Python for loop initialization of reference to function - python

I have this sample code where I expected it to print the current test.x variable, but when I use a for loop for defining a list of function references I am not getting what I'm expecting([1,1] and [0,0]). I do get what I'm expecting when I use the commented lines instead ([0,1] and [1,0]). I realize that there are easier ways to do this but for my program I need it to be the way it is but I want to define the rules object in a for loop instead of defining each element on a line because I don't know how large the rules object will be. Thanks for any help (Python 2.7)
class TestClass:
def __init__(self):
self.x = list([0, 1])
def get_value(self, i):
return self.x[i]
test = TestClass()
rules = list([None, None])
for a in range(2):
rules[a] = lambda t: test.get_value(a)
#rules[0] = lambda t: test.get_value(0)
#rules[1] = lambda t: test.get_value(1)
print(rules[0](0), rules[1](0))
test.x[0] = 1
test.x[1] = 0
print(rules[0](0), rules[1](0))

The problem can be shown more concisely as follows:
>>> rules = list([None, None])
>>> for a in range(2):
... rules[a] = lambda t: a
>>> rules[0](0)
>>> rules[0](1)
>>> rules[1](0)
>>> rules[1](1)
I think the problem is that the code always reflects the final value of a.
This is known as "late-binding closures" and is discussed in the Python Guide here.
One (rather ugly) way of getting round this is to create the new function each time by partially applying a function using the functools package. This "captures" the current value of a.
>>> from functools import partial
>>> for a in range(2):
... def get(t,x): return x
... rules[a] = partial(get,x=a)
>>> rules[0](0)
>>> rules[0](1)
>>> rules[1](0)
>>> rules[1](1)
A simpler way of achieving the same effect:
>>> for a in range(2):
... rules[a] = lambda t,a=a: a
As shown in the linked Python Guide, you can also use a list comprehension to simplify the code a little:
rules = [lambda t,a=a: a for a in range(2)]


Python dynamic function attribute

I came across an interesting issue while trying to achieve dynamic sort.
Given the following code:
>>> l = []
>>> for i in range(2):
>>> def f():
>>> return f.v
>>> f.v = i
>>> l.append(f)
You have to be careful about how to use the functions in l:
>>> l[0]()
>>> l[1]()
>>> [h() for h in l]
[1, 1]
>>> [f() for f in l]
[0, 1]
>>> f = l[0]
>>> f()
>>> k = l[1]
>>> k()
>>> f = l[1]
>>> k()
>>> del f
>>> k()
NameError: global name 'f' is not defined
The behavior of the function depends on what f currently is.
What should I do to avoid this issue? How can I set a function attribute that does not depends on the function's name?
Reading your comments and answers, here is my actual problem.
I have some data that I want to sort according to user input (so I don't know sorting criteria in advance). User can choose on which part of the data to apply successive sorts, and these sorts can be ascending or descending.
So my first try was to loop over the user inputs, define a function for each criterion, store this function in a list and then use this list for sorted's key like this: key=lambda x: [f(x) for f in functions]. To avoid multiplying conditions into functions themselves, I was computing some needed values before the function definition and binding them to the function (different functions with different pre-computed values).
While debugging, I understood that function attribute was not the solution here, so I indeed wrote a class with a __call__ method.
The issue is due to the fact that return f.v loads the global f, and not the one you intend.1 You can see this by disassembling the code:
>>> dis.dis(l[0])
3 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (f)
3 LOAD_ATTR 1 (v)
After the loop that populates l, f is a reference to the last closure created, as you can see here:
>>> l
[<function f at 0x02594170>, <function f at 0x02594130>]
>>> f
<function f at 0x02594130>
Thus, when you call l[0](), it still loads the f that points to the last function created, and it returns 1. When you redefined f by doing f = l[0], then the global f now points to the first function.
What you seem to want is a function that has a state, which really is a class. You could therefore do something like this:
class MyFunction:
def __init__(self, v):
self.v = v
def __call__(self):
return self.v
l = [MyFunction(i) for i in range(2)]
l[0]() # 0
l[1]() # 1
Though it may be a good idea to explain your actual problem first, as there might be a better solution.
1: Why doesn't it load the global f and not the current instance, you may ask?
Recall that when you create a class, you need to pass a self argument, like so:
# ...
def my_method(self):
return self.value
self is actually a reference to the current instance of your object. That's how Python knows where to load the attribute value. It knows it has to look into the instance referenced by self. So when you do:
a.value = 1
self is now a reference to a.
So when you do:
def f():
return f.v
There's no way for Python to know what f actually is. It's not a parameter, so it has to load it from elsewhere. In your case, it's loaded from the global variables.
Thus, when you do f.v = i, while you do set an attribute v for the instance of f, there's no way to know which instance you are referring to in the body of your function.
Note that what you are doing here:
def f():
return f.v
is not making a function which returns whatever its own v attribute is. It's returning whatever the f object's v attribute is. So it necessarily depends on the value of f. It's not that your v attribute "depends on the function's name". It really has nothing at all to do with the function's name.
Later, when you do
>>> f = l[0]
>>> k = l[1]
>>> k()
What you have done is bound k to the function at l[1]. When you call it, you of course get f.v, because that's what the function does.
But notice:
>>> k.v
>>> [h.v for h in l]
[0, 1]
So, a function is an object, and just like most objects, it can have attributes assigned to it (which you can access using dot notation, or the getattr() function, or inspecting the object's dictionary, etc.). But a function is not designed to access its own attributes from within its own code. For that, you want to use a class (as demonstrated by #VincentSavard).
In your particular case, the effect you seem to be after doesn't really need an "attribute" per se; you are apparently looking for a closure. You can implement a closure using a class, but a lighter-weight way is a nested function (one form of which is demonstrated by #TomKarzes; you could also use a named inner function instead of lambda).
Try this:
l = []
for i in range(2):
def f(n):
return lambda: n
This doesn't use attributes, but creates a closure for each value of i. The value of n is then locked once f returns. Here's some sample output:
>>> [f() for f in l]
[0, 1]
As others said, return f.v looks for f name in the current scope which is equal to the last defined function.
To work around this you can simulate functions:
>>> class Function(object):
... def __init__(self, return_value):
... self.return_value = return_value
... def __call__(self):
... return self.return_value
>>> l = []
>>> for i in range(2):
... l.append(Function(i))
>>> l[0]()
>>> 0
>>> l[1]()
>>> 1

