I defined
class MyException(Exception):
When I raise it, the last traceback line says
__main__.MyException: ...
Is there a way to make python display the exception without the module where it has been defined, specifically, without the preceding __main__.?
MyException: ...
I would suggest putting it in a try...except block:
'''define error'''
'''code with defined error'''
except Exception as e:
Is it possible to tell if there was an exception once you're in the finally clause? Something like:
funky code
if ???:
print('the funky code raised')
I'm looking to make something like this more DRY:
funky code
except HandleThis:
# handle it
raised = True
except DontHandleThis:
raised = True
raised = False
finally:'funky code raised %s', raised)
I don't like that it requires to catch an exception, which you don't intend to handle, just to set a flag.
Since some comments are asking for less "M" in the MCVE, here is some more background on the use-case. The actual problem is about escalation of logging levels.
The funky code is third party and can't be changed.
The failure exception and stack trace does not contain any useful diagnostic information, so using logger.exception in an except block is not helpful here.
If the funky code raised then some information which I need to see has already been logged, at level DEBUG. We do not and can not handle the error, but want to escalate the DEBUG logging because the information needed is in there.
The funky code does not raise, most of the time. I don't want to escalate logging levels for the general case, because it is too verbose.
Hence, the code runs under a log capture context (which sets up custom handlers to intercept log records) and some debug info gets re-logged retrospectively:
with LogCapture() as log:
funky_code() # <-- third party badness
# log events are buffered in memory. if there was an exception,
# emit everything that was captured at a WARNING level
for record in log.captured:
if <there was an exception>:
log_fn = mylogger.warning
log_fn = getattr(mylogger, record.levelname.lower())
log_fn(record.msg, record.args)
Using a contextmanager
You could use a custom contextmanager, for example:
class DidWeRaise:
__slots__ = ('exception_happened', ) # instances will take less memory
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
# If no exception happened the `exc_type` is None
self.exception_happened = exc_type is not None
And then use that inside the try:
with DidWeRaise() as error_state:
# funky code
if error_state.exception_happened:
print('the funky code raised')
It's still an additional variable but it's probably a lot easier to reuse if you want to use it in multiple places. And you don't need to toggle it yourself.
Using a variable
In case you don't want the contextmanager I would reverse the logic of the trigger and toggle it only in case no exception has happened. That way you don't need an except case for exceptions that you don't want to handle. The most appropriate place would be the else clause that is entered in case the try didn't threw an exception:
exception_happened = True
# funky code
except HandleThis:
# handle this kind of exception
exception_happened = False
if exception_happened:
print('the funky code raised')
And as already pointed out instead of having a "toggle" variable you could replace it (in this case) with the desired logging function:
mylog = mylogger.WARNING
with LogCapture() as log:
except HandleThis:
# handle this kind of exception
# In case absolutely no exception was thrown in the try we can log on debug level
mylog = mylogger.DEBUG
for record in log.captured:
mylog(record.msg, record.args)
Of course it would also work if you put it at the end of your try (as other answers here suggested) but I prefer the else clause because it has more meaning ("that code is meant to be executed only if there was no exception in the try block") and may be easier to maintain in the long run. Although it's still more to maintain than the context manager because the variable is set and toggled in different places.
Using sys.exc_info (works only for unhandled exceptions)
The last approach I want to mention is probably not useful for you but maybe useful for future readers who only want to know if there's an unhandled exception (an exception that was not caught in any except block or has been raised inside an except block). In that case you can use sys.exc_info:
import sys
# funky code
except HandleThis:
if sys.exc_info()[0] is not None:
# only entered if there's an *unhandled* exception, e.g. NOT a HandleThis exception
print('funky code raised')
raised = True
funky code
raised = False
except HandleThis:
# handle it
finally:'funky code raised %s', raised)
Given the additional background information added to the question about selecting a log level, this seems very easily adapted to the intended use-case:
mylog = WARNING
funky code
mylog = DEBUG
except HandleThis:
# handle it
You can easily assign your caught exception to a variable and use it in the finally block, eg:
>>> x = 1
>>> error = None
>>> try:
... except Exception as e:
... error = e
... finally:
... if error is not None:
... print(error)
'int' object has no attribute 'foo'
Okay, so what it sounds like you actually just want to either modify your existing context manager, or use a similar approach: logbook actually has something called a FingersCrossedHandler that would do exactly what you want. But you could do it yourself, like:
def LogCapture():
# your existing buffer code here
level = logging.WARN
except UselessException:
level = logging.DEBUG
raise # Or don't, if you just want it to go away
# emit logs here
Original Response
You're thinking about this a bit sideways.
