I keep on getting an attribute error when trying to changing the text attribute of a tk label.
I declare it and it uses a temp image so it does exist but when I attempt to change it I get the error. If someone knows a better way to change the image or display it in a better method I would greatly like to here.
Here is the relevent code
self.threadLabelImage = tk.Label(self.threadFrame,image=self.threadImage,wraplength=400,padx=20,pady=5).grid(row=7,column=10,sticky = tk.EW)
self.QUIT = tk.Button(self, text="QUIT", fg="red", command=main.destroy,padx=5, pady=5).grid(row=7)
def updateSelected(self, event):
# getting selected listbox item
# Returns tuple that must be split
x,self.y,z = re.split("\D+",str(i))
self.threadImg.set('Will put image here')
if self.threadLinkList[self.y].find('imgur') != -1:
url = self.threadLinkList[self.y]+'.GIF'
imgfile = Image.open(imageName+'.jpg')
imgfile = imgfile.resize((150,150),Image.ANTIALIAS)
# img = Image.open(file)
self.threadImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imgfile)
self.threadLabelImage.config(text = self.threadImage)
self.threadImage.image = imgfile
And here is the entire program so you can run it if need be.import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import webbrowser,time,urllib.request,re
import tkinter as tk
import urllib
from PIL import Image,ImageTk
main = tk.Tk()
class Application(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None):
self.threadTitle = tk.StringVar()
self.threadAuth = tk.StringVar()
self.threadPub = tk.StringVar()
self.threadArtLink = tk.StringVar()
self.threadLink = tk.StringVar()
self.threadImg = tk.StringVar()
self.threadArtLink.set('Click something to display thread info')
photo = Image.open("temp.png")
photo = photo.resize((150,150), Image.ANTIALIAS)
self.threadImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photo)
# Intializes tkinter gui framework
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
# Packs widgets needed
# Creates the widgets functions
# Intializes the man rss.xml
# self.threadLabelArtLink = None
# self.threadLabelTitle = None
# self.threadLabelThreadLink = None
# self.threadLabelArtLink = None
# self.threadImgLink = None
def createWidgets(self):
# Create entrybox and align to grid
self.send_entry = tk.Entry(self)
# Create button,allign to grid, get xml
self.change_sub = tk.Button(self,text='Change Subreddit',padx=5, pady=5, command=lambda :self.getXML(self.send_entry.get())).grid(row=0 , column=3)
# Create scrollbar on Y-Axis
self.lb_scrollY = tk.Scrollbar(self,orient=tk.VERTICAL)
# On grid next to Listbox(sticky means fill whole row
# Create Listbox and get Y from scrollbar
self.thread_lb = tk.Listbox(self,yscrollcommand=self.lb_scrollY.set,height=20)
# Calls function whenever a new item is selected
# scrolly will change the view of listbox
self.threadFrame = tk.LabelFrame(main,text='Reddit',width=450,height=350,labelanchor='n')
self.threadLabelTitle = tk.Label(self.threadFrame,textvariable=self.threadTitle,wraplength=400,padx=20, pady=5).grid(row=1,column=10,sticky= tk.EW)
self.threadLabelAuth = tk.Label(self.threadFrame, textvariable=self.threadAuth,wraplength=400,padx=20, pady=5).grid(row=2,column=10,sticky = tk.EW)
self.threadLabelPub = tk.Label(self.threadFrame, textvariable=self.threadPub,wraplength=400,padx=20, pady=5).grid(row=3,column=10,sticky = tk.EW)
self.threadLabelArtLink = tk.Label(self.threadFrame, textvariable=self.threadArtLink,wraplength=400,padx=20, pady=5).grid(row=4,column=10,sticky = tk.EW)
self.threadLabelThreadLink = tk.Label(self.threadFrame, textvariable=self.threadLink,wraplength=400,padx=20, pady=5).grid(row=5,column=10,sticky = tk.EW)
self.threadImgLink = tk.Label(self.threadFrame, textvariable=self.threadImg,wraplength=400,padx=20, pady=5).grid(row=6,column=10,sticky = tk.EW)
self.threadLabelImage = tk.Label(self.threadFrame,image=self.threadImage,wraplength=400,padx=20,pady=5).grid(row=7,column=10,sticky = tk.EW)
self.QUIT = tk.Button(self, text="QUIT", fg="red", command=main.destroy,padx=5, pady=5).grid(row=7)
def updateSelected(self, event):
# getting selected listbox item
# Returns tuple that must be split
x,self.y,z = re.split("\D+",str(i))
self.threadImg.set('Will put image here')
if self.threadLinkList[self.y].find('imgur') != -1:
url = self.threadLinkList[self.y]+'.GIF'
imgfile = Image.open(imageName+'.jpg')
imgfile = imgfile.resize((150,150),Image.ANTIALIAS)
# img = Image.open(file)
self.threadImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imgfile)
self.threadLabelImage.config(text = self.threadImage)
self.threadImage.image = imgfile
# # threadTitle = self.threadTitleList[y]
# print(self.threadLabelTitle["text"])
# # self.threadLabelTitle['text']=threadTitle
# self.threadLabelAutPub['text']=self.threadPubDateList[y]
# self.threadImgLink['text']=self.threadLinkList[y]
# self.threadLabelThreadLink['text']=self.threadDescList[y]
# main.update()
def openPage(self,event):
def descStripper(self,desc):
# Intialize values
l1,l2,l2Start = 0,0,0
t1,t2,t2start = 0,0,0
link = ""
thread = ""
# Where to start looking for each in description element
l1=int(desc.find('<br/> <a href="'))
t1=int(desc.find('</a> <a href="'))
a1=int(desc.find('"> '))
# If both of the tags are found then continue
if l1 != -1 and t1 != -1 and a1 != 1:
# Start looking for end of quotes 16 characters from beginning of tag
l2Start = l1+16
# Link is created from what is in the quotes
link = desc[l1+15:l2]
# Same as above but to find thread link
t2start = t1+15
thread = desc[t1+14:t2]
a2start = a1+4
a2 = int(desc.find(' <',a2start))
author = desc[a1+3:a2]
return link,thread,author
# If it can't find one it will return an error
link = "Couldn't find the stuff :("
thread = "Couldn't find the thread link :("
return link, thread
def lbPopulator(self,title,pub,link):
# Delete old entries from listbox
# Iterate through all the items and append them to the listbox
for item in title:
def getXmlData(self):
# Intialize lists
self.threadPubDateList = []
self.threadTitleList = []
self.threadLinkList = []
self.threadDescList = []
self.threadThumbNailList = []
self.threadAuthList = []
# Use the downloaded rss.xml for XML parsing
# define root as the base of the XML parsing tree
for channel in root:
# Iterate through all the channels
for SubChannel in channel:
# Iterate through all the items in the channel
if SubChannel.tag == 'item':
# If the SubChannel is called item then search for the items below
for threadInfo in SubChannel:
# iterate through all the items in the 'item'
if threadInfo.tag == 'title':
# append the tag from the title to the list
if threadInfo.tag == 'pubDate':
# Append the pubdate info to the list but remove excess characters
if threadInfo.tag == 'description':
# Pass all the information from the description to the stripper to get the useful
# information and links
link,thread,author = self.descStripper(threadInfo.text)
# if threadInfo.tag == ''
# Populate the listbox with the newly generated lists
def getXML(self,subreddit):
# Try to download the xml file using the user input subreddit
url = 'http://www.reddit.com'+subreddit+'.rss'
source = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url,'rss.xml')
except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:
# Error caused by reddit API limiting connections
print('Too many requests-Try again')
def initial(self):
# Same as above but downloads the front page
source = urllib.request.urlretrieve('http://www.reddit.com/.rss','rss.xml')
except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:
print('Too many requests-Trying again 3')
# If error occurs program waits 3 seconds and then restarts
# main.geometry("350x400")
app = Application(master=main)
# Begins the applications GUI loop
The grid method of a Tkinter widget always returns None. So, any calls to it must be placed on their own line.
