I cant blit images in normal speed if the images in array.
#brife review
In my code i defined 10 images as a variable(x1-x10)
those 100 images relevant for specific class (object.draw_function()), and will be bliting in main loop according specific condtions.
in the object.draw_function() all the images are saved in lst "images_lst" = [img1,img2,img3,,,,img10]
and bliting from that array according rulles.
i noticed that if the len of the array is higher then 4,5 , the loop FPS is slower. and i dont understand why ? the loading images is outside the loop.
Code example:
#loading images
img1 = pygame.image.load(r'images\game_background1\img1.jpg')
img2 = pygame.image.load(r'images\game_background1\img2.jpg')
img3 = pygame.image.load(r'images\game_background1\img3.jpg')
img10= pygame.image.load(r'images\game_background1\img10.png')
#define font and space size
space_width,space_height = pysical_tm_img.get_width(),pysical_tm_img.get_height()
font0_0 = pygame.font.SysFont(pygame.font.get_fonts()[0],12)
font0_02 = pygame.font.SysFont(pygame.font.get_fonts()[0],17)
# define class
class EXAMPLE():
def __init__(self,x,y,text,power,energy,range):
self.rect = pygame.Rect(x,y,100,10)
self.text = text
self.power = power = energy
self.range = range
def draw_func(self,surface):
img_lst = [img1,text1,img2,text2,img3,text3......img10,text10]
for i,img in enumerate(img_lst):
if i % 2 == 0 :
img_rect = img.get_rect(center=(self.rect.x +20 + (i *space_width*2), + space_height))
img_rect = img.get_rect(center=(self.rect.x +20 + space_width + ((i-1) *space_width*2), + space_height))
#main loop
while True:
if somthing:
object1 = EXAMPLE(10,10,"abc",100,50,10)
elif somthing else:
object3 = EXAMPLE(10,10,"abc",100,50,10)
I dont understand whats wrong and why i cant append more images to my images list without reducing runtime.
Another question that not much relevant to this code but rellevant to runtime. if this code without the main loop is in file number 1 and in this file i import pygame and init the font only.
and in file num 2 where the main loop is running i import pygame and init pygame
is it reduce my proggram runtime?
Ensure that the image Surface has the same format as the display Surface. Use convert() (or convert_alpha()) to create a Surface that has the same pixel format. This improves performance when the image is blit on the display, because the formats are compatible and blit does not need to perform an implicit transformation.
img1 = pygame.image.load(r'images\game_background1\img1.jpg').convert()
I am trying to solve Cartpole problem using screen pixels of the Gym environment. for having the screen pixels I use
img = env.render(mode="rgb_array")
but the problem is that during learning it's score can raise up to more than 1000. But cartpole game should end after gaining 500 scores. why this does not happen?
Another problem is that by using the above line of code for acquiring the screen pixels the evironment simulation is rendered and it slows down the training. How can I prevent the rendering to speed up the training process?
Also I use the following function to crop the received image around the cartpole location and during the training I use two images and substract them as state. Is it the right way to do it?
resize = T.Compose([T.ToPILImage(),T.Resize((40,40)),T.ToTensor()])
def get_center(imgnp):
temp = 0
screen_cropped = imgnp[168:301,:,:]
for i in screen_cropped[131,:,1]:
if i!= 0:
temp = temp +1
return temp+25#((temp+30)/600)*4.8*2 - 4.8
return temp
def CroppImage(sc):
width = 30
center = get_center(sc)
if center >= 570 and center < 600:
width = 600 - center
elif center <= 30:
width = center
left = center-width
right = left + 2*width
if center>= 600:
width = 70
right = 600
sc_crop = sc[171:290,left :right,:]#left :right
print("---------- here is the problem -------------")
sc_crop = sc_crop.transpose((2, 0, 1))
sc_crop = torch.from_numpy(sc_crop.copy())
sc_crop = resize(sc_crop)
print("some problem has been occured")
return sc_crop.unsqueeze(0)
here you can see the output of the crop function
output of crop funtion
I coded an experiment in which participants are presented with a series of visual stimuli (stim duration: 100ms, trial duration: 500ms). Simultaneously with the onset of the visual stimuli, there is a sound playing for 100 ms.
