locking camera in mayavi - python

I'm trying to make an animation with a sequence of datafiles in mayavi. Unfortunately i have noticed that camera doesn't lock (it is zooming and zooming out). I think it is happening because the Z componrnt of my mesh is changing and mayavi is trying to recalculate scales.
How can I fix it?
import numpy
from mayavi import mlab
mlab.figure(size = (1024,768),bgcolor = (1,1,1))
mlab.view(azimuth=45, elevation=60, distance=0.01, focalpoint=(0,0,0))
#mlab.move(forward=23, right=32, up=12)
for i in range(8240,8243):
[x,y] = numpy.meshgrid(k,n)
z[:] = 5
M = numpy.loadtxt('B:\\Dropbox\\Master.Diploma\\presentation\\movie\\1disk_j9.5xyz\\'+'{0:05}'.format(i)+'.txt')
Mx = M[:,0]; My = M[:,1]; Mz = M[:,2]
Mx = Mx.reshape(20,20); My = My.reshape(20,20); Mz = Mz.reshape(20,20);
s = mlab.quiver3d(x,y,z,Mx, My, -Mz, mode="cone",resolution=40,scale_factor=0.016,color = (0.8,0.8,0.01))
Mz = numpy.loadtxt('B:\\Dropbox\\Master.Diploma\\presentation\\movie\\Mzi\\' + '{0:05}'.format(i) + '.txt')
[x,y] = numpy.meshgrid(k,n)
f = mlab.mesh(x, y, -Mz/1.5,representation = 'wireframe',opacity=0.3,line_width=1)

for anyone still interested in this, you could try wrapping whatever work you're doing in this context, which will disable rendering and return the disable_render value and camera views to their original states after the context exits.
with constant_camera_view():
Here's the class:
class constant_camera_view(object):
def __init__(self):
def __enter__(self):
self.orig_no_render = mlab.gcf().scene.disable_render
if not self.orig_no_render:
mlab.gcf().scene.disable_render = True
cc = mlab.gcf().scene.camera
self.orig_pos = cc.position
self.orig_fp = cc.focal_point
self.orig_view_angle = cc.view_angle
self.orig_view_up = cc.view_up
self.orig_clipping_range = cc.clipping_range
def __exit__(self, t, val, trace):
cc = mlab.gcf().scene.camera
cc.position = self.orig_pos
cc.focal_point = self.orig_fp
cc.view_angle = self.orig_view_angle
cc.view_up = self.orig_view_up
cc.clipping_range = self.orig_clipping_range
if not self.orig_no_render:
mlab.gcf().scene.disable_render = False
if t != None:
print t, val, trace

I do not really see the problem in your plot but to reset the view after each plotting instance insert your view point:
mlab.view(azimuth=45, elevation=60, distance=0.01, focalpoint=(0,0,0))
directly above your mlab.savefig callwithin your for loop .

You could just use the vmin and vmax function in your mesh command, if u do so the scale will not change with your data and your camera should stay where it is.
Like this:
f = mlab.mesh(x, y, -Mz/1.5,representation = 'wireframe',vmin='''some value''',vmax='''some value''',opacity=0.3,line_width=1)


use OpenMaya to give particles specific translate and rotate values

I'm struggling with OpenMaya here.
I want to be able to take transform information from a list of locators and plug these values to particles shapes.
The goal is to use this over 25000 locators, so I can't create a particle system for each instance. I really need to store position and rotation values to the particles themselves.
To do that I started to dive into OpenMaya... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Anyway, the problem I'm facing now is that my scene crashes every time I launch this script and I can't figure out what I did wrong. I think I'm pretty close, but crashing Maya is not considered a victory.
import pymel.core as pm
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.OpenMayaFX as omfx
import random
### A short script to create the scene with bunch of locators with random pos rot
numOfLoc = 5 # this number will eventually be set 25000 when the script will work.
# create locators with random position location(for test)
def create_gazillion_locators(numOfLoc):
for i in range(0, numOfLoc):
# to create variation
tx = random.uniform(-10, 10)
ty = random.uniform(0, 5)
tz = random.uniform(-10, 10)
rx = random.uniform(0, 360)
ry = random.uniform(0, 360)
rz = random.uniform(0, 360)
pm.move(tx, ty, tz)
pm.rotate(rx, ry, rz, ws=True)
# Select locators
def select_locators():
loc_selection = pm.listRelatives(pm.ls(type = 'locator'), p=True)
pm.select(loc_selection, r=True)
return loc_selection
# delete the locators
def clean_the_scene():
#del locators (for testing purpiose)
sel = select_locators()
if sel is not None:
### Actual script
# Found this on the internet. it seems to be more neat
class Vector(om.MVector):
def __str__(self):
return '{0}, {1}, {2}'.format(self.x, self.y, self.z)
def __repr__(self):
return '{0}, {1}, {2}'.format(self.x, self.y, self.z)
# OpenMaya treatment
sel = select_locators()
mSel = om.MSelectionList()
mSel_iter = om.MItSelectionList(mSel)
mSel_DagPath = om.MDagPath()
# bvariables to store the transform in
pos_array = om.MVectorArray()
rot_array = om.MVectorArray()
mLoc = om.MObject()
