube API and download the URLs of specific music producers.I found the following script which I used from the following link: In the video the code works beautifully. But when I try it on python 2.7 it gives me KeyError:'items'.
I know KeyErrors can occur when there is an incorrect use of a dictionary or when a key doesn't exist.
I have tried going to the google developers site for youtube to make sure that 'items' exist and it does.
I am also aware that using get() may be helpful for my problem but I am not sure. Any suggestions to fixing my KeyError using the following code or any suggestions on how to improve my code to reach my main goal of downloading the URLs (I have a Youtube API)?
Here is the code:
#these modules help with HTTP request from Youtube
import urllib
import urllib2
import json
API_KEY = open("/Users/ereyes/Desktop/APIKey.rtf","r")
searchTerm = raw_input('Search for a video:')
searchTerm = urllib.quote_plus(searchTerm)
url = ''+searchTerm+'&key='+API_KEY
response = urllib.urlopen(url)
videos = json.load(response)
videoMetadata = [] #declaring our list
for video in videos['items']: #"for loop" cycle through json response and searches in items
if video['id']['kind'] == 'youtube#video': #makes sure that item we are looking at is only videos
videoMetadata.append(video['snippet']['title']+ # getting title of video and putting into list
videoMetadata.sort(); # sorts our list alphaetically
print ("\nSearch Results:\n") #print out search results
for metadata in videoMetadata:
print (metadata)+"\n"
raw_input('Press Enter to Exit')
The problem is most likely a combination of using an RTF file instead of a plain text file for the API key and you seem to be confused whether to use urllib or urllib2 since you imported both.
Personally, I would recommend requests, but I think you need to read() the contents of the request to get a string
response = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
You can check that by printing the response variable

Script to connect to a web page

Looking for a python script that would simply connect to a web page (maybe some querystring parameters).
I am going to run this script as a batch job in unix.
urllib2 will do what you want and it's pretty simple to use.
import urllib
import urllib2
params = {'param1': 'value1'}
req = urllib2.Request("http://someurl", urllib.urlencode(params))
res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data =
It's also nice because it's easy to modify the above code to do all sorts of other things like POST requests, Basic Authentication, etc.
Try this:
aResp = urllib2.urlopen("");
If you need your script to actually function as a user of the site (clicking links, etc.) then you're probably looking for the python mechanize library.
Python Mechanize
A simple wget called from a shell script might suffice.
in python 2.7:
import urllib2
params = "key=val&key2=val2" #make sure that it's in GET request format
url = ""
html = urllib2.urlopen(url+"?"+params).read()
print html
more info at
in python 3.6:
from urllib.request import urlopen
params = "key=val&key2=val2" #make sure that it's in GET request format
url = ""
html = urlopen(url+"?"+params).read()
more info at
to encode params into GET format:
def myEncode(dictionary):
result = ""
for k in dictionary: #k is the key
result += k+"="+dictionary[k]+"&"
return result[:-1] #all but that last `&`
I'm pretty sure this should work in either python2 or python3...
What are you trying to do? If you're just trying to fetch a web page, cURL is a pre-existing (and very common) tool that does exactly that.
Basic usage is very simple:
You might want to simply use httplib from the standard library.
myConnection = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
you can find the official reference here:

