"Firts of all this stuff is for my university(a challeng) nothing bad is happening in RL"!
Im not quite familier with phyton but, i give it a trie.
The task is to performe a ssl Stripping attack through a phython script.
The output off the script musst be Username and PW (stdout)
My problem is now:
When i download the ssl strip binarie i see a python script which should include the relevant stuff (sslstrip) but, im not soure where i should start here?
I noticed that the two classes ClientsRequest & Stripping Proxy are essential so they are an the bottom.
My problem is how can i i connect the client request class so that it reads the data from the client ?
Im not sure but this could be the config for the port:8080
(the script must listen on 8080)
# Standard socket stuff:
host = '' # do we need socket.gethostname() ?
port = 8080
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind((host, port))
sock.listen(1) # don't queue up any requests
# Loop forever, listening for requests:
while True:
csock, caddr = sock.accept()
print "Connection from: " + `caddr`
req = csock.recv(1024) # get the request, 1kB max
I need a little spark in the right direction.
best regards
# Loop forever, listening for requests:
while True:
csock, caddr = sock.accept() #< - this is a blocking call
print "Connection from: " + `caddr`
#you never end up getting to this instruction
req = csock.recv(1024) # get the request, 1kB max
you have some problems
sock.accept will block waiting for a connection ... once you get the connection you print their data and loop right back to the waiting for connection ... when in reality you want to do something with that connection
while True:
csock, caddr = sock.accept() #< - this is a blocking call
print "Connection from: " + `caddr`
req = csock.recv(1024) # get the request, 1kB max
will at least recieve a message from the client after accepting the incomming connection
what you probably need to do is hand the connection off to a seperate thread to work with so you can continue to accept new connections , while processing the current connection
I have a simple Python HTTP server which also connects other HTTP servers to fetch some data. While, connecting to other servers, my server acts as an http client, but the socket created for incoming connection requests still keeps listening from port 8080 (I have a different socket for the client).
The list of other servers that I need to connect and fetch data is stored in a JSON file and I have code like this
with open(myjsonfile, 'r') as json_file:
entries = json.load(json_file)
for entry in entries.keys():
address = entries[entry]['address']
port = int(entries[entry]['port'])
client_port = config.server_port + 50000
host = gethostname()
# request the TXT file
sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)
# sock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock.bind((host, client_port))
sock.connect((address, port))
reqmsg = "GET /" + config.txt_name + " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
response = ''
response = sock.recv(2048).decode()
pos = response.find("\r\n\r\n")
txt_data = response[pos+4:]
# processing the received data here
# request the IMG file
sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)
# sock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock.bind((host, client_port))
sock.connect((address, port))
reqmsg = "GET /" + config.img_name + " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
response = b''
while True:
recvdata = sock.recv(2048)
if (len(recvdata) < 1):
response = response + recvdata
pos = response.find(b"\r\n\r\n")
img_data = response[pos+4:]
# working with the image here
I have to use a set port number for my client because this is how the server identifies me. However, I sometimes get an "Address already in use" error for the second socket.bind() call (the one for the image). Without the bind() calls, my code works fine.
I tried setting socket options (commented out in the code above) and using pycurl with the LOCALPORT property set to client_port value above, but still getting the same error.
What could be the reason behind the error message? I think I open and close the sockets so the operating system should free the port for further use (I think)?
PS : This is a small project, not a production system, hence do not bother with "why use port numbers to identify clients"
There is a TIME_WAIT after the session is shutdown to make sure that there are still no live packets in the network.When you re-create the same tuple and one of those packets shows up, it would be treated as a valid packet for your connection this will cause an error state.Usually 2xpacket max age, before the packet is discarded
Before you create a connection with the same tuple, all the packets from the previous session must be dead.
Try using;
sock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock.bind((host, client_port))
I want to create a multiprocessing echo server. I am currently using telnet as my client to send messages to my echo server.Currently I can handle one telnet request and it echos the response. I initially, thought I should intialize the pid whenever I create a socket. Is that correct?
How do I allow several clients to connect to my server using multiprocessing.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import os
from multiprocessing import Process
def create_socket():
# Create socket
sockfd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Port for socket and Host
PORT = 8002
HOST = 'localhost'
# bind the socket to host and port
sockfd.bind((HOST, PORT))
# become a server socket
def start_socket(sockfd):
while True:
# Establish and accept connections woth client
(clientsocket, address) = sockfd.accept()
# Get the process id.
process_id = os.getpid()
print("Process id:", process_id)
print("Got connection from", address)
# Recieve message from the client
message = clientsocket.recv(2024)
print("Server received: " + message.decode('utf-8'))
reply = ("Server output: " + message.decode('utf-8'))
if not message:
print("Client has been disconnected.....")
# Display messags.
# Close the connection with the client
if __name__ == '__main__':
process = Process(target = create_socket)
It's probably a good idea to understand which are blocking system calls and which are not. listen for example is not blocking and accept is blocking one. So basically - you created one process through Process(..), that blocks at the accept and when a connection is made - handles that connection.
