I have generated a random point named y0=(a,b) in xy-plane , How can I generate another random point (x,y) 10 steps apart from y0?
note: by 10 steps apart from the firt point I don't mean the Euclidean distance. I mean the number of steps on lattice between the two point (a,b) and (x,y) which is given by |x-a|+|y-b|=10
My attempt(sometimes gives wrong result).
import random
y0=(random.randint(0,50),random.randint(0,50))# here I generated the first point.
# I used the formula |x-a|+|y-b|=10.
x=(10 -abs(y-y0[1]))+y0[0] or x=-(10 -abs(y-y0[1]))+y0[0]
Let's say you have a point (x, y)
create another random point anywhere on the plane: (x1, y2) = (random(), random())
take the vector from your point to the new point: (vx, vy) = (x1-x, y1-y)
get the length l of the vector: l = sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy)
use l to normalise the vector (so it has a length of 1): (vx, vy) = (vx / l, vy / l)
make the vector 10 steps long: (vx, vy) = (vx * 10, vy * 10)
add it to your original point to get to the desired point: (x1, y2) = (x + vx, y + vy)
voilá :)
from random import random
from math import sqrt
# Deviation
dev = 50
# Required distance between points
l = 10
if __name__ == '__main__':
# First random point
x0, y0 = dev*random(), dev*random()
# Second point
x1 = dev*random()
y1 = y0 + sqrt(l**2 - (x1 - x0)**2)
# Output
print "First point (%s, %s)" % (x0, y0)
print "Second point (%s, %s)" % (x1, y1)
print "Distance: %s" % (sqrt((x1 - x0)**2 + (y1 - y0)**2))
Let's say that your new point (x, y) is on a cercle of radius 10 and center (x0, y0). The random component is the angle.
import math as m
# radius of the circle
r = 10
# create random angle and compute coordinates of the new point
theta = 2*m.pi*random.random()
x = x0 + r*m.cos(theta)
y = y0 + r*m.sin(theta)
# test if the point created is in the domain [[0,50], [0, 50]] (see comments of PM2Ring)
while not ( 0<=x<=50 and 0<=y<=50 ) :
# update theta: add pi/2 until the new point is in the domain (see HumanCatfood's comment)
theta += 0.5*m.pi
x = x0 + r*m.cos(theta)
y = y0 + r*m.sin(theta)
So, you got the formula d=d1+d2=|x-x0|+|y-y0| , for d=10
Let's examine what's going on with this formula:
Let's say we generate a random point P at (0,0)
Let's say we generate y=random.randint(0,50) and let's imagine the value is 50.
What does this mean?
d1=|x-p[0]|=50 and your original formula is d=d1+d2=|x-x0|+|y-y0|, so
that means d2=|y-y0|=10-50 and d2=|y-y0|=-40. Is this possible? Absolutely not! An absolute value |y-y0| will always be positive, that's why your formula won't work for certain random points, you need to make sure (d-d1)>0, otherwise your equation won't have solution.
If you wanted to consider Euclidean distance you just need to generate random points in a circle where your original point will be the center, something like this will do:
import random
import math
def random_point(p, r=10):
theta = 2 * math.pi * random.random()
return (p[0] + r * math.cos(theta), p[1] + r * math.sin(theta))
If you draw a few random points you'll see more and more how the circle shape is created, let's try with N=10, N=50, N=1000:
Now, it seems you need the generated circle to be constrained at certain area region. One possible choice (not the most optimal though) would be generating random points till they meet those constraints, something like this would do:
def random_constrained_point(p, r=10, x_limit=50, y_limit=50):
i = 0
while True:
x0, y0 = random_point(p, r)
if (0 <= x0 <= x_limit and 0 <= y0 <= y_limit):
return (x0, y0)
return p
i += 1
Once you got this, it's interesting to check what shape is created when you increase more and more the circle radius (10,20,50):
As you can see, your generated random constrained points will form a well_defined subarc.
this code generate a random point xy-plane named y0 then generate another point x0 10 steps apart from y0 in taxi distance .
------- begining of the code--------
import random
while True:
x=(10 -abs(y-y0[1]))+y0[0]
if (abs(x-y0[0])+abs(y-y0[1]))==10:
abs(x)+abs(y)=10 defines a square, so all you need to do is pick a random value along the perimeter of the square (40 units long), and map that random distance back to your x,y coordinate pair.
