I tried to build off of the solution here. My code is:
from tkinter import mainloop, Tk, Frame, Button, Label, Canvas, PhotoImage, NW
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import filedialog
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
class my_class(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.filename = ''
my_notebook = ttk.Notebook(self)
self.selections = Frame(my_notebook, width = 1100, height = 700)
self.selections.pack(fill = "both", expand=1)
my_notebook.add(self.selections, text = "Selections")
Button(self.selections, text = "Select an Image", command = self.get_image).place(x=10,y=40)
self.image_frame = Frame(my_notebook, width = 1100, height = 700)
self.image_frame.pack(fill = "both", expand=1)
my_notebook.add(self.image_frame, text = "Image")
self.my_canvas = Canvas(self.image_frame, width=800, height=600, bg="white")
self.rgb_var = tk.StringVar(self.image_frame, '0 0 0')
self.rgb_label = tk.Label(self.image_frame, textvariable = self.rgb_var)
self.image_frame.bind('<Motion>', lambda e: self.get_rgb(e))
def get_image(self):
self.filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir="D:/Python", title="select a file", filetypes = (("png files","*.png"),("jpg files","*.jpg")))
self.img = Image.open(self.filename)
self.img_rgb = self.img.convert('RGB')
dim_x, dim_y = self.img_rgb.size
self.img_tk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.img_rgb.resize((dim_x, dim_y)))
self.my_canvas.create_image(dim_x // 2, dim_y // 2, image = self.img_tk)
def get_rgb(self, event):
x, y = event.x, event.y
rgb = self.img_rgb.getpixel((x, y))
except IndexError:
pass # ignore errors if cursor is outside the image
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = my_class()
I can use the button to select an image. Then I click the (Image) tab and see the selected image on the canvas.
I expected the (rgb_var) displayed under the image to update as I move the mouse pointer across the image. Instead the numbers under the image only update when the mouse pointer is in the frame, but outside the canvas. Also the numbers displayed seem to be unrelated to pixels in the image. How can I display the RGB values of a pixel that is (under the mouse pointer) when the mouse pointer is over the image?
I have a class that represents a Window that contains a canvas, a label and is soon to contain some color-coordinated buttons.
Here is the code:
class Canvas():
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.root = tk.Tk()
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.text_label = tk.Label(self.root, text="10",font=("Times New Roman", 20, "italic"))
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(master= self.root,width = self.width,height = self.height)
self.redBtn = tk.Button(master=self.root,text="hello",command=lambda:self.changeColor("Red"))
canvas = Canvas(1980,1080)
Although I used redBtn.pack() on the button it doesn't show up.
Does anyone know why?
It worked. I can see number 10. Change this:
win = Window(1980,1080)
win = Canvas(1980,900)
So you can see the button on bottom.
I am using Tk GUI and I want my window to be split into 2 frames, something like that:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
df_frame = tk.LabelFrame(root)
df_frame.place(relwidth = 1, height = 720)
open_file_frame = tk.LabelFrame(root)
open_file_frame.place(x = 0, y = 720, relwidth = 1, height = 80)
My problem is that I don't know how to make it adaptable to the size of the window. If the user enlarges the size of the window, I want the second frame to stay at the bottom, and the first frame to enlarge accordingly.
Thanks in advance for your help.
You can combine relheight and height options to control the height of the top frame.
And combine rely and y options to put the bottom frame at the bottom of the window:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
df_frame = tk.LabelFrame(root)
# frame_height = window_height - 80
df_frame.place(relwidth=1, relheight=1, height=-80)
open_file_frame = tk.LabelFrame(root)
# frame y position = 80 pixel from the bottom
open_file_frame.place(rely=1, y=-80, relwidth=1, height=80)
I am trying to implement a scrollable frame in Python with Tkinter:
if the content changes, the size of the widget is supposed to stay constant (basically, I don't really care whether the size of the scrollbar is subtracted from the frame or added to the parent, although I do think that it would make sense if this was consistent but that does not seem to be the case currently)
if the content becomes too big a scrollbar shall appear so that one can scroll over the entire content (but not further)
if the content fits entirely into the widget the scrollbar shall disappear and it shall not be possible to scroll anymore (no need to scroll, because everything is visible)
if the req size of the content becomes smaller than the widget, the content shall fill the widget
I am surprised how difficult it seems to get this running, because it seems like a pretty basic functionality.
The first three requirements seem relatively easy but I am having a lot of trouble since trying to fill the widget.
