Repeating A Function for Many Values and Building a 2D Array - python

I have a code.
It takes in a value N and does a quantum walk for that many steps and gives an array that shows the probability at each position.
It's quite a complex calculation and N must be a single integer.
What I want to do is repeat this calculation for 100 values of N and build a large 2D array.
Any idea how I would do this?
Here's my code:
N = 100 # number of random steps
P = 2*N+1 # number of positions
#defining a quantum coin
coin0 = array([1, 0]) # |0>
coin1 = array([0, 1]) # |1>
#defining the coin operator
C00 = outer(coin0, coin0) # |0><0|
C01 = outer(coin0, coin1) # |0><1|
C10 = outer(coin1, coin0) # |1><0|
C11 = outer(coin1, coin1) # |1><1|
C_hat = (C00 + C01 + C10 - C11)/sqrt(2.)
#step operator
ShiftPlus = roll(eye(P), 1, axis=0)
ShiftMinus = roll(eye(P), -1, axis=0)
S_hat = kron(ShiftPlus, C00) + kron(ShiftMinus, C11)
#walk operator
U =, C_hat))
#defining the initial state
posn0 = zeros(P)
posn0[N] = 1 # array indexing starts from 0, so index N is the central posn
psi0 = kron(posn0,(coin0+coin1*1j)/sqrt(2.))
#the state after N steps
psiN = linalg.matrix_power(U, N).dot(psi0)
#finidng the probabilty operator
prob = empty(P)
for k in range(P):
posn = zeros(P)
posn[k] = 1
M_hat_k = kron( outer(posn,posn), eye(2))
proj =
prob[k] =
prob[prob==0] = np.nan
nanmask = np.isfinite(prob)
prob_masked=prob[nanmask] #this is the final probability to be plotted
P_masked=arange(P)[nanmask] #these are the possible positions
Rather than writing out the array I get as it is 100 units, this is a graph of the position and probability at N = 100
I eventually want to make a 3D plot of position against N against probability.


Unable to reproduce Matlab-based results in Python

I've tried to implement a Matlab script by Lindner (2012) in Python. However, the final result D in my Python script diverges from the results which I am able to generate in an online Matlab environment (see pictures below). I ran rand('twister', 1337) in both scripts to make random numbers predictable.
Up until the last step Gram-Schmidt algorithm everything appears to work correctly (the variables' values are the same as far as I can see). However, D is different. Can anyone spot my mistake?
Lindner, Sören, Julien Legault, and Dabo Guan. 2012.
‘Disaggregating Input–Output Models with Incomplete Information’.
Economic Systems Research 24 (4): 329–47.
The Matlab script is available via:
Matlab output (first rows and cols) - authoritative:
Diverging Python output (first rows and cols):
"""Implementation of Lindner (2012) in Python with NumPy and Pandas.
Lindner, Sören, Julien Legault, and Dabo Guan. 2012.
‘Disaggregating Input–Output Models with Incomplete Information’.
Economic Systems Research 24 (4): 329–47.
The comments in this script contain the Matlab code given in the supplementary
material 'cesr_a_689954_sup_27358897.docx' of Lindner (2012).
Source (accessed 06.12.2022):
The script contains one aspect of randomness. A random vector is
generated in line 90 of the Matlab script: `base(p,:) = rand(1,Nv)`. For verification purposes, `np.random.seed(1337)` (Python) and `rand('twister', 1337)` (Matlab) was applied.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
if True:
# Switch flag for verification
# Matlab equivalent: `rand('twister', 1337)`
# Source:
# %% Loading data
# load('IOT_China.mat'); %Loading China's IO table
flows = pd.read_csv(
# Input–output table of China (2007), in billion RMB
flows_idx = pd.read_csv(
flows.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(flows_idx)
flows.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(flows_idx.iloc[:12, :])
# f = IOT_national(:,end-1); %Vector of final demand
f = flows.loc[:, ('Final demand', 'FD')]
# id = IOT_national(:,end-2); %Vector of intermediate demand
id = flows.loc[:, ('Intermediate demand', 'ID')]
# x = IOT_national(:,end); %Vector of total outputs
x = f + id
# Z = IOT_national(:,1:end-3); %Exchange matrix
Z = flows.loc[
# Rows
# Cols
.isin(['ID', 'FD', 'TO']))
del flows_idx
# temp = size(Z); %Size of IO table
temp = Z.shape
# N = temp(1)-1; %Number of common sectors
N = temp[0] - 1
# A = Z./repmat(transpose(x),N+1,1); %Aggregated technical coefficient matrix
A = np.divide(Z, x)
# x_common = x(1:end-1); %Vector of total outputs for common sectors
x_common = x[:-1]
# f_common = f(1:end-1); %Vector of final demand for common sectors
f_common = f[:-1]
# Note: The last sector of the table is disaggregated,
# i.e. the electricity sector
# x_elec = x(end); %Total output of the disaggregated sector
x_elec = x[-1]
# f_elec = f(end); %Final demand of the disaggregated sector
f_elec = f[-1]
# %% Newly formed sectors from the electricity sector
# n = 3; %Number of new sectors
# w = [0.241;0.648;0.111]; %New sector weights
w = pd.read_csv(
w = w.values.flatten()
w_idx = pd.read_csv(
n = len(w)
# N_tot = N + n; %Total number of sectors for the disaggregated IO table
N_tot = N + n
# x_new = w.*x_elec; %Vector of new total sector outputs
x_new = w*x_elec/1000
# xs = [x_common;x_new]; %Vector of disaggregated economy sector total outputs
xs = np.concatenate((x_common, x_new))
# f_new = w*f_elec; %Final demand of new sectors
f_new = w*f_elec
# %% Building the constraint matrix C
# Nv = n*N_tot + n; %Number of variables
Nv = n * N_tot + n
# Nc = N + n + 1; %Number of constraints
Nc = N + n + 1
# q = [transpose(A(N+1,:));w]; %Vector of constraint constants
q = pd.concat(
[A.iloc[N, :],
pd.Series(w, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(w_idx))]
# C = zeros(Nc,Nv); %Matrix of constraints
C = np.zeros((Nc, Nv))
# %% Common sectors constraints
# C11 = zeros(N,N*n);
# for ii = 1:N
# col_indices = n*(ii-1)+1:n*ii;
# C11(ii,col_indices) = ones(1,n);
# end
# C(1:N,1:N*n) = C11;
C11 = np.zeros((N, N*n))
for ii in range(N):
col_indices = range(n*(ii), n*ii+n)
C11[ii, col_indices] = np.ones((1, n))
C[:N, :N*n] = C11
# %% New sectors constraints
# C22 = zeros(1,n^2);
# for ii = 1:n
# col_indices = n*(ii-1)+1:n*ii;
# C22(1,col_indices) = w(ii)*ones(1,n);
# end
# C(N+1,N*n+1:N*n+n^2) = C22;
C22 = np.zeros((1, n**2))
for ii in range(0, n):
col_indices = range(n*(ii), n*ii+n)
C22[0, col_indices] = w[ii]*np.ones((1, n))
C[N, N*n:N*n+n**2] = C22
