I’m working in python on a raspberry pi. I’m trying to send out a signal on a motor controller, and then receive a signal with a sensing hat after it pass through my plant (an RC filter in this case).
The important thing is I want to generate the output and read the input as close to simultaneously as possible. I was hoping to use multiprocessing to have a thread send the signal while the other read the incoming signal. But I keep getting confused on how threads work in python.
In short is it possible to do 2 different tasks with multiprocessing and then repeat those tasks (sending and reading a signal) until a condition is met. (like in a while loop)
(Edited with Code)
from __future__ import print_function
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
from adafruit_motorkit import MotorKit
import pyqtgraph as pg
import sys
from sys import stdout
import numpy as np
from daqhats import mcc118, OptionFlags, HatIDs, HatError
from daqhats_utils import select_hat_device, enum_mask_to_string, \
from decimal import *
import math
import time
getcontext().prec = 3
total_samples_read = 0
channelData = np.zeros(4, dtype=float)
CURSOR_BACK_2 = '\x1b[2D'
# for plotting data
scan_rate = 1000 # scan rate in hz
maxtime = 30 # second s to run for
Datatime = np.zeros(maxtime * scan_rate, dtype=float)#List of times when smaples are taken
Data1 = np.zeros(maxtime * scan_rate, dtype=float) #sampels taken
data_index = 0 # Maximum index of data points taken
dt = Decimal(1 / scan_rate) # difference in time between indexes of Datatime
display_index = 0 # maximum index of Data being displayed on plot
# variables for Data logger
is_scanning = False
channels = [0]
channel_mask = chan_list_to_mask(channels)
num_channels = len(channels)
samples_per_channel = 0
options = OptionFlags.CONTINUOUS
startedTime = 0 # time at program start
myTime = 0 # time since program started
address = select_hat_device(HatIDs.MCC_118)
hat = mcc118(address)
except (HatError, ValueError) as err:
print('\n', err)
class MainWindow(pg.GraphicsWindow):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(pg.GraphicsWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.delay = 30 #ms
self.quit = QAction("Quit", self)
self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
# plots data and runs calibrate between trials
def update_plot(self):
global display_index, Datatime, Data1
kit.motor1.throttle = .4 + .2 * math.cos((time.time()-startedTime)* 2 * np.pi* 1) # 1hz sinusiod out of motor
if data_index < len(Data1):
plot.setXRange(0, 20, padding=0)
plot.setXRange(0, 20, padding=0)
curve.setData(Datatime[:display_index], Data1[:display_index])
display_index += 1
def clean_close(self):
# starts data collection
def Collect_Data():
global is_scanning
This function is executed automatically when the module is run directly.
# Store the channels in a list and convert the list to a channel mask that
# can be passed as a parameter to the MCC 118 functions.
# Select an MCC 118 HAT device to use.
# actual_scan_rate = hat.a_in_scan_actual_rate(num_channels, scan_rate)
# Configure and start the scan.
# Since the continuous option is being used, the samples_per_channel
# parameter is ignored if the value is less than the default internal
# buffer size (10000 * num_channels in this case). If a larger internal
# buffer size is desired, set the value of this parameter accordingly.
if not is_scanning:
hat.a_in_scan_start(channel_mask, samples_per_channel, scan_rate,
is_scanning = True
read_and_display_data(hat, num_channels)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Clear the '^C' from the display.
except (HatError, ValueError) as err:
print('\n', err)
# reads Data off of Hat and adds to Data1
def read_and_display_data(hat, num_channels):