Meaning, all of the lines that are written like this:
self.threadLabelTitle = tk.Label(self.threadFrame,textvariable=self.threadTitle,wraplength=400,padx=20, pady=5).grid(row=1,column=10,sticky= tk.EW)
need to be rewritten like this:
self.threadLabelTitle = tk.Label(self.threadFrame,textvariable=self.threadTitle,wraplength=400,padx=20, pady=5)
self.threadLabelTitle.grid(row=1,column=10,sticky= tk.EW)
I want to make a kind of chat box, and I would like the letters to be word by word, I did that function but it stays loading until the loop ends, and it gives me the final result, i see in other pages and questions, and i saw that the "after" funtion works, maybe i did something wrong when implementing it, sorry for my english
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
import os
from PIL import ImageTk
import PIL.Image
# parent window where is an image of the chatbox
def Ventana_Text_Box(event):
#Ventana De Text box
global ventana_BT
ventana_BT = tk.Tk()
I_Text_Box_Image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(I_Text_Box)
Box_Texto = tk.Label(ventana_BT, image = I_Text_Box_Image, bg="gray")
Box_Texto.bind("<Button-1>", Ventana_Texto)
Box_Texto.bind("<Button-3>", escribir_texto)
#ventana_BT.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1)
ventana_BT.wm_attributes("-transparentcolor", "gray")
# window where the text will be
def Ventana_Texto(event):
# Ventana hija para el texto
global ventana_T
global W_texto
ventana_T = tk.Toplevel()
W_texto = tk.Label(ventana_T, text="", bg="pink")
W_texto.config(fg="black", font=("Consola", 15))
#ventana_T.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1)
ventana_T.wm_attributes("-transparentcolor", "gray")
# Function that changes the text from letter to letter
def mecanografiar(texto):
for i in range(len(texto)+1):
return W_texto.config(text=texto[0:i])
# test function to see if it works write "HOLA"
def escribir_texto(event):
texto = "hola"
W_texto.after(400, mecanografiar(texto))
scriptpath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
scriptdir = os.path.dirname(scriptpath)
Text_Box = os.path.join(scriptdir, "Dialogo", "text_box.png")
I_Text_Box = PIL.Image.open(Text_Box)
W_I = 350
H_I = W_I*712/800
I_Text_Box = I_Text_Box.resize((W_I,int(H_I)), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
# this is whatever string you want to type out slowly
chat_str = 'Hello, friend!'
# storing text in a StringVar will update the label automatically
# whenever the value of the variable is changed (see 'textvariable' below)
text_var = tk.StringVar()
label = tk.Label(textvariable=text_var)
# index represents the character index in 'chat_str'
index = 0
# we need an empty string to store the typed out string as it updates
placeholder = ''
def type_text():
# use 'global' to allow the function to access these variables
global index
global placeholder
# concat the placeholder with the next character in 'chat_str'
placeholder += chat_str[index]
# set 'text_var' to update the label automatically
# go to the next index (character) in 'chat_str'
index += 1
# call this function again after 150mS
# (change this number to modify the typing speed)
root.after(150, type_text)
except IndexError: # when you run out of characters...
return # bail
# using a 'try:except' block above avoids issues stopping 'root.after()'
I have a bunch of images which I want the user to select using a scale. As the user updates the scale value, I want the GUI to update which image is shown.
I have just started dealing with GUIs and I'm stuck. I've managed to print the new values from the scale using the command keyword argument of the Scale widget. However, it is not clear how I can get this value to update the image on the interface.
