Error "numpy.float64 object is not iterable" for CSV file creation in Python - python

I have some very noisy (astronomy) data in csv format. Its shape is (815900,2) with 815k points giving information of what the mass of a disk is at a certain time. The fluctuations are pretty noticeable when you look at it close up. For example, here is an snippet of the data where the first column is time in seconds and the second is mass in kg:
So it looks like there is a 1.53E+028 data point of noise, and also probably the 2.19E+028 and 2.35E+028 points.
To fix this, I am trying to set a Python script that will read in the csv data, then put some restriction on it so that if the mass is e.g. < 2.35E+028, it will remove the whole row and then create a new csv file with only the "good" data points:
Following this old question top answer by n8henrie, I so far have:
import pandas as pd
import csv
# Here are the locations of my csv file of my original data and an EMPTY csv file that will contain my good, noiseless set of data
originaldata = '/Users/myname/anaconda2/originaldata.csv'
gooddata = '/Users/myname/anaconda2/gooddata.csv'
# I use pandas to read in the original data because then I can separate the columns of time as 'T' and mass as 'M'
originaldata = pd.read_csv('originaldata.csv',delimiter=',',header=None,names=['t','m'])
# Numerical values of the mass values
M = originaldata['m'].values
# Now to put a restriction in
for row in M:
new_row = []
for column in row:
if column > 2.35E+028:
However, when I run this, I get this error:
TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable
I know the first column (time) is dtype int64 and the second column (mass) is dtype float64... but as a beginner, I'm still not quite sure what this error means or where I'm going wrong. Any help at all would be appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

You can select rows by a boolean operation. Example:
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
data = StringIO('''\
df = pd.read_csv(data,names=['t','m'])
good = df[df.m > 2.35e+28]
out = StringIO()

This returns a column: M = originaldata['m'].values
So when you do for row in M:, you get only one value in row, so you can't iterate on it again.


Parse data in a new dataframe with correct headers taken from within the data

I have a CSV that has been returned and the data is in a god awful state, I need to parse both the header and then the data out from each row.
This is an example of one row:
| _c0| _c1| _c2| _c3| _c4| _c5| _c6| _c7| _c8| _c9| _c10| _c11| _c12| _c13| _c14| _c15| _c16| _c17| _c18| _c19| _c20| _c21| _c22| _c23| _c24| _c25| _c26| _c27| _c28| _c29| _c30| _c31| _c32| _c33| _c34| _c35| _c36| _c37| _c38| _c39| _c40| _c41| _c42| _c43| _c44| _c45| _c46| _c47| _c48| _c49| _c50| _c51| _c52| _c53| _c54| _c55| _c56| _c57| _c58| _c59| _c60| _c61| _c62| _c63| _c64| _c65| _c66| _c67| _c68| _c69| _c70| _c71| _c72| _c73| _c74| _c75| _c76| _c77| _c78| _c79| _c80| _c81| _c82| _c83| _c84| _c85| _c86| _c87| _c88| _c89| _c90| _c91| _c92| _c93| _c94| _c95| _c96| _c97| _c98| _c99| _c100| _c101| _c102| _c103| _c104| _c105| _c106| _c107| _c108| _c109| _c110| _c111| _c112| _c113| _c114| _c115| _c116| _c117| _c118| _c119| _c120| _c121| _c122| _c123| _c124| _c125| _c126| _c127| _c128| _c129| _c130| _c131| _c132| _c133| _c134| _c135| _c136| _c137| _c138| _c139| _c140| _c141| _c142| _c143| _c144| _c145| _c146| _c147| _c148| _c149| _c150|
The first part for example MANDT is the column header and the bit after the : is the value. I basically need to
A) Loop all the columns and change the headers so they relate to the bit prior to the :
B) then populate the rows with the second part after.
I've attempted a small piece of code just to edit all the columns like below
from pyspark.sql.functions import split
for colname in COSPDF.columns:
COSPDF = COSPDF.withColumn(col(colname), lower(colname))
and I receive an error TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
I've then done the "lazy" thing and found some code like below
from pyspark.sql.functions import split
split_df =, ':').alias('split_text'))
split_df.selectExpr("split_text[0] as left").show() # left of delim
split_df.selectExpr("split_text[1] as right").show() # right of delim
However this code only works one column that I have to "specify" which doesn't work when the CSV has 123 columns, I'm not doing it 123 times. Any assistance would really help with this please, it's had me stuck for hours.
Some rows from the original file:
Simply, You need to put Header name in Pandas Dataframe like...
df.columns = ["Column_Name1", "Column_Name2", "Column_Name3", "Column_Name4" and so on..]
And, If you want to use loop to append name for each col then you need iterate over the list and append based on the index and length of the list
First read csv and get each key value pair by iterating over the columns
import pandas as pd
read_df = pd.read_csv(<your csv file path>)
dict_of_pairs = {pairs: read_df[pairs] for pairs in read_df}
Write it in another file
write_df = pd.DataFrame({k: pd.Series(v) for k, v in dict_of_pairs.items()}) // this will allow you to write even if some column has no values in it
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(write_path, engine='xlsxwriter')
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Somename for your sheet', index=False)
Hope this answers your question.....