global channelData, data_index, Datatime, Data1
total_samples_read = 0
read_request_size = READ_ALL_AVAILABLE
# When doing a continuous scan, the timeout value will be ignored in the
# call to a_in_scan_read because we will be requesting that all available
# samples (up to the default buffer size) be returned.
timeout = 5.0
# Read all of the available samples (up to the size of the read_buffer which
# is specified by the user_buffer_size). Since the read_request_size is set
# to -1 (READ_ALL_AVAILABLE), this function returns immediately with
# whatever samples are available (up to user_buffer_size) and the timeout
# parameter is ignored.
trigger = True
while trigger == True:
read_result = hat.a_in_scan_read(read_request_size, timeout)
# Check for an overrun error
if read_result.hardware_overrun:
print('\n\nHardware overrun\n')
elif read_result.buffer_overrun:
print('\n\nBuffer overrun\n')
samples_read_per_channel = int(len(read_result.data) / num_channels)
total_samples_read += samples_read_per_channel
# adds all data in buffer to data to be plotted.
count = 0
if samples_read_per_channel > 0:
index = samples_read_per_channel * num_channels - num_channels
while count < samples_read_per_channel:
for i in range(num_channels):
channelData[i] = read_result.data[index + i]
if data_index < len(Data1):
Data1[data_index] = channelData[0]
Datatime[data_index] = float(dt * Decimal(data_index))
data_index += 1
count += 1
trigger = False
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
win = MainWindow() # display window
plot = win.addPlot(1, 0)
curve = plot.plot()
kit = MotorKit() # implements motor driver
kit.motor1.throttle = .4 # values 1 is 5v and 0 is 0 volts
startedTime = time.time()
# u = .2*math.cos(t * 2*np.pi*1)
I'm working on a simple project using pygame zero and so far I've been able to display a group of images to form a very simple animation. I rendered the video out into a .png sequence at 60 fps. It seems like pygame zero is rendering them out a bit faster than that and I was just wondering if there was a way to lock the FPS to 60 so everything would render as I'd expect it to. I have some sound files that I'd like to sync up with the image sequence, so having them render at a constant FPS would be very helpful.
I've also noticed that the sound keeps looping after it's played, so I tried to stop it after it's played, but the sound cuts off at the end because the animation seems to be finishing too early.
Here's the code I have so far:
import pgzrun
WIDTH = 480
HEIGHT = 360
# boot1 graphics
boot1 = Actor('boot1_1')
boot1.frame = 1
boot1.active = True
# boot2 graphics
boot2 = Actor('boot2_1')
boot2.frame = 1
boot2.active = False
# overlay
overlay = Actor("overlay_a")
def update_boot1():
if boot1.active:
boot1.x = WIDTH/2
boot1.image = "boot1_{}".format(boot1.frame)
boot1.frame += 1
boot1.x = 1000
if boot1.frame > 59:
#boot1.frame = 1
boot2.active = True
boot1.active = False
def update_boot2():
if boot2.active:
boot2.x = WIDTH/2
boot2.image = "boot2_{}".format(boot2.frame)
boot2.frame += 1
boot2.x = 1000
if boot2.frame > 233:
boot2.frame = 233
boot2.active = False
def draw():
screen.fill((0, 75, 0))
# running the animation
def update(dt):
I also haven't found a way to "unload" the image sequences, or make them not visible when I'm done with them, so I just throw them off to the side with ".x = 1000".
in your running loop, just use:
just use clock.tick(60)#or whatever fps you want
I coded an experiment in which participants are presented with a series of visual stimuli (stim duration: 100ms, trial duration: 500ms). Simultaneously with the onset of the visual stimuli, there is a sound playing for 100 ms.
Some of the visual stimuli are targets and participants should press spacebar when they detect the target.
I want to know participants' reaction times to the target. So I store, using event.getKey, the global time when the spacebar was pressed. I store a global time to compare the time of the onset of the trial with the time when spacebar was pressed. I do that because my inter-trial interval is short and it can happen that participants will respond to the target during the following trial.
The code seem to work when I comment out sd.play of the sound, but as soon as the sound is played, the reaction times seem off and it always stores it in the trial following the target trial (even though I know I pressed spacebar during target trial).
Did anyone encounter this problem before?
Below is the code for the procedure:
def response_check(key):
Checks if a key was pressed.
