Python unittest, results vary depending on print statement - python

I'm mildly confused. I'm testing a django application with python's unittest library. All of a sudden, after running my tests with 100 % success for some minutes, suddenly an error appears. Ok I thought, I must have just added some stupid syntax error. I started looking at the test and then my code, I then tried to print out the results which are being compared with assertEqual before they are compared. Suddenly if I do that, the test runs!!! :o
Why is this? has anyone experienced this before. I swear, the only change I made was adding a print statement inside my test function. I'll post this function before and after
Before (Fails)
def test_swap_conditionals(self):
Test conditional template keys
testStr = "My email is: {?email}"
swapStr = self.t.swap(testStr)
# With email
self.assertEqual(swapStr, "My email is:")
# Without email
self.t.template_values = {"phone" : "00458493"}
swapStr = self.t.swap(testStr)
self.assertEqual(swapStr, "My email is: ")
After (Success)
def test_swap_conditionals(self):
Test conditional template keys
testStr = "My email is: {?email}"
swapStr = self.t.swap(testStr)
print(swapStr) #diff here
# With email
self.assertEqual(swapStr, "My email is:")
# Without email
self.t.template_values = {"phone" : "00458493"}
swapStr = self.t.swap(testStr)
self.assertEqual(swapStr, "My email is: ")

It looks like there is some external reason.
What you can check:
Rerun the test several times under the same conditions. Is it always failing or passing? Or is it a 'flipper' test? This might be caused by timing issues (although unlikely).
Put the test in its own class, so there are no side effects from other unit tests.
If the test in its own test class was passing the reason is a side effect by:
other unit tests
startup/teardown functionality

Ok well embarrassing, but this was completely my fault. The swap function was looking up every conditional template variable on the line and then iterating over that list one conditional template variable at a time, so either it missed keys it already had or it got lucky and it happened to hit that key.
line: "This is my {?email}, and this is my {?phone}"
[{?email}, {?phone}]
iterates over [{?email}, {?phone}]
1. {?email}
key being compared = phone : '00549684'
It has phone as a key but it completely disregards it and does not swap it out because
it's just holding {?email} so it simply returns "".
I'm sincerely sorry to waste all your time here. Thanks for good answers. I am refactoring the code now for the better, and definitely taking a coffee break :D


Marking an email as read python

I'd like to mark an email as read from my python code. I'm using
from exchangelib import Credentials, Account
my_account = Account(...)
credentials = Credentials(...)
to get access to the account. This part works great. I then get into my desired folder using this
var1 = my_account.root / 'branch1' / 'desiredFolder'
Again, this works great. This is where marking it as read seems to not work.
item = var1.filter(is_read=False).values('body')
for i, body in enumerate(item):
#Code doing stuff
var1.filter(is_read=False)[i].is_read = True
I've tried the tips and answers from this post Mark email as read with exchangelib, but the emails still show as unread. What am I doing wrong?
I think you the last line of code that you save() do not work as you think that after you set is_read of unread[i] element to True, this unread[i] of course not appear in var1.filter(is_read=False)[i] again, so you acttually did not save this.
I think this will work.
for msg in my_account.inbox.filter(is_read=False):
msg.is_read = True['is_read'])
To expand on #thangnd's answer, the reason your code doesn't work is that you are calling .save() on a different Python object than the object you are setting the is_read flag on. Every time you call var1.filter(is_read=False)[i], a new query is sent to the server, and a new Python object is created.
Additionally, since you didn't specify a sort order (and new emails may be incoming while the code is running), you may not even be hitting the same email each time you call var1.filter(is_read=False)[i].

how to rewrite django test case to avoid unpredictable occasional failures

I have a test case that's written exactly like this
def test_material_search_name(self):
Tests for `LIKE` condition in searches.
For both name and serial number.
material_one = MaterialFactory(name="Eraenys Velinarys", serial_number="SB2341")
material_two = MaterialFactory(name="Nelaerla Velnaris", serial_number="TB7892")
response = self.client.get(reverse('material-search'), {'q': 'vel'})
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
self.assertEqual(['count'], 2)
My error message is :
line 97, in test_material_search_name
AssertionError: 'Nelaerla Velnaris' != 'Eraenys Velinarys'
- Nelaerla Velnaris
+ Eraenys Velinarys
Then when i re-run without changing any code, it becomes successful.
This error happens occasionally not always.
I was wondering if there's a better way to achieve the objectives of the test case without having that weird failure once in a while.
The frequency this error occurs is around 1 every 50 times I run the test.
The typical test command I use :
python test app_name.tests --keepdb
Here are a few options:
Order the results you get back by name before doing the assertEquals
Collect all the names out of the results first and then for each name do self.assertIn(name, names)
Order the results the back end returns

Imgur API: Dictionary values magically turns into None?

