How do I make a translation animation in python? - python

I'm trying to animate smooth motion between two points on the screen. At the moment, I am using the following python generator function to determine the point at which to draw the image:
#indexes (just for readability)
def followLine(pointA, pointB, speed):
x1, y1 = pointA
x2, y2 = pointB
movement=[0, 0]
if abs(diffY) > abs(diffX):
#Y distance is greater than x distace
if numFrames==0:
elif abs(diffY) < abs(diffX):
#Y distance is less than x distace
if numFrames==0:
else: #Equal
if diffY < 0:
#is negative
movement[Y] *= -1
if diffX < 0:
movement[X] *= -1
yield pointA
while (abs(pos[X]-x2) > speed)or(abs(pos[Y]-y2) > speed):
pos[X] += movement[X]
pos[Y] += movement[Y]
yield pos
yield pointB
However, this has 2 problems:
First, my main concern is that if pointA and pointB are very far apart, or if the speed is too low, the animation will pass right by pointB, and will keep going for infinity;
The other problem is that, at the end of the animation, there is a sort of jolt as the image snaps into place. This jolt is usually fairly imperceptible, but I'd like to try and make the animation smoother.
How can I do this? I've been looking into the use of trig functions and that seems promising, but I'm not much of a math person, so I'm having trouble understanding exactly how I might implement it using trig.
Also, for what it's worth I'm using Python 3.2.

There's missing information, I think. Seems like you need to either substitute a numFrames arg for speed, or add a time arg in addition to speed. Assuming the former, how about this. Note this generates numFrames+1 points so that pointA and pointB are always the first and last point, respectively, but that's trivial to change if that's not the behavior you want:
def followLine(pointA, pointB, numFrames):
x1, y1 = pointA
x2, y2 = pointB
diffY = float(y2 - y1) / numFrames
diffX = float(x2 - x1) / numFrames
for f in range(1,numFrames):
point = (x1 + f * diffX, y1 + f * diffY)
points = followLine((0,0), (1,1), 10)
# then iterate over the points and do whatever
for p in points:
print str(p)


How to compare 2 distances in Python, Pygame with lines to create a box?

So what I want in theory is pretty simple. I want create something where you:
have 2 lines that the user draws
have code that take the first line and take the 2 points from it
take the other lines 2 points
takes the first point from the first line and compares it to the 2 points from (let's call it) line 2
does the same for the 2nd point of line 1
and draws line connecting the points the first point of line 1 to the closest point of line 2, then drawing the 2nd point of line one to the last one (of line 2).
Sounds a bit complicated, but probably because I'm bad a explaining things.
The code I have for this is here
I also just want to add that the function "draw_line()" just takes the inputs of "start_pos", and "end_pos" so it doesn't matter what order the inputs are put in. Also "y2, y1" is the starting point or, 1st, and z is the 2nd.
def find_closer_point(self, origin_point, point1, point2):
# find the distance between both points and then choose the closest one to it
# the variables
x2, x1 = origin_point
y2, y1 = point1
z2, z1 = point2
# the distance formula
calc1 = ((x2 - x1) ^ 2) + ((y2 - y1) ^ 2)
calc2 = ((x2 - x1) ^ 2) + ((z2 - z1) ^ 2)
# to compare the distances (which seems to be the hard part)
if math.sqrt(calc1) > math.sqrt(calc2):
self.draw_line((x2, x1), (z2, z1))
except ValueError:
new_calc1 = math.sqrt(abs(calc1))
new_calc2 = math.sqrt(abs(calc2))
if new_calc1 > new_calc2:
self.draw_line((x2, x1), (z2, z1))
if new_calc1 < new_calc2:
self.draw_line((x2, x1), (y2, y1))
I can't seem to find what's wrong. Also, if I need to provide more code as context or if something else is wrong then just ask.
Use the Dot product to find the point with the pointe which is "nearer" in a certain direction
def dot(p1, p2):
return p1[0]*p2[0] + p1[1]*p2[1]
if dot(origin_point, point1) < dot(origin_point, point2):
self.draw_line(origin_point, point1)
self.draw_line(origin_point, point2)
The Dot product of 2 vectors is equal the cosine of the angle between the 2 vectors multiplied by the magnitude (length) of both vectors.
dot(A, B) == | A | * | B | * cos(angle_A_B)
This follows, that the dot product of 2 unit vectors is equal the cosine of the angle between the 2 vectors, because the length of a unit vector is 1.
uA = normalize(A)
uB = normalize(B)
cos(angle_A_B) == dot(uA, uB)