Keyword arguments:
key -- containing either a keypress and a time or nothing (list)
time -- nan if not pressed or time of press if pressed
if len(key) == 0:
pressed = 0
elif 'space' in key[0]:
pressed = 1
if pressed == 1:
time = key[0][1]
elif pressed == 0:
time = 'nan'
return str(time), pressed
for t in range(n_trials): # n_trials is the total amount of trials
show_target_crosses(pauses, t, trial_paradigm[t], hi_targets, low_targets) # show target
l_trial_start = globalClock.getTime()
check4esc() # check for esc
#set stimuli according to condition
standing = visual.Rect(win=win, name='up_cross_hor', width=(dimentions[1]),
height=(dimentions[0]), ori=0, pos=(0, 0), lineWidth=1,
lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColor=colors[all_crosses[trial_paradigm[t]][t]],
fillColorSpace='rgb', opacity=1, depth=0.0, interpolate=True)
laying = visual.Rect(win=win, name='up_cross_hor', width=(dimentions[0]),
height=(dimentions[1]), ori=0, pos=(0, position[all_crosses[trial_paradigm[t]][t]]), lineWidth=1,
lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColor=colors[all_crosses[trial_paradigm[t]][t]],
fillColorSpace='rgb', opacity=1, depth=0.0, interpolate=True)
sd.play(all_sounds[all_paradigms[trial_paradigm[t]][t]], fs) # Play sound
if first_seven[t] == 0:
if all_responses[trial_paradigm[t]][t] == 0:
trigger(trig_list[trial_paradigm[t]][all_paradigms[trial_paradigm[t]][t]],0.01) # send sound trigger
elif all_responses[trial_paradigm[t]][t] == 1:
core.wait(0.06) # adjust diode to sound delay
standing.draw() # vertical bar
laying.draw() # horizontal bar
whiteOn.draw() # square
win.flip() # show cross and white square for fotodiode
core.wait(0.1) # show cross 100 ms
win.flip() # turn visual stuff off
core.wait(0.032) # adjust ITI
l_fp = int(ok_data[0])
l_block_nr = blocks[t]+1
l_trial_nr = (range(367)*n_blocks)[t]+1
l_condition = trial_paradigm[t]
l_sound = all_sounds_names[all_paradigms[trial_paradigm[t]][t]]
if first_seven[t] == 0:
if all_responses[trial_paradigm[t]][t] == 0:
l_trigger = trig_list[trial_paradigm[t]][all_paradigms[trial_paradigm[t]][t]] # send sound trigger
elif all_responses[trial_paradigm[t]][t] == 1:
l_trigger = trig_list_targets[trial_paradigm[t]][all_paradigms[trial_paradigm[t]][t]]
elif first_seven[t] == 1:
l_trigger = 999
l_target = all_responses[trial_paradigm[t]][t]
l_cross_condition = all_crosses[trial_paradigm[t]][t]
key = event.getKeys(keyList = ['space'], timeStamped = globalClock)
l_response_time = response_check(key)[0]
# Save data to file
dataFile.write('%i\t%i\t%i\t%i\t%s\t%i\t%i\t%i\t%f\t%s\n' %(
l_fp, l_block_nr, l_trial_nr, l_condition, l_sound, l_trigger,
l_target, l_cross_condition, l_trial_start, l_response_time))
paus(t, pauses, blocks, trig = 192) # check for pauses
=========== EDIT ============
Below I paste the MCVE version of the whole experiment:
from psychopy import visual
from psychopy import core, gui, data, event, parallel
import sounddevice as sd
import time, random, math, sys
import numpy as np
# Functions --------------------------------------------------------------------
def response_check(key):
Checks if a key was pressed.
Keyword arguments:
key -- containing either a keypress and a time or nothing (list)
time -- nan if not pressed or time of press if pressed
if len(key) == 0:
pressed = 0
elif 'space' in key[0]:
pressed = 1
if pressed == 1:
time = key[0][1]
elif pressed == 0:
time = 'nan'
return str(time), pressed
def create_sinusoid (freq = 1000, phase = 0, fs = 48000, dur = 1):
'''Create a sinusoid of specified length with amplitude -1 to 1. Use
set_gain() and fade() to set amplitude and fade-in-out.
