I am trying to parse a website for
(there are many of these, and I want all of them in some tokenized form). Unfortunately the HTML is very large and a little complicated, so trying to crawl down the tree might take me some time to just sort out the nested elements. Is there an easy way to just retrieve this?
If you just want the href's for a tags, then use:
data = """blahblahblah
import lxml.html
tree = lxml.html.fromstring(data)
print tree.xpath('//a/#href')
I need help in extracting information from a webpage. I give the URL and then I need to extract information like contact number, address, href, name of person etc. I am able to extract the page source completely for a provided URL with known tags. But I need a generic source code to extract this data from any URL. I used regex to extract emails for e.g.
import urllib
import re
print pattern
while i<len(urls):
print titles
This gives me empty list. Any help to extract all info as I said above will be highly appreciated.
The idea is to give a URL and the extract all information like name, phone number, email, address etc in json or xml format. Thank you all in advance...!!
To start with you need to fix your regex.
\ needs to be escaped in python strings.
Easy way to fix this is using a raw string r'' instead.
Meanwhile I have managed to get it working, after some small modifications (beware that I am working with Python 3.4.2):
import urllib.request
import re
while i<len(urls):
The result is:
['townshipclerk#plainsboronj.com', 'acancro#plainsboronj.com', ...]
Good luck
I think you're on the wrong track here: you have a HTML file, from where you try to extract information. You have started doing this by filtering on '#'-sign for finding e-mail addresses (hence your choice of working with regular expressions). However other things like names, phone numbers, ... are not recognisable using regular expressions, hence another approach might be useful. Under URL "https://docs.python.org/3/library/html.parser.html" there is some explanation on how to parse HTML files. In my opinion this will be a better approach for solving your needs.
I know there is the easy way to copy all the source of url, but it's not my task. I need exactly save just all the text (just like webbrowser user copy it) to the *.txt file.
Is it unavoidable to parse source code html for it, or there is a better way?
I think it is impossible if you don't parse at all. I guess you could use HtmlParser http://docs.python.org/2/library/htmlparser.html and just keep the data tags, but you will most likely get many other elements than you want.
To get exactly the same as [Ctrl-C] would be very difficult to avoid parsing because of things like the style="display: hidden;" which would hide the text, which again will result in full parsing of html, javascript and css of both the document and resource files.
Parsing is required. Don't know if there's a library method. A simple regex:
text = sub(r"<[^>]+>", " ", html)
this requires many improvements, but it's a starting point.
With python, the BeautifulSoup module is great for parsing HTML, and well worth a look. To get the text from a webpage, it's just a case of:
#!/usr/env python
import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'http://python.org'
html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
# you can refine this even further if needed... ie. soup.body.div.get_text()
text = soup.body.get_text()
print text
I'm trying to parse an XML document. The document has HTML like formatting embedded, for example
<p>This is a paragraph
<em>with some <b>extra</b> formatting</em>
scattered throughout.
So far I've used
import xml.etree.cElementTree as xmlTree
to handle the XML document, but I am not sure if this provides the functionality I look for. How would I go about handling the text nodes here?
Also, is there a way to find the closing tags in a document?
If your XML document fits in memory, you should use Beautiful Soup which will give you a much cleaner access to the document. You'll be able to select a node and automatically interact with its children; every node will have a .next command, which will iterate through the text up to the next tag.
>>> b = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulStoneSoup("<p>This is a paragraph <em>with some <b>extra</b> formatting</em> scattered throughout.</p>")
>>> b.find('p')
<p>This is a paragraph <em>with some <b>extra</b> formatting</em> scattered throughout.</p>
>>> b.find('p').next
u'This is a paragraph '
>>> b.find('p').next.next
<em>with some <b>extra</b> formatting</em>
That, or something like it, should solve your problem.
If it doesn't fit in memory, you'll need to subclass a SAX parser, which is a bit more work. To do that, you use from xml.parsers import expat and write handlers for opening and closing of tags. It's a bit more involved.
We are converting DOCX to HTML through some external converter tool.
The generated HTML for tables contains something like this:
The <div> and <span> tags inside TD are completely superfluous here.
The expected result is
Is there some chance to remove them in a sane way using BeautifulSoup?
Well, the <div> and <span> tags have a structural meaning, that cannot be automatically guessed as "superfluous".
Your problem looks very similar to AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) optimization done in compilers. You could try to define some rules and build a SoupOptimizer to take a tree (your document) and produce an optimized output tree. Rules could be:
span(content) -> content, if span.attributes is empty
div(content) -> content, if div.attributes is empty
Note, that tree transformations on XML dialects can be done with XSLT. Just be ready to have your brain turned inside out before you see the light!