You do intend to handle the exception - you're handling it by setting a flag. Maybe you don't care about anything else (which seems like a bad idea), but if you care about doing something when an exception is raised, then you want to be explicit about it.
The fact that you're setting a variable, but you want the exception to continue on means that what you really want is to raise your own specific exception, from the exception that was raised:
class MyPkgException(Exception): pass
class MyError(PyPkgException): pass # If there's another exception type, you can also inherit from that
def do_the_badness():
raise FileNotFoundError('Or some other code that raises an error')
except FileNotFoundError as e:
raise MyError('File was not found, doh!') from e
except MyError as e:
print('The error? Yeah, it happened')
This solves:
Explicitly handling the exception(s) that you're looking to handle
Making the stack traces and original exceptions available
Allowing your code that's going to handle the original exception somewhere else to handle your exception that's thrown
Allowing some top-level exception handling code to just catch MyPkgException to catch all of your exceptions so it can log something and exit with a nice status instead of an ugly stack trace
If it was me, I'd do a little re-ordering of your code.
raised = False
# funky code
except HandleThis:
# handle it
raised = True
except Exception as ex:
# Don't Handle This
raise ex
if raised:'funky code was raised')
I've placed the raised boolean assignment outside of the try statement to ensure scope and made the final except statement a general exception handler for exceptions that you don't want to handle.
This style determines if your code failed. Another approach might me to determine when your code succeeds.
success = False
# funky code
success = True
except HandleThis:
# handle it
except Exception as ex:
# Don't Handle This
raise ex
if success:'funky code was successful')
else:'funky code was raised')
If exception happened --> Put this logic in the exception block(s).
If exception did not happen --> Put this logic in the try block after the point in code where the exception can occur.
Finally blocks should be reserved for "cleanup actions," according to the Python language reference. When finally is specified the interpreter proceeds in the except case as follows: Exception is saved, then the finally block is executed first, then lastly the Exception is raised.
I'm working on a project that involves connecting to a remote server, waiting for a response, and then performing actions based on that response. We catch a couple of different exceptions, and behave differently depending on which exception is caught. For example:
def myMethod(address, timeout=20):
response = requests.head(address, timeout=timeout)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
# do something special
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
# do something special
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
# do something special
if response.status_code !=
# do something special
return successfulConnection.SUCCESS
To test this, we've written a test like the following
class TestMyMethod(unittest.TestCase):
def test_good_connection(self):
config = {
'head.return_value': type('MockResponse', (), {'status_code':}),
with mock.patch('', **config):
def test_bad_connection(self):
config = {
'head.side_effect': requests.exceptions.ConnectionError,
'requests.exceptions.ConnectionError': requests.exceptions.ConnectionError
with mock.patch('', **config):
If I run the function directly, everything happens as expected. I even tested by adding raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError to the try clause of the function. But when I run my unit tests, I get
ERROR: test_bad_connection (test.test_file.TestMyMethod)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "path/to/sourcefile", line ###, in myMethod
respone = requests.head(address, timeout=timeout)
File "path/to/unittest/mock", line 846, in __call__
return _mock_self.mock_call(*args, **kwargs)
File "path/to/unittest/mock", line 901, in _mock_call
raise effect
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Path/to/my/test", line ##, in test_bad_connection
File "Path/to/package", line ##, in myMethod
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
I tried to change the exception I was patching in to BaseException and I got a more or less identical error.
I've read already, so I think it must be a bad __del__ hook somewhere, but I'm not sure where to look for it or what I can even do in the mean time. I'm also relatively new to unittest.mock.patch() so it's very possible that I'm doing something wrong there as well.