# Main loop of selection iterator.
while not mSel_iter.isDone():
# Get list of selected
dep_node_name = om.MFnDependencyNode(mLoc).name()
transl = pm.getAttr('{}.translate'.format(dep_node_name))
rotate = pm.getAttr('{}.rotate'.format(dep_node_name))
print(Vector(transl[0], transl[1], transl[2]))
print(Vector(rotate[0], rotate[1], rotate[2]))
pos_array.append(Vector(transl[0], transl[1], transl[2]))
rot_array.append(Vector(rotate[0], rotate[1], rotate[2]))
# Up untill there it seems to work ok.
nparticles_transform, nparticles_shape = pm.nParticle(position = pos_array)
pm.setAttr('nucleus1.gravity', 0.0)
pm.addAttr(nparticles_shape, ln = 'rotationPP', dt = 'vectorArray')
pm.addAttr(nparticles_shape, ln = 'rotationPP0', dt = 'vectorArray')
pm.particleInstancer(nparticles_shape, name = p_instancer, edit = True, rotation = "rotationPP")
particle_fn = omfx.MFnParticleSystem(nparticles_shape.__apimobject__())
particle_fn.setPerParticleAttribute('rotationPP', rot_array)
particle_fn.setPerParticleAttribute('rotationPP0', rot_array)
I read lots of things, went through the stack and google, I based my script on several other stuff I found/learnt (I listened to the OpenMaya course on Youtube by Chayan Vinayak)... But I've had a hard time understanding the OpenMaya documentation though.
I had a look and there is no need to use any openmaya in this case if you need pymel anyway. I used cmds for the creation of the locators because it is a bit faster, so if execution speed is a problem, try to switch everything to cmds.
And I think there is no need to set the computeRotation because it's only used during simulation.
import pymel.core as pm
import maya.cmds as cmds
import random
numOfLoc = 5000
def c_create_gazillion_locators(num_of_loc):
for i in range(num_of_loc):
tx = random.uniform(-10, 10)
ty = random.uniform(0, 5)
tz = random.uniform(-10, 10)
rx = random.uniform(0, 360)
ry = random.uniform(0, 360)
rz = random.uniform(0, 360)
cmds.move(tx, ty, tz)
cmds.rotate(rx, ry, rz, ws=True)
locs = pm.ls(type="locator")
locs = pm.listRelatives(locs, p=True)
pos = []
rot = []
for loc in locs:
nparticles_transform, nparticles_shape = pm.nParticle(position=pos)
pm.setAttr("nucleus1.gravity", 0.0)
pm.addAttr(nparticles_shape, ln="rotationPP", dt="vectorArray")
pm.addAttr(nparticles_shape, ln="rotationPP0", dt="vectorArray")
rpp= pm.Attribute(nparticles_shape+".rotationPP")
rpp0= pm.Attribute(nparticles_shape+".rotationPP0")
I've made a couple of changes to make it work. I didn't check the particle setup though. In fact, the main problem is mixing two different APIs. Either stick to OpenMaya (or even OpenMaya v2.0) or PyMEL.
import pymel.core as pm
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.OpenMayaFX as omfx
import random
### A short script to create the scene with bunch of locators with random pos rot
numOfLoc = 5 # this number will eventually be set 25000 when the script will work.