Some of the visual stimuli are targets and participants should press spacebar when they detect the target.
I want to know participants' reaction times to the target. So I store, using event.getKey, the global time when the spacebar was pressed. I store a global time to compare the time of the onset of the trial with the time when spacebar was pressed. I do that because my inter-trial interval is short and it can happen that participants will respond to the target during the following trial.
The code seem to work when I comment out of the sound, but as soon as the sound is played, the reaction times seem off and it always stores it in the trial following the target trial (even though I know I pressed spacebar during target trial).
Did anyone encounter this problem before?
Below is the code for the procedure:
def response_check(key):
Checks if a key was pressed.
Keyword arguments:
key -- containing either a keypress and a time or nothing (list)
time -- nan if not pressed or time of press if pressed
if len(key) == 0:
pressed = 0
elif 'space' in key[0]:
pressed = 1
if pressed == 1:
time = key[0][1]
elif pressed == 0:
time = 'nan'
return str(time), pressed
for t in range(n_trials): # n_trials is the total amount of trials
show_target_crosses(pauses, t, trial_paradigm[t], hi_targets, low_targets) # show target
l_trial_start = globalClock.getTime()
check4esc() # check for esc
#set stimuli according to condition
standing = visual.Rect(win=win, name='up_cross_hor', width=(dimentions[1]),
height=(dimentions[0]), ori=0, pos=(0, 0), lineWidth=1,
lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColor=colors[all_crosses[trial_paradigm[t]][t]],
fillColorSpace='rgb', opacity=1, depth=0.0, interpolate=True)
laying = visual.Rect(win=win, name='up_cross_hor', width=(dimentions[0]),
height=(dimentions[1]), ori=0, pos=(0, position[all_crosses[trial_paradigm[t]][t]]), lineWidth=1,
lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColor=colors[all_crosses[trial_paradigm[t]][t]],
fillColorSpace='rgb', opacity=1, depth=0.0, interpolate=True)[all_paradigms[trial_paradigm[t]][t]], fs) # Play sound
if first_seven[t] == 0:
if all_responses[trial_paradigm[t]][t] == 0:
trigger(trig_list[trial_paradigm[t]][all_paradigms[trial_paradigm[t]][t]],0.01) # send sound trigger
elif all_responses[trial_paradigm[t]][t] == 1:
core.wait(0.06) # adjust diode to sound delay
standing.draw() # vertical bar
laying.draw() # horizontal bar
whiteOn.draw() # square
win.flip() # show cross and white square for fotodiode
core.wait(0.1) # show cross 100 ms
win.flip() # turn visual stuff off
core.wait(0.032) # adjust ITI
l_fp = int(ok_data[0])
l_block_nr = blocks[t]+1
l_trial_nr = (range(367)*n_blocks)[t]+1
l_condition = trial_paradigm[t]
l_sound = all_sounds_names[all_paradigms[trial_paradigm[t]][t]]
if first_seven[t] == 0:
if all_responses[trial_paradigm[t]][t] == 0:
l_trigger = trig_list[trial_paradigm[t]][all_paradigms[trial_paradigm[t]][t]] # send sound trigger
elif all_responses[trial_paradigm[t]][t] == 1:
l_trigger = trig_list_targets[trial_paradigm[t]][all_paradigms[trial_paradigm[t]][t]]
elif first_seven[t] == 1:
l_trigger = 999
l_target = all_responses[trial_paradigm[t]][t]
l_cross_condition = all_crosses[trial_paradigm[t]][t]
key = event.getKeys(keyList = ['space'], timeStamped = globalClock)
l_response_time = response_check(key)[0]
# Save data to file
dataFile.write('%i\t%i\t%i\t%i\t%s\t%i\t%i\t%i\t%f\t%s\n' %(
l_fp, l_block_nr, l_trial_nr, l_condition, l_sound, l_trigger,
l_target, l_cross_condition, l_trial_start, l_response_time))
paus(t, pauses, blocks, trig = 192) # check for pauses
=========== EDIT ============
Below I paste the MCVE version of the whole experiment:
from psychopy import visual
from psychopy import core, gui, data, event, parallel
import sounddevice as sd
import time, random, math, sys
import numpy as np
# Functions --------------------------------------------------------------------
def response_check(key):
Checks if a key was pressed.