# %% Final demand constraints
# C31 = zeros(n,N*n);
# for ii = 1:N
# col_indices = n*(ii-1)+1:n*ii;
# C31(1:n,col_indices) = (x_common(ii)/x_elec)*eye(n,n);
# end
# C32 = zeros(n,n^2);
# for ii = 1:n
# col_indices = n*(ii-1)+1:n*ii;
# C32(1:n,col_indices) = w(ii)*eye(n,n);
# end
# C(N+2:end,1:N*n) = C31;
# C(N+2:end,N*n+1:N*n+n^2) = C32;
# C(N+2:end,N*n+n^2+1:end) = eye(n,n);
C31 = np.zeros((n, N*n))
for ii in range(N):
col_indices = range(n*(ii-1)+3, n*ii+3)
C31[:n, col_indices] = (x_common[ii]/x_elec)*np.eye(n)
C32 = np.zeros((n, n**2))
for ii in range(0, n):
col_indices = range(n*(ii-1)+3, n*ii+3)
C32[:n, col_indices] = w[ii]*np.eye(n)
C[N+1:, :N*n] = C31
C[N+1:, N*n:N*n+n**2] = C32
C[N+1:, N*n+n**2:] = np.eye(n)
# %% Building the initial estimate y0
# Technical coefficient matrix of the initial estimate
# As_y0 = zeros(N_tot,N_tot);
# As_y0(1:N,1:N) = A(1:N,1:N); %Common/Common part
# As_y0(1:N,N+1:N_tot) = repmat(A(1:N,N+1),1,n); %Common/New part
# As_y0(N+1:N_tot,1:N) = w*A(N+1,1:N); %New/Common part
# As_y0(N+1:N_tot,N+1:N_tot) = A(N+1,N+1)*repmat(w,1,n); %New/New part
As_y0 = np.zeros((N_tot, N_tot))
As_y0[:N, :N] = A.iloc[:N, :N]
As_y0[:N, N:N_tot] = np.repeat(A.iloc[:N, N].to_numpy(), n).reshape(N, n)
As_y0[N:N_tot, :N] = (
np.multiply(w, A.iloc[N, :N].to_numpy().repeat(n).reshape(N, n)).T
As_y0[N:N_tot, N:N_tot] = np.multiply(
A.iloc[N, N],
np.repeat(w, n).reshape(n, n)
# %% Generating the orthogonal distinguishing matrix
# %%% Making the constraint matrix orthogonal
# C_orth = C;
# for c = 1:Nc
# for i = 1:c-1
# C_orth(c,:) = C_orth(c,:) - dot(C_orth(c,:),C_orth(i,:))/norm(C_orth(i,:))^2*C_orth(i,:); %Orthogonal projection
# end
# end
C_orth = C.copy()
for c in tqdm(range(Nc), desc='Orthogonalize constraint matrix'):
for i in range(c):
C_orth[c, :] = (
C_orth[c, :]
-[c, :], C_orth[i, :])
/ np.linalg.norm(C_orth[i, :])**2 * C_orth[i, :]
# %%% Gram-Schmidt algorithm
# base = zeros(Nv,Nv); %Orthogonal base containing C_orth and D
# base(1:Nc,:) = C_orth;
# for p = Nc+1:Nv
# base(p,:) = rand(1,Nv); %Generate random vector
# for i=1:p-1
# base(p,:) = base(p,:) - dot(base(p,:),base(i,:))/norm(base(i,:))^2*base(i,:); %Orthogonal projection on previous vectors
# end
# base(p,:) = base(p,:)/norm(base(p,:)); %Normalizing
# end
# D = transpose(base(Nc+1:end,:)); %Retrieving the distinguishing matrix from the orthogonal base
base = np.zeros((Nv, Nv))
base[:Nc, :] = C_orth.copy()
for p in tqdm(range(Nc, Nv), desc='Gram-Schmidt algorithm'):
base[p, :] = np.random.rand(1, Nv)
for i in range(p-1):
base[p, :] = (
base[p, :]
-[p, :], base[i, :])
/ np.linalg.norm(base[i, :])**2 * base[i, :]
base[p, :] = base[p, :] / np.linalg.norm(base[p, :])
D = base[Nc:, :].T
Coal minin and processing,CmP
Petroleaum processing and natural gas products,Pp
Food manufacturing and tobacco products,Fm
Petroleaum processing and coking,Ppc
Metal smelting and pressing,Msp
Machinery and equipment,M+e
Gas production and distribution,Gp+d
Transport and warehousing,T+w
Electricity production and distribution,Ep+d
Intermediate demand,ID
Final demand,FD
Total output,TO
Hydro-electricity and others,Hy
Subcritical coal,SubC
Other fossil fuels,OFF
There are some minor issues with your Gram-Schmidt algorithm from above. Note I only checked that as you mentioned:
Up until the last step Gram-Schmidt algorithm everything appears to
work correctly (the variables' values are the same as far as I can
see). However, D is different.