# create locators with random position location(for test)
def create_gazillion_locators(num_of_loc):
for i in range(num_of_loc):
# to create variation
tx = random.uniform(-10, 10)
ty = random.uniform(0, 5)
tz = random.uniform(-10, 10)
rx = random.uniform(0, 360)
ry = random.uniform(0, 360)
rz = random.uniform(0, 360)
pm.move(tx, ty, tz)
pm.rotate(rx, ry, rz, ws=True)
# Select locators
def select_locators():
loc_selection = pm.listRelatives(pm.ls(type="locator"), p=True)
pm.select(loc_selection, r=True)
return loc_selection
# delete the locators
def clean_the_scene():
# del locators (for testing purpiose)
sel = select_locators()
if sel is not None:
### Actual script
# Found this on the internet. it seems to be more neat
class Vector(om.MVector):
def __str__(self):
return "{0}, {1}, {2}".format(self.x, self.y, self.z)
def __repr__(self):
return "{0}, {1}, {2}".format(self.x, self.y, self.z)
# OpenMaya treatment
sel = select_locators()
mSel = om.MSelectionList()
mSel_iter = om.MItSelectionList(mSel)
mSel_DagPath = om.MDagPath()
# bvariables to store the transform in
pos_array = []
rot_array = om.MVectorArray()
mLoc = om.MObject()
# Main loop of selection iterator.
while not mSel_iter.isDone():
# Get list of selected
dep_node_name = om.MFnDependencyNode(mLoc).name()
transl = pm.getAttr("{}.translate".format(dep_node_name))
rotate = pm.getAttr("{}.rotate".format(dep_node_name))
print(Vector(transl[0], transl[1], transl[2]))
print(Vector(rotate[0], rotate[1], rotate[2]))
pos_array.append((transl[0], transl[1], transl[2]))
rot_array.append(Vector(rotate[0], rotate[1], rotate[2]))
# Up untill there it seems to work ok.
nparticles_transform, nparticles_shape = pm.nParticle(position=pos_array)
pm.setAttr("nucleus1.gravity", 0.0)
pm.addAttr(nparticles_shape, ln="rotationPP", dt="vectorArray")
pm.addAttr(nparticles_shape, ln="rotationPP0", dt="vectorArray")
# Create an instancer before trying to edit
instancer_node = pm.particleInstancer(nparticles_shape, name="p_instancer")
nparticles_shape, name=instancer_node, edit=True, rotation="rotationPP"
particle_fn = omfx.MFnParticleSystem(nparticles_shape.__apimobject__())
particle_fn.setPerParticleAttribute("rotationPP", rot_array)
particle_fn.setPerParticleAttribute("rotationPP0", rot_array)

Updating a matplotlib figure during simulation

I try to implement a matplotlib figure that updates during the simulation of my environment.
The following Classes works fine in my test but doesn't update the figure when I use it in my environment. During the simulation of the environment, the graph is shown, but no lines are plotted.
My guess is that .draw() is not working how I think it does.
Can anyone figure out the issue here?
class Visualisation:
def __init__(self, graphs):
self.graphs_dict = {}
for graph in graphs:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
line, = ax.plot(graph.x, graph.y, 'r-')
self.graphs_dict[graph.title] = {"fig": fig, "ax": ax, "line": line, "graph": graph}
def update(self, graph):
graph = self.graphs_dict[graph.title]["graph"]
x_lim, y_lim = self.get_lim(graph)
def get_lim(graph):
if graph.x_lim is None:
x = np.array(graph.x)
y = np.array(graph.y)
x_lim = [x.min(), x.max()]
y_lim = [y.min(), y.max()]
x_lim = graph.x_lim
y_lim = graph.y_lim
return x_lim, y_lim
class Graph:
def __init__(self, title, x, y, x_label="", y_label=""):
Sets up a graph for Matplotlib
title : String
Title of the plot
x : float
y : float
x_label : String
x Label
y_label : String
y Label
self.title = title
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.x_label = x_label
self.y_label = y_label
self.x_lim, self.y_lim = None, None
def set_lim(self, x_lim, y_lim):
self.x_lim = x_lim
self.y_lim = y_lim
class Environment:
def __init__(self, [..], verbose=0):
"""verbose : int
0 - No Visualisation
1 - Visualisation
2 - Visualisation and Logging"""
self.vis = None
self.verbose = verbose
def simulate(self):
for _ in range(self.n_steps):
def visualize(self):
if self.verbose == 1 or self.verbose == 2:
if self.vis is None:
graphs = [Graph(title="VariableY", x=[], y=[])]
graphs[0].set_lim(x_lim=[0, 100], y_lim=[0, 300])
self.vis = Visualisation(graphs=graphs)
When I run the code I more or less just write: env.simulate().
The code runs fine here:
class TestSingularVisualisation(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.graph = Graph(title="Test", x=[0], y=[0])
self.vis = Visualisation(graphs=[self.graph])
class TestSingleUpdate(TestSingularVisualisation):
def test_repeated_update(self):
for i in range(5):
Turns out your code works the way it is set up. Here is the sole problem with the code you provided:
You are plotting a line and correctly updating the canvas, however, you keep appending the exact same (x, y) coordinate. So the simulation does update the line, but the line simplifies to a point. Your test case does not do this. You can run a dummy example with your code by simply adding a line like this:
self.internal_step += 5
before adding the new x point, and you will produce a horizontal line.