The following implementation has the following problems:
first time a scrollbar appears, frame does not fill canvas (seems to depend on available space):
add one column. The horizontal scrollbar appears. Between the scrollbar and the white background of the frame the red background of the canvas becomes visible. This red area looks around as high as the scrollbar.
When adding or removing a row or column or resizing the window the red area disappears and does not seem to appear again.
size jumps:
add elements until horizontal scrollbar becomes visible. make window wider (not higher). the height [!] of the window increases with a jump.
infinite loop:
add rows until the vertical scrollbar appears, remove one row so that vertical scrollbar disappears again, add one row again. The window's size is rapidly increasing and decreasing. The occurence of this behaviour depends on the size of the window. The loop can be broken by resizing or closing the window.
What am I doing wrong?
Any help would be appreciated.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# based on https://stackoverflow.com/q/30018148
import Tkinter as tk
import tkinter as tk
# I am not using something like vars(tk.Grid) because that would override too many methods.
# Methods like Grid.columnconfigure are suppossed to be executed on self, not a child.
'pack', 'pack_configure', 'pack_forget', 'pack_info',
'grid', 'grid_configure', 'grid_forget', 'grid_remove', 'grid_info',
'place', 'place_configure', 'place_forget', 'place_info',
class AutoScrollbar(tk.Scrollbar):
A scrollbar that hides itself if it's not needed.
Only works if you use the grid geometry manager.
def set(self, lo, hi):
if float(lo) <= 0.0 and float(hi) >= 1.0:
tk.Scrollbar.set(self, lo, hi)
def pack(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise TclError('Cannot use pack with this widget.')
def place(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise TclError('Cannot use place with this widget.')
#TODO: first time a scrollbar appears, frame does not fill canvas (seems to depend on available space)
#TODO: size jumps: add elements until horizontal scrollbar becomes visible. make widget wider. height jumps from 276 to 316 pixels although it should stay constant.
#TODO: infinite loop is triggered by
# - add rows until the vertical scrollbar appears, remove one row so that vertical scrollbar disappears again, add one row again (depends on size)
# was in the past triggered by:
# - clicking "add row" very fast at transition from no vertical scrollbar to vertical scrollbar visible
# - add columns until horizontal scrollbar appears, remove column so that horizointal scrollbar disappears again, add rows until vertical scrollbar should appear
class ScrollableFrame(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs):
self._parentFrame = tk.Frame(master)
self._parentFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
self._parentFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
# scrollbars
hscrollbar = AutoScrollbar(self._parentFrame, orient = tk.HORIZONTAL)
hscrollbar.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = tk.EW)
vscrollbar = AutoScrollbar(self._parentFrame, orient = tk.VERTICAL)
vscrollbar.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = tk.NS)
# canvas & scrolling
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self._parentFrame,
xscrollcommand = hscrollbar.set,
yscrollcommand = vscrollbar.set,
bg = 'red', # should not be visible
self.canvas.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = tk.NSEW)
hscrollbar.config(command = self.canvas.xview)
vscrollbar.config(command = self.canvas.yview)
# self
tk.Frame.__init__(self, self.canvas, *args, **kwargs)
self._selfItemID = self.canvas.create_window(0, 0, window = self, anchor = tk.NW)
# bindings
self.canvas.bind('<Enter>', self._bindMousewheel)
self.canvas.bind('<Leave>', self._unbindMousewheel)
self.canvas.bind('<Configure>', self._onCanvasConfigure)
# geometry manager
setattr(self, method, getattr(self._parentFrame, method))
def _bindMousewheel(self, event):
# Windows
self.bind_all('<MouseWheel>', self._onMousewheel)
# Linux
self.bind_all('<Button-4>', self._onMousewheel)
self.bind_all('<Button-5>', self._onMousewheel)
def _unbindMousewheel(self, event):
# Windows
# Linux
def _onMousewheel(self, event):
if event.delta < 0 or event.num == 5:
dy = +1
elif event.delta > 0 or event.num == 4:
dy = -1
assert False
if (dy < 0 and self.canvas.yview()[0] > 0.0) \
or (dy > 0 and self.canvas.yview()[1] < 1.0):
self.canvas.yview_scroll(dy, tk.UNITS)
return 'break'
def _onCanvasConfigure(self, event):
self._updateSize(event.width, event.height)
def _updateSize(self, canvWidth, canvHeight):
hasChanged = False
requWidth = self.winfo_reqwidth()
newWidth = max(canvWidth, requWidth)
if newWidth != self.winfo_width():
hasChanged = True
requHeight = self.winfo_reqheight()
newHeight = max(canvHeight, requHeight)
if newHeight != self.winfo_height():
hasChanged = True
if hasChanged:
print("update size ({width}, {height})".format(width = newWidth, height = newHeight))
self.canvas.itemconfig(self._selfItemID, width = newWidth, height = newHeight)
return True
return False
def _updateScrollregion(self):
bbox = (0,0, self.winfo_reqwidth(), self.winfo_reqheight())
print("updateScrollregion%s" % (bbox,))
self.canvas.config( scrollregion = bbox )
def updateScrollregion(self):
# a function called with self.bind('<Configure>', ...) is called when resized or scrolled but *not* when widgets are added or removed (is called when real widget size changes but not when required/requested widget size changes)