mask function doesn't get rid of unwanted data

I'm working on a data frame taken from Adafruit IO and sadly some of my data is from a time when my project malfunctioned so some of the values are just equal NaN.
I tried to remove it by typing this code lines:
onlyValidData=temp_data.mask(temp_data['value'] =='NaN')
This is data retreived from Adafruit IO Feed, getting analyzed by pandas, I tried using 'where' function too but it didn't work
my entire code is
import pandas as pd
temp_data = pd.read_json('')
light_data = pd.read_json('')
temp_data['created_at'] = pd.to_datetime(temp_data['created_at'], infer_datetime_format=True)
temp_data = temp_data.set_index('created_at')
light_data['created_at'] = pd.to_datetime(light_data['created_at'], infer_datetime_format=True)
light_data = light_data.set_index('created_at')
tempVals = pd.Series(temp_data['value'])
lightVals = pd.Series(light_data['value'])
onlyValidData=temp_data.mask(temp_data['value'] =='NaN')
The output is all of my data for some reason, but it should be only the valid values.
Hey I think the issue here that you're looking for values equal to the string 'NaN', while actual NaN values aren't a string, or more specifically aren't anything.
Try using:
onlyValidData = temp_data.mask(temp_data['value'].isnull())
Edit: to remove rows rather than marking all values in that row as NaN:
onlyValidData = temp_data.dropna()

Creating a list of lists of lists to sort data from a text file

I'm trying to read and analyse data back from a molecular dynamics simulation, which looks like this, but has approximately 50000 lines :
40 443.217134221125 -1167.16960983145 -930.540717277902 -945.149746592058 14.6090293141563 -76510.1177229871 4955.17798368798 17.0485096390963 17.0485096390963 17.0485096390963
80 659.39103652059 -923.638916369481 -963.088128935875 -984.822539088925 21.7344101530497 14390.2520385682 4392.18167603894 16.3767140226773 16.3767140226773 16.3767140226773
120 410.282687399253 -979.413482414461 -978.270613122515 -991.794079036891 13.5234659143754 -416.30808174241 4398.37322990079 16.3844056974088 16.3844056974088 16.3844056974088
The second column represents temperature. I want to have the entire contents of the file inside a list, containing lists dividing every line depending on their temperature. So for example, the first list in the main list would have every line where the temperature is 50+/-25K, the second list in the main list would have every line where the temperature is 100+/-25K, the third for 150+/-25K, etc.
Here's the code I have so far :
for nbligne in tqdm(range(0,len(LogFullText),1), unit=" lignes", disable=False):
string = LogFullText[nbligne]
line = string.replace('\n','')
Values = line.split(' ')
divider = float(Values[1])
number = int(round(divider/ecart,0))
if number>0 and number < (nbpts+1):
numericValues = []
for nbresultat in range(0,len(Values)-1,1):
numericValues = numericValues + [float(Values[nbresultat+1])]
The entire document with data is stored in the list LogFullText, in which I remove the \n at the end and split the data, using line.split(' '), I then know in which "section" of the main list, TotalResultats, the line of data has to be stored with the variable number, ecart has in my example a value of 50.
From my testing in idle, this should work, but in reality what happens in that the list numericValues is appended to every section of TotalResultats, which makes the entire "sorting" process pointless, as I simply end up with nbpts times the same list.
EDIT : A desired output would be for example to have TotalResultats[0] contain only these lines :
440 49.9911561170447 -1002.727121613 -1002.72088094757 -1004.36865629012 1.64777534254374 -2.30045369926927 4346.38067015602 16.319590369315 16.319590369315 16.319590369315
480 42.0678318129411 -1002.69068695093 -1003.09270361295 -1004.47931559314 1.38661198019398 148.219667654185 4345.58826561836 16.3185985476593 16.3185985476593 16.3185985476593
520 43.0855216044083 -1003.4761833678 -1003.33820025832 -1004.75835665467 1.42015639634654 -50.877194096845 4345.23364199522 16.3181546401367 16.3181546401367 16.3181546401367
Whereas TotalResults[1] would contain these :
29480 109.504432929553 -980.560226069922 -998.958927113452 -1002.5683396275 3.6094125140473 6797.60091557441 4336.52501942717 16.3072458525354 16.3072458525354 16.3072458525354
29520 106.663291994583 -987.853629557979 -998.63436605413 -1002.15013076443 3.51576471029626 3975.43407740646 4344.84444478408 16.3176674266037 16.3176674266037 16.3176674266037
29560 112.712019757891 -1020.65735849343 -998.342638324154 -1002.05777718853 3.71513886437272 -8172.25412368794 4374.81748831773 16.3551041162317 16.3551041162317 16.3551041162317
And TotalResults[2] would be :
52480 142.86322849701 -983.254970494784 -995.977110177167 -1000.68607319299 4.70896301582636 4687.60299340191 4348.30194824999 16.321994657312 16.321994657312 16.321994657312
52520 159.953459288754 -984.221801201968 -995.711657311665 -1000.9839371836 5.27227987193358 4233.04866428826 4348.82254074761 16.3226460049712 16.3226460049712 16.3226460049712
52560 161.624843851124 -1011.76969126636 -995.320907086768 -1000.64827802848 5.32737094170867 -6023.57133443538 4375.12133631739 16.3554827492176 16.3554827492176 16.3554827492176
In the first case,
TotalResultats[0][0] = [49.9911561170447, -1002.727121613, -1002.72088094757, -1004.36865629012, 1.64777534254374, -2.30045369926927, 4346.38067015602, 16.319590369315, 16.319590369315, 16.319590369315]
If it can help, I'm coding this in Visual Studio, using python 3.6.8
Thanks a whole lot!
I recommend to use pandas. It's a very powerfull tool to treat tabular data in python. It's like excel or sql inside python. Suppose 1.csv contains the data you have provided in the question. Then you can easily load data, filter it, and save results:
import pandas as pd
# load data from file into pandas dataframe
df = pd.read_csv('1.csv', header=None, delimiter=' ')
# filter by temperature, column named 0 since there is no header in the file
df2 = df[df[0].between(450, 550)]
# save filtered rows in the same format
df2.to_csv('2.csv', header=None, index=False, sep=' ')
Pandas may be harder to learn than plain python syntax but it is well worth it.