Let me know if this solves your problem.
Probably not the most elegant, but I use plt.pause(0.1) when I want to update plots during execution. It pauses for 0.1s and forces all plots to be actually displayed. (It work in %debug in ipython as a bonus)

How to move points of a line to specific locations?

I'm trying visualise the sine waves addition in python using tkinter, and I'm trying to build lines between each circles center, but what I've tried so far didnt work as I thought it would. is there a way to fix what I've tried (see code), or a way to move only one coordinates point of a line independantly from the other?
As you'll see in the code if you run it, I've tried a method where each iteration the previous line is erased and a new one is created. When I run the code there is actually a line between each center of the circles just like I want, but facts are those lines persist and won't erase themselves; for some reason it seems like the canvas.delete(line) doesnt work as I expected it to.
here's the full code. The interesting part is in the 'updateline' fonction, into 'act()' func.
import math
import tkinter as tk
##important to know! -- the way I'm creating the circles is by setting an object, the bounds of the circle, depending on amplitude asked by user.
##then the programs calculates the path of these bounds, depending on circles, amplitude, phase and frequency of the sine waves asked by the user from the tkinter GUI.
##finally, the program creates and moves along this path a circle, representing visually the sine wave.
top = tk.Tk()
choice = tk.Tk()
f = tk.Frame(choice,bd=3)
g = tk.Frame(choice,bd=3)
tk.Label(f,text="nbre ondes:",width = 10).grid(row=0,column=0)
sines = tk.Spinbox(f,from_=1,to=50,width=10,textvariable=tk.DoubleVar(value=2))
delai = tk.Scale(g, orient='vertical', from_=100, to=1,resolution=1, length=100,label='delai')
hauteur = tk.Scale(g, orient='vertical', from_=1100, to=100,resolution=100, length=100,label='fenetre')
taillec1 = tk.Scale(g, orient='vertical', from_=3.5, to=0.1,resolution=0.1, length=100,label='taille')
def grilledechoix():
numberofsines = int(sines.get())
for i in f.grid_slaves():
if int(i.grid_info()["row"]) > numberofsines+2:
for i in range(1,numberofsines+1):
tk.Label(f,text="phase n."+str(i),width = 10).grid(row=i+2,column=4)
phase = tk.Spinbox(f,from_=-180,to=180,width=10)
phase.insert(0, 0)
for i in range(1,numberofsines+1):
tk.Label(f,text="amp. n."+str(i),width = 10).grid(row=i+2,column=0)
ampli = tk.Spinbox(f,from_=1,to=10000000,width=10)
for i in range(1,numberofsines+1):
tk.Label(f,text="freq n."+str(i),width = 10).grid(row=i+2,column=2)
freq = tk.Spinbox(f,from_=-1000,to=1000,width=10)
def act():
h = g.grid_slaves()[1].get()
delai = g.grid_slaves()[2].get()
taillec1 = g.grid_slaves()[0].get()
w = h
ampdict = {'box1':100 * ((h/700)*taillec1)}
frqdict = {}
aaadict = {}
fffdict = {}
phadict = {}
numberofsines = int(sines.get())
sin = lambda degs: math.sin(math.radians(degs))
cos = lambda degs: math.cos(math.radians(degs))
for i in range(1,numberofsines+1):
fffdict['box'+str(numberofsines-i+1)] = f.grid_slaves()[(2*i)-2].get()
aaadict['box'+str(numberofsines-i+1)] = f.grid_slaves()[(2*i)-2+2*numberofsines].get()
phadict['box'+str(numberofsines-i+1)] = f.grid_slaves()[(2*i)-2+4*numberofsines].get()
for i in range(1,numberofsines+1):
ampdict['box'+str(i)] = (float(ampdict['box1'])/float(aaadict['box1'])) * float(aaadict['box'+str(i)])
frqdict['box'+str(i)] = float(fffdict['box'+str(i)])/float(fffdict['box1'])
class obj(object):
cos0, cos180 = cos(0), cos(180)
sin90, sin270 = sin(90), sin(270)
def __init__(i, x, y, rayon):
i.x, i.y = x, y
i.rayon = rayon
def bounds(i):
return (i.x + i.rayon*i.cos0, i.y + i.rayon*i.sin270,
i.x + i.rayon*i.cos180, i.y + i.rayon*i.sin90)
def updateposition(canvas, id, cent, obj, path):
obj.x, obj.y = next(path)
