Python strategy for extracting text from malformed html pages - python

I'm trying to extract text from arbitrary html pages. Some of the pages (which I have no control over) have malformed html or scripts which make this difficult. Also I'm on a shared hosting environment, so I can install any python lib, but I can't just install anything I want on the server.
pyparsing and also did not seem to work for malformed html pages.
Example URL is
My current implementation is approximately the following:
# Try using BeautifulSoup 3.0.7a
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(s)
comments = soup.findAll(text=lambda text:isinstance(text,Comment))
[comment.extract() for comment in comments]
for i in c:
body = bsoup.body(text=True)
text = ''.join(body)
# if BeautifulSoup can't handle it,
# alter html by trying to find 1st instance of "<body" and replace everything prior to that, with "<html><head></head>"
# try beautifulsoup again with new html
if beautifulsoup still does not work, then I resort to using a heuristic of looking at the 1st char, last char (to see if they looks like its a code line # < ; and taking a sample of the line and then check if the tokens are english words, or numbers. If to few of the tokens are words or numbers, then I guess that the line is code.
I could use machine learning to inspect each line, but that seems a little expensive and I would probably have to train it (since I don't know that much about unsupervised learning machines), and of course write it as well.
Any advice, tools, strategies would be most welcome. Also I realize that the latter part of that is rather messy since if I get a line that is determine to contain code, I currently throw away the entire line, even if there is some small amount of actual English text in the line.

Try not to laugh, but:
class TextFormatter:
def __init__(self,lynx='/usr/bin/lynx'):
self.lynx = lynx
def html2text(self, unicode_html_source):
"Expects unicode; returns unicode"
return Popen([self.lynx,
I hope you've got lynx!

Well, it depends how good the solution has to be. I had a similar problem, importing hundreds of old html pages into a new website. I basically did
# remove all that crap around the body and let BS fix the tags
newhtml = "<html><body>%s</body></html>" % (
u''.join( unicode( tag ) for tag in BeautifulSoup( oldhtml ).body.contents ))
# use html2text to turn it into text
text = html2text( newhtml )
and it worked out, but of course the documents could be so bad that even BS can't salvage much.

BeautifulSoup will do bad with malformed HTML. What about some regex-fu?
>>> import re
>>> html = """<p>This is paragraph with a bunch of lines
... from a news story.</p>"""
>>> pattern = re.compile('(?<=p>).+(?=</p)', re.DOTALL)
'This is paragraph with a bunch of lines\nfrom a news story.'
You can then assembly a list of valid tags from which you want to extract information.


How to copy all the text from url (like [Ctrl+A][Ctrl+C] with webbrowser) in python?

I know there is the easy way to copy all the source of url, but it's not my task. I need exactly save just all the text (just like webbrowser user copy it) to the *.txt file.
Is it unavoidable to parse source code html for it, or there is a better way?
I think it is impossible if you don't parse at all. I guess you could use HtmlParser and just keep the data tags, but you will most likely get many other elements than you want.
To get exactly the same as [Ctrl-C] would be very difficult to avoid parsing because of things like the style="display: hidden;" which would hide the text, which again will result in full parsing of html, javascript and css of both the document and resource files.
Parsing is required. Don't know if there's a library method. A simple regex:
text = sub(r"<[^>]+>", " ", html)
this requires many improvements, but it's a starting point.
With python, the BeautifulSoup module is great for parsing HTML, and well worth a look. To get the text from a webpage, it's just a case of:
#!/usr/env python
import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ''
html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
# you can refine this even further if needed... ie. soup.body.div.get_text()
text = soup.body.get_text()
print text

How can I parse HTML code with "html written" URL in Python?

I am starting to program in Python, and have been reading a couple of posts where they say that I should use an HTML parser to get an URL from a text rather than re.
I have the source code which I got from with the urllib and urlopen.
Now, my problem is that the parser is removing the url part from the text.
Also, if I had read correctly, var =, var is stored as a string?
How can I tell it to give me the text between 2 "tags"? The URL is always in between flv= and ; so and as such it doesn't start with href which is what the parsers look for, and it doesn't contain http:// either.
I have read many posts, but it seems they all look for ``href in the code.
Do I have it all completely wrong?
Thank you!
You could consider implementing your own search / grab. In psuedocode, it would look a little like this:
find location of 'flv=' in HTML = location_start
find location of ';' in HTML = location_end
grab everything in between: HTML[location_start : location_end]
You should be able to implement this in python.
Good luck!