Python: Efficiently calling subset variables of multiple returns function

I wanna know if I can prevent my function to work through all its routine if I'm only interested in one (or less than total) of the variables it returns.
To elucidate, suppose I have a function with (a tuple of) multiple returns:
def func_123(n):
return x,y,z
If I'm only interested in the third values, I can just do:
_,_,three = func_123(0)
But I wanna know how it works in the function.
Does my function performs of three calculations and only then chooses to 'drop' the first two and give me the one i want or does it recognise it can do a lot less work if it only performs the subroutines needed to return the value i want? If the first, is there a way around this (besides, of course, creating functions for each calculation and let go of an unique function to organize all subroutines)?
It will calculate, and return, all of the values. For example
def foo(x):
return x+1, x+2
When I call this function
>>> foo(1)
(2, 3)
>>> _, a = foo(1)
>>> a
>>> _
Note that _ is a perfectly valid, and usable, variable name. It is just used by convention to imply that you do not wish to use that variable.
The closest thing to what you are describing would be to write your function as a generator. For example
def func_123(n):
for i in range(1,4):
yield n + i
>>> a = func_123(1)
>>> next(a)
>>> next(a)
>>> next(a)
In this way, the values are evaluated and returned lazily, or in other words only when they are needed. In this way, you could craft your function so they return in the order that you want.
It doesn't "choose" or "drop" anything. What you're using is tuple assignment; specifically, you're assigning the return value to the tuple (_,_,three). The _ variable is just a convention for a "throw away" variable.
I would like to try something differently using functools builtin module (this may not be exactly what you are looking for but you can rethink of what you are doing.)
>>> import functools
>>> def func_123(n, m):
... return n + m
>>> func_dict = dict()
>>> for r in [1,2,3]:
... func_dict[r] = functools.partial(func_123, r)
>>> for k in [1,2,3]:
... func_dict[k](10)
>>> func_dict[3](20)
>>> func_1 = functools.partial(func_123, 1)
>>> func_2 = functools.partial(func_123, 2)
>>> func_3 = functools.partial(func_123, 3)
>>> func_1(5)
>>> func_2(5)
>>> func_3(5)
>>> func_3(3)
So, you don't need to worry about returning output in tuple and selecting the values you want.
It's only a convention to use _ for unused variables.So all the statements in the function do get evaluated.