drawing a jagged mountain curve using turtle-graphics and recursion

I am trying to create a function for a homework assignment which draws a jagged mountain curve using turtles and recursion. The function is called jaggedMountain(x,y,c,t) where x x,y are end coordinates, c is a complexity constant, and t is the turtle object. I am trying to create an image like this:
def jaggedCurve(x,y,c,t):
x1 = t.xcor() + x / 2
y1 = t.ycor() + y / 2
y1 = y + (random.uniform(0,c)-0.5) * (t.xcor() - x)
if (x1,y1) == (x,y):
return None
This crashes quickly as the base case never executes, the function is called 993 times, and the recursion depth is exceeded. I have been scratching my head with this for quite some time, are there any suggestions?
Initially, I see two issues with your code. The first is:
if (x1,y1) == (x,y):
Turtles wander a floating point plane, the odds of these being exactly equal is small. You're likely better off doing something like:
def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return ((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2) ** 0.5
if distance(x1, y1, x, y) < 1.0:
The second issue is that jaggedCurve() draws nothing nor returns anything that can be used for drawing. Somewhere you need to actually move the turtle to cause something to be drawn.
Finally, though it's hard to be certain without a value for c, my guess is even with the above changes you won't get you what you want. Good luck.
Very interesting problem!
My solution is to make a recursive function that draws a mountain curve given two end points. Randomly pick a x coordinate value that lies in between two end points and compute the range of possible y coordinate given the maximum possible slope and randomly pick a y value in between this range and do this recursively. When to end points are close enough, just draw the line between them. Here is the code:
def dist_squared(P1,P2):
return (P1[0]-P2[0])**2 + (P1[1]-P2[1])**2
def mountain(P1,P2):
if dist_squared(P1,P2) < 1:
x1,y1 = P1
x2,y2 = P2
x3 = random.uniform(x1,x2)
y3_max = min((x3-x1)*math.tan(math.radians(MAX_SLOPE)) + y1, (x2-x3)*math.tan(-math.radians(MIN_SLOPE)) + y2)
y3_min = max((x3-x1)*math.tan(math.radians(MIN_SLOPE)) + y1, (x2-x3)*math.tan(-math.radians(MAX_SLOPE)) + y2)
y3_min = max(y3_min, MIN_HEIGHT)
y3 = random.uniform(y3_min,y3_max)
P3 = (x3, y3)
I know this was posted like 3 months ago, but hopefully this is helpful to someone that was also assigned this terrible problem 5 days before finals! Ha!
The struggle I had with this problem was not realizing that you only need to pass in one point. To get the point the turtle is starting at, you just use .xcor() and .ycor() that are included in the turtle library.
import turtle
import random
def mountain (x, y, complexity, turtleName):
if complexity == 0:
turtleName.setposition(x, y)
x1 = (turtleName.xcor() + x)/2
y1 = (turtleName.ycor() + y)/2
y1 = y1 + (random.uniform(0, complexity) - 0.5) * (turtleName.xcor() - x)
complexity = complexity - 1
mountain(x1, y1, complexity, turtleName)
mountain(x, y, complexity, turtleName)
def main ():
#Gets input for first coordinate pair, splits, and assigns to variables
coordinate = str(input("Enter the coordinate pair, separated by a comma: "))
x, y = coordinate.split(',')
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
complexity = int(input("Enter the complexity: "))
while complexity < 0:
complexity = int(input("Input must be positive. Enter the complexity: "))
Bob = turtle.Turtle()
mountain(x, y, complexity, Bob)
main ()