Unscriptable Int Error for String Slice

I'm writing a webscraper and I have a table full of links to .pdf files that I want to download, save, and later analyze. I was using beautiful soup and I had soup find all the links. They are normally beautiful soup tag objects, but I've turned them into strings. The string is actually a bunch of junk with the link text buried in the middle. I want to cut out that junk and just leave the link. Then I will turn these into a list and have python download them later. (My plan is for python to keep a list of the pdf link names to keep track of what it's downloaded and then it can name the files according to those link names or a portion thereof).
But the .pdfs come in variable name-lengths, e.g.:
and as they exist in the table, they have a bunch of junk text:
a href = ://blah/blah/blah/I_am_the_first_file.pdf[plus other annotation stuff that gets into my string accidentally]
a href = ://blah/blah/blah/And_I_am_the_seond_file.pdf[plus other annotation stuff that gets into my string accidentally]
So I want to cut ("slice") the front part and the last part off of the string and just leave the string that points to my url (so what follows is the desired output for my program):
As you can see, though, the second file has more characters in the string than the first. So I can't do:
or whatever because that would work for the first file but not for the second.
So i'm trying to come up with a variable for the end of the string slice, like so:
wherein x is the location in the string that ends in '.pdf' (and my thought was to use the string.index('.pdf') function to do this.
But is t3h fail because I get an error trying to use a variable to do this
("TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable")
Probably there's an easy answer and a better way to do this other than messing with strings, but you guys are way smartert than me and I figured you'd know straight off.
Here's my full code so far:
import urllib, urllib2
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
page = urllib2.urlopen("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
table_with_my_pdf_links = soup.find('table', id = 'searchResults')
#"search results" is just what the table i was looking for happened to be called.
for pdf_link in table_with_my_pdf_links.findAll('a'):
#this says find all the links and looop over them
pdf_link_string = str(pdf_link)
#turn the links into strings (they are usually soup tag objects, which don't help me much that I know of)
if 'pdf' in pdf_link_string:
#some links in the table are .html and I don't want those, I just want the pdfs.
end_of_link = pdf_link_string.index('.pdf')
#I want to know where the .pdf file extension ends because that's the end of the link, so I'll slice backward from there
just_the_link = end_of_link[9:end_of_link]
#here, the first 9 characters are junk "a href = yadda yadda yadda". So I'm setting a variable that starts just after that junk and goes to the .pdf (I realize that I will actualy have to do .pdf + 3 or something to actually get to the end of string, but this makes it easier for now).
print just_the_link
#I debug by print statement because I'm an amatuer
the line (Second from the bottom) that reads:
just_the_link = end_of_link[9:end_of_link]
returns an error (TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable)
also, the ":" should be hyper text transfer protocol colon, but it won't let me post that b/c newbs can't post more than 2 links so I took them out.
just_the_link = end_of_link[9:end_of_link]
This is your problem, just like the error message says. end_of_link is an integer -- the index of ".pdf" in pdf_link_string, which you calculated in the preceding line. So naturally you can't slice it. You want to slice pdf_link_string.
Sounds like a job for regular expressions:
import urllib, urllib2, re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
page = urllib2.urlopen("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
table_with_my_pdf_links = soup.find('table', id = 'searchResults')
#"search results" is just what the table i was looking for happened to be called.
for pdf_link in table_with_my_pdf_links.findAll('a'):
#this says find all the links and looop over them
pdf_link_string = str(pdf_link)
#turn the links into strings (they are usually soup tag objects, which don't help me much that I know of)
if 'pdf' in pdf_link_string:
pdfURLPattern = re.compile("""://(\w+/)+\S+.pdf""")
pdfURLMatch =
#If there is no match than search() returns None, otherwise the whole group (group(0)) returns the URL of interest.
if pdfURLMatch:

Fetching data from the Wiki

I am currently developing a wiki and will keep posting information into the wiki. However, I'll have to fetch the information from the wiki using a python code. For example, if I have a wiki page about a company, say Coca Cola, I will need all the information (text) that I have posted on the wiki to be parsed to my python program. Please let me know if there's a way to do this.
You can use the api.php to get the Wikipedia Source text. It includes only the actual article.
I have written this one for the german wikipedia, so it works with umlauts. Some special characters of some other languages don't work (russian works, so it might be some asian languages). This is a working example:
import urllib2
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup
import xml.sax.saxutils
def load(lemma, language="en", format="xml"):
""" Get the Wikipedia Source Text (not the HTML source code)
format:xml,json, ...
language:en, de, ...
Returns None if page doesn't exist
url = 'http://' + language + '' + \
'?action=query&format=' + format + \
'&prop=revisions&rvprop=content' + \
'&titles=' + lemma
request = urllib2.Request(url)
handle = urllib2.urlopen(request)
text =
if format == 'xml':
soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(text)
rev = soup.rev
if rev != None:
text = unicode(rev.contents[0])
text = xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(text)
return None
return text
print load("Coca-Cola")
If you like to get the actual source code you have to change the url and the part with BeautifulStoneSoup.
BeautifulStoneSoup parses XML, BeautifulSoup parses HTML. Both are part of the BeautifulSoup package.
A manner is to download the page with urllib or httplib, then to analyze it with regexes to extract the precise information you want. It may be long, but it's relatively easy to do.
Maybe there are other solutions to analyze the source of the page, parsers or something like that; I don't know enough about them.
In the past for this sort of thing I've used SemanticMediawiki, and found it to work reasonably well. It's not terribly flexible, though so if you're doing something complicated you'll find yourself writing custom plugins or delegating to an external service to do the work.
I ultimately ended up writing a lot of python web services to do extra processing.