x0, y0, x1, y1 = canvas.coords(id)
oldx, oldy = (x0+x1) // 2, (y0+y1) // 2
dx, dy = obj.x - oldx, obj.y - oldy
canvas.move(id, dx, dy)
canvas.move(cent, dx, dy)
canvas.after(delai, updateposition, canvas, id, cent, obj, path)
def updateline(canvas, line, robj0, cent0, robj1, cent1):
x00, y00, x01, y01 = canvas.coords(cent0) ##defining coords of the two ovals asked, representing centers of circles
x10, y10, x11, y11 = canvas.coords(cent1)
oldx0, oldy0 = (x00+x01) // 2, (y00+y01) // 2 ##defining center coords of the two ovals
oldx1, oldy1 = (x10+x11) // 2, (y10+y11) // 2
dx0, dy0 = robj0.x - oldx0, robj0.y - oldy0 ##defining the deltax and deltay, difference of movements between frames, of the two ovals
dx1, dy1 = robj1.x - oldx1, robj1.y - oldy1
canvas.after(delai, canvas.delete, line) ##deleting previous line, does not work and I don't know why. I've also tried 'canvas.delete(line)', giving same results
canvas.create_line(oldx0+dx0, oldy0+dy0, oldx1+dx1, oldy1+dy1) ##creating new line
canvas.after(delai, updateline, canvas, line, robj0, cent0, robj1, cent1) ##function invoking itself after delay 'delai'
def posobj(pt,ang,deltang):
while True:
yield pt.x + pt.rayon*cos(ang), pt.y + pt.rayon*sin(ang)
ang = (ang+deltang)%360
canvas = tk.Canvas(top, bg='white', height=h, width=w)
robj = {}
r = {}
posobjet = {}
line = {}
cent = {}
## the following 'for' loop creates a number of circles corresponding to sine waves, as much as the user asked.
for i in range(1,int(sines.get())+2):
if i != int(sines.get())+1:
if i == 1:
robj[str(i)] = obj(h/2,h/2,float(ampdict['box'+str(i)]))
r[str(i)] = canvas.create_oval(robj[str(i)].bounds(),fill='',outline='black')
cent[str(i)] = canvas.create_oval(h/2+h/200,h/2+h/200.,h/2-h/200,h/2-h/200, fill='white', outline='red')
posobjet[str(i)] = posobj(robj[str(i)],float(phadict['box'+str(i)]),float(frqdict['box'+str(i)]))
robj[str(i)] = obj(robj[str(i-1)].x,robj[str(i-1)].y,float(ampdict['box'+str(i)]))
r[str(i)] = canvas.create_oval(robj[str(i)].bounds(),fill='',outline='black')
cent[str(i)] = canvas.create_oval(robj[str(i)].x+h/200,robj[str(i)].y+h/200,robj[str(i)].x-h/200,robj[str(i)].y-h/200, fill='white', outline='blue')
line[str(i)] = canvas.create_line(0,0,0,0)
posobjet[str(i)] = posobj(robj[str(i)],float(phadict['box'+str(i)]),float(frqdict['box'+str(i)]))
top.after(delai, updateposition, canvas, r[str(i)], cent[str(i)], robj[str(i)], posobjet[str(i-1)])
##here I'm invoking the updateline function using the constant 'delai', the line i, and objects defining the bounds of the center objects, the little blue/red dots appearing as the center of each circles(run the code, it'll be easier to understand)
top.after(delai, updateline, canvas, line[str(i)], robj[str(i-1)], cent[str(i-1)], robj[str(i)], cent[str(i)])
robj[str(i)] = obj(robj[str(i-1)].x,robj[str(i-1)].y,h/200)
r[str(i)] = canvas.create_oval(robj[str(i)].bounds(),fill='white',outline='red')
cent[str(i)] = canvas.create_oval(robj[str(i)].x+h/200,robj[str(i)].y+h/200,robj[str(i)].x-h/200,robj[str(i)].y-h/200, fill='white', outline='red')
line[str(i)] = canvas.create_line(0,0,0,0)
top.after(delai, updateposition, canvas, r[str(i)], cent[str(i)], robj[str(i)], posobjet[str(i-1)])
##2nd and last time invoking the updateline function, for the line between the last circle's point and the final red point.
top.after(delai, updateline, canvas, line[str(i)], robj[str(i-1)], cent[str(i-1)], robj[str(i)], cent[str(i)])
ok = tk.Button(f,text='NBRE',command=grilledechoix)
ac = tk.Button(f,text='APPLY',command=act)
I expected the lines to disappear once the updateline function called itself again, because of that 'canvas.delete(line)' line into updateline, and I can't really understand why it does that.
anyway if you have a solution to make the lines move, without creating and deleting them each time the function is called, feel free to tell me.