Something like (untested):
x = random.randint(-10,9)
y = 10 - abs(x)
if (random.randint(0,1) == 0):
x = -x
y = -y
x = x + y0[0]
y = y + y0[1]
Clipping the x range that way ensures that all points are picked uniformly. Otherwise you can end up with (-10,0) and (10,0) having twice the chance of being picked compared to any other coordinate.
I have a list of x,y ideal points, and a second list of x,y measured points. The latter has some offset and some noise.
I am trying to "fit" the latter to the former. So, extract the x,y offset of the latter relative to the former.
I'm following some examples of scipy.optimize.leastsq, but having trouble getting it working. Here is my code:
import random
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
# Generate fake data. Goal: Get back dx=0.1, dy=0.2 at the end of this exercise
dx = 0.1
dy = 0.2
# "Actual" (ideal) data.
xa = np.array([0,0,0,1,1,1])
ya = np.array([0,1,2,0,1,2])
# "Measured" (non-ideal) data. Add the offset and some randomness.
xm = map(lambda x: x + dx + random.uniform(0,0.01), xa)
ym = map(lambda y: y + dy + random.uniform(0,0.01), ya)
# Plot each
plt.plot(xa, ya, 'b.', xm, ym, 'r.')
# The error function.
# Args:
# translations: A list of xy tuples, each xy tuple holding the xy offset
# between 'coords' and the ideal positions.
# coords: A list of xy tuples, each xy tuple holding the measured (non-ideal)
# coordinates.
def errfunc(translations, coords):
sum = 0
for t, xy in zip(translations, coords):
dx = t[0] + xy[0]
dy = t[1] + xy[1]
sum += np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
return sum
translations, coords = [], []
for xxa, yya, xxm, yym in zip(xa, ya, xm, ym):
t = (xxm-xxa, yym-yya)
c = (xxm, yym)
translation_guess = [0.05, 0.1]
out = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, translation_guess, args=(translations, coords), full_output=1)
print out
I get the error:
errfunc() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)"
I'm not sure why it says 3 arguments as I only gave it two. Can anyone help?
I was thinking about this wrong. All I have to do is to take the average of the dx and dy's -- that gives the correct result.
n = xa.shape[0]
dx = -np.sum(xa - xm) / n
dy = -np.sum(ya - ym) / n
print dx, dy
The scipy.optimize.leastsq assumes that the function you are using already has one input, x0, the initial guess. Any other additional inputs are then listed in args.
So you are sending three arguments: translation_guess, transactions, and coords.
Note that here it specifies that args are "extra arguments."
Okay, I think I understand now. You have the actual locations and the measured locations and you want to figure out the constant offset, but there is noise on each pair. Correct me if I'm wrong:
xy = tuple with coordinates of measured point
t = tuple with measured offset (constant + noise)
The actual coordinates of a point are (xy - t) then?
If so, then we think it should be measured at (xy - t + guess).
If so, then our error is (xy - t + guess - xy) = (guess - t)
Where it is measured doesn't even matter! We just want to find the guess that is closest to all of the measured translations:
def errfunc(guess, translations):
errx = 0
erry = 0
for t in translations:
errx += guess[0] - t[0]
erry += guess[1] - t[1]
return errx,erry
What do you think? Does that make sense or did I miss something?
I'm currently working on a pygame game and I need to place objects randomly on the screen, except they cannot be within a designated rectangle. Is there an easy way to do this rather than continuously generating a random pair of coordinates until it's outside of the rectangle?
Here's a rough example of what the screen and the rectangle look like.
| __ |
| |__| |
| |
| |
Where the screen size is 1000x800 and the rectangle is [x: 500, y: 250, width: 100, height: 75]
A more code oriented way of looking at it would be
x = random_int
0 <= x <= 1000
500 > x or 600 < x
y = random_int
0 <= y <= 800
250 > y or 325 < y
Partition the box into a set of sub-boxes.
Among the valid sub-boxes, choose which one to place your point in with probability proportional to their areas
Pick a random point uniformly at random from within the chosen sub-box.
This will generate samples from the uniform probability distribution on the valid region, based on the chain rule of conditional probability.
This offers an O(1) approach in terms of both time and memory.
The accepted answer along with some other answers seem to hinge on the necessity to generate lists of all possible coordinates, or recalculate until there is an acceptable solution. Both approaches take more time and memory than necessary.
Note that depending on the requirements for uniformity of coordinate generation, there are different solutions as is shown below.