Using Beautiful Soup Python module to replace tags with plain text

I am using Beautiful Soup to extract 'content' from web pages. I know some people have asked this question before and they were all pointed to Beautiful Soup and that's how I got started with it.
I was able to successfully get most of the content but I am running into some challenges with tags that are part of the content. (I am starting off with a basic strategy of: if there are more than x-chars in a node then it is content). Let's take the html code below as an example:
<div id="abc">
some long text goes here and hopefully it
will get picked up by the parser as content
results = soup.findAll(text=lambda(x): len(x) > 20)
When I use the above code to get at the long text, it breaks (the identified text will start from 'and hopefully..') at the tags. So I tried to replace the tag with plain text as follows:
anchors = soup.findAll('a')
for a in anchors:
a.replaceWith('plain text')
The above does not work because Beautiful Soup inserts the string as a NavigableString and that causes the same problem when I use findAll with the len(x) > 20. I can use regular expressions to parse the html as plain text first, clear out all the unwanted tags and then call Beautiful Soup. But I would like to avoid processing the same content twice -- I am trying to parse these pages so I can show a snippet of content for a given link (very much like Facebook Share) -- and if everything is done with Beautiful Soup, I presume it will be faster.
So my question: is there a way to 'clear tags' and replace them with 'plain text' using Beautiful Soup. If not, what will be best way to do so?
Thanks for your suggestions!
Update: Alex's code worked very well for the sample example. I also tried various edge cases and they all worked fine (with the modification below). So I gave it a shot on a real life website and I run into issues that puzzle me.
import urllib
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
page = urllib.urlopen('')
anchors = soup.findAll('a')
i = 0
for a in anchors:
print str(i) + ":" + str(a)
for a in anchors:
if (a.string is None): a.string = ''
if (a.previousSibling is None and a.nextSibling is None):
a.previousSibling = a.string
elif (a.previousSibling is None and a.nextSibling is not None):
a.nextSibling.replaceWith(a.string + a.nextSibling)
elif (a.previousSibling is not None and a.nextSibling is None):
a.previousSibling.replaceWith(a.previousSibling + a.string)
a.previousSibling.replaceWith(a.previousSibling + a.string + a.nextSibling)
i = i+1
When I run the above code, I get the following error:
0:<a href="">Stay up to date with
Switched's CES 2010 coverage</a>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 44, in <module>
a.previousSibling.replaceWith(a.previousSibling + a.string + a.nextSibling)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'Tag' and 'NavigableString'
When I look at the HTML code, 'Stay up to date.." does not have any previous sibling (I did not how previous sibling worked until I saw Alex's code and based on my testing it looks like it is looking for 'text' before the tag). So, if there is no previous sibling, I am surprised that it is not going through the if logic of a.previousSibling is None and a;nextSibling is None.
Could you please let me know what I am doing wrong?
An approach that works for your specific example is:
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
ht = '''
<div id="abc">
some long text goes here and hopefully it
will get picked up by the parser as content
soup = BeautifulSoup(ht)
anchors = soup.findAll('a')
for a in anchors:
a.previousSibling.replaceWith(a.previousSibling + a.string)
results = soup.findAll(text=lambda(x): len(x) > 20)
print results
which emits
$ python
[u'\n some long text goes here ', u' and hopefully it \n will get picked up by the parser as content\n']
Of course, you'll probably need to take a bit more care, i.e., what if there's no a.string, or if a.previousSibling is None -- you'll need suitable if statements to take care of such corner cases. But I hope this general idea can help you. (In fact you may want to also merge the next sibling if it's a string -- not sure how that plays with your heuristics len(x) > 20, but say for example that you have two 9-character strings with an <a> containing a 5-character strings in the middle, perhaps you'd want to pick up the lot as a "23-characters string"? I can't tell because I don't understand the motivation for your heuristic).
I imagine that besides <a> tags you'll also want to remove others, such as <b> or <strong>, maybe <p> and/or <br>, etc...? I guess this, too, depends on what the actual idea behind your heuristics is!
When I tried to flatten tags in the document, that way, the tags' entire content would be pulled up to its parent node in place (I wanted to reduce the content of a p tag with all sub-paragraphs, lists, div and span, etc. inside but get rid of the style and font tags and some horrible word-to-html generator remnants), I found it rather complicated to do with BeautifulSoup itself since extract() also removes the content and replaceWith() unfortunatetly doesn't accept None as argument. After some wild recursion experiments, I finally decided to use regular expressions either before or after processing the document with BeautifulSoup with the following method:
import re
def flatten_tags(s, tags):
pattern = re.compile(r"<(( )*|/?)(%s)(([^<>]*=\\\".*\\\")*|[^<>]*)/?>"%(isinstance(tags, basestring) and tags or "|".join(tags)))
return pattern.sub("", s)
The tags argument is either a single tag or a list of tags to be flattened.