First off, in your outer for loop, you run from Nc -> Nv which means that the random vector in the pth row of your base won't be orthogonalized - the Matlab scripts also runs Nc+1:Nv.
Secondly, (you got it with for-loops): You may run from 0 to p as the projection of the pth vector on the ith vector is the same (no matter if i is between 0 and p-1 or 1 and p-1).
Furthermore, I shortened to code by adding some syntactic sugar (-= and /=) - but besides this, your Gram-Schmidt implementation is the same as proposed in the Lidner 2012 paper.
# Orth. base containing both C_orth and D
base = np.zeros((Nv, Nv))
# C_orth is placed in the first :Nc rows of the base from above (c.f. Matlab code)
base[:Nc, :] = C_orth.copy()
# Generate random vectors for remaining rows
for p in range(Nc+1, Nv):
# Random vector
base[p, :] = np.random.rand(1, Nv)
# Orthogonal projection on previous vectors
for i in range(p):
# Subtract the projection of the pth vector on the ith vector
# from the pth vector - as described in the Paper by:
# base(p,:) = base(p,:)
# - dot(base(p,:),base(i,:))/norm(base(i,:))^2*base(i,:);
# Besides the syntax, it's the exact replication!
base[p, :] -=[p, :], base[i, :]) / np.linalg.norm(base[i, :])**2 * base[i, :]
# Normalize vector
base[p, :] /= np.linalg.norm(base[p, :])
# Retrieve matrix from the orthogonal base
D = base[Nc:, :].T
One thing I'd like to mention as to why your results may also differ: You might be using a different random number generator than in the paper -> You generate different random vectors!

Optimizing torch mean over a dimension in a random batch

I am looking for a way to optimize the following code in pytorch.
I have a function f defined over space x,y and time t.
In a random batch, I need to compute the average over all the same timestamps. I was able to achieve this with the following inefficient for-loop
import torch
# Space (x,y) and time (t) coordinates in a random batch
x = torch.Tensor([[0, 0, 1, 0],[3, 2, 2, 1],[1,3,5,5]]).T
# compute a dummy function u = f(t,x,y)
f = (x**2 + 0.5)[:,:2]
# timestamps
t = x[:,0]
# get unique timestamps
val = torch.unique(t.squeeze())
for v in val:
# compute a mask for all timestamp equal to v
mask = t == v
# average over the spatial coordinates
f[mask,:] = torch.mean(f[mask,:], dim=0)
Which results in
f = tensor([[0.5000, 5.1667],
[0.5000, 5.1667],
[1.5000, 4.5000],
[0.5000, 5.1667]])
Is there a way to make this computation faster?
I think you are looking for index_add_:
avg_size = int(t.max().item()) + 1 # number of rows in output tensor
z = torch.zeros((avg_size, f.shape[1]), dtype=f.dtype)
s = torch.index_add(s, 0, t.long(), f) # sum the elements of f
c = torch.index_add(s, 0, t.long(), torch.ones_like(f[:, :1])) # count how many at each entry
out = s / c # divide to get the mean

Repeating a function 1000 times and saving each iteration result in a list

I have tried to simulate some event-onsets and predictors for an experiment. I have two predictors (circles and squares). The stimuli ('events') take 1 second and the ISI (interstimulus interval) is 8 seconds. I am also interested in both contrasts against baseline (circles against baseline; squares against baseline). In the end, I am trying to run the function that I have defined (simulate_data_fixed, n=420 is a paramater that is fixed) for 1000, at each iteration I would like to calculate an efficiency score in the end and store the efficiency scores in a list.