First attempt
My approach is to randomly choose only valid coordinates around the designated box (think left/right, top/bottom), then select at random which side to choose:
import random
# set bounding boxes
blocked_box = [(500, 250), (100, 75)]
# generate left/right, top/bottom and choose as you like
def gen_rand_limit(p1, dim):
x1, y1 = p1
w, h = dim
x2, y2 = x1 + w, y1 + h
left = random.randrange(0, x1)
right = random.randrange(x2+1, maxx-1)
top = random.randrange(0, y1)
bottom = random.randrange(y2, maxy-1)
return random.choice([left, right]), random.choice([top, bottom])
# check boundary conditions are met
def check(x, y, p1, dim):
x1, y1 = p1
w, h = dim
x2, y2 = x1 + w, y1 + h
assert 0 <= x <= maxx, "0 <= x(%s) <= maxx(%s)" % (x, maxx)
assert x1 > x or x2 < x, "x1(%s) > x(%s) or x2(%s) < x(%s)" % (x1, x, x2, x)
assert 0 <= y <= maxy, "0 <= y(%s) <= maxy(%s)" %(y, maxy)
assert y1 > y or y2 < y, "y1(%s) > y(%s) or y2(%s) < y(%s)" % (y1, y, y2, y)
# sample
points = []
for i in xrange(1000):
x,y = gen_rand_limit(*blocked_box)
check(x, y, *blocked_box)
Given the constraints as outlined in the OP, this actually produces random coordinates (blue) around the designated rectangle (red) as desired, however leaves out any of the valid points that are outside the rectangle but fall within the respective x or y dimensions of the rectangle:
# visual proof via matplotlib
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
X,Y = zip(*points)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.scatter(X, Y)
p1 = blocked_box[0]
w,h = blocked_box[1]
rectangle = Rectangle(p1, w, h, fc='red', zorder=2)
ax = plt.gca()
plt.axis((0, maxx, 0, maxy))
This is easily fixed by limiting only either x or y coordinates (note that check is no longer valid, comment to run this part):
def gen_rand_limit(p1, dim):
x1, y1 = p1
w, h = dim
x2, y2 = x1 + w, y1 + h
# should we limit x or y?
limitx = random.choice([0,1])
limity = not limitx
# generate x, y O(1)
if limitx:
left = random.randrange(0, x1)
right = random.randrange(x2+1, maxx-1)
x = random.choice([left, right])
y = random.randrange(0, maxy)
x = random.randrange(0, maxx)
top = random.randrange(0, y1)
bottom = random.randrange(y2, maxy-1)
y = random.choice([top, bottom])
return x, y
Adjusting the random bias
As pointed out in the comments this solution suffers from a bias given to points outside the rows/columns of the rectangle. The following fixes that in principle by giving each coordinate the same probability:
def gen_rand_limit(p1, dim):
x1, y1 = p1Final solution -
w, h = dim
x2, y2 = x1 + w, y1 + h
# generate x, y O(1)
# --x
left = random.randrange(0, x1)
right = random.randrange(x2+1, maxx)
withinx = random.randrange(x1, x2+1)
# adjust probability of a point outside the box columns
# a point outside has probability (1/(maxx-w)) v.s. a point inside has 1/w
# the same is true for rows. adjupx/y adjust for this probability
adjpx = ((maxx - w)/w/2)
x = random.choice([left, right] * adjpx + [withinx])
# --y
top = random.randrange(0, y1)
bottom = random.randrange(y2+1, maxy)
withiny = random.randrange(y1, y2+1)
if x == left or x == right:
adjpy = ((maxy- h)/h/2)
y = random.choice([top, bottom] * adjpy + [withiny])
y = random.choice([top, bottom])
return x, y
The following plot has 10'000 points to illustrate the uniform placement of points (the points overlaying the box' border are due to point size).
Disclaimer: Note that this plot places the red box in the very middle such thattop/bottom, left/right have the same probability among each other. The adjustment thus is relative to the blocking box, but not for all areas of the graph. A final solution requires to adjust the probabilities for each of these separately.