Optimizing by translation to map one x,y set of points onto another

I have a list of x,y ideal points, and a second list of x,y measured points. The latter has some offset and some noise.
I am trying to "fit" the latter to the former. So, extract the x,y offset of the latter relative to the former.
I'm following some examples of scipy.optimize.leastsq, but having trouble getting it working. Here is my code:
import random
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
# Generate fake data. Goal: Get back dx=0.1, dy=0.2 at the end of this exercise
dx = 0.1
dy = 0.2
# "Actual" (ideal) data.
xa = np.array([0,0,0,1,1,1])
ya = np.array([0,1,2,0,1,2])
# "Measured" (non-ideal) data. Add the offset and some randomness.
xm = map(lambda x: x + dx + random.uniform(0,0.01), xa)
ym = map(lambda y: y + dy + random.uniform(0,0.01), ya)
# Plot each
plt.plot(xa, ya, 'b.', xm, ym, 'r.')
# The error function.
# Args:
# translations: A list of xy tuples, each xy tuple holding the xy offset
# between 'coords' and the ideal positions.
# coords: A list of xy tuples, each xy tuple holding the measured (non-ideal)
# coordinates.
def errfunc(translations, coords):
sum = 0
for t, xy in zip(translations, coords):
dx = t[0] + xy[0]
dy = t[1] + xy[1]
sum += np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
return sum
translations, coords = [], []
for xxa, yya, xxm, yym in zip(xa, ya, xm, ym):
t = (xxm-xxa, yym-yya)
c = (xxm, yym)
translation_guess = [0.05, 0.1]
out = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, translation_guess, args=(translations, coords), full_output=1)
print out
I get the error:
errfunc() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)"
I'm not sure why it says 3 arguments as I only gave it two. Can anyone help?
I was thinking about this wrong. All I have to do is to take the average of the dx and dy's -- that gives the correct result.
n = xa.shape[0]
dx = -np.sum(xa - xm) / n
dy = -np.sum(ya - ym) / n
print dx, dy
The scipy.optimize.leastsq assumes that the function you are using already has one input, x0, the initial guess. Any other additional inputs are then listed in args.
So you are sending three arguments: translation_guess, transactions, and coords.
Note that here it specifies that args are "extra arguments."
Okay, I think I understand now. You have the actual locations and the measured locations and you want to figure out the constant offset, but there is noise on each pair. Correct me if I'm wrong:
xy = tuple with coordinates of measured point
t = tuple with measured offset (constant + noise)
The actual coordinates of a point are (xy - t) then?
If so, then we think it should be measured at (xy - t + guess).
If so, then our error is (xy - t + guess - xy) = (guess - t)
Where it is measured doesn't even matter! We just want to find the guess that is closest to all of the measured translations:
def errfunc(guess, translations):
errx = 0
erry = 0
for t in translations:
errx += guess[0] - t[0]
erry += guess[1] - t[1]
return errx,erry
What do you think? Does that make sense or did I miss something?

What is most efficient way to find the intersection of a line and a circle in python?