This is a Fusion360 add-in so it is using Fusion 360's packaged version of Python 3.3 - as far as I know it's a vanilla version (i.e. they don't roll their own) but I'm not positive of that.
I could reproduce the error with a minimal example:
class MyError(Exception):
class A:
def inner(self):
err = MyError("FOO")
raise err
def outer(self):
except MyError as err:
print ("catched ", err)
return "OK"
Test without mocking :
class FooTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_inner(self):
a = foo.A()
self.assertRaises(foo.MyError, a.inner)
def test_outer(self):
a = foo.A()
self.assertEquals("OK", a.outer())
Ok, all is fine, both test pass
The problem comes with the mocks. As soon as the class MyError is mocked, the expect clause cannot catch anything and I get same error as the example from the question :
class FooTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_inner(self):
a = foo.A()
self.assertRaises(foo.MyError, a.inner)
def test_outer(self):
with unittest.mock.patch('foo.MyError'):
a = exc2.A()
self.assertEquals("OK", a.outer())
Immediately gives :
ERROR: test_outer (__main__.FooTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "...\", line 11, in outer
File "...\", line 8, in inner
raise err
TypeError: exceptions must derive from BaseException
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#78>", line 8, in test_outer
File "...\", line 12, in outer
except MyError as err:
TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
Here I get a first TypeErrorthat you did not have, because I am raising a mock while you forced a true exception with 'requests.exceptions.ConnectionError': requests.exceptions.ConnectionError in config. But the problem remains that the except clause tries to catch a mock.
TL/DR: as you mock the full requests package, the except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError clause tries to catch a mock. As the mock is not really a BaseException, it causes the error.
The only solution I can imagine is not to mock the full requests but only the parts that are not exceptions. I must admit I could not find how to say to mock mock everything except this but in your example, you only need to patch requests.head. So I think that this should work :
def test_bad_connection(self):
with mock.patch('',
That is : only patch the head method with the exception as side effect.
I just ran into the same issue while trying to mock sqlite3 (and found this post while looking for solutions).
What Serge said is correct:
TL/DR: as you mock the full requests package, the except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError clause tries to catch a mock. As the mock is not really a BaseException, it causes the error.
The only solution I can imagine is not to mock the full requests but only the parts that are not exceptions. I must admit I could not find how to say to mock mock everything except this
My solution was to mock the entire module, then set the mock attribute for the exception to be equal to the exception in the real class, effectively "un-mocking" the exception. For example, in my case:
def test_connect_fail(self, mock_sqlite3):
mock_sqlite3.connect.side_effect = sqlite3.OperationalError()
mock_sqlite3.OperationalError = sqlite3.OperationalError
self.assertRaises(sqlite3.OperationalError, MyClass, self.db_filename)
For requests, you could assign exceptions individually like this:
mock_requests.exceptions.ConnectionError = requests.exceptions.ConnectionError
or do it for all of the requests exceptions like this:
mock_requests.exceptions = requests.exceptions
I don't know if this is the "right" way to do it, but so far it seems to work for me without any issue.
For those of us who need to mock an exception and can't do that by simply patching head, here is an easy solution that replaces the target exception with an empty one:
Say we have a generic unit to test with an exception we have to have mocked:
# app/
def test_me():
return "No foo error happened"
except CustomError: # <-- Mock me!
return "The foo error was caught"
We want to mock CustomError but because it is an exception we run into trouble if we try to patch it like everything else. Normally, a call to patch replaces the target with a MagicMock but that won't work here. Mocks are nifty, but they do not behave like exceptions do. Rather than patching with a mock, let's give it a stub exception instead. We'll do that in our test file.