Simpler solution, yet slightly modified problem
It turns out that adjusting the probabilities for different areas of the coordinate system is quite tricky. After some thinking I came up with a slightly modified approach:
Realizing that on any 2D coordinate system blocking out a rectangle divides the area into N sub-areas (N=8 in the case of the question) where a valid coordinate can be chosen. Looking at it this way, we can define the valid sub-areas as boxes of coordinates. Then we can choose a box at random and a coordinate at random from within that box:
def gen_rand_limit(p1, dim):
x1, y1 = p1
w, h = dim
x2, y2 = x1 + w, y1 + h
# generate x, y O(1)
boxes = (
((0,0),(x1,y1)), ((x1,0),(x2,y1)), ((x2,0),(maxx,y1)),
((0,y1),(x1,y2)), ((x2,y1),(maxx,y2)),
((0,y2),(x1,maxy)), ((x1,y2),(x2,maxy)), ((x2,y2),(maxx,maxy)),
box = boxes[random.randrange(len(boxes))]
x = random.randrange(box[0][0], box[1][0])
y = random.randrange(box[0][1], box[1][1])
return x, y
Note this is not generalized as the blocked box may not be in the middle hence boxes would look different. As this results in each box chosen with the same probability, we get the same number of points in each box. Obviously the densitiy is higher in smaller boxes:
If the requirement is to generate a uniform distribution among all possible coordinates, the solution is to calculate boxes such that each box is about the same size as the blocking box. YMMV
I've already posted a different answer that I still like, as it is simple and
clear, and not necessarily slow... at any rate it's not exactly what the OP asked for.
I thought about it and I devised an algorithm for solving the OP's problem within their constraints:
partition the screen in 9 rectangles around and comprising the "hole".
consider the 8 rectangles ("tiles") around the central hole"
for each tile, compute the origin (x, y), the height and the area in pixels
compute the cumulative sum of the areas of the tiles, as well as the total area of the tiles
for each extraction, choose a random number between 0 and the total area of the tiles (inclusive and exclusive)
using the cumulative sums determine in which tile the random pixel lies
using divmod determine the column and the row (dx, dy) in the tile
using the origins of the tile in the screen coordinates, compute the random pixel in screen coordinates.
To implement the ideas above, in which there is an initialization phase in which we compute static data and a phase in which we repeatedly use those data, the natural data structure is a class, and here it is my implementation
from random import randrange
class make_a_hole_in_the_screen():
def __init__(self, screen, hole_orig, hole_sizes):
xs, ys = screen
x, y = hole_orig
wx, wy = hole_sizes
tiles = [(_y,_x*_y) for _x in [x,wx,xs-x-wx] for _y in [y,wy,ys-y-wy]]
self.tiles = tiles[:4] + tiles[5:]
self.pixels = [tile[1] for tile in self.tiles]
self.total = sum(self.pixels)
self.boundaries = [sum(self.pixels[:i+1]) for i in range(8)]
self.x = [0, 0, 0,
x, x,
x+wx, x+wx, x+wx]
self.y = [0, y, y+wy,
0, y+wy,
0, y, y+wy]
def choose(self):
n = randrange(self.total)
for i, tile in enumerate(self.tiles):
if n < self.boundaries[i]: break
n1 = n - ([0]+self.boundaries)[i]
dx, dy = divmod(n1,self.tiles[i][0])
return self.x[i]+dx, self.y[i]+dy
To test the correctness of the implementation, here it is a rough check that I
run on python 2.7,
drilled_screen = make_a_hole_in_the_screen((200,100),(30,50),(20,30))
for i in range(1000000):
x, y = drilled_screen.choose()
if 30<=x<50 and 50<=y<80: print "***", x, y
if x<0 or x>=200 or y<0 or y>=100: print "+++", x, y
A possible optimization consists in using a bisection algorithm to find the relevant tile in place of the simpler linear search that I've implemented.
It requires a bit of thought to generate a uniformly random point with these constraints. The simplest brute force way I can think of is to generate a list of all valid points and use random.choice() to select from this list. This uses a few MB of memory for the list, but generating a point is very fast:
import random
screen_width = 1000
screen_height = 800
rect_x = 500
rect_y = 250
rect_width = 100
rect_height = 75
valid_points = []
for x in range(screen_width):
if rect_x <= x < (rect_x + rect_width):
for y in range(rect_y):
valid_points.append( (x, y) )
for y in range(rect_y + rect_height, screen_height):
valid_points.append( (x, y) )
for y in range(screen_height):
valid_points.append( (x, y) )
for i in range(10):
rand_point = random.choice(valid_points)
It is possible to generate a random number and map it to a valid point on the screen, which uses less memory, but it is a bit messy and takes more time to generate the point. There might be a cleaner way to do this, but one approach using the same screen size variables as above is here:
rand_max = (screen_width * screen_height) - (rect_width * rect_height)
def rand_point():
rand_raw = random.randint(0, rand_max-1)
x = rand_raw % screen_width
y = rand_raw // screen_width
if rect_y <= y < rect_y+rect_height and rect_x <= x < rect_x+rect_width:
rand_raw = rand_max + (y-rect_y) * rect_width + (x-rect_x)
x = rand_raw % screen_width
y = rand_raw // screen_width
return (x, y)
The logic here is similar to the inverse of the way that screen addresses are calculated from x and y coordinates on old 8 and 16 bit microprocessors. The variable rand_max is equal to the number of valid screen coordinates. The x and y co-ordinates of the pixel are calculated, and if it is within the rectangle the pixel is pushed above rand_max, into the region that couldn't be generated with the first call.