The way we do it is to use lxml and determine the parents and children of every element. If there is no text content difference in the parents and children then we have a set of rules that we follow to retain certain children while tossing the parents. And then forcing the appropriate block elements In your case b is a child of span, div and td we know that the td tag is the structuring element that is relevant so we get rid of the others. Again this requires testing the text content of each of the nested elements.
You could use the strip_tags function of Jesse Dhillon's answer of this question
You could rearrange the parse tree like this:
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup("<td><div><span><b>Patienten</b></span></div></td>")
td = soup.td
b = soup.td.div.span.b
print soup
I like the approach suggested by #Daren Thomas, but be aware that removing those "useless" tags could drastically affect the rendered appearance of the document thanks to JavaScript (less likely) or CSS (much more likely, possibly even probable) that relies on the resulting HTML to follow certain structural patterns, even if they are wasteful.
This makes the life of the tool writer much easier. Assume that some given construct in the DOCX has two possible variations. One of these requires a lot of boilerplate so you can attach a few special attributes (say a text-align or some such). The other doesn't. It's way easier to just always generate the boilerplate and write your CSS or what-have-you with that fact in mind.
If Beautiful Soup alone isn't sufficient, you can resort to regular expression.
import re
ch = 'sunny day<td><div><span><b>Patienten</b></span></div></td>rainy week'
# <td><b>Patienten</b></td>
RE = '(<td>)<div><span>(<b>.*?</b>)</span></div>(</td>)'
pat = re.compile(RE)
print ch
print pat.sub('\\1\\2\\3',ch)
sunny day<td><div><span><b>Patienten</b></span></div></td>rainy week
sunny day<td><b>Patienten</b></td>rainy week
Easy, easyn't it ?
A preliminary inspection can be done to determine if the replacement must really be done or not.
I'm trying to extract text from arbitrary html pages. Some of the pages (which I have no control over) have malformed html or scripts which make this difficult. Also I'm on a shared hosting environment, so I can install any python lib, but I can't just install anything I want on the server.
pyparsing and html2text.py also did not seem to work for malformed html pages.
Example URL is http://apnews.myway.com/article/20091015/D9BB7CGG1.html
My current implementation is approximately the following:
# Try using BeautifulSoup 3.0.7a
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(s)
comments = soup.findAll(text=lambda text:isinstance(text,Comment))
[comment.extract() for comment in comments]
for i in c:
body = bsoup.body(text=True)
text = ''.join(body)
# if BeautifulSoup can't handle it,
# alter html by trying to find 1st instance of "<body" and replace everything prior to that, with "<html><head></head>"
# try beautifulsoup again with new html
if beautifulsoup still does not work, then I resort to using a heuristic of looking at the 1st char, last char (to see if they looks like its a code line # < ; and taking a sample of the line and then check if the tokens are english words, or numbers. If to few of the tokens are words or numbers, then I guess that the line is code.
I could use machine learning to inspect each line, but that seems a little expensive and I would probably have to train it (since I don't know that much about unsupervised learning machines), and of course write it as well.
Any advice, tools, strategies would be most welcome. Also I realize that the latter part of that is rather messy since if I get a line that is determine to contain code, I currently throw away the entire line, even if there is some small amount of actual English text in the line.
Try not to laugh, but:
class TextFormatter:
def __init__(self,lynx='/usr/bin/lynx'):
self.lynx = lynx
def html2text(self, unicode_html_source):
"Expects unicode; returns unicode"
return Popen([self.lynx,
I hope you've got lynx!
Well, it depends how good the solution has to be. I had a similar problem, importing hundreds of old html pages into a new website. I basically did
# remove all that crap around the body and let BS fix the tags
newhtml = "<html><body>%s</body></html>" % (
u''.join( unicode( tag ) for tag in BeautifulSoup( oldhtml ).body.contents ))
# use html2text to turn it into text
text = html2text( newhtml )
and it worked out, but of course the documents could be so bad that even BS can't salvage much.
BeautifulSoup will do bad with malformed HTML. What about some regex-fu?
>>> import re
>>> html = """<p>This is paragraph with a bunch of lines
... from a news story.</p>"""
>>> pattern = re.compile('(?<=p>).+(?=</p)', re.DOTALL)
>>> pattern.search(html).group()
'This is paragraph with a bunch of lines\nfrom a news story.'
You can then assembly a list of valid tags from which you want to extract information.