Your code should have a structure - something like following (pseudo code)
def handle_connection(accepted_socket):
# do whatever you want with the socket
def server():
# Create socket and listen to it.
sock = socket.socket(....)
sock.bind((HOST, PORT))
while True:
new_client = sock.accept() # blocks here.
# unblocked
client_process = Process(target=handle_connection, args=(new_client))
I must also mention, while this is a good way to just understand how things can be done, it is not a good idea to start a new process for every connection.
The initial part of setting up the server, binding, listening etc (your create_socket) should be in the master process.
Once you accept and get a socket, you should spawn off a separate process to take care of that connection. In other words, your start_socket should be spawned off in a separate process and should loop forever.
My socket program hangs at clientsocket, address) = serversocket.accept() and doesn't spit our an error or anything.
I followed directions on https://docs.python.org/3/howto/sockets.html
I've been trying to figure it out for an hour now, but to no avail. I'm using python3 btw. What am i doing wrong? EDIT: My intedentation is all screwed up because I pasted it wrong, but other than that my code is as I have it in my file.
#import socket module
import socket
#creates an inet streaming socket.
serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print('socket created')
#binds socket to a public host, and a well known port
serversocket.bind(('', 1024))
#print(socket.gethostname())# on desktop prints 'myname-PC')
#become a server socket
serversocket.listen(5) # listens for up to 5 requests
while True:
#accept connections from outside
#print('In while true loop') This works, but we never get to the next print statement. Why the hell is it catching at line 20?
(clientsocket, address) = serversocket.accept()
#clientsocket = serversocket.accept()
print('Ready to serve')
#now we do something with client socket...
message = clientsocket.recv(1024)
filename = message.split()[1]
f = open(filename[1:])
outputdata = f.read()
#send an http header line
clientsocket.send('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n')
for i in range(0, len(outputdata)):
except IOERROR:
clientsocket.send('HTTP/1.1 404 File not found!')
If you haven't written a client script / program to connect to the socket and send it data, it's also going to hang on serversocket.accept() due to there being nothing to accept. But assuming you have...
while True:
#accept connections from outside
#print('In while true loop') This works, but we never get to the next print statement. Why the hell is it catching at line 20?
(clientsocket, address) = serversocket.accept()
#clientsocket = serversocket.accept()
It hangs because the loop never exits due to True always being True. In the example provided, once a connection is accepted they pretend that the server is threaded and the idea is to create a separate thread to begin reading and processing data received allowing the socket to continue to listen for more connections.
while True:
# accept connections from outside
(clientsocket, address) = serversocket.accept()
# now do something with the clientsocket
# in this case, we'll pretend this is a threaded server
ct = client_thread(clientsocket)
There are some other posts about this issue but none did help me with mine.
I'm trying to build a total simple server - client relationship in python
import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
client, add = s.accept()
data = client.recv(1024)
if not data:
print 'No data'
print data
import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
message = 'Foo'
ans = s.recv(1024)
print ans
I start by running the server first, but when I try to run the client I'm getting this Errno 10054 --> An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
While request the browser with the ip and the related port, I receive some data.
I'm quiet new to networking, so please explain what might be obvious wrong in my code.
EDIT* Main issue is, that the client is somehow wrong, because it returns also an empty string on recv
Thank you in advance
Main issue is, that the client is somehow wrong, because it returns also an empty string on recv
The client isn't receiving anything from the server because the server is not sending anything.
On the server side, after print data, adding client.send(data) will send the string back to the client.
I am guessing:
The server accepts one socket and then does
client, add = s.accept()
data = client.recv(1024)
client, add = s.accept()
The client does this in the mean time:
ans = s.recv(1024) # blocks until timeout
If now an other client connects to the server then client is replaced, the socket garbage collected and closed. s.recv(1024) will then tell that the connection is reset.
Have a look at import select or twisted (google around) to handle multiple connections at once.
I have the following code for an echo client that sends data to an echo server using socket connection:
import socket
host = ''
port = 50000
size = 1024
def get_command():
#..Code for this here
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
while 1:
msg = get_command()
if msg == 'turn on':
elif msg == 'turn off':
elif msg == 'bye bye':
data = s.recv(size)
print 'Received: ',data
import socket
host = ''
port = 50000
backlog = 5
size = 1024
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
while 1:
client, address = s.accept()
data = client.recv(size)
if data:
The problem im facing is that in the client s.send works only the first time even though its in an infinite loop. The client crashes with connection timed out, some time after the first send/receive has completed.
Why is s.send working only once ?. How can i fix this in my code ?
Please Help
Thank You
Your server code only calls recv once. You should call accept once if you only want to receive one connection, but then you need to loop calling recv and send.
Your problem is that you are blocking on the accept inside the server's loop.
This is expecting the server to accept connections from more than one client. If you want that, and for each client to send multiple commands, you would need to spawn a new thread (or process) after the accept, with a new while loop (for client communication) in that thread/process.
To fix your example to work with just one client, you need to move the accept outside the loop, like so:
client, address = s.accept()
while 1:
data = client.recv(size)
if data: