I do have a bunch of files containing atmospheric measurements in one directory. Fileformat is NetCDF. Each file has a timestamp (variable 'basetime'). I can read all files and plot individual measurement events (temperature vs. altitude).
What I need to do next is "group the files by day" and plot all measurements taken at one single day together in one plot. Unfortunately I have no clue how to do that.
One idea is to use the variable 'measurement_day' as it is defined in the code below.
For each day I normally do have four different files containing temp. and altitude.
Ideally the data of those four different files should be grouped (e.g. for plotting)
I hope my question is clear. Can anyone please help me.
EDIT: I try to use a dictionary now but I have trouble to determine whether one entry already exists for one measurement day. Please see edited code below
from netCDF4 import Dataset
data ={} # was edited
for f in listdir(path):
if isfile(join(path,f)):
full_path = join(path,f)
f = Dataset(full_path, 'r')
basetime = f.variables['base_time'][:]
altitude = f.variables['alt'][:]
temp = f.variables['tdry'][:]
actual_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(basetime))
measurement_day = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", gmtime(basetime))
# check if dict entries for day already exist, if not create empty dict
# and lists inside
if len(data[measurement_day]) == 0:
data[measurement_day] = {}
else: pass
if len(data[measurement_day]['temp']) == 0:
data[measurement_day]['temp'] = []
data[measurement_day]['altitude'] = []
else: pass
I get the following error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):... if len(data[measurement_day]) == 0:
KeyError: '2009/05/28'
Can anyone please help me.
I will try. Though I'm not totally clear on what you already have.
I can read all files and plot individual measurement events
(temperature vs. altitude). What I need to do next is "group the files
by day" and plot all measurements taken at one single day together in
one plot.
From this, I am assuming that you know how to plot the information given a list of Datasets. To get that list of Datasets, try something like this.
from netCDF4 import Dataset
# a dictionary of lists that hold all the datasets from a given day
grouped_datasets = {}
for f in listdir(path):
if isfile(join(path,f)):
full_path = join(path,f)
f = Dataset(full_path, 'r')
basetime = f.variables['base_time'][:]
altitude = f.variables['alt'][:]
temp = f.variables['tdry'][:]
actual_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(basetime))
measurement_day = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", gmtime(basetime))
# if we haven't encountered any datasets from this day yet...
if measurement_day not in grouped_datasets:
# add that day to our dict
grouped_datasets[measurement_day] = []
# now append our dataset to the correct day (list)
Now you have a dictionary keyed on measurement_day. I'm not sure how you are graphing your data, so this is as far as I can get you. Hope it helps, good luck.
I'm working with field change history data which has timestamps for when the field value was changed. In this example, I need to calculate the overall case duration in 'Termination in Progress' status.
The given case was changed from and to this status three times in total:
see screenshot
I need to add up all three durations in this case and in other cases it can be more or less than three.
Does anyone know how to calculate that in Python?
Welcome to Stack Overflow!
Based on the limited data you provided, here is a solution that should work although the code makes some assumptions that could cause errors so you will want to modify it to suit your needs. I avoided using list comprehension or array math to make it more clear since you said you're new to Python.
You're pulling this data into a pandas dataframe
All Old values of "Termination in Progress" have a matching new value for all Case Numbers
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
fp = r'<PATH TO FILE>\\'
f = '<FILENAME>.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(fp+f)
#convert ts to datetime for later use doing time delta calculations
data['Edit Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Edit Date'])
# sort by the same case number and date in opposing order to make sure values for old and new align properly
data.sort_values(by = ['CaseNumber','Edit Date'], ascending = [True,False],inplace = True)
#find timestamps where Termination in progress occurs
old_val_ts = data.loc[data['Old Value'] == 'Termination in progress']['Edit Date'].to_list()
new_val_ts = data.loc[data['New Value'] == 'Termination in progress']['Edit Date'].to_list()
#Loop over the timestamps and calc the time delta
ts_deltas = list()
for i in range(len(old_val_ts)):
item = old_val_ts[i] - new_val_ts[i]
# this loop could also be accomplished with list comprehension like this:
#ts_deltas = [old_ts - new_ts for (old_ts, new_ts) in zip(old_val_ts, new_val_ts)]
print('Deltas between groups')
#Sum the time deltas
total_ts_delta = sum(ts_deltas,datetime.timedelta())
print('Total Time Delta')
Deltas between groups
[Timedelta('0 days 00:08:00'), Timedelta('0 days 00:06:00'), Timedelta('0 days 02:08:00')]
Total Time Delta
0 days 02:22:00
I've also attached a picture of the solution minus my file path for obvious reasons. Hope this helps. Please remember to mark as correct if this solution works for you. Otherwise let me know what issues you run into.
If you have multiple case numbers you want to look at, you could do it in various ways, but the simplest would be to just get a list of unique case numbers with data['CaseNumber'].unique() then iterate over that array filtering for each case number and appending the total time delta to a new list or a dictionary (not necessarily the most efficient solution, but it will work).
cases_total_td = {}
unique_cases = data['CaseNumber'].unique()
for case in unique_cases:
temp_data = data[data['CaseNumber'] == case]
#find timestamps where Termination in progress occurs
old_val_ts = data.loc[data['Old Value'] == 'Termination in progress']['Edit Date'].to_list()
new_val_ts = data.loc[data['New Value'] == 'Termination in progress']['Edit Date'].to_list()
#Loop over the timestamps and calc the time delta
ts_deltas = list()
for i in range(len(old_val_ts)):
item = old_val_ts[i] - new_val_ts[i]
ts_deltas = [old_ts - new_ts for (old_ts, new_ts) in zip(old_val_ts, new_val_ts)]
#Sum the time deltas
total_ts_delta = sum(ts_deltas,datetime.timedelta())
cases_total_td[case] = total_ts_delta
{1005222: Timedelta('0 days 02:22:00')}
I'll just start from scratch since I feel like I'm lost with all the different possibilities. What I will be talking about is leaderboard but could apply to price tracking as well.
My goal is to scrape data from a website (the all time leaderboard / hidden), put it in a .csv file and update it daily at noon.
What I have succeeded so far : scraping the data.
Tried scraping with BS4 but since the data is hidden, I couldn't be specific enough to only get the all-time points. I find it's a success because I'm able to get a table with all the data I need and the date as a header. My problem with this solution is 1) unuseful data populating the csv 2) table is vertical and not horizontal
Scraped data with CSS selector but I have abandoned this idea because soemtimes the page won't load and the data wasn't scraped. Found out that there's a json file containing the data right away
Json scraping seems to be the best option, but having trouble creating a csv file that's OK to make a graph with.
This is what brings me to what I'm struggling with : storing the data in a table that looks like this where the grey area is the points and the DATE1 is the moment the data has been scraped :
I'd like not to manipulate the data in the csv file too much. If the table would look like what I picture above, then it's gonna be easier to make a graph afterwards but I'm having trouble. The best I did is creating a table that looks like this AND that's vertical and not horizontal.
Thank you for your help.
Here's the code
import pandas as pd
import time
timestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
url_all_time = 'https://community.koodomobile.com/widget/pointsLeaderboard?period=allTime&maxResults=20&excludeRoles='
data = pd.read_json(url_all_time)
table = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data, index=['name'], columns=['points','name'])
table['date'] = pd.Timestamp.today().strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
table.to_csv('products.csv', index=True, encoding='utf-8')
If what I want is not possible, I might just scrape individually for each member, make one CSV file per member and make a graph that refers to those different files.
So, I've played around with your question a bit and here's what I came up with.
Basically, your best bet for data storage is a light weight database, as suggested in the comments. However, with a bit of planning, a few hoops to jump, and some hacky code you could get away with a simple (sort of) JSON that eventually ends up as a .csv file that looks like this:
Note: the values are the same as I don't want to wait a day or two for the leader-board to actually update.
What I did was rearranging the data that came back from the request to the API and built a structure that looks like this:
"BobTheElectrician": {
"id": 7160010,
"rank": 14,
"score_data": {
"2020-10-24 18:45": 4187,
"2020-10-24 18:57": 4187,
"2020-10-24 19:06": 4187,
"2020-10-24 19:13": 4187
Every player is your main key that has, among others, a scores_data value. This in turn is a dict that holds points value for each day you run the script.
Now, the trick is to get this JSON to look like the .csv you want. The question is - how?
Well, since you intend to update all players' data (I just assumed that) they all should have the same number of entries for score_data.
The keys for score_data are your timestamps. Grab any player's score_data keys and you have the date headers, right?
Having said that, you can build your .csv rows the same way: grab player's name and all their point values from score_data. This should get you a list of lists, right? Right.
Then, when you have all this, you just dump that to a .csv file and there you have it!
Putting it all together:
import csv
import json
import os
import random
import time
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import requests
API_URL = "https://community.koodomobile.com/widget/pointsLeaderboard?"