def simulate_data_fixed_ISI(N=420):
dg_hrf = glover_hrf(tr=1, oversampling=1)
# Create indices in regularly spaced intervals (9 seconds, i.e. 1 sec stim + 8 ISI)
stim_onsets = np.arange(10, N - 15, 9)
stimcodes = np.repeat([1, 2], stim_onsets.size / 2) # create codes for two conditions
np.random.shuffle(stimcodes) # random shuffle
stim = np.zeros((N, 1))
c = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
# Fill stim array with codes at onsets
for i, stim_onset in enumerate(stim_onsets):
stim[stim_onset] = 1 if stimcodes[i] == 1 else 2
stims_A = (stim == 1).astype(int)
stims_B = (stim == 2).astype(int)
reg_A = np.convolve(stims_A.squeeze(), dg_hrf)[:N]
reg_B = np.convolve(stims_B.squeeze(), dg_hrf)[:N]
X = np.hstack((np.ones((reg_B.size, 1)), reg_A[:, np.newaxis], reg_B[:, np.newaxis]))
dvars = [(c[i, :].dot(np.linalg.inv([i, :].T))
for i in range(c.shape[0])]
eff = c.shape[0] / np.sum(dvars)
return eff
However, I want to run this entire chunk 1000 times and store the 'eff' in an array, etc. so that later on I want to display them as a histogram. How ı can do this?
If I understand you correctly you should be able just to run
EFF = [simulate_data_fixed_ISI() for i in range(1000)] #1000 repeats
As #theonlygusti clarified, this line, EFF, runs your function simulate_data_fixed_ISI() 1000 times and put each return in the array EFF
import numpy as np
def simulate_data_fixed_ISI(n=1):
Returns 'n' random numbers
return np.random.rand(n)
EFF = [simulate_data_fixed_ISI() for i in range(5)]
# array([0.91692933]),
# array([0.49294667]),
# array([0.79751017]),
# array([0.58294512])]
Your question seems to boil down to:
I am trying to run the function that I have defined for 1000, at each iteration I would like to calculate an efficiency score in the end and store the efficiency scores in a list
I guess "the function that I have defined" is the simulate_data_fixed_ISI in your question?
Then you can simply run it 1000 times using a basic for loop, and add the results into a list:
def simulate_data_fixed_ISI(N=420):
dg_hrf = glover_hrf(tr=1, oversampling=1)
# Create indices in regularly spaced intervals (9 seconds, i.e. 1 sec stim + 8 ISI)
stim_onsets = np.arange(10, N - 15, 9)
stimcodes = np.repeat([1, 2], stim_onsets.size / 2) # create codes for two conditions
np.random.shuffle(stimcodes) # random shuffle
stim = np.zeros((N, 1))
c = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
# Fill stim array with codes at onsets
for i, stim_onset in enumerate(stim_onsets):
stim[stim_onset] = 1 if stimcodes[i] == 1 else 2
stims_A = (stim == 1).astype(int)
stims_B = (stim == 2).astype(int)
reg_A = np.convolve(stims_A.squeeze(), dg_hrf)[:N]
reg_B = np.convolve(stims_B.squeeze(), dg_hrf)[:N]
X = np.hstack((np.ones((reg_B.size, 1)), reg_A[:, np.newaxis], reg_B[:, np.newaxis]))
dvars = [(c[i, :].dot(np.linalg.inv([i, :].T))
for i in range(c.shape[0])]
eff = c.shape[0] / np.sum(dvars)
return eff
eff_results = []
for _ in range(1000):
efficiency_score = simulate_data_fixed_ISI()
Now eff_results contains 1000 entries, each of which is a call to your function simulate_data_fixed_ISI

Having trouble getting timeit to run with numpy

I simply want to see how long it takes this code to execute. There is a similar question here:
timeit module in python does not recognize numpy module
and I understand what they are saying, but I don't get where these lines of code should be placed. Here is what I have. I know its a little long to scroll through, but you can see where I have placed the timeit commands at the beginning and end. This is not working and I am guessing it is because I have placed these lines of code for timeit incorrectly. The code works if I delete the timeit stuff.