Error: iterable expected, not decimal.Decimal - Problems while writing into csv

As in the title. How do I convert the sql import into something usefull.
I of cause see that it is separate with commas which rings a lot of bells but...
Im new in regards to Python, I have mostly used Matlab and R.
I think that i have triede multiple things now to make it into a table with 7 columns.
First column is the UTC time for the observation. second the observation. third the observed asset (4 in all). Fourth time local time. then Hour local time, minute local time and Date local time.
import pyodbc
import csv
conn = pyodbc.connect("connection string"
cursor = conn.cursor()
data = cursor.fetchall()
for row in data:
with open('dataTester.csv', 'w') as fp:
a= csv.writer(fp, delimiter=',')
for row in data:
The print will show this result:
('2019-01-27 01:56:00.0000000', Decimal('1786.0000'), 90, '2:56', Decimal('2'), Decimal('56'), '2019-01-27')
('2019-01-27 01:57:00.0000000', Decimal('1786.0000'), 90, '2:57', Decimal('2'), Decimal('57'), '2019-01-27')
('2019-01-27 01:58:00.0000000', Decimal('1786.0000'), 90, '2:58', Decimal('2'), Decimal('58'), '2019-01-27')
('2019-01-27 01:59:00.0000000', Decimal('1786.0000'), 90, '2:59', Decimal('2'), Decimal('59'), '2019-01-27')
The end goal is to get it into a table. Then separate that one into four tables separate tables, one for each Asset (asset 90 being one of them).
Click here to see screen shot. Im not allowed to post an actual image yet.
Can anyone give a few hints. Especially on how to make it into at table I.
Second - one level deeper
From Comments:
Writing to csv gives an error message:
a.writerows(row) Error: iterable expected, not decimal.Decimal
And the csv only contains one row with something like what should perhaps be the first column:
2,0,1,9,-,0,1,-,2,7, ,0,2,:,0,0,:,0,0,.,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Formating time and plot it

I have the following excel file and the time stamp in the format
1) for a lot of days. How would I format it as standard time so that I can plot it versus the other sensor values ?
2) I would like to have a big plot with for example sensor 1 reading against all the days, is that possible ?
is this something you are looking for? I improvised and created 'n' column which could represent your 'timestamp' as the data frame. Basically, what I think you should do, is to apply another function - let's call it 'apply_fun' on your column which stores 'timestamps' a function which takes each element and transforms it into strptime() format.
import datetime
import pandas as pd
n = {'timestamp':['20180822_2330', '20180821_2334', '20180821_2334', '20180821_2330']}
data_series = pd.DataFrame(n)
def format_dates(n):
x = n.find('_')
y = datetime.datetime.strptime(n[:x]+n[x+1:], '%Y%m%d%H%M')
return y
def apply_fun(dataset):
dataset['timestamp2'] = dataset['timestamp'].apply(format_dates)
return dataset
When it comes to 2nd point, I am not able to reach the site due to McAffe agent at work, which does not allow to open it. Once you have 1st, you can ask for 2nd separately.