Keyword arguments:
frequency -- frequency in Hz (float)
phase -- phase in radians (float)
fs -- sampling frequency (int)
duration -- duration of signal in seconds (float).
sinusoid -- monosignal of sinusoid (1xn numpy array)
t = np.arange(0, dur, 1.0/fs) # Time vector
sinusoid = np.sin(phase + 2*np.pi* freq * t) # Sinusoid (mono signal)
return sinusoid
def fade(monosignal,samples):
'''Apply a raised cosine to the start and end of a mono signal.
Keyword arguments:
monosignal -- vector (1xn numpy array).
samples -- number of samples of the fade (integer). Make sure that:
2*samples < len(monosignal)
out -- faded monosignal (1xn numpy array)
ramps = 0.5*(1-np.cos(2*np.pi*(np.arange(2*samples))/(2*samples-1)))
fadein = ramps[0:samples]
fadeout = ramps[samples:len(ramps)+1]
plateu = np.ones(len(monosignal)-2*samples)
weight = np.concatenate((fadein,plateu,fadeout))
out = weight*monosignal
return out
def set_gain(mono, gaindb):
''' Set gain of mono signal, to get dB(rms) to specified gaindb
Keyword arguments:
mono -- vector (numpy array).
gaindb -- gain of mono in dB re max = 0 dB (float).
gained -- monosignal (numpy array)
rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(mono**2))
adjust = gaindb - 20 * np.log10(rms)
gained = 10**(adjust/20.0) * mono # don't forget to make 20 a float (20.0)
# Print warning if overload, that is, if any abs(sample-value) > 1
if (np.max(np.abs(gained)) > 1):
message1 = "WARNING: set_gain() generated overloaded signal!"
message2 = "max(abs(signal)) = " + str(np.max(np.abs(gained)))
message3 = ("number of samples >1 = " +
str(np.sum(1 * (np.abs(gained) > 1))))
print message1
print message2
print message3
return gained
# Screen
win = visual.Window([800, 600], allowGUI = False, # [1920, 1080]
monitor = 'testMonitor', units = 'height', color = 'gray')
# ==============================================================================
# TONE ORDER AND RESPONSES ----------------------------------------------------
# 1 - 500 Hz
# 0 - 550 Hz
# 2 - 605 Hz
# 3 - 666 Hz
# 4 - 732 Hz
# 5 - 805 Hz
# 6 - 886 Hz
# 7 - 974 Hz
tone_order = np.random.choice([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], 20, replace = True)
targets = np.random.choice([1,0,0,0,0]*4, 20, replace = False)
# ==============================================================================
# CREATE SOUNDS ----------------------------------------------------------------
#sd.default.device = "ASIO Fireface USB"
print 'Sound device ------------------------------------------------------------'
print sd.query_devices()#device = "ASIO Fireface USB")
print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
# Set the gain and sampling frequency (fs)
gain = -30
fs = 44100
frequencies = [500, 550, 605, 666, 732, 805, 886, 974]
tones = [0]*8
for t in range(len(frequencies)):
tones[t] = set_gain(fade(create_sinusoid(
freq = frequencies[t], phase = 0, fs = fs, dur = 0.1),441),gain) # 100 ms, 10 ms fade in/out
f_500 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[0],tones[0]])) # deviant, control
f_550 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[1],tones[1]])) # standard
f_605 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[2],tones[2]]))
f_666 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[3],tones[3]]))
f_732 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[4],tones[4]]))
f_805 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[5],tones[5]]))
f_886 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[6],tones[6]]))
f_974 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[7],tones[7]]))
all_tones = [f_500, f_550, f_605, f_666, f_732, f_805, f_886, f_974]
# ==============================================================================
# CREATE VISUALS ---------------------------------------------------------------
stimulus = visual.TextStim(
win, color = 'white', height = 0.03, pos = (0, 0), text = '')
# ==============================================================================
# Make a text file to save data ------------------------------------------------
fileName = 'test'
dataFile = open(fileName+'.txt', 'w')
# ==============================================================================
# Keep track of time -----------------------------------------------------------
globalClock = core.Clock()
respClock = core.Clock()
# ==============================================================================
# Experimental procedure -------------------------------------------------------
# Trial loop
for t in range(len(tone_order)):
l_trial_start = globalClock.getTime()
#set stimuli according to condition
if targets[t] == 0:
stimulus.text = '+'
stimulus.text = 'o'
sd.play(all_tones[tone_order[t]], fs) # Play sound for current trial
core.wait(0.08) # adjust visual to sound delay
stimulus.draw() # vertical bar
win.flip() # show cross and white
core.wait(0.1) # show cross 100 ms
win.flip() # turn visual stuff off
core.wait(0.26) # adjust ITI
l_sound = tone_order[t]
l_target = targets[t]
key = event.getKeys(keyList = ['space'], timeStamped = globalClock)
l_response_time = response_check(key)[0]
# Save data to file
dataFile.write('%i\t%i\t%f\t%s\n' %(
l_sound, l_target, l_trial_start, l_response_time))
Your second code example shows that you are using PsychoPy.