# app/
from mock import patch
# A do-nothing exception we are going to replace CustomError with
class StubException(Exception):
# Now apply it to our test
#patch('app.foo_file.CustomError', new_callable=lambda: StubException)
def test_foo(stub_exception, mock_foo):
mock_foo.side_effect = stub_exception("Stub") # Raise our stub to be caught by CustomError
assert test_me() == "The error was caught"
# Success!
So what's with the lambda? The new_callable param calls whatever we give it and replaces the target with the return of that call. If we pass our StubException class straight, it will call the class's constructor and patch our target object with an exception instance rather than a class which isn't what we want. By wrapping it with lambda, it returns our class as we intend.
Once our patching is done, the stub_exception object (which is literally our StubException class) can be raised and caught as if it were the CustomError. Neat!
I faced a similar issue while trying to mock the sh package. While sh is very useful, the fact that all methods and exceptions are defined dynamically make it more difficult to mock them. So following the recommendation of the documentation:
import unittest
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
class MockSh(Mock):
# error codes are defined dynamically in sh
class ErrorReturnCode_32(BaseException):
# could be any sh command
def mount(self, *args):
raise self.ErrorReturnCode_32
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
mock_sh = MockSh()
#patch('', new=mock_sh)
def test_mount(self):
I just ran into the same problem when mocking struct.
I get the error:
TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
When trying to catch a struct.error raised from struct.unpack.
I found that the simplest way to get around this in my tests was to simply set the value of the error attribute in my mock to be Exception. For example
The method I want to test has this basic pattern:
def some_meth(self):
struct.unpack(fmt, data)
except struct.error:
return False
return True
The test has this basic pattern.
def test_some_meth(self, struct_mock):
'''Explain how some_func should work.'''
struct_mock.error = Exception
struct_mock.unpack.side_effect = struct_mock.error
This is similar to the approach taken by #BillB, but it is certainly simpler as I don't need to add imports to my tests and still get the same behavior. To me it would seem this is the logical conclusion to the general thread of reasoning in the answers here.
Use patch.object to partially mock a class.
My use case:
import unittest
from unittest import mock
import requests
def test_my_function(self):
response = mock.MagicMock()
response.raise_for_status.side_effect = requests.HTTPError
with mock.patch.object(requests, 'get', return_value=response):
This question already has answers here:
How can I write a `try`/`except` block that catches all exceptions?
(10 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Is it possible to catch any error in Python? I don't care what the specific exceptions will be, because all of them will have the same fallback.
Using except by itself will catch any exception short of a segfault.
You might want to handle KeyboardInterrupt separately in case you need to use it to exit your script:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
There's a nice list of basic exceptions you can catch here. I also quite like the traceback module for retrieving a call stack from the exception. Try traceback.format_exc() or traceback.print_exc() in an exception handler.
# do something
except Exception, e:
# handle it
For Python 3.x:
# do something
except Exception as e:
# handle it
You might want also to look at sys.excepthook:
When an exception is raised and uncaught, the interpreter calls
sys.excepthook with three arguments, the exception class, exception
instance, and a traceback object. In an interactive session this
happens just before control is returned to the prompt; in a Python
program this happens just before the program exits. The handling of
such top-level exceptions can be customized by assigning another
three-argument function to sys.excepthook.
def except_hook(type, value, tback):
# manage unhandled exception here
sys.__excepthook__(type, value, tback) # then call the default handler
sys.excepthook = except_hook
Quoting the bounty text:
I want to be able to capture ANY exception even weird ones like
keyboard interrupt or even system exit (e.g. if my HPC manger throws
an error) and get a handle to the exception object e, whatever it
might be. I want to process e and custom print it or even send it by
Look at the exception hierarchy, you need to catch BaseException:
+-- SystemExit
+-- KeyboardInterrupt
+-- GeneratorExit
+-- Exception
This will capture KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, and GeneratorExit, which all inherit from BaseException but not from Exception, e.g.
raise SystemExit
except BaseException as e:
Not mentioning the type of exception you want to handle itself does the job.
Try this:
#code in which you expect an exception
#prints the exception occured
if you want to know the type of exception that occurred:
# code in which you expect an exception
except Exception as e:
# for any exception to be catched
# to know the type of exception.
for detailed explanation go trough this
# in python 3
# if you want the error
except Exception as e:
# if you simply want to know an error occurs
# if you don't even wanna do anything
The following only worked for me (both in PY2 and PY3):
# (Anything that produces any kind of error)
ertype = sys.exc_info()[0] # E.g. <class 'PermissionError'>
description = sys.exc_info()[1] # E.g. [Errno 13] Permission denied: ...