# => useless for calling this function
# => this function must be called manually when adding or removing children
# The content has changed.
# Therefore I need to adapt the size of self.
# I need to update before measuring the size.
# It does not seem to make a difference whether I use update_idletasks() or update().
# Therefore according to Bryan Oakley I better use update_idletasks https://stackoverflow.com/a/29159152
self._updateSize(self.canvas.winfo_width(), self.canvas.winfo_height())
# update scrollregion
def setWidth(self, width):
print("setWidth(%s)" % width)
self.canvas.configure( width = width )
def setHeight(self, height):
print("setHeight(%s)" % width)
self.canvas.configure( height = height )
def setSize(self, width, height):
print("setSize(%sx%s)" % (width, height))
self.canvas.configure( width = width, height = height )
# ==================== TEST ====================
if __name__ == '__main__':
class Test(object):
BG_COLOR = 'white'
PAD_X = 1
# ---------- initialization ----------
def __init__(self):
self.root = tk.Tk()
self.buttonFrame = tk.Frame(self.root)
self.scrollableFrame = ScrollableFrame(self.root, bg=self.BG_COLOR)
self.scrollableFrame.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH)
self.scrollableFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.scrollableFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.contentFrame = tk.Frame(self.scrollableFrame, bg=self.BG_COLOR)
self.contentFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.NSEW)
self.labelRight = tk.Label(self.scrollableFrame, bg=self.BG_COLOR, text="right")
self.labelRight.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.labelBottom = tk.Label(self.scrollableFrame, bg=self.BG_COLOR, text="bottom")
self.labelBottom.grid(row=1, column=0)
tk.Button(self.buttonFrame, text="add row", command=self.addRow).grid(row=0, column=0)
tk.Button(self.buttonFrame, text="remove row", command=self.removeRow).grid(row=1, column=0)
tk.Button(self.buttonFrame, text="add column", command=self.addColumn).grid(row=0, column=1)
tk.Button(self.buttonFrame, text="remove column", command=self.removeColumn).grid(row=1, column=1)
self.row = 0
self.col = 0
def start(self):
widget = self.contentFrame.grid_slaves()[0]
width = widget.winfo_width() + 2*self.PAD_X + self.labelRight.winfo_width()
height = 4.9*( widget.winfo_height() + 2*self.PAD_Y ) + self.labelBottom.winfo_height()
#TODO: why is size saved in event different from what I specify here?
self.scrollableFrame.setSize(width, height)
# ---------- add ----------
def addRow(self):
if self.col == 0:
self.col = 1
columns = self.col
for col in range(columns):
button = self.addButton(self.row, col)
self.row += 1
def addColumn(self):
if self.row == 0:
self.row = 1
rows = self.row
for row in range(rows):
button = self.addButton(row, self.col)
self.col += 1
def addButton(self, row, col):
button = tk.Button(self.contentFrame, text = '--------------------- %d, %d ---------------------' % (row, col))
# note that grid(padx) seems to behave differently from grid_columnconfigure(pad):
# grid : padx = "Optional horizontal padding to place around the widget in a cell."
# grid_rowconfigure: pad = "Padding to add to the size of the largest widget in the row when setting the size of the whole row."