Why are you not using its audio capabilities?
Incidentally, the sounddevice module can be used as audio backend in PsychoPy and they are using an sd.OutputStream and a callback function internally, just as I suggested.
But if you use PsychoPy's audio functions, you don't really have to worry about that.
BTW, the PsychoPy community is really helpful, check out their forum: https://discourse.psychopy.org/.
Regarding this comment:
Our program is extremely simple
Playing audio with exact timing is never simple.
There are big platform-dependent differences and you should always measure if you want to make sure the timing is right.
I am trying to use aubio and python for a school project, here's the goal : detect when someone emit two sounds, each with a length of 2s, and with an interval between them of max 3s. The second one need to be higher than the first one. When these conditions are met, the program send a Wake-On-Lan package (not implemented in current code).
import alsaaudio
import numpy as np
import aubio
import time
import threading
class Audio_watcher:
# constants
samplerate = 44100
win_s = 2048
hop_s = win_s // 2
framesize = hop_s
nb_samples = 20
tone_duration = 2.0
per_sampling = tone_duration / nb_samples
tone_max_interval = 3.0
tone_diff_ratio = 2
def __init__(self):
self.last_frequencies = np.zeros(Audio_watcher.nb_samples)
self.last_energies = np.zeros(Audio_watcher.nb_samples)
self.detected_tone = 0
# set up audio input
recorder = alsaaudio.PCM(type=alsaaudio.PCM_CAPTURE)
self.recorder = recorder
pitcher = aubio.pitch("default", Audio_watcher.win_s, Audio_watcher.hop_s, Audio_watcher.samplerate)
self.pitcher = pitcher
# A filter
f = aubio.digital_filter(7)
self.f = f
def get_audio(self):
# read and convert data from audio input
_, data = self.recorder.read()
samples = np.fromstring(data, dtype=aubio.float_type)
filtered_samples = self.f(samples)
# pitch and energy of current frame
freq = self.pitcher(filtered_samples)[0]
self.last_frequencies = np.roll(self.last_frequencies, 1)
self.last_frequencies[0] = freq
self.last_energies = np.roll(self.last_energies, 1)
self.last_energies[0] = np.sum(filtered_samples**2)/len(filtered_samples)
threading.Timer(Audio_watcher.per_sampling, self.get_audio).start()
def reset_detected_tone():
self.detected_tone = 0
def detect_tone(self):
std_last = np.std(self.last_frequencies)
if std_last <= 200 and std_last > 0:
mean_freq = np.mean(self.last_frequencies)
if self.detected_tone == 0:
self.detected_tone = mean_freq
threading.Timer(Audio_watcher.tone_max_interval, self.reset_detected_tone).start()
elif mean_freq > Audio_watcher.tone_diff_ratio * self.detected_tone:
threading.Timer(Audio_watcher.tone_duration, self.detect_tone).start()
aw = Audio_watcher()
However with this code I get a great delay between the sounds and their detection, I think it has to do with the recorder being called only one time every 0.1s, but I can't find how to give correct parameters to aubio.