If I understand the problem correctly, I believe the issue is with this code:
canvas.after(delai, canvas.delete, line)
canvas.create_line(oldx0+dx0, oldy0+dy0, oldx1+dx1, oldy1+dy1)
canvas.after(delai, updateline, canvas, line, robj0, cent0, robj1, cent1)
It fails to reassign the new line to the line variable for the next call. Instead try:
canvas.after(delai, canvas.delete, line)
line = canvas.create_line(oldx0+dx0, oldy0+dy0, oldx1+dx1, oldy1+dy1)
canvas.after(delai, updateline, canvas, line, robj0, cent0, robj1, cent1)
Which gets rid of the extra lines when I run it. Let me know if I've missed the point.

3d image visualisation with numpy/vtk

I'm trying to display further images (ct-scan) using numpy/vtk as describe in this sample code (http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/Python/vtkWithNumpy) but I don't get it and don't know why.
If someone could help me it would be kind.
Here's my code :
import vtk
import numpy as np
import os
import cv, cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import PIL
import Image
w = 226
h = 186
d = 27
stack = np.zeros((w,d,h))
k=-1 #add the next picture in a differente level of depth/z-positions
for file in os.listdir(directory):
img = directory + file
im = Image.open(img)
temp = np.asarray(im, dtype=int)
stack[:,k,:]= temp
print stack.shape
#~ plt.imshow(test)
#~ plt.show()
print type(stack[10,10,15])
res = np.amax(stack)
res1 = np.amin(stack)
print res, type(res)
print res1, type(res1)
#~ for (x,y,z), value in np.ndenumerate(stack):
#~ stack[x,y,z]=np.require(stack[x,y,z],dtype=np.int16)
#~ print type(stack[x,y,z])
stack = np.require(stack,dtype=np.uint16)
print stack.dtype
if DEBUG : print stack.shape
dataImporter = vtk.vtkImageImport()
data_string = stack.tostring()
dataImporter.CopyImportVoidPointer(data_string, len(data_string))
dataImporter.SetDataExtent(0, w-1, 0, 1, 0, h-1)
dataImporter.SetWholeExtent(0, w-1, 0, 1, 0, h-1)
essai = raw_input()
alphaChannelFunc = vtk.vtkPiecewiseFunction()
colorFunc = vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction()
for i in range (0,255):
alphaChannelFunc.AddPoint(i, 0.9)
volumeProperty = vtk.vtkVolumeProperty()
# This class describes how the volume is rendered (through ray tracing).
compositeFunction = vtk.vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction()
# We can finally create our volume. We also have to specify the data for it, as well as how the data will be rendered.
volumeMapper = vtk.vtkVolumeRayCastMapper()
# The class vtkVolume is used to pair the preaviusly declared volume as well as the properties to be used when rendering that volume.
volume = vtk.vtkVolume()
# With almost everything else ready, its time to initialize the renderer and window, as well as creating a method for exiting the application
renderer = vtk.vtkRenderer()
renderWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
renderInteractor = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
# We add the volume to the renderer ...
# ... set background color to white ...
renderer.SetBackground(1, 1, 1)
# ... and set window size.
renderWin.SetSize(400, 400)
# A simple function to be called when the user decides to quit the application.
def exitCheck(obj, event):
if obj.GetEventPending() != 0:
# Tell the application to use the function as an exit check.
renderWin.AddObserver("AbortCheckEvent", exitCheck)
#to quit, press q
# Because nothing will be rendered without any input, we order the first render manually before control is handed over to the main-loop.