# http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/grid.htm
button.grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=tk.NSEW, padx=self.PAD_X, pady=self.PAD_Y)
# ---------- remove ----------
def removeRow(self):
if self.row <= 0:
self.row -= 1
columns = self.col
if columns == 0:
for button in self.contentFrame.grid_slaves():
info = button.grid_info()
if info['row'] == self.row:
def removeColumn(self):
if self.col <= 0:
self.col -= 1
rows = self.row
if rows == 0:
for button in self.contentFrame.grid_slaves():
info = button.grid_info()
if info['column'] == self.col:
# ---------- other ----------
def _onChange(self):
print("=========== user action ==========")
print("new size: %s x %s" % (self.row, self.col))
def mainloop(self):
test = Test()
EDIT: I do not think that this is a duplicate of this question. The answer to that question is certainly a good starting point if you don't know how to start. It explains the basic concept of how to handle scrollbars in Tkinter. That however, is not my problem. I think that I am aware of the basic idea and I think that I have implemented that.
I have noticed that the answer mentions the possibility of directly drawing on the canvas instead of putting a frame on it. However, I would like to have a reusable solution.
My problem is that when I tried to implement that the content shall fill the frame (like with pack(expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH)) if the req size is smaller than the size of the canvas the three above listed weird effects occured which I do not understand. Most importantly that is that the program runs into an infinite loop when I add and remove rows as described (without changing the window size).
EDIT 2: I have reduced the code even further:
# based on https://stackoverflow.com/q/30018148
import Tkinter as tk
import tkinter as tk
class AutoScrollbar(tk.Scrollbar):
def set(self, lo, hi):
if float(lo) <= 0.0 and float(hi) >= 1.0:
tk.Scrollbar.set(self, lo, hi)
class ScrollableFrame(tk.Frame):
# ---------- initialization ----------
def __init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs):
self._parentFrame = tk.Frame(master)
self._parentFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
self._parentFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
# scrollbars
hscrollbar = AutoScrollbar(self._parentFrame, orient = tk.HORIZONTAL)
hscrollbar.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = tk.EW)
vscrollbar = AutoScrollbar(self._parentFrame, orient = tk.VERTICAL)
vscrollbar.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = tk.NS)
# canvas & scrolling
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self._parentFrame,
xscrollcommand = hscrollbar.set,
yscrollcommand = vscrollbar.set,
bg = 'red', # should not be visible
self.canvas.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = tk.NSEW)
hscrollbar.config(command = self.canvas.xview)
vscrollbar.config(command = self.canvas.yview)
# self
tk.Frame.__init__(self, self.canvas, *args, **kwargs)
self._selfItemID = self.canvas.create_window(0, 0, window = self, anchor = tk.NW)
# bindings
self.canvas.bind('<Configure>', self._onCanvasConfigure)
# ---------- setter ----------
def setSize(self, width, height):
print("setSize(%sx%s)" % (width, height))
self.canvas.configure( width = width, height = height )
# ---------- listen to GUI ----------
def _onCanvasConfigure(self, event):
self._updateSize(event.width, event.height)
# ---------- listen to model ----------
def updateScrollregion(self):
self._updateSize(self.canvas.winfo_width(), self.canvas.winfo_height())
# ---------- internal ----------
def _updateSize(self, canvWidth, canvHeight):
hasChanged = False
requWidth = self.winfo_reqwidth()
newWidth = max(canvWidth, requWidth)
if newWidth != self.winfo_width():
hasChanged = True
requHeight = self.winfo_reqheight()
newHeight = max(canvHeight, requHeight)
if newHeight != self.winfo_height():
hasChanged = True
if hasChanged:
print("update size ({width}, {height})".format(width = newWidth, height = newHeight))
self.canvas.itemconfig(self._selfItemID, width = newWidth, height = newHeight)
return True
return False
def _updateScrollregion(self):
bbox = (0,0, self.winfo_reqwidth(), self.winfo_reqheight())
print("updateScrollregion%s" % (bbox,))
self.canvas.config( scrollregion = bbox )
# ==================== TEST ====================
if __name__ == '__main__':
labels = list()
def createLabel():
print("========= create label =========")
l = tk.Label(frame, text="test %s" % len(labels))
def removeLabel():
print("========= remove label =========")
del labels[-1]
root = tk.Tk()
tk.Button(root, text="+", command=createLabel).pack()
tk.Button(root, text="-", command=removeLabel).pack()
frame = ScrollableFrame(root, bg="white")
frame._parentFrame.pack(expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH)
frame.setSize(labels[0].winfo_width(), labels[0].winfo_height()*5.9)
#TODO: why is size saved in event object different from what I have specified here?
procedure to reproduce the infinite loop is unchanged:
click "+" until the vertical scrollbar appears, click "-" once so that vertical scrollbar disappears again, click "+" again. The window's size is rapidly increasing and decreasing. The occurence of this behaviour depends on the size of the window. The loop can be broken by resizing or closing the window.
to reproduce the jump in size:
click "+" until horizontal [!] scrollbar appears (the window height then increases by the size of the scrollbar, which is ok). Increase width of window until horizontal scrollbar disappears. The height [!] of the window increases with a jump.
to reproduce that the canvas is not filled:
comment out the line which calls frame.setSize. Click "+" until vertical scrollbar appears.