class MainProgram():
def AcquireDicomFiles(self):
def GUI(self):
root_window = Tk()
slice_number = DoubleVar()
bar_length = 200
main_title = Label(root_window, text="Seleção de corte e echo").pack()
scale_slice = Scale(root_window, variable=slice_number, orient=HORIZONTAL, from_=1, to=24, length=bar_length,
cursor="hand", label="Slice Number", command=MainProgram().get_slice_value)
echo_time = DoubleVar()
scale_echo = Scale(root_window, variable=echo_time, orient=HORIZONTAL, from_=1, to=6, length=bar_length,
cursor="hand", label="Echo Time")
imagefile = Image.open("image.png")
tk_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imagefile)
panel = Label(root_window, image=tk_image).pack(fill="both", expand="yes")
def get_slice_number(self,user_slice_number):
user_slice_number = np.int(user_slice_number)
def showImage(self):
# Code below works fine for user input in terminal. It uses user_slice_number and user_echo_time to find image. I want these two values to come from the pair of scales
# indexes = np.where(slice_and_echo[:][0] == user_slice_number)[0] #indexes of the elements where the user input match the element
# for i in indexes: #Go through index values. Check and record those in which echo time (element) matches user input
# if slice_and_echo[i][1] == user_echo_time:
# selected_echo_time = user_echo_time
# selected_slice_number = slice_and_echo[i][0]
# index = i
# file_path = os.path.join(dcm_folder, dcm_files[index]) #path of the file whose index match user input
# dcm_read = dicom.read_file(file_path) #read file user wants
# dcm_pixel_values = dcm_read.pixel_array #extract pixel values
slice_and_echo = MainProgram().AcquireDicomFiles()
Set echo_time.trace(slider_callback), (which calls the method given to it, whenever the echo_time changes value) and then within slider_callback, you set root_window.iconify(file_name).
I'm building a gui front-end for a project I've been working on, and I'm having trouble figuring out this specific aspect of PyQT. Long ago there was a post that I had that I think would've solved the problem but I can't quite find it.
Regardless, I have the following files, main.py and playlistcreator.py respectively:
import getpass
import playlistcreator
import os
import sys
import sip
sip.setapi('QString', 2)
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
# Window class
class Window(QWidget):
def __init__(self): # constructor for Window (passes "self" -aka Window- to __init__ to initialize it)
super(Window, self).__init__() # inherits from QMainWindow
self.setGeometry(50, 50, 300, 150) # Set window dimensions
self.setWindowTitle("Google Music Playlist Transfer") # Set window title
self.setWindowIcon(QIcon('gmusic.png')) # Set window icon
self.login = QWidget() # login widget ("front page")
self.processing = QWidget() # on successful login - being processing data
self.file_inputs = QWidget() # after processing, ask user where they would like to store data
# call functions
# create stacked widget and add layouts to stack
self.Stack = QStackedWidget(self)
main_box = QHBoxLayout(self)
def loginUI(self):
# Set email field
self.email = QLineEdit()
# Set password field
self.pwd = QLineEdit()
# Form layout
form_layout = QFormLayout()
form_layout.addRow("Email: ", self.email)
form_layout.addRow("Password: ", self.pwd)
# Login button
self.login_btn = QPushButton("Login", self) # login button
self.login_btn.clicked.connect(self.process_login) # tell button what to do
# Quit button
self.quit_btn = QPushButton("Exit", self) # exit button
self.quit_btn.clicked.connect(self.close_application) # tell button what to do
# Error label layout
self.error_layout = QHBoxLayout()
# Button box layout
button_box = QHBoxLayout()
# input layout (main layout for "home")
input_box = QVBoxLayout()
def processingUI(self):
# setup layout
layout = QHBoxLayout()
# alert user that we're grabbing track data
self.progress_label = QLabel("Grabbing tracks from Google Music. . .")
self.progress_label.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(0, 100, 0);")
# Get users list of "thumbs up" tracks from Google Music
# set layout
favorite_tracks = self.get_tracks
def file_inputsUI(self):
layout = QFormLayout()
# Set text field for directory
self.dir_textbox = QTextEdit(self)
# Add textbox to layout
layout.addRow("Music Directory: ", self.dir_textbox)
def close_application(self):
confirm = QMessageBox.question(self, 'Exit Confirmation',
"Are you sure you want to exit?",
QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No)
if confirm == QMessageBox.Yes:
def process_login(self):
email_input = str(self.email.text())
pwd_input = str(self.pwd.text())
login_successful = playlistcreator.login(email_input, pwd_input)
if login_successful:
self.error_label = QLabel("Please check your email/password!")