Does anyone knows how to configure the constants so it works ?
Thanks a lot !
Found out what was causing this error, I needed to put the code that sets up the audio input in the get_audio function so it renewed everytime
I'm trying to convert MIDI ticks/delta time to milliseconds and have found a few helpful resources already:
MIDI Delta Time Ticks to Seconds
How to convert midi timeline into the actual timeline that should be played
MIDI Time Code spec
The problem is I don't think I'm using this information correctly.
I've tried applying the formula Nik expanded:
[ 1 min 60 sec 1 beat Z clocks ]
| ------- * ------ * -------- * -------- | = seconds
[ X beats 1 min Y clocks 1 ]
using the metadata from this test MIDI file:
<meta message set_tempo tempo=576923 time=0>
<meta message key_signature key='Ab' time=0>
<meta message time_signature numerator=4 denominator=4 clocks_per_click=24 notated_32nd_notes_per_beat=8 time=0>
Like so:
self.toSeconds = 60.0 * self.t[0][2].clocks_per_click / (self.t[0][0].tempo * self.t[0][2].denominator) * 10
This initially looks ok, but then it seems to drift.
Here is a basic runnable example using Mido and pygame (assuming pygame plays back correctly):
import threading
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from mido import MidiFile,MetaMessage
music_file = "Bee_Gees_-_Stayin_Alive-Voice.mid"
#audio setup
freq = 44100 # audio CD quality
bitsize = -16 # unsigned 16 bit
channels = 2 # 1 is mono, 2 is stereo
buffer = 1024 # number of samples
pygame.mixer.init(freq, bitsize, channels, buffer)
class MIDIPlayer(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self,music_file):
#MIDI parsing
self.mid = MidiFile(music_file)
self.t = self.mid.tracks
for i, track in enumerate(self.mid.tracks):
print('Track {}: {}'.format(i, track.name))
for message in track:
if isinstance(message, MetaMessage):
if message.type == 'time_signature' or message.type == 'set_tempo' or message.type == 'key_signature':
print message
self.t0 = self.t[0][3:len(self.t[0])-1]
self.t0l = len(self.t0)
self.toSeconds = 60.0 * self.t[0][2].clocks_per_click / (self.t[0][0].tempo * self.t[0][2].denominator) * 10
print "self.toSeconds",self.toSeconds
#timing setup
self.event_id = 0
self.now = pygame.time.get_ticks()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise SystemExit
def play_music(self,music_file):
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
print "Music file %s loaded!" % music_file
except pygame.error:
print "File %s not found! (%s)" % (music_file, pygame.get_error())
while pygame.mixer.music.get_busy():
# check if playback has finished
millis = pygame.time.get_ticks()
deltaMillis = self.t0[self.event_id].time * self.toSeconds * 1000
# print millis,deltaMillis
if millis - self.now >= deltaMillis:
print self.t0[self.event_id].text
self.event_id = (self.event_id + 1) % self.t0l
self.now = millis
What the above code should do is print the correct lyric at the correct time based on the midi file, yet it drifts over time.
What's the correct way of converting MIDI delta time to seconds/milliseconds ?