# (Handle as needed )
Built-In Exceptions in Python
Built-In exception classes are divided into Base error classes from which the error classes are defined and Concrete error classes which define exceptions which you are more likely to see time to time.
The more detailed document about the buit-In exception can be found in []
Custom Exceptions
It is used to fit your specific application situation. For example, you can create your own exception as RecipeNotValidError as the recipe is not valid in your class for developing a cooking app.
class RecipeNotValidError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
self.message = "Your recipe is not valid"
raise RecipeNotValidError
except RecipeNotValidError as e:
These are custom exceptions that are not defined in the standard library. The steps you can follow to create custom classes are :
Subclass the Exception class.
Create a new Exception class of your choice.
Write your code and use the try...except flow to capture and handle your custom exception.
My background is in C# and I've just recently started programming in Python. When an exception is thrown I typically want to wrap it in another exception that adds more information, while still showing the full stack trace. It's quite easy in C#, but how do I do it in Python?
Eg. in C# I would do something like this:
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ApplicationException("Failed to process file " + filePath, ex);
In Python I can do something similar:
except Exception as e:
raise Exception('Failed to process file ' + filePath, e)
...but this loses the traceback of the inner exception!
Edit: I'd like to see both exception messages and both stack traces and correlate the two. That is, I want to see in the output that exception X occurred here and then exception Y there - same as I would in C#. Is this possible in Python 2.6? Looks like the best I can do so far (based on Glenn Maynard's answer) is:
except Exception as e:
raise Exception('Failed to process file' + filePath, e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
This includes both the messages and both the tracebacks, but it doesn't show which exception occurred where in the traceback.
Python 3
In python 3 you can do the following:
raise MyExceptionToBeWrapped("I have twisted my ankle")
except MyExceptionToBeWrapped as e:
raise MyWrapperException("I'm not in a good shape") from e
This will produce something like this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
MyExceptionToBeWrapped: ("I have twisted my ankle")
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
MyWrapperException: ("I'm not in a good shape")
Python 2
It's simple; pass the traceback as the third argument to raise.
import sys
class MyException(Exception): pass
raise TypeError("test")
except TypeError, e:
raise MyException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Always do this when catching one exception and re-raising another.
Python 3 has the raise ... from clause to chain exceptions. Glenn's answer is great for Python 2.7, but it only uses the original exception's traceback and throws away the error message and other details. Here are some examples in Python 2.7 that add context information from the current scope into the original exception's error message, but keep other details intact.
Known Exception Type
sock_common = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(rpc_url+'/common')
self.user_id = sock_common.login(self.dbname, username, self.pwd)
except IOError:
_, ex, traceback = sys.exc_info()
message = "Connecting to '%s': %s." % (config['connection'],
raise IOError, (ex.errno, message), traceback
That flavour of raise statement takes the exception type as the first expression, the exception class constructor arguments in a tuple as the second expression, and the traceback as the third expression. If you're running earlier than Python 2.2, see the warnings on sys.exc_info().
Any Exception Type
Here's another example that's more general purpose if you don't know what kind of exceptions your code might have to catch. The downside is that it loses the exception type and just raises a RuntimeError. You have to import the traceback module.
except Exception:
extype, ex, tb = sys.exc_info()
formatted = traceback.format_exception_only(extype, ex)[-1]
message = "Importing row %d, %s" % (rownum, formatted)
raise RuntimeError, message, tb
Modify the Message
Here's another option if the exception type will let you add context to it. You can modify the exception's message and then reraise it.
import subprocess
final_args = ['lsx', '/home']
s = subprocess.check_output(final_args)
except OSError as ex:
ex.strerror += ' for command {}'.format(final_args)
That generates the following stack trace:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/data/don/workspace/scratch/", line 5, in <module>
s = subprocess.check_output(final_args)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 566, in check_output
process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 710, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1327, in _execute_child
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory for command ['lsx', '/home']
You can see that it shows the line where check_output() was called, but the exception message now includes the command line.