I finally find out what was wrong
here's my new code
import vtk
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import PIL
import Image
DEBUG =False
l = []
k=0 #add the next picture in a differente level of depth/z-positions
for file in os.listdir(directory):
img = directory + file
if DEBUG : print img
# the os.listdir function do not give the files in the right order
#so we need to sort them
temp = Image.open(l[0])
h, w = temp.size
d = len(l)*5 #with our sample each images will be displayed 5times to get a better view
if DEBUG : print 'width, height, depth : ',w,h,d
stack = np.zeros((w,d,h),dtype=np.uint8)
for i in l:
im = Image.open(i)
temp = np.asarray(im, dtype=int)
for i in range(5):
stack[:,k+i,:]= temp
#~ stack[:,k,:]= temp
#~ k+=1
if DEBUG :
res = np.amax(stack)
print 'max value',res
res1 = np.amin(stack)
print 'min value',res1
#convert the stack in the right dtype
stack = np.require(stack,dtype=np.uint8)
if DEBUG :#check if the image have not been modified
test = stack [:,0,:]
if DEBUG : print 'stack shape & dtype' ,stack.shape,',',stack.dtype
dataImporter = vtk.vtkImageImport()
data_string = stack.tostring()
dataImporter.CopyImportVoidPointer(data_string, len(data_string))
#vtk uses an array in the order : height, depth, width which is
#different of numpy (w,h,d)
w, d, h = stack.shape
dataImporter.SetDataExtent(0, h-1, 0, d-1, 0, w-1)
dataImporter.SetWholeExtent(0, h-1, 0, d-1, 0, w-1)
alphaChannelFunc = vtk.vtkPiecewiseFunction()
colorFunc = vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction()
for i in range(256):
alphaChannelFunc.AddPoint(i, 0.2)
# for our test sample, we set the black opacity to 0 (transparent) so as
#to see the sample
alphaChannelFunc.AddPoint(0, 0.0)
volumeProperty = vtk.vtkVolumeProperty()
# This class describes how the volume is rendered (through ray tracing).
compositeFunction = vtk.vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction()
# We can finally create our volume. We also have to specify the data for
# it, as well as how the data will be rendered.
volumeMapper = vtk.vtkVolumeRayCastMapper()
# function to reduce the spacing between each image
# The class vtkVolume is used to pair the preaviusly declared volume as
#well as the properties to be used when rendering that volume.
volume = vtk.vtkVolume()
# With almost everything else ready, its time to initialize the renderer and window,
# as well as creating a method for exiting the application
renderer = vtk.vtkRenderer()
renderWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
renderInteractor = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
# We add the volume to the renderer ...
# ... set background color to white ...
renderer.SetBackground(1, 1, 1)
# ... and set window size.
renderWin.SetSize(550, 550)
# A simple function to be called when the user decides to quit the application.
def exitCheck(obj, event):
if obj.GetEventPending() != 0:
# Tell the application to use the function as an exit check.
renderWin.AddObserver("AbortCheckEvent", exitCheck)
#to auit, press q
# Because nothing will be rendered without any input, we order the first
# render manually before control is handed over to the main-loop.
If you are ok with a solution not using VTK, you could use Matplotlib imshow and interactive navigation with keys.
This tutorial shows how:
and here an implementation for viewing RTdose files:
See also:

Memory allocated to Python is not released back in Linux even after gc.collect()

I have written code within Python that doesn't release memory the way it should. The memory is taken by Python but never gets released even after not being used anymore. Even if you break the running program with ctrl+c. Delete the variable and run gc.collect() it doesn't seem to collect. Or the same as in Ipython and running %reset. The memory won't be freed and running gc.collect() has no effect. I tested this in Windows because I wanted to see if it could possibly be with the garbage collector library. It appears that is the case. Run the code below in Linux and then also in windows. Then compare the memory usage. You will need numpy and scipy installed. Any help or insight on this issue would be much appreciated.
Import the Model, create an instance, and then run createSpecific().
Here is a code that exhibits this behavior in Ubuntu 10.04:
from numpy import array, maximum,intersect1d, meshgrid, std, log, log10, zeros, ones, argwhere, abs, arange, size, copy, sqrt, sin, cos, pi, vstack, hstack, zeros, exp, max, mean, savetxt, loadtxt, minimum, linspace, where
from numpy.fft import fft
from scipy.stats import f_oneway, kruskal, sem, scoreatpercentile
#import matplotlib