LEADERBOARD_FILE = "leaderboard_data.json"
def get_leaderboard(period: str = "allTime", max_results: int = 20) -> list:
payload = {"period": period, "maxResults": max_results}
return requests.get(f"{API_URL}{urlencode(payload)}").json()
def dump_leaderboard_data(leaderboard_data: dict) -> None:
with open("leaderboard_data.json", "w") as jf:
json.dump(leaderboard_data, jf, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
def read_leaderboard_data(data_file: str) -> dict:
with open(data_file) as f:
return json.load(f)
def parse_leaderboard(leaderboard: list) -> dict:
return {
item["name"]: {
"id": item["id"],
"score_data": {
time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"): item["points"],
"rank": item["leaderboardPosition"],
} for item in leaderboard
def update_leaderboard_data(target: dict, new_data: dict) -> dict:
for player, stats in new_data.items():
target[player]["rank"] = stats["rank"]
return target
def leaderboard_to_csv(leaderboard: dict) -> None:
data_rows = [
[player] + list(stats["score_data"].values())
for player, stats in leaderboard.items()
random_player = random.choice(list(leaderboard.keys()))
dates = list(leaderboard[random_player]["score_data"])
with open("the_data.csv", "w") as output:
w = csv.writer(output)
w.writerow([""] + dates)
def script_runner():
if os.path.isfile(LEADERBOARD_FILE):
fresh_data = update_leaderboard_data(
if __name__ == "__main__":
The script also checks if you have a JSON file that pretends to be a proper database. If not, it'll write the leader-board data. Next time you run the script, it'll update the JSON and spit out a fresh .csv file.
Hope this answer will nudge you in the right direction.
Hey since you are loading it in a panda frame it makes the operations fairly simple. I ran your code first
import pandas as pd
import time
timestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
url_all_time = 'https://community.koodomobile.com/widget/pointsLeaderboard?period=allTime&maxResults=20&excludeRoles='
data = pd.read_json(url_all_time)
table = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data, index=['name'], columns=['points','name'])
table['date'] = pd.Timestamp.today().strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
Then I added a few more lines of code to modify the panda frame table to your need.
idxs = table['date'].index
for i,val in enumerate(idxs):
table.at[ val , table['date'][i] ] = table['points'][i]
table = table.drop([ 'date', 'points' ], axis = 1)
In the above snippet I am using pandas frames ability to assign values using indexes. So first I get index values for the date column then I go through each of them to add column for the required date(values from date column) and get the corresponding points according to the indexes we pulled earlier
This gives me the following output:
name 10-24-2020
Dennis 52570.0
Dinh 40930.0
Sophia 26053.0
Mayumi 25300.0
Goran 24689.0
Robert T 19843.0
Allan M 19768.0
Bernard Koodo 14404.0
nim4165 13629.0
Timo Tuokkola 11216.0
rikkster 7338.0
David AKU 5774.0
Ranjan Koodo 4506.0
BobTheElectrician 4170.0
Helen Koodo 3370.0
Mihaela Koodo 2764.0
Fred C 2542.0
Philosoraptor 2122.0
Paul Deschamps 1973.0
Emilia Koodo 1755.0
I can then save this to csv using last line from your code. Similar you can pull data for more dates and format it to add it to the same panda frame
table.to_csv('products.csv', index=True, encoding='utf-8')
this is my first post and I have been struggling with this problem for a few days now. The following code is a Matlab code that I usually use to load my data (.csv files) and prepare them for further calculations.
%I use this later on to predefine my array because they need to have to same length for calculations
maxind = 400;
% i is given a vector (like test_numbers = [1 2 3]) I get from the user so I can iterate over the numbers of test specimen
for i = test_numbers
% Setup the Import Options and import the data
opts = delimitedTextImportOptions("NumVariables", 4);
% Specify range and delimiter
opts.DataLines = [2, Inf];
opts.Delimiter = ";";
% Specify column names and types
opts.VariableNames = ["time", "force", "displ_1", "displ_2"];
opts.VariableTypes = ["double", "double", "double", "double"];
% Specify file level properties
opts.ExtraColumnsRule = "ignore";
opts.EmptyLineRule = "read";
% Import the data
%Here I build the name and read the files/ the csv files are in the same folder as the main program.
data_col = readtable(['specimen_name',num2str(i),'.csv'], opts);
% Clear temporary variables
clear opts
Now I have to use Python instead of Matlab and I started with pandas to read my csv as DataFrame.
Now my question. Is there a way to access my data like in this part of my Matlab code or should I not use dataframes in the first place to do something like that? (I know I can access my data with the name of the column, but I got stuck by trying to refer my data like Data.force(1:length(data_col.time),i) in a new dataframe)
Many thanks in advance for your help.
I have some very noisy (astronomy) data in csv format. Its shape is (815900,2) with 815k points giving information of what the mass of a disk is at a certain time. The fluctuations are pretty noticeable when you look at it close up. For example, here is an snippet of the data where the first column is time in seconds and the second is mass in kg:
So it looks like there is a 1.53E+028 data point of noise, and also probably the 2.19E+028 and 2.35E+028 points.