In Python 3.x:
raise Exception('Failed to process file ' + filePath).with_traceback(e.__traceback__)
or simply
except Exception:
raise MyException()
which will propagate MyException but print both exceptions if it will not be handled.
In Python 2.x:
raise Exception, 'Failed to process file ' + filePath, e
You can prevent printing both exceptions by killing the __context__ attribute. Here I write a context manager using that to catch and change your exception on the fly:
(see for expanation of how they work)
try: # Wrap the whole program into the block that will kill __context__.
class Catcher(Exception):
'''This context manager reraises an exception under a different name.'''
def __init__(self, name):
super().__init__('Failed to process code in {!r}'.format(name))
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
if exc_type is not None:
self.__traceback__ = exc_tb
raise self
with Catcher('class definition'):
class a:
def spam(self):
# not really pass, but you get the idea
lut = [1,
assert a().lut[-1] == a.spam
except Catcher as e:
e.__context__ = None
I don't think you can do this in Python 2.x, but something similar to this functionality is part of Python 3. From PEP 3134:
In today's Python implementation, exceptions are composed of three
parts: the type, the value, and the traceback. The 'sys' module,
exposes the current exception in three parallel variables, exc_type,
exc_value, and exc_traceback, the sys.exc_info() function returns a
tuple of these three parts, and the 'raise' statement has a
three-argument form accepting these three parts. Manipulating
exceptions often requires passing these three things in parallel,
which can be tedious and error-prone. Additionally, the 'except'
statement can only provide access to the value, not the traceback.
Adding the 'traceback' attribute to exception values makes all
the exception information accessible from a single place.
Comparison to C#:
Exceptions in C# contain a read-only 'InnerException' property that
may point to another exception. Its documentation [10] says that
"When an exception X is thrown as a direct result of a previous
exception Y, the InnerException property of X should contain a
reference to Y." This property is not set by the VM automatically;
rather, all exception constructors take an optional 'innerException'
argument to set it explicitly. The 'cause' attribute fulfills
the same purpose as InnerException, but this PEP proposes a new form
of 'raise' rather than extending the constructors of all exceptions.
C# also provides a GetBaseException method that jumps directly to
the end of the InnerException chain; this PEP proposes no analog.
Note also that Java, Ruby and Perl 5 don't support this type of thing either. Quoting again:
As for other languages, Java and Ruby both discard the original
exception when another exception occurs in a 'catch'/'rescue' or
'finally'/'ensure' clause. Perl 5 lacks built-in structured
exception handling. For Perl 6, RFC number 88 [9] proposes an exception
mechanism that implicitly retains chained exceptions in an array
named ##.
For maximum compatibility between Python 2 and 3, you can use raise_from in the six library. . Here is your example (slightly modified for clarity):
import six
except Exception as e:
six.raise_from(IOError('Failed to process file ' + repr(filePath)), e)
You could use my CausedException class to chain exceptions in Python 2.x (and even in Python 3 it can be useful in case you want to give more than one caught exception as cause to a newly raised exception). Maybe it can help you.
Maybe you could grab the relevant information and pass it up? I'm thinking something like:
import traceback
import sys
import StringIO
class ApplicationError:
def __init__(self, value, e):
s = StringIO.StringIO()
self.value = (value, s.getvalue())
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
a = 1/0
except Exception, e:
raise ApplicationError("Failed to process file", e)
except Exception, e:
print e
you need a solution, which works for Python 2 (for pure Python 3 see raise ... from solution)
just want to enrich the error message, e.g. providing some additional context
need the full stack trace
you can use a simple solution from the docs
raise NameError('HiThere')
except NameError:
print 'An exception flew by!' # print or log, provide details about context
raise # reraise the original exception, keeping full stack trace
The output:
An exception flew by!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 2, in ?
NameError: HiThere
It looks like the key piece is the simplified 'raise' keyword that stands alone. That will re-raise the Exception in the except block.