I have a polygon consists of lots of points. I want to find the intersection of the polygon and a circle. Providing the circle center of [x0,y0] and radius of r0, I have wrote a rough function to simply solve the quadratic equation of the circle and a line. But what about the efficiency of find the intersection of every line segment of the polygon one by one? Is there more efficient way?
I know sympy already provide the feature to get the intersections of different geometry. But also what about the efficiency of external library like sympy compared to calculate it by my own function, if I want to deal with lots of polygons?
def LineIntersectCircle(p,lsp,lep):
# p is the circle parameter, lsp and lep is the two end of the line
x0,y0,r0 = p
x1,y1 = lsp
x2,y2 = esp
if x1 == x2:
if abs(r0) >= abs(x1 - x0):
p1 = x1, y0 - sqrt(r0**2 - (x1-x0)**2)
p2 = x1, y0 + sqrt(r0**2 - (x1-x0)**2)
inp = [p1,p2]
# select the points lie on the line segment
inp = [p for p in inp if p[1]>=min(y1,y2) and p[1]<=max(y1,y2)]
inp = []
k = (y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2)
b0 = y1 - k*x1
a = k**2 + 1
b = 2*k*(b0 - y0) - 2*x0
c = (b0 - y0)**2 + x0**2 - r0**2
delta = b**2 - 4*a*c
if delta >= 0:
p1x = (-b - sqrt(delta))/(2*a)
p2x = (-b + sqrt(delta))/(2*a)
p1y = k*x1 + b0
p2y = k*x2 + b0
inp = [[p1x,p1y],[p2x,p2y]]
# select the points lie on the line segment
inp = [p for p in inp if p[0]>=min(x1,x2) and p[0]<=max(x1,x2)]
inp = []
return inp
I guess maybe your question is about how to in theory do this in the fastest manner. But if you want to do this quickly, you should really use something which is written in C/C++.
I am quite used to Shapely, so I will provide an example of how to do this with this library. There are many geometry libraries for python. I will list them at the end of this answer.
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import Point
p = Point(5,5)
c = p.buffer(3).boundary
l = LineString([(0,0), (10, 10)])
i = c.intersection(l)
print i.geoms[0].coords[0]
(2.8786796564403576, 2.8786796564403576)
print i.geoms[1].coords[0]
(7.121320343559642, 7.121320343559642)
What is a little bit counter intuitive in Shapely is that circles are the boundries of points with buffer areas. This is why I do p.buffer(3).boundry
Also the intersection i is a list of geometric shapes, both of them points in this case, this is why I have to get both of them from i.geoms[]
There is another Stackoverflow question which goes into details about these libraries for those interested.
CGAL Python bindings
EDIT because comments:
Shapely is based on GEOS ( which is built in C++ and considerably faster than anything you write natively in python. SymPy seems to be based on mpmath ( which also seems to be python, but seems to have lots of quite complex math integrated into it. Implementing that yourself may require a lot of work, and will probably not be as fast as GEOS C++ implementations.
Here's a solution that computes the intersection of a circle with either a line or a line segment defined by two (x, y) points:
def circle_line_segment_intersection(circle_center, circle_radius, pt1, pt2, full_line=True, tangent_tol=1e-9):
""" Find the points at which a circle intersects a line-segment. This can happen at 0, 1, or 2 points.
:param circle_center: The (x, y) location of the circle center
:param circle_radius: The radius of the circle
:param pt1: The (x, y) location of the first point of the segment
:param pt2: The (x, y) location of the second point of the segment
:param full_line: True to find intersections along full line - not just in the segment. False will just return intersections within the segment.
:param tangent_tol: Numerical tolerance at which we decide the intersections are close enough to consider it a tangent
:return Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]: A list of length 0, 1, or 2, where each element is a point at which the circle intercepts a line segment.
Note: We follow:
(p1x, p1y), (p2x, p2y), (cx, cy) = pt1, pt2, circle_center
(x1, y1), (x2, y2) = (p1x - cx, p1y - cy), (p2x - cx, p2y - cy)
dx, dy = (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1)
dr = (dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)**.5
big_d = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1
discriminant = circle_radius ** 2 * dr ** 2 - big_d ** 2
if discriminant < 0: # No intersection between circle and line
return []
else: # There may be 0, 1, or 2 intersections with the segment
intersections = [
(cx + (big_d * dy + sign * (-1 if dy < 0 else 1) * dx * discriminant**.5) / dr ** 2,
cy + (-big_d * dx + sign * abs(dy) * discriminant**.5) / dr ** 2)
for sign in ((1, -1) if dy < 0 else (-1, 1))] # This makes sure the order along the segment is correct
if not full_line: # If only considering the segment, filter out intersections that do not fall within the segment
fraction_along_segment = [(xi - p1x) / dx if abs(dx) > abs(dy) else (yi - p1y) / dy for xi, yi in intersections]
intersections = [pt for pt, frac in zip(intersections, fraction_along_segment) if 0 <= frac <= 1]
if len(intersections) == 2 and abs(discriminant) <= tangent_tol: # If line is tangent to circle, return just one point (as both intersections have same location)
return [intersections[0]]
return intersections
A low cost spacial partition might be to divide the plane into 9 pieces
Here is a crappy diagram. Imagine, if you will, that the lines are just touching the circle.
| |
| |
| |
8 of the areas we are interested in are surrounding the circle. The square in the centre isn't much use for a cheap test, but you can place a square of r/sqrt(2) inside the circle, so it's corners just touch the circle.
Lets label the areas
A |B| C
| |
F |G| H
And the square of r/sqrt(2) in the centre we'll call J
We will call the set of points in the centre square shown in the diagram that aren't in J, Z
Label each vertex of the polygon with it's letter code.
Now we can quickly see
AA => Outside
AB => Outside
AC => Outside
AJ => Intersects
BJ => Intersects
JJ => Inside
This can turned into a lookup table
So depending on your dataset, you may have saved yourself a load of work. Anything with an endpoint in Z will need to be tested however.
I think that the formula you use to find the coordinates of the two intersections cannot be optimized further. The only improvement (which is numerically important) is to distinguish the two cases: |x_2-x_1| >= |y_2-y_1| and |x_2-x1| < |y_2-y1| so that the quantity k is always between -1 and 1 (in your computation you can get very high numerical errors if |x_2-x_1| is very small). You can swap x-s and y-s to reduce one case to the other.
You could also implement a preliminary check: if both endpoints are internal to the circle there are no intersection. By computing the squared distance from the points to the center of the circle this becomes a simple formula which does not use the square root function. The other check: "whether the line is outside the circle" is already implemented in your code and corresponds to delta < 0. If you have a lot of small segments these two check should give a shortcut answer (no intersection) in most cases.