import timeit
u = timeit.Timer("np.arange(1000)", setup = 'import numpy as np')
#set up variables
m = 4.54
g = 9.81
GR = 8
r_pulley = .1
th1=np.pi/4 #based on motor 1 encoder counts. Number of degrees rotated from + x-axis of base frame 0
th2=np.pi/4 #based on motor 2 encoder counts. Number of degrees rotated from + x-axis of m1 frame 1
th3_motor = np.pi/4*12
th3_pulley = th3_motor/GR
#required forces in x,y,z at end effector
fx = 1
fy = 1
fz = m*g #need to figure this out
#Build Homogeneous Tranforms Matrices
H1_0 = np.array(([np.cos(th1),-np.sin(th1),0,0],[np.sin(th1),np.cos(th1),0,0],[0,0,1,l3],[0,0,0,1]))
H2_1 = np.array(([np.cos(th2),-np.sin(th2),0,l1],[np.sin(th2),np.cos(th2),0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]))
H3_2 = np.array(([1,0,0,l2],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]))
H2_0 =,H2_1)
H3_0 =,H3_2)
#These HTMs are using the way I derived them, not the "correct" way.
#The answers are the same, but I think the processing time will be the same.
#This is because either way the two matrices with all the sines and cosines...
#will be the same. Only difference is in one method the ones and zeroes...
#matrix is the first HTM, in the other method it is the last HTM. So its the...
#same number of matrices with the same information, just being dot-producted...
#in a different order.
#Build Jacobian
#np.cross(x, y)
d10 = H1_0[0:3, 3]
d20 = H2_0[0:3, 3]
d30 = H3_0[0:3, 3]
subt1 = d30-d10
subt2 = d30-d20
#tsubt1 = subt1.transpose()
#tsubt2 = subt2.transpose()
zeroes = np.array(([0,0,1]))
cross1 = np.cross(zeroes, subt1)
cross2 = np.cross(zeroes, subt2)
#These cross products are correct but need to be tranposed into columns, right now they are a single row.
#dont actually need these transposes but I didnt want to forget the command.
# build jacobian (J)
#J = np.zeros((6,2))
#J[0:3,0] = cross1
#J[0:3,1] = cross2
#J[3:6,0] = zeroes
#J[3:6,1] = zeroes
#find torques
J_force = np.zeros((2,3))
#build force matrix
forces = np.array(([fx],[fy],[fz]))
torques =,forces)
torques #top number is theta 1 (M1) and bottom number is theta 2 (M2)
#need to add z axis?
# u is a timer eval np.arange(1000)
u = timeit.Timer("np.arange(1000)", setup = 'import numpy as np')
# print how many seconds needed to run np.arange(1000) 1000000 times
# 1000000 is the default value, you can set by passing a int here.
So the following is what you want.
import timeit
def main():
#set up variables
m = 4.54
g = 9.81
GR = 8
r_pulley = .1
th1=np.pi/4 #based on motor 1 encoder counts. Number of degrees rotated from + x-axis of base frame 0
th2=np.pi/4 #based on motor 2 encoder counts. Number of degrees rotated from + x-axis of m1 frame 1
th3_motor = np.pi/4*12
th3_pulley = th3_motor/GR
#required forces in x,y,z at end effector
fx = 1
fy = 1
fz = m*g #need to figure this out
#Build Homogeneous Tranforms Matrices
H1_0 = np.array(([np.cos(th1),-np.sin(th1),0,0],[np.sin(th1),np.cos(th1),0,0],[0,0,1,l3],[0,0,0,1]))
H2_1 = np.array(([np.cos(th2),-np.sin(th2),0,l1],[np.sin(th2),np.cos(th2),0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]))
H3_2 = np.array(([1,0,0,l2],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]))
H2_0 =,H2_1)
H3_0 =,H3_2)
#These HTMs are using the way I derived them, not the "correct" way.
#The answers are the same, but I think the processing time will be the same.
#This is because either way the two matrices with all the sines and cosines...
#will be the same. Only difference is in one method the ones and zeroes...
#matrix is the first HTM, in the other method it is the last HTM. So its the...
#same number of matrices with the same information, just being dot-producted...
#in a different order.
#Build Jacobian
#np.cross(x, y)
d10 = H1_0[0:3, 3]
d20 = H2_0[0:3, 3]
d30 = H3_0[0:3, 3]
subt1 = d30-d10
subt2 = d30-d20
#tsubt1 = subt1.transpose()
#tsubt2 = subt2.transpose()
zeroes = np.array(([0,0,1]))
cross1 = np.cross(zeroes, subt1)
cross2 = np.cross(zeroes, subt2)
#These cross products are correct but need to be tranposed into columns, right now they are a single row.