Between the scrollbar and the white background of the frame the red background of the canvas becomes visible. This red area looks around as wide as the scrollbar. When clicking "+" or "-" or resizing the window the red area disappears and does not seem to appear again.
Hey guys I'm working on a image reading GUI using Tkinter, trying to make a auto resize frame in canvas, and it's scrollbar should renew when new image add into frame.
I found a really helpful example on web and I modified it to a more general one:
import Tkinter
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
root = Tkinter.Tk()
root.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (1400,807,0,0))
scrollable = ScrollableFrame(root)
scrollable.pack( fill = Tkinter.BOTH)
image_container = []
for i in range (50):
# Here's the problem! Scrollbar works properly, but after scroll down to 50000
# units, is screen stop at 50000, and when scroll up back to lower than 50000,
# it works again !!!!
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage( Image.open("%s.jpg"%(i)) ) )
image_container.append( Tkinter.Label( scrollable.interior, image = img )
image_container[ len( image_container ) -1 ].image = img
class ScrollableFrame(Tkinter.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw):
self.set_parameter( kw )
Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw)
# create a canvas object and a vertical scrollbar for scrolling it
self.scrollbar = Tkinter.Scrollbar(self, orient= self.par["orient"])
self.scrollbar.pack(fill= self.par["scroll_fill"], side= self.par["scroll_side"], expand=Tkinter.FALSE)
self.canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(self, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = self.par["canvas_bg"] )
if self.par["orient"] in ("vertical",Tkinter.VERTICAL):
self.canvas.config(yscrollcommand = self.scrollbar.set )
self.canvas.config(xscrollcommand = self.scrollbar.set )
self.canvas.pack(side= self.par["canvas_side"], fill=Tkinter.BOTH, expand=Tkinter.TRUE)
# reset the view
# create a frame inside the canvas which will be scrolled with it
self.interior = interior = Tkinter.Frame(self.canvas, bg = self.par["canvas_bg"])
interior_id = self.canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=interior,
# track changes to the canvas and frame width and sync them,
# also updating the scrollbar
def _configure_interior(event):
# update the scrollbars to match the size of the inner frame
size = (interior.winfo_reqwidth(), interior.winfo_reqheight())
print size, "interior"
self.canvas.config(scrollregion="0 0 %s %s" % size)
if self.par["orient"] in ("vertical",Tkinter.VERTICAL):
if interior.winfo_reqwidth() != self.canvas.winfo_width():
# update the canvas's width to fit the inner frame
if interior.winfo_reqheight() != self.canvas.winfo_height():
# update the canvas's width to fit the inner frame
interior.bind('<Configure>', _configure_interior)
def _configure_canvas(event):
print "canvas"
if self.par["orient"] in ("vertical",Tkinter.VERTICAL):
if interior.winfo_reqwidth() != self.canvas.winfo_width():
# update the inner frame's width to fill the canvas
self.canvas.itemconfigure(interior_id, width=self.canvas.winfo_width())
if interior.winfo_reqheight() != self.canvas.winfo_height():
# update the inner frame's height to fill the canvas
self.canvas.itemconfigure(interior_id, height=self.canvas.winfo_height())
self.canvas.bind('<Configure>', _configure_canvas)
def set_parameter(self, options):
self.par = {"orient": "vertical",
if "orient" in options.keys():
self.par["orient"] = options["orient"]
if "canvas_bg" in options.keys():
self.par["canvas_bg"] = options["canvas_bg"]
if self.par["orient"] in ("vertical",Tkinter.VERTICAL):
self.par["scroll_fill"] = Tkinter.Y
self.par["scroll_side"] = Tkinter.RIGHT
self.par["canvas_side"] = Tkinter.LEFT
self.par["scroll_fill"] = Tkinter.X
self.par["scroll_side"] = Tkinter.BOTTOM
self.par["canvas_side"] = Tkinter.TOP
This work fine at first, but when I load about 40 images, the frame height goes over 50000( units) and the configure don't works! Just can't find out what's wrong here, is there a system limit height?