ImportError: No module named mechanize - python

I'm using easy_install, and I entered:
easy_install mechanize
and the last line it returned was:
Finished processing dependencies for mechanize
Now when I try to:
import mechanize
I get this error:
ImportError: No module named mechanize
Any idea what's wrong? Thanks

Have you checked sys.path in the python shell?
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path
# Returns a list of directories & .egg files
For python to find mechanize, it needs to be in one of the places listed on sys.path. If you know where mechanize was installed, then you can check directly whether it's on sys.path (I'm not sure how to find out where it was installed automagically).

This seems to be a pathing issue. These are fairly annoying. In my experience the best way to deal with them is to avoid them. You should look into using virtualenv. It will take care of python path issues for you.


py2exe strange missing modules

I think this is one of the many questions about missing modules and py2exe... anyway...
PylibUty is a local package located in C:\Dati\workspaces\PythonEclipse\APyLibUty\PyLibUty and referred in every .py file with:
import sys, os
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname("file"), '..'))
from PyLibUty.pystr import randomString, insertStr
uuid is a Python package so I normally import it
_posixshmem I am not able to find what package I should install using pip/pipenv
resource: I installed both resource and pyresource using pip/pipenv bat nothing changed
What should I install or import to solve these problems?
This is the output produced running py2exe:
I did not find a solution to understand what modules I should add or install to clear the problems of py2exe, so I searched the web to find a different tool able to make exe files from Python sources. I found cx_freeze, actually it does not produce the errors I reported so at the moment I switched to cx_freeze. I will test it better but at the moment my problem is solved.

Python refuses to recognize library I am almost certain exists

I have no idea why this is so frustrating, but I have literally pulled out a few clumps of hair in rage because this just refuses to work and I honestly do not have the slighest clue on what to do. I am trying to use the winshell module for a quick python programming I am using. I am new to python and just started trying it today. I have tried to install the library manually, and through pip. pip claims the module is downloaded, and I can see it in the lib folder. No matter what I do I get this error when I try to run my code:
import winshell
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'winshell'
what on earth must I do to get this to work I am at my wits end here and I feel like I'm going to break something
You have to install the library with:
pip install winshell
I just tested with pip3 install winshell and it worked.
Python interpreter search for modules in the set of directories that you can see with:
import sys
I recommend you take a look to see if the directory where you are seeing the library in lib is include in that list.
Might be useful to you read: The Module Search Path

Why is python unable to detect notification module in plyer?

I can't get this simple statement to work:
from plyer import notification
ImportError: cannot import name 'notification'
the import statement is correct and is used the same way in examples.
I couldn't find any special instructions to use this library so I'm assuming there aren't any.
I installed plyer using pip and it installed successfully. verified the files are in place. I tried using python 3.5 and 3.6, same result.
It seems the package is recognized but just the module isnt found?
Would appreciate some insight :)
A common cause for this kind of problem is having a script or module by the same name in a location that comes before the expected module or package's location in sys.path so it gets imported instead of the expected module or package.
The simple way to sort this out is to add this simple line before:
import plyer; print(plyer);
and check the result which will diplay the path of whatever named plyer was first found. Chances are it's a script in your current working directory...

ImportError: No module named 'bs4' in django only

The same question has been asked a number of times but I couldn't find the solution.
After I install a package using pip, I am able to import it in python console or python file and it works as expected.
The same package when I try to include in django, it gives import error.
Do I need to modify file or any requirement that I need to add? I am driving django with the help of virtual env.
I am using BeautifulSoup and I am trying to import from bs4 import BeautifulSoup and I am getting error ImportError: No module named 'bs4'
This error only comes in django. I am not able to figure out why this is happening.
Screenshot attached for reference.
1. python console - shows no error
2. django console- import error
I am sorry as it is difficult to read the console but any other thing that I can include which will help me make myself more clear will be appreciated.
You don't show either the code of your site or the command you ran (and the URL you entered, if any) to trigger this issue. There's almost certainly some difference between the Python environment on the command line and that operating in Django.
Are you using virtual environments? If so, dependencies should be separately added to each environment. Were you operating from a different working directory? Python usually has the current directory somewhere in sys.path, so if you changed directories it's possible you made bs4 unavailable that way.
At the interactive Python prompt, try
import bs4
That will tell you where bs4 is being imported from, and might therefore give you a clue as to why it's not available to Django.

Using Module for different python version

The default version of python (ie, one that opens on typing "python" in command line) is 2.6 on my server. I also have 2.7 installed. How do I import a module, in this case numpy, in python2.7? When I try to import right now, it gives me an error -
ImportError: No module named numpy
Is there any workaround, apart from downloading the package and doing a build install?
I agree with the comment above. You will have to compile it separately. I once tried a hack of importing and modifying the sys.path however I ran into issues with the .so files.