Based on CL's helpful answer I've updated the code to use ticks_per_beat from the header. Since there is a single set_tempo meta message, I am using this value throughout:
import threading
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from mido import MidiFile,MetaMessage
music_file = "Bee_Gees_-_Stayin_Alive-Voice.mid"
#audio setup
freq = 44100 # audio CD quality
bitsize = -16 # unsigned 16 bit
channels = 2 # 1 is mono, 2 is stereo
buffer = 1024 # number of samples
pygame.mixer.init(freq, bitsize, channels, buffer)
class MIDIPlayer(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self,music_file):
#MIDI parsing
self.mid = MidiFile(music_file)
self.t = self.mid.tracks
for i, track in enumerate(self.mid.tracks):
print('Track {}: {}'.format(i, track.name))
for message in track:
# print message
if isinstance(message, MetaMessage):
if message.type == 'time_signature' or message.type == 'set_tempo' or message.type == 'key_signature' or message.type == 'ticks_per_beat':
print message
self.t0 = self.t[0][3:len(self.t[0])-1]
self.t0l = len(self.t0)
self.toSeconds = 60.0 * self.t[0][2].clocks_per_click / (self.t[0][0].tempo * self.t[0][2].denominator) * 10
print "self.toSeconds",self.toSeconds
# append delta delays in milliseconds
self.delays = []
tempo = self.t[0][0].tempo
ticks_per_beat = self.mid.ticks_per_beat
last_event_ticks = 0
microseconds = 0
for event in self.t0:
delta_ticks = event.time - last_event_ticks
last_event_ticks = event.time
delta_microseconds = tempo * delta_ticks / ticks_per_beat
microseconds += delta_microseconds
print event.text,microseconds/1000000.0
#timing setup
self.event_id = 0
self.now = pygame.time.get_ticks()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise SystemExit
def play_music(self,music_file):
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
print "Music file %s loaded!" % music_file
except pygame.error:
print "File %s not found! (%s)" % (music_file, pygame.get_error())
while pygame.mixer.music.get_busy():
# check if playback has finished
millis = pygame.time.get_ticks()
# deltaMillis = self.t0[self.event_id].time * self.toSeconds * 1000
deltaMillis = self.delays[self.event_id]
# print millis,deltaMillis
if millis - self.now >= deltaMillis:
print self.t0[self.event_id].text
self.event_id = (self.event_id + 1) % self.t0l
self.now = millis
The timing of the messages I print based on the time converted to milliseconds looks much better. However, after a few seconds it still drifts.
Am I correctly converting MIDI ticks to milliseconds and keep track of passed milliseconds in the update while loop ?
This how the conversion is made:
self.delays = []
tempo = self.t[0][0].tempo
ticks_per_beat = self.mid.ticks_per_beat
last_event_ticks = 0
microseconds = 0
for event in self.t0:
delta_ticks = event.time - last_event_ticks
last_event_ticks = event.time
delta_microseconds = tempo * delta_ticks / ticks_per_beat
microseconds += delta_microseconds
print event.text,microseconds/1000000.0
and this is how the check if a 'cue' was encountered as time passes:
millis = pygame.time.get_ticks()
deltaMillis = self.delays[self.event_id]
if millis - self.now >= deltaMillis:
print self.t0[self.event_id].text
self.event_id = (self.event_id + 1) % self.t0l
self.now = millis
I'm not sure if this implementation converts MIDI delta ticks to milliseconds incorrectly, incorrectly check if millisecond based delays pass or both.
First, you have to merge all tracks, to ensure that the tempo change events are processed properly. (This is probably easier if you convert delta times to absolute tick values first; otherwise, you'd have to recompute the delta times whenever an event is inserted between events of another track.)
Then you have to compute, for each event, the relative time to the last event, like in the following pseudocode. It is important that the computation must use relative times because the tempo could have changed at any time:
tempo = 500000 # default: 120 BPM
ticks_per_beat = ... # from the file header
last_event_ticks = 0
microseconds = 0
for each event:
delta_ticks = event.ticks - last_event_ticks
last_event_ticks = event.ticks
delta_microseconds = tempo * delta_ticks / ticks_per_beat
microseconds += delta_microseconds
if event is a tempo event:
tempo = event.new_tempo
# ... handle event ...
You might want to increase the frame rate. On my system, increasing clock.tick(30) to clock.tick(300) gives good results. You can measure this by printing how much your timing is off:
print self.t0[self.event_id].text, millis - self.now - deltaMillis
With 30 ticks the cues are lagging 20 to 30 millisecond behind. With 300 ticks they are at most 2 milliseconds behind. You might want to increase this even further.
Just to be safe you should run python with the -u switch to prevent stdout from buffering (this might be unnecessary, since lines end with newline).
I have a hard time determining the timing, but judging from the "Ah ha ha ha"'s it seems to be correct with these changes.