I know voodoo magic probably isn't the cause of this - but it sure seems like it!
I have the following code snippets, making use of the imgur API. The imgur object is the client which the imgur API uses and contains an attribute credits which displays the number of access credits the user has on the website.
imgur = imgurpython.ImgurClient(client_id, client_secret)
Returns the credits as normal, i.e.:
{'ClientLimit': 12500, 'UserReset': 1503185179, 'UserLimit': 500, 'UserRemaining': 0, 'ClientRemaining': 12000}
However when I attempt to call the dictionary in a later function:
def check_credits(imgur):
Receives a client - and if there is not much credits left,
wait until the credit refills - i.e. pause the program
credits = imgur.credits
credits_remaining = credits['UserRemaining']
reset_time = credits['UserReset']
if credits_remaining < 10:
print('not enough credits, remaining: %i' % credits_remaining)
now = int(dt.utcnow().timestamp())
wait_time = reset_time - now
print('waiting for: %i' % wait_time)
Sometimes the values in the dictionaries seem to turn into None instead of the integers they are supposed to be. In this case both reset_time and credits_remaining sometimes turn out to be None. In order to allow my code to run I'm having to add try-catches all over the code and it's getting quite frustrating. By the way, this function is called whenever the error ImgurClientRateLimitError, which is when imgur.credits['UserRemaining'] == 0. I'm wondering if anyone know why this may have been the case.
Upon looking at the source code for the client it seems that this is updated automatically upon each request. The updated values are obtained from the response headers after a call to ImgurClient.make_request. The header values are obtained from dict.get which can return None if the key does not exist in the headers dictionary. The code for reference is here:
I am not sure if these headers are still used on errors like 404 or 403 but I would investigate further from there. It seems though that because of this behavior you would need to either cache previous values or manually call the ImgurClient.get_credits method in these cases to get the real values. Whichever fix you go with is up to you.

Python: Why my function returns None and then executes

So, I have a function which basically does this:
import os
import json
import requests
from openpyxl import load_workbook
def function(data):
statuslist = []
for i in range(len(data[0])):
result = performOperation(data[0][i])
if result in satisfying_results:
print("its okay")
print("absolutely not okay")
statuslist.append("Fail" + result)
return statuslist
Then, I invoke the function like this (I've added error handling to check what will happen after stumbling upon the reason for me asking this question), and was actually amazed by the results, as the function returns None, and then executes:
statuslist = function(data)
for i in range(len(statuslist)):
print("Confirmation that it is working")
except TypeError:
print("This is utterly nonsense I think")
The output of the program is then as follows:
This is utterly nonsense I think
its okay
its okay
its okay
absolutely not okay
its okay
There is only single return statement at the end of the function, the function is not recursive, its pretty straightforward and top-down(but parses a lot of data in the meantime).
From the output log, it appears that the function first returns None, and then is properly executed. I am puzzled, and I were unable to find any similar problems over the internet (maybe I phrase the question incorrectly).
Even if there were some inconsistency in the code, I'd still expect it to return [] instead.
After changing the initial list to statuslist = ["WTF"], the return is [].
To rule out the fact that I have modified the list in some other functions performed in the function(data), I have changed the name of the initial list several times - the results are consistently beyond my comprehension
I will be very grateful on tips in debugging the issue. Why does the function return the value first, and is executed after?
While being unable to write the code which would at the same time present what happened in my code in full spectrum, be readable, and wouldn't interfere with no security policies of the company, I have re-wrote it in a simpler form (the original code has been written while I had 3 months of programming experience), and the issue does not reproduce anymore. I guess there had be some level of nesting of functions that I have misinterpreted, and this re-written code, doing pretty much the same, correctly returns me the expected list.
Thank you everyone for your time and suggestions.
So, the answer appears to be: You do not understand your own code, make it simpler.

python requests...or something else... mysteriously caching? hashes don't change right when file does

I have a very odd bug. I'm writing some code in python3 to check a url for changes by comparing sha256 hashes. The relevant part of the code is as follows:
from requests import get
from hashlib import sha256
def fetch_and_hash(url):
file = get(url, stream=True)
f =
hash = sha256()
return hash.hexdigest()
def check_url(target): # passed a dict containing hash from previous examination of url
t = deepcopy(target)
old_hash = t["hash"]
new_hash = fetch_and_hash(t["url"])
if old_hash == new_hash:
t["justchanged"] = False
return t
t["justchanged"] = True
return handle_changes(t, new_hash) # records the changes
So I was testing this on an old webpage of mine. I ran the check, recorded the hash, and then changed the page. Then I re-ran it a few times, and the code above did not reflect a new hash (i.e., it followed the old_hash == new_hash branch).
Then I waited maybe 5 minutes and ran it again without changing the code at all except to add a couple of debugging calls to print(). And this time, it worked.
Naturally, my first thought was "huh, requests must be keeping a cache for a few seconds." But then I googled around and learned that requests doesn't cache.
Again, I changed no code except for print calls. You might not believe me. You might think "he must have changed something else." But I didn't! I can prove it! Here's the commit!
So what gives? Does anyone know why this is going on? If it matters, the webpage is hosted on a standard commercial hosting service, IIRC using Apache, and I'm on a lousy local phone company DSL connection---don't know if there are any serverside caching settings going on, but it's not on any kind of CDN.
So I'm trying to figure out whether there is some mysterious ISP cache thing going on, or I'm somehow misusing requests... the former I can handle; the latter I need to fix!