If you don't care too much about the point being uniformly random, this solution is easy to implement and very quick. The x values are random, but the Y value is constrained if the chosen X is in the column with the rectangle, so the pixels above and below the rectangle will have a higher probability of being chosen than pizels to the left and right of the rectangle:
def pseudo_rand_point():
x = random.randint(0, screen_width-1)
if rect_x <= x < rect_x + rect_width:
y = random.randint(0, screen_height-rect_height-1)
if y >= rect_y:
y += rect_height
y = random.randint(0, screen_height-1)
return (x, y)
Another answer was calculating the probability that the pixel is in certain regions of the screen, but their answer isn't quite correct yet. Here's a version using a similar idea, calculate the probability that the pixel is in a given region and then calculate where it is within that region:
valid_screen_pixels = screen_width*screen_height - rect_width * rect_height
prob_left = float(rect_x * screen_height) / valid_screen_pixels
prob_right = float((screen_width - rect_x - rect_width) * screen_height) / valid_screen_pixels
prob_above_rect = float(rect_y) / (screen_height-rect_height)
def generate_rand():
ymin, ymax = 0, screen_height-1
xrand = random.random()
if xrand < prob_left:
xmin, xmax = 0, rect_x-1
elif xrand > (1-prob_right):
xmin, xmax = rect_x+rect_width, screen_width-1
xmin, xmax = rect_x, rect_x+rect_width-1
yrand = random.random()
if yrand < prob_above_rect:
ymax = rect_y-1
x = random.randrange(xmin, xmax)
y = random.randrange(ymin, ymax)
return (x, y)
If it's the generation of random you want to avoid, rather than the loop, you can do the following:
Generate a pair of random floating point coordinates in [0,1]
Scale the coordinates to give a point in the outer rectangle.
If your point is outside the inner rectangle, return it
Rescale to map the inner rectangle to the outer rectangle
Goto step 3
This will work best if the inner rectangle is small as compared to the outer rectangle. And it should probably be limited to only going through the loop some maximum number of times before generating new random and trying again.
I'm trying to animate smooth motion between two points on the screen. At the moment, I am using the following python generator function to determine the point at which to draw the image:
#indexes (just for readability)
def followLine(pointA, pointB, speed):
x1, y1 = pointA
x2, y2 = pointB
movement=[0, 0]
if abs(diffY) > abs(diffX):
#Y distance is greater than x distace
if numFrames==0:
elif abs(diffY) < abs(diffX):
#Y distance is less than x distace
if numFrames==0:
else: #Equal
if diffY < 0:
#is negative
movement[Y] *= -1
if diffX < 0:
movement[X] *= -1
yield pointA
while (abs(pos[X]-x2) > speed)or(abs(pos[Y]-y2) > speed):
pos[X] += movement[X]
pos[Y] += movement[Y]
yield pos
yield pointB
However, this has 2 problems:
First, my main concern is that if pointA and pointB are very far apart, or if the speed is too low, the animation will pass right by pointB, and will keep going for infinity;
The other problem is that, at the end of the animation, there is a sort of jolt as the image snaps into place. This jolt is usually fairly imperceptible, but I'd like to try and make the animation smoother.
How can I do this? I've been looking into the use of trig functions and that seems promising, but I'm not much of a math person, so I'm having trouble understanding exactly how I might implement it using trig.
Also, for what it's worth I'm using Python 3.2.
There's missing information, I think. Seems like you need to either substitute a numFrames arg for speed, or add a time arg in addition to speed. Assuming the former, how about this. Note this generates numFrames+1 points so that pointA and pointB are always the first and last point, respectively, but that's trivial to change if that's not the behavior you want:
def followLine(pointA, pointB, numFrames):
x1, y1 = pointA
x2, y2 = pointB
diffY = float(y2 - y1) / numFrames
diffX = float(x2 - x1) / numFrames
for f in range(1,numFrames):
point = (x1 + f * diffX, y1 + f * diffY)
points = followLine((0,0), (1,1), 10)
# then iterate over the points and do whatever
for p in points:
print str(p)