self.error_label.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 0, 0);")
def get_tracks(self):
tracks = playlistcreator.get_favorite_tracks()
print("You have ", len(tracks), " favorite tracks!")
return tracks
# def open_dir_dialog(self):
# directory = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Select USB Drive Location')
# self.myTextBox.setText(fileName)
def main():
# Create an PyQT5 application object.
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
GUI = Window()
# # Input Music Directory
# music_dir = input("Please put the path to your music folder: ")
# list_of_paths = playlistcreator.findmp3(music_dir, favorite_tracks)
# # Input playlist file save location
# playlist_path = input("Where would you like to save the playlist?: ")
# playlist_name = input("What would you like to name the playlist? ")
# playlist_name += ".m3u8"
# # Testing appending file extension to string
# playlistcreator.addtoplaylist(list_of_paths, playlist_path, playlist_name)
# playlistcreator.logout()
import os
from gmusicapi import Mobileclient
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
api = Mobileclient()
songCount = 0
favorite_files_path = []
logged_in = False
def login(email, password):
library = []
if "#" not in email:
email += "#gmail.com"
logged_in = api.login(email, password, Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS)
return logged_in
def get_favorite_tracks():
print("Getting songs from Google Music. . .")
library = api.get_all_songs()
print("There are", len(library), "items in your music library")
good_songs = [song for song in library if song['rating'] == '5']
print("You have", len(good_songs), "favorite tracks!")
return good_songs
def logout():
def findmp3(rootFolder, favoriteTracks):
print("Searching for favorite tracks. . .")
for directory, subdirectory, files in os.walk(rootFolder, topdown=False): # for all files in directory
global songCount
global favorite_files_path
for mp3 in files: # for files in
if mp3.endswith(".mp3"): # if file ends with .mp3
file_path = os.path.join(directory, mp3) # concatenate to create full path
file_tags = EasyID3(file_path) # grab file tags from mp3 file
file_tags = EasyID3() # create tags if none are found
file_tags.save(file_path) # save file to have new tags
if "title" in file_tags:
fileTitle = file_tags["title"][0] # TIT2 = corresponding tag in mutagen for song title
fileTitle = "None"
if "artist" in file_tags:
fileArtist = file_tags["artist"][0] # TPE = corresponding tag in mutagen for artist
fileArtist = "None"
if "album" in file_tags:
fileAlbum = file_tags["album"][0] # TALB = corresponding tag in mutagen for album
fileAlbum = "None"
for track in favoriteTracks:
gMusicTitle = track["title"]
gMusicArtist = track["artist"]
gMusicAlbum = track["album"]
if fileTitle in gMusicTitle and fileArtist in gMusicArtist and fileAlbum in gMusicAlbum: # if file tags (artist, album, title) match gMusic tags
songCount += 1
if songCount == 1:
print("Found 1 song")
print("Found", songCount, "songs") # print updated count of found tracks
favorite_files_path.append(file_path) # add all found files to a list (via their paths)
break # break out of "for track in favorite tracks"
return favorite_files_path
def addtoplaylist(paths, playlist_path, playlist_name):
# Open file (or create if it does not exist)
# change to given directory
except Exception as err:
# open file - if it does not exist, create it
with open(playlist_name, 'a+', encoding="UTF-8") as playlistFile:
print("Adding tracks...", end="")
for track in paths:
print(".", end="")
playlistFile.write(track + '\n')
The problem I've been running into is when the user logs in they hit the processingUI window (which states that the program is grabbing all their tracks from Google) but it doesn't actually seem to be running the get_tracks() method (which is what actually gets the user's tracks from Google), as the program hangs there and doesn't do anything.
I've tested the program without a GUI using straight command line, and it works flawlessly, but I'm not sure what the issue is with the GUI - do I need to thread the execution to start when the proper "window" is brought to the front?
I am trying to display a list of users saved in a text file on a line by line basis and have it updated as people launch and close my program respectively. I can't figure out how to update the labels as in create new ones and delete ones no longer present in the text file as I can't .set() or .config() them as far as I know since the actual text on the labels doesn't have to change.