List of coordinates between irregular points in python

Imagine we have two randomly selected points between 0 and 100 for both x and y.
For example:
(95,7), (35,6)
Now using the simple pygame.draw.line() function we could easily draw a line between these points without any gaps.
My question is, how could we find a list of all the coordinates in a single pixel thick line between the two points without any gaps in the line?
Secondly, is this even possible?
I am using this list of pixel for the crack maze algorithm that needs to "shoot" another pixel while regarding any blocking walls that may interfere with its path.
By irregular, I refer to points which would not generate simple straight lines.
For example, it would be easy to find all the points between:
(0,5) and (5,5)
This has already been covered in this question:
List coordinates between a set of coordinates
Use Bresenham's line algorithm. You can find a simple python implementation here. Here’s a modified version of that implementation, which, given a starting and ending point, can return a list of intermediate points:
def line(x0, y0, x1, y1):
"Bresenham's line algorithm"
points_in_line = []
dx = abs(x1 - x0)
dy = abs(y1 - y0)
x, y = x0, y0
sx = -1 if x0 > x1 else 1
sy = -1 if y0 > y1 else 1
if dx > dy:
err = dx / 2.0
while x != x1:
points_in_line.append((x, y))
err -= dy
if err < 0:
y += sy
err += dx
x += sx
err = dy / 2.0
while y != y1:
points_in_line.append((x, y))
err -= dx
if err < 0:
x += sx
err += dy
y += sy
points_in_line.append((x, y))
return points_in_line
Perhaps it's an overkill but I'd just find the line equation and use a generator expression. To find the equation you can use this example algorithm which will return something like
lambda x: 2*x +1
With that we can do:
f = find_line_equation(A, B) #A B are tuples
points = [(x, f(x)) for x in range(min(A[0], B[0]), max(A[0], B[0]))]
This is assuming you want only integer points. You can also use this loop:
points = []
x = min(A[0], B[0])
increment = 0.1
while x <= max(A[0], B[0]):
points.append((x, f(x))
x += increment