Keyword arguments:
key -- containing either a keypress and a time or nothing (list)
time -- nan if not pressed or time of press if pressed
if len(key) == 0:
pressed = 0
elif 'space' in key[0]:
pressed = 1
if pressed == 1:
time = key[0][1]
elif pressed == 0:
time = 'nan'
return str(time), pressed
def create_sinusoid (freq = 1000, phase = 0, fs = 48000, dur = 1):
'''Create a sinusoid of specified length with amplitude -1 to 1. Use
set_gain() and fade() to set amplitude and fade-in-out.
Keyword arguments:
frequency -- frequency in Hz (float)
phase -- phase in radians (float)
fs -- sampling frequency (int)
duration -- duration of signal in seconds (float).
sinusoid -- monosignal of sinusoid (1xn numpy array)
t = np.arange(0, dur, 1.0/fs) # Time vector
sinusoid = np.sin(phase + 2*np.pi* freq * t) # Sinusoid (mono signal)
return sinusoid
def fade(monosignal,samples):
'''Apply a raised cosine to the start and end of a mono signal.
Keyword arguments:
monosignal -- vector (1xn numpy array).
samples -- number of samples of the fade (integer). Make sure that:
2*samples < len(monosignal)
out -- faded monosignal (1xn numpy array)
ramps = 0.5*(1-np.cos(2*np.pi*(np.arange(2*samples))/(2*samples-1)))
fadein = ramps[0:samples]
fadeout = ramps[samples:len(ramps)+1]
plateu = np.ones(len(monosignal)-2*samples)
weight = np.concatenate((fadein,plateu,fadeout))
out = weight*monosignal
return out
def set_gain(mono, gaindb):
''' Set gain of mono signal, to get dB(rms) to specified gaindb
Keyword arguments:
mono -- vector (numpy array).
gaindb -- gain of mono in dB re max = 0 dB (float).
gained -- monosignal (numpy array)
rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(mono**2))
adjust = gaindb - 20 * np.log10(rms)
gained = 10**(adjust/20.0) * mono # don't forget to make 20 a float (20.0)
# Print warning if overload, that is, if any abs(sample-value) > 1
if (np.max(np.abs(gained)) > 1):
message1 = "WARNING: set_gain() generated overloaded signal!"
message2 = "max(abs(signal)) = " + str(np.max(np.abs(gained)))
message3 = ("number of samples >1 = " +
str(np.sum(1 * (np.abs(gained) > 1))))
print message1
print message2
print message3
return gained
# Screen
win = visual.Window([800, 600], allowGUI = False, # [1920, 1080]
monitor = 'testMonitor', units = 'height', color = 'gray')
# ==============================================================================
# TONE ORDER AND RESPONSES ----------------------------------------------------
# 1 - 500 Hz
# 0 - 550 Hz
# 2 - 605 Hz
# 3 - 666 Hz
# 4 - 732 Hz
# 5 - 805 Hz
# 6 - 886 Hz
# 7 - 974 Hz
tone_order = np.random.choice([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], 20, replace = True)
targets = np.random.choice([1,0,0,0,0]*4, 20, replace = False)
# ==============================================================================
# CREATE SOUNDS ----------------------------------------------------------------
#sd.default.device = "ASIO Fireface USB"
print 'Sound device ------------------------------------------------------------'
print sd.query_devices()#device = "ASIO Fireface USB")
print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
# Set the gain and sampling frequency (fs)
gain = -30
fs = 44100
frequencies = [500, 550, 605, 666, 732, 805, 886, 974]
tones = [0]*8
for t in range(len(frequencies)):
tones[t] = set_gain(fade(create_sinusoid(
freq = frequencies[t], phase = 0, fs = fs, dur = 0.1),441),gain) # 100 ms, 10 ms fade in/out
f_500 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[0],tones[0]])) # deviant, control
f_550 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[1],tones[1]])) # standard
f_605 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[2],tones[2]]))
f_666 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[3],tones[3]]))
f_732 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[4],tones[4]]))
f_805 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[5],tones[5]]))
f_886 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[6],tones[6]]))
f_974 = np.transpose(np.array([tones[7],tones[7]]))
all_tones = [f_500, f_550, f_605, f_666, f_732, f_805, f_886, f_974]
# ==============================================================================
# CREATE VISUALS ---------------------------------------------------------------
stimulus = visual.TextStim(
win, color = 'white', height = 0.03, pos = (0, 0), text = '')
# ==============================================================================
# Make a text file to save data ------------------------------------------------
fileName = 'test'