Here is my code so far.
def list_users(self):
with open("usercheck.txt", "r") as ulst:
self.usr_list = []
for line in ulst:
def online(self):
for self.name in self.usr_list:
self.onlbl = tk.Label(self, text = self.name,bg = "#42f480")
self.onlbl.grid(row = self.onlcnt,column = 5,padx = 0)
self.onlcnt +=1
Running the online function with after just creates duplicates of the same label and does not update the amount of labels. self.onlcnt is 0
The reason might be that you are using the self keyword in your loop variable, which causes the variable to stay constant: don’t.
def online(self):
for name in self.usr_list:
self.onlbl = tk.Label(self, text = name,bg = "#42f480")
self.onlbl.grid(row = self.onlcnt,column = 5,padx = 0)
self.onlcnt +=1
Also you might want to store the Labels in a list, so you can access them later:
def online(self):
except AttributeError:
self.labels = []
self.onlcnt = 0
for name in self.usr_list:
onlbl = tk.Label(self, text = name,bg = "#42f480")
onlbl.grid(row = self.onlcnt,column = 5,padx = 0)
self.onlcnt +=1
root.after(5000, self.online) #run it again
I am creating a news feed program that uses the Feedparser module to read the Yahoo! RSS API, write key data to a text file, and then display the data organised in a Tkinter GUI.
I was enquiring if it is possible to have clickable hyperlinks in a text file/Tkinter message widget.
My current thinking is that you could write code that runs in the following fashion:
If item in the text file includes 'http', make it a hyperlink.
If anyone knows of a Pythonic way to achieve this, or knows if it is not in fact possible, please contribute.
Thank you for your time, here is my code:
def news_feed(event):
''' This function creates a new window within the main window, passes an event(left mouse click), and creates a text heading'''
root = Toplevel(window)
# Create a text heading and define its placement within the grid
menu_heading = Label(root, text = 'News feed', font = 'bold')
menu_heading.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 3, pady = 4)
# Create a variable of the selected radio button
button_choice = IntVar()
def selection():
''' This function gets the activated radio button and calls its corresponding function.'''
# Get the value of the activated radio button, and call its corresponding function
news_choice = button_choice.get()
# If the user's choice is industry news, ask them which feed they would like (E.g. Stock market),
if news_choice == 0:
# grab the corresponding url segment to the user's feed choice from the dictionary,
news_choice_url = news_areas[news_feed]
# set the url variable using by inserting this segment into the API url,
rss_url = feedparser.parse('https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/' + news_choice_url + '/?format=rss')
# and call the feed parsing function.
# If the user's choice is the second button, call the company news function
elif news_choice == 1:
def read_news_file(news_feed_message):
'''This function opens the companyNews text file and reads its contents, line by line'''
with open('C:\\Users\\nicks_000\\PycharmProjects\\untitled\\SAT\\GUI\\Text Files\\companyNews.txt', mode='r') as inFile:
news_data_read = inFile.read()
news_feed_message.configure(text = news_data_read)
def parse_feed(news_feed_message, rss_url):
''' This function parses the Yahoo! RSS API for data of the latest five articles, and writes it to the company news text file'''
# Define the RSS feed to parse from, as the url passed in of the company the user chose
feed = feedparser.parse(rss_url)
# Define the file to write the news data to the company news text file
with open('C:\\Users\\nicks_000\\PycharmProjects\\untitled\\SAT\\GUI\\Text Files\\companyNews.txt', mode='w') as outFile:
# Create a list to store the news data parsed from the Yahoo! RSS
news_data_write = []
# Initialise a count
count = 0
# For the number of articles to append to the file, append the article's title, link, and published date to the news_elements list
for count in range(10):
article_link = (feed['entries'][count].link)
article_link = article_link.split('*')[1]
# Add one to the count, so that the next article is parsed
# For each item in the news_elements list, convert it to a string and write it to the company news text file
for item in news_data_write:
item = str(item)
# For each article, write a new line to the company news text file, so that each article's data is on its own line
# Clear the news_elements list so that data is not written to the file more than once
def industry_news():
''' This function creates a new window within the main window, and displays industry news'''
industry_window = Toplevel(root)
Label(industry_window, text = 'Industry news').grid()
def company_news():
''' This function creates a new window within the main window, and displays company news'''
company_window = Toplevel(root)
company_label = Label(company_window, text = 'Company news')
company_label.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 6)
def company_news_handling(company_ticker):
''' This function gets the input from the entry widget (stock ticker) to be graphed.'''