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, clf, show, cla, xlim, xscale, imshow, ylabel, xlabel, figure, savefig, close, bar, title, xticks, yticks, axes, axis
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
#from enthought.mayavi import mlab
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from time import clock
from timeit import Timer
class Model:
#Constructors and default includes
def __init__(self, prevAud = None, debug=False):
if (prevAud == None):
self.fs=16000. #sample rate
self.numFilt=300 #number of channel
self.EarQ = 9.26449 #9.26449
self.minBW = 24.7 #24.7
self.maxOverallInhibit = 0.1
self.winLen = int(self.fs*self.integrationWindow+.01) #default integration window 10 ms
self.fullWind = 0.300
self.outShortWindow = None
self.siderArray = None
self.maxNormalizeValue = .284 # Optimized at .284
self.outputSemiModel = None
self.semitones = 11
self.activationTrace = None
def setErbScale(self, erbScale = None):
if (erbScale ==None):
self.erbScale = arange(100,500,5)
self.erbScale = erbScale
def trainModel(self,soundVec=None, fs=None, lowfreq=None, highfreq=None, numfilt=None, figto=0, savefig = 'N', prompts=False, plotter=False):
templateArray = self.intWindow(self.halfWaveRec(self.creGammatone(soundVec)))
for i in xrange(templateArray[0].size):
return templateArray
def createSpecific(self, freqArray = None, semitones = 11, timeforHarm = .3, soundVec=None, fs=None, lowfreq=None, highfreq=None, numfilt=None, figto=0, saveData='N', fileDir='TempRunT/', prompts=False, plotter=False):
if (freqArray == None):
freqArray = self.erbScale
if (type(semitones) == int):
semitones = arange(semitones+1)
totalRuns = int(timeforHarm/self.integrationWindow+.001)
inhibitWindowArray = zeros((freqArray.size,(semitones.size),self.numFilt,totalRuns))
for x in xrange(freqArray.size):
tempHarm = self.makeHarmonicAmpMod(freqArray[x],timeforHarm, numHarm=7,modulation=10)
for y in semitones:
tempChord = self.makeSemiChordAmpMod(tempHarm, freqArray[x],timeforHarm,modulation=10,numHarm=7,semi=y)
inhibitWindowArray[x,y] = self.trainModel( tempChord, savefig = 'N', plotter=plotter)
self.inhibitWindowArray = inhibitWindowArray
def creGammatone(self, soundVec):
temp = zeros((300,soundVec.size))
for i in xrange(temp[:,0].size):
temp[i] = -1**i*soundVec
return temp
def halfWaveRec(self, halfWaveFilts):
filtShape = halfWaveFilts.shape
if (filtShape[1] != int(self.fs*self.fullWind)):
halfWaveFilts = hstack((halfWaveFilts,zeros((self.numFilt,int(self.fs*self.fullWind)-filtShape[1]))))
temp = zeros((halfWaveFilts[:,0].size,halfWaveFilts[0].size))
halfWaveFilts = maximum(halfWaveFilts,temp)
del temp
return halfWaveFilts
def intWindow(self, integratedFilts):
winlen = self.winLen
length = integratedFilts[0].size/winlen
mod = integratedFilts[0].size%winlen
outShortWindow = zeros((integratedFilts[:,0].size,length))
meanval = 0
if (mod != 0):
for i in xrange(integratedFilts[:,0].size):
for i in xrange(integratedFilts[:,0].size):
del integratedFilts
return outShortWindow
def innerTest(self, window):
temper = copy(window)
sider = 7
st = .04
sizer = temper.size
inhibVal = 0
for j in xrange(sider):
inhibVal = (temper[0:j+sider+1].sum())*(sider*2+1)/(sider+1+j)
window[j] += - st*(inhibVal)
for j in xrange(sider,sizer - sider):
inhibVal = temper[j-sider:j+sider+1].sum()
window[j] += - st*(inhibVal)
for j in xrange(sizer-sider, sizer):
inhibVal = (temper[j-sider:sizer].sum())*(sider*2+1)/(sider+sizer-j)
window[j] += - st*(inhibVal)
maxsub = max(window) * self.maxOverallInhibit
window += - maxsub
del temper
return window
def outerTest(self, window):
newSatValue = scoreatpercentile(window, (76))
numones = where(window > newSatValue)
self.maxSatValue = newSatValue
del numones
return window
def makeHarmonicAmpMod(self, freq = 100, time = 1.,modulation=10, fsamp=None, numHarm=7):
if fsamp == None: fsamp = self.fs
samples = arange(time*fsamp)
signal = 0
for x in xrange(1,(numHarm+1),1):
signal = signal + sin(samples/float(fsamp)*x*freq*2*pi)
signal = (signal)*maximum(zeros(time*fsamp),sin((samples/float(fsamp)*modulation*2*pi)))
return signal
def makeSemiChordAmpMod(self, harmVec = None, freq=100, time = 1., modulation=10, fsamp=None, numHarm=7, semi = 2):
if (harmVec == None): harmVec = self.makeHarmonicAmpMod(freq,time,modulation,fsamp,numHarm)
if (semi == 0): return harmVec
return harmVec + self.makeHarmonicAmpMod(freq*(2**(semi/12.)),time,modulation,fsamp,numHarm)
Virtual memory is not a scarce resource. There is no need to return it to the system since each process has its own address space. What is your actual problem? What issue is this behavior causing you?
I had installed the latest svn of numpy and the issue had vanished. I assume it was inside one of the numpy functions. I never got a chance to dig further into it.