dataFile = open(fileName+'.txt', 'w')
# ==============================================================================
# Keep track of time -----------------------------------------------------------
globalClock = core.Clock()
respClock = core.Clock()
# ==============================================================================
# Experimental procedure -------------------------------------------------------
# Trial loop
for t in range(len(tone_order)):
l_trial_start = globalClock.getTime()
#set stimuli according to condition
if targets[t] == 0:
stimulus.text = '+'
stimulus.text = 'o'[tone_order[t]], fs) # Play sound for current trial
core.wait(0.08) # adjust visual to sound delay
stimulus.draw() # vertical bar
win.flip() # show cross and white
core.wait(0.1) # show cross 100 ms
win.flip() # turn visual stuff off
core.wait(0.26) # adjust ITI
l_sound = tone_order[t]
l_target = targets[t]
key = event.getKeys(keyList = ['space'], timeStamped = globalClock)
l_response_time = response_check(key)[0]
# Save data to file
dataFile.write('%i\t%i\t%f\t%s\n' %(
l_sound, l_target, l_trial_start, l_response_time))
Your second code example shows that you are using PsychoPy.
Why are you not using its audio capabilities?
Incidentally, the sounddevice module can be used as audio backend in PsychoPy and they are using an sd.OutputStream and a callback function internally, just as I suggested.
But if you use PsychoPy's audio functions, you don't really have to worry about that.
BTW, the PsychoPy community is really helpful, check out their forum:
Regarding this comment:
Our program is extremely simple
Playing audio with exact timing is never simple.
There are big platform-dependent differences and you should always measure if you want to make sure the timing is right.
This is my first question on StackOverflow, so here goes:
Edit: I have edited this a few times, just fixing typing mistakes and updating the code. Even after adding various changes to the code, the issue still remains the exact same.
Also, is not what I'm looking for. This code will also be for when I want to lower music volume to perhaps 50% on, say, pausing the game or entering a talk scene.
With Pygame, I am trying to perform music volume manipulation based on how much time has passed. I already have some decent code created, but it's not performing how I thought it intuitively should. Also, I should note that I am using the component-based EBS system I ripped from PySDL2. Here is the link to the EBS module:
This is my initial block of code:
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
# Setup import paths for module.
pkg_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
parent_dir, pkg_name = os.path.split(pkg_dir)
sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir)
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(parent_dir, "Game"))
import Game
from Porting.sdl2.ext import ebs
print("Counting down...")
for n in range(5):
print(str(n + 1))
appworld = ebs.World()
audio_system =, -16, 2, 4096)
test1 = Game.sprites.AudioSprite(appworld)
test2 = Game.sprites.AudioSprite(appworld) =["BGMusic0"], True) =["BGMusic1"], True)
game_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
volume_change_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
loop = True
time_passed = 0
while loop:
time_passed += volume_change_clock.tick(60)
if time_passed > (10 * 1000):
if not audio_system.music_volume_changed:
audio_system.set_music_volume(0, True)
My next block of code:
import pygame
from Porting.sdl2.ext import ebs
class AudioSystem(ebs.System):
def __init__(self, frequency, bit_size, channels, buffer):
super(AudioSystem, self).__init__()
self.componenttypes = Audio,
pygame.mixer.init(frequency, bit_size, channels, buffer)
self.frequency = frequency
self.bit_size = bit_size
self.channels = channels
self.buffer = buffer
self.music_volume_change_clock = None
self.music_volume_changed = False
self.music_volume_current = 0
self.music_volume_new = 0
self.music_fade = False
self.music_change_speed = 0
self.time_passed_total = 0
self.time_passed_remainder = 0
def process(self, world, componentsets):
for audio in componentsets:
if audio.is_music:
music =
if not
if self.music_volume_changed:
self.music_volume_current = music.get_volume() * 100
if self.music_volume_current != self.music_volume_new and self.music_fade:
time_passed = self.music_volume_change_clock.tick(60)