# set the url variable by inserting the stock ticker into the API url,
rss_url = ('http://finance.yahoo.com/rss/headline?s={0}'.format(company_ticker))
# and call the feed parsing function.
parse_feed(news_feed_message, rss_url)
# Create the entry widget where the user enters a stock ticker, and define its location within the grid
company_ticker_entry = Entry(company_window)
company_ticker_entry.grid(row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 6, padx = 10)
def entry_handling():
'''This function validates the input of the entry box, and if there is nothing entered, an error is outputted until a value is'''
# Create a variable that equals the input from the entry widget
company_ticker = company_ticker_entry.get()
# Convert the input into a string
company_ticker = str(company_ticker)
if company_ticker == '':
news_feed_message.configure(text = 'Please input a stock ticker in the entry box.')
# Create the button that the user presses when they wish to graph the data of the stock ticker they inputted in the entry widget
graph_button = Button(company_window, text = 'SHOW', command = entry_handling, width = 10).grid(row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 6)
news_feed_message = Message(company_window, text='', width=500, borderwidth=5, justify=LEFT, relief=RAISED)
news_feed_message.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=6)
Most uses of hyperlinks in a tkinter application i have seen involved using the webbrowser and attaching events to your tkinter object to trigger callbacks, but there may be simpler ways, but heres what i mean :
from tkinter import *
import webbrowser
def callback(event):
root = Tk()
link = Label(root, text="Google Hyperlink", fg="blue", cursor="hand2")
link.bind("<Button-1>", callback)
From this source
You could do as you said and read from a text file, and if the line contains "http" create a new label, and event, attaching the hyper link from the file to the event.
import re
with open(fname) as f:
content = f.readlines()
urls = re.findall('http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_#.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', content)
Access the url's after this and generate your label's or whatever widget you attach the url's too and you can then have all of them open the web page when clicked.
Hope this helps in some way, let me know if you need more help :)
I think it is easy to create hyperlink in tkinter using following link and its easy for modifying as per your requirement
Updated Hyperlink in tkinter
hope this works for you.
regards Midhun
(Answer taken from effbot)
Support module for Text hyperlinks (File: tkHyperlinkManager.py)
from Tkinter import *
class HyperlinkManager:
def __init__(self, text):
self.text = text
self.text.tag_config("hyper", foreground="blue", underline=1)
self.text.tag_bind("hyper", "<Enter>", self._enter)
self.text.tag_bind("hyper", "<Leave>", self._leave)
self.text.tag_bind("hyper", "<Button-1>", self._click)
def reset(self):
self.links = {}
def add(self, action):
# add an action to the manager. returns tags to use in
# associated text widget
tag = "hyper-%d" % len(self.links)
self.links[tag] = action
return "hyper", tag
def _enter(self, event):
def _leave(self, event):
def _click(self, event):
for tag in self.text.tag_names(CURRENT):
if tag[:6] == "hyper-":
And here’s an example:
# File: hyperlink-1.py
import tkHyperlinkManager
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
text = Text(root)
hyperlink = tkHyperlinkManager.HyperlinkManager(text)
def click1():
print "click 1"
text.insert(INSERT, "this is a ")
text.insert(INSERT, "link", hyperlink.add(click1))
text.insert(INSERT, "\n\n")
def click2():
print "click 2"
text.insert(INSERT, "this is another ")
text.insert(INSERT, "link", hyperlink.add(click2))
text.insert(INSERT, "\n\n")