#dont actually need these transposes but I didnt want to forget the command.
# build jacobian (J)
#J = np.zeros((6,2))
#J[0:3,0] = cross1
#J[0:3,1] = cross2
#J[3:6,0] = zeroes
#J[3:6,1] = zeroes
#find torques
J_force = np.zeros((2,3))
#build force matrix
forces = np.array(([fx],[fy],[fz]))
torques =,forces)
torques #top number is theta 1 (M1) and bottom number is theta 2 (M2)
#need to add z axis?
u = timeit.Timer(main)

How to do vector-matrix multiplication with conditions?

I want to obtain a list (or array, doesn't matter) of A from the following formula:
A_i = X_(k!=i) * S_(k!=i) * X'_(k!=i)
X is a vector (and X' is the transpose of X), S is a matrix, and the subscript k is defined as {k=1,2,3,...n| k!=i}.
X = [x1, x2, ..., xn]
S = [[s11,s12,...,s1n],
[... ... ... ..]
I take the following as an example:
X = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5]
S = [[0.4,0.1,0.3,0.5],
So, eventually, I would get a list of four values for A.
I did this:
import numpy as np
x = np.array([0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5])
s = np.matrix([[0.4,0.1,0.3,0.5],[1,2,1.5,2.4,0.6],[0.4,0.1,0.3,0.5],[1,2,1.5,2.4,0.6]])
for k in range(x) if k!=i
A = (
print (A)
I am confused with how to use a conditional 'for' loop. Could you please help me to solve it? Thanks.
Just to explain more. If you take i=1, then the formula will be:
A_1 = X_(k!=1) * S_(k!=1) * X'_(k!=1)
So any array (or value) associated with subscript 1 will be deleted in X and S. like:
X = [0.2,0.3,0.5]
S = [[1.5,2.4,0.6]
Step 1: correctly calculate A_i
Step 2: collect them into A
I assume what you want to calculate is
An easy way to do so is to mask away the entries using masked arrays. This way we don't need to delete or copy any matrixes.
# sample
x = np.array([1,2,3,4])
s = np.diag([4,5,6,7])
# we will use masked arrays to remove k=i
vec_mask = np.zeros_like(x)
matrix_mask = np.zeros_like(s)
i = 0 # start
# set masks
vec_mask[i] = 1
matrix_mask[i] = matrix_mask[:,i] = 1
s_mask =, mask=matrix_mask)
x_mask =, mask=vec_mask)
# reduced product, remember using instead np.inner
Ai =, s_mask), x_mask.T)
vec_mask[i] = 0
matrix_mask[i] = matrix_mask[:,i] = 0
As terms of 0 don't add to the sum, we actually can ignore masking the matrix and just mask the vector:
# we will use masked arrays to remove k=i
mask = np.zeros_like(x)
i = 0 # start
# set masks
mask[i] = 1
x_mask =, mask=mask)
# reduced product
Ai =, s), x_mask.T)
# unset mask
mask[i] = 0
The final step is to assemble A out of the A_is, so in total we get
x = np.array([1,2,3,4])
s = np.diag([4,5,6,7])
mask = np.zeros_like(x)
x_mask =, mask=mask)
A = []
for i in range(len(x)):
x_mask.mask[i] = 1
Ai =, s), x_mask.T)
x_mask.mask[i] = 0
A_vec = np.array(A)
Implementing a matrix/vector product using loops will be rather slow in Python. Therefore, I suggest to actually delete the rows/columns/elements at the given index and perform the fast built-in dot product without any explicit loops:
i = 0 # don't forget Python's indices are zero-based
x_ = np.delete(X, i) # remove element
s_ = np.delete(S, i, axis=0) # remove row
s_ = np.delete(s_, i, axis=1) # remove column
result = # no need to transpose a 1-D array