To fix this, I am trying to set a Python script that will read in the csv data, then put some restriction on it so that if the mass is e.g. < 2.35E+028, it will remove the whole row and then create a new csv file with only the "good" data points:
Following this old question top answer by n8henrie, I so far have:
import pandas as pd
import csv
# Here are the locations of my csv file of my original data and an EMPTY csv file that will contain my good, noiseless set of data
originaldata = '/Users/myname/anaconda2/originaldata.csv'
gooddata = '/Users/myname/anaconda2/gooddata.csv'
# I use pandas to read in the original data because then I can separate the columns of time as 'T' and mass as 'M'
originaldata = pd.read_csv('originaldata.csv',delimiter=',',header=None,names=['t','m'])
# Numerical values of the mass values
M = originaldata['m'].values
# Now to put a restriction in
for row in M:
new_row = []
for column in row:
if column > 2.35E+028:
However, when I run this, I get this error:
TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable
I know the first column (time) is dtype int64 and the second column (mass) is dtype float64... but as a beginner, I'm still not quite sure what this error means or where I'm going wrong. Any help at all would be appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.
You can select rows by a boolean operation. Example:
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
data = StringIO('''\
df = pd.read_csv(data,names=['t','m'])
good = df[df.m > 2.35e+28]
out = StringIO()
This returns a column: M = originaldata['m'].values
So when you do for row in M:, you get only one value in row, so you can't iterate on it again.
I am attempting to use the htsprophet package in Python. I am using the following example code below. This example is pulled from https://github.com/CollinRooney12/htsprophet/blob/master/htsprophet/runHTS.py . The issue I am getting is ValueError "holidays must be a DataFrame with 'ds' and 'holiday' column. I am wondering if there is a work around this because I clearly have a data frame holidays with the two columns ds and holidays. I believe that the error comes from one of the dependency packages from fbprophet from the forecaster file. I am wondering if there is anything that I need to add or if anyone has added something to fix this.
import pandas as pd
from htsprophet.hts import hts, orderHier, makeWeekly
from htsprophet.htsPlot import plotNode, plotChild, plotNodeComponents
import numpy as np
#%% Random data (Change this to whatever data you want)
date = pd.date_range("2015-04-02", "2017-07-17")
date = np.repeat(date, 10)
medium = ["Air", "Land", "Sea"]
businessMarket = ["Birmingham","Auburn","Evanston"]
platform = ["Stone Tablet","Car Phone"]
mediumDat = np.random.choice(medium, len(date))
busDat = np.random.choice(businessMarket, len(date))
platDat = np.random.choice(platform, len(date))
sessions = np.random.randint(1000,10000,size=(len(date),1))
data = pd.DataFrame(date, columns = ["day"])
data["medium"] = mediumDat
data["platform"] = platDat
data["businessMarket"] = busDat
data["sessions"] = sessions
#%% Run HTS
# Make the daily data weekly (optional)
data1 = makeWeekly(data)
# Put the data in the format to run HTS, and get the nodes input (a list of list that describes the hierarchical structure)
data2, nodes = orderHier(data, 1, 2, 3)
# load in prophet inputs (Running HTS runs prophet, so all inputs should be gathered beforehand)
# Made up holiday data
holidates = pd.date_range("12/25/2013","12/31/2017", freq = 'A')
holidays = pd.DataFrame(["Christmas"]*5, columns = ["holiday"])
holidays["ds"] = holidates
holidays["lower_window"] = [-4]*5
holidays["upper_window"] = [0]*5
# Run hts with the CVselect function (this decides which hierarchical aggregation method to use based on minimum mean Mean Absolute Scaled Error)
# h (which is 12 here) - how many steps ahead you would like to forecast. If youre using daily data you don't have to specify freq.
# NOTE: CVselect takes a while, so if you want results in minutes instead of half-hours pick a different method
myDict = hts(data2, 52, nodes, holidays = holidays, method = "FP", transform = "BoxCox")
The problem lies in the htsProphet package, with the 'fitForecast.py' file. The instantiation of the fbProphet object relies on just positional arguments, however a new argument as been added to the fbProphet class. This means the arguments don't correspond anymore.
You can solve this by hacking the fbProphet module and changing the positional arguments to keyword arguments, just fixing lines '73-74' should be sufficient to get it running:
Prophet(growth=growth, changepoints=changepoints1, n_changepoints=n_changepoints1, yearly_seasonality=yearly_seasonality, weekly_seasonality=weekly_seasonality, holidays=holidays, seasonality_prior_scale=seasonality_prior_scale, \
holidays_prior_scale=holidays_prior_scale, changepoint_prior_scale=changepoint_prior_scale, mcmc_samples=mcmc_samples, interval_width=interval_width, uncertainty_samples=uncertainty_samples)
Ill submit a bug for this to the creators.