self.time_passed_total += time_passed
self.time_passed_total += self.time_passed_remainder
self.time_passed_remainder = 0
if self.time_passed_total > self.music_change_speed:
self.time_passed_remainder = self.time_passed_total % self.music_change_speed
volume_change_amount = int(self.time_passed_total / self.music_change_speed)
self.time_passed_total = 0
if self.music_volume_current > self.music_volume_new:
self.music_volume_current -= volume_change_amount
music.set_volume(self.music_volume_current / 100)
elif self.music_current_volume < self.music_volume_new:
self.music_volume_current += volume_change_amount
music.set_volume(self.music_volume_current / 100)
elif self.music_volume_current != self.music_volume_new:
music.set_volume(self.music_volume_current / 100)
self.music_volume_changed = False
self.music_fade = False
if not = pygame.mixer.find_channel()
def set_music_volume(self, percent, fade = False, change_speed = 50):
self.music_volume_changed = True
self.music_volume_new = percent
self.music_fade = fade
self.music_change_speed = change_speed
self.music_volume_change_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
class Audio(object):
def __init__(self, file, is_music = False):
self.is_music = is_music
if self.is_music:
self.file = file
else: = None
self.file = pygame.mixer.Sound(file)
My testing has shown that manipulating the parameter of Clock.tick() in my module in various ways influences how quickly the audio playing falls from 100 to 0. Leaving it blank causes it to stop almost instantaneously. At 60, it falls to 0 in around 2 seconds, which baffles me. At 30, in 1 second. At 5, it falls slowly, with the volume never seeming to reach 0. I want to completely desynchronize my audio volume manipulation completely from my game's frame-rate, but I am unsure of how I would accomplish that. I want to avoid threading and multiprocessing if possible.
Thanks in advance! :)
Clock.tick()'s parameter is used to call the SDL sleep function to limit how many times the loop runs per second.
Calling it with Clock.tick(5) limits it to five loops per second.
I've also never used two clocks in the same code, especially with the multiple ticks (all of which will calculate their sleep time individually). Instead of that, consider using the return value of tick (the time in ms since the last call), and use that to track time through the whole application.
timer = 0
Do things
timer += main_clock.tick(FPS)
I am currently working on writing a function as part of a functions assignment. I am using python 2.7.5 and pygame. We are supposed to write a recursive function that draws lighting. I am currently having an error with my code but I do not know what it is. Here is my code:
from math import *
from pygame import *
from random import *
def lightning(screen,x,y,size,ang):
if size > 5:
rang = radians(ang)
x2 = x-size*cos(rang)
y2 = y+size*sin(rang)
while running:
for evt in event.get():
if evt.type==QUIT:
Currently, when I try to add another line of lightning (the "lightning(...)") it does not display any error in the shell and also does not display anything in the pygame window. When I have only one line, the lightning functions properly. I would just like to know where my error is and reasons to why it is causing the error. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
For size=100 function ligthning() is call 800 000 to 3 500 000 times.
If you add another line of lightning it gives you even 7 000 000 calls.
Maybe You don't see result because it works too long. Try your code for smaller size.
My code to count ligthning() calls.
from math import *
from pygame import *
from random import *
def lightning(screen, x, y, size, ang, count):
if size > 5:
rang = radians(ang)
x2 = x-size*cos(rang)
y2 = y+size*sin(rang)
count = lightning(screen,x2,y2,size-randint(1,10),ang-randint(-20,10), count)
count = lightning(screen,x2,y2,size-randint(1,10),ang+randint(-10,30), count)
return count + 1
screen = display.set_mode((800,600))
#lightning(screen,400, 0, 100, randint(60,100))
running = True
while running:
for evt in event.get():
if evt.type == QUIT:
running = False
elif evt.type == KEYDOWN:
if evt.key == K_ESCAPE:
running = False
print 'count: ', lightning(screen, 400, 0, 100, randint(60,100), 0)
Theoretically radint(1,10) can always give 1 so you can always have lightning(...,size-1, ...) and for size=100it can give 2**95 calls.
2**95 = 39 614 081 257 132 168 796 771 975 168L