Returning intermediate results from function in Python

Imagine I've got a Python module with some function in it:
def sumvars(x, y, z):
s = x
s += y
s += z
return s
But sometimes I want to get results of some intermediate calculations (for example, I could have a function which reverses a matrix and would like to know the determinant which has been calculated as an intermediate step as well). Obviously, I wouldn't want to redo those calculations again if they were already done within that function.
My first idea is to return a dict:
def sumvars(x, y, z):
d = {}
s = x
d['first_step'] = s
s += y
d['second_step'] = s
s += z
d['final'] = s
return d
But I don't recall any functions in numpy or scipy which return dicts and so it seems like this might be not a good idea. (Why?) Also routinely I'll always have to type sumvars(x,y,z)['final'] for a default return value...
Another option I see is creating global variables but seems wrong having a bunch of them in my module, I would need to remember their names and in addition not being attached to the function itself looks like a bad design choice.
What would be the proper function design for such situation?
Generally when you have two different ways you want to return data, go ahead and make two different functions. "Flat is better than nested", after all. Just have one call the other so that you Don't Repeat Yourself.
For example, in the standard library, urllib.parse has parse_qs (which returns a dict) and parse_qsl (which returns a list). parse_qs just then calls the other:
def parse_qs(...):
parsed_result = {}
pairs = parse_qsl(qs, keep_blank_values, strict_parsing,
encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
for name, value in pairs:
if name in parsed_result:
parsed_result[name] = [value]
return parsed_result
Pretty straightforward. So in your example it seems fine to have
def sumvars(x, y, z):
return sumvars_with_intermediates(x, y, z).final
def sumvars_with_intermediates(x, y, z):
return my_namedtuple(final, first_step, second_step)
(I favor returning namedtuples instead of dicts from my APIs, it's just prettier)
Another obvious example is in re: re.findall is its own function, not some configuration flag to search.
Now, the standard library is a sprawling thing made by many authors, so you'll find counterexamples to every example. You'll far more often see the above pattern rather than one omnibus function that accepts some configuration flags, though, and I find it far more readable.
Put the common calculation into its own function as Jayanth Koushik recommended if that calculation can be named appropriately. If you want to return many values (an intermediate result and a final result) from a single function then a dict may be an overkill depending on what is your goal but in python it is much more natural to simply return a tuple if your function has many values to return:
def myfunc():
intermediate = 5
result = 6
return intermediate, result
# using the function:
intermediate, result = myfunc()
Not sure if function attributes is a good idea:
In [569]: def sumvars(x, y, z):
...: s = x
...: sumvars.first_step = s
...: s += y
...: sumvars.second_step = s
...: s += z
...: return s
In [570]: res=sumvars(1,2,3)
...: print res, sumvars.first_step, sumvars.second_step
6 1 3
Note: as #BrenBarn mentioned, this idea is just like global variables, your previously calculated "intermediate results" could not be stored when you want to reuse them.
Just came up with this idea which could be a better solution:
def sumvars(x, y, z, mode = 'default'):
d = {}
s = x
d['first_step'] = s
s += y
d['second_step'] = s
s += z
d['final'] = s
if mode == 'default':
return s
return d
I belive the proper solution is to use a class, to have a better grasp of what you are modeling. For example in the case of the Matrix, you could simply store the determinant in the "determinant" attribute.
Here is an example using your matrix example.
class Matrix:
determinant = 0
def calculate_determinant(self):
return determinant
def some_method(self, args):
# some calculations here
self.determinant = self.calculate_determinant()
# other calculations
matrix = Matrix()
matrix.some_method(x, y, z)
print matrix.determinant
This also allows you to separate your method into simpler methods, like one for calculating the determinant of your matrix.
Another variation:
def sumvars(x, y, z, d=None):
s = x
if not d is None:
d['first_step'] = s
s += y
if not d is None:
d['second_step'] = s
s += z
return s
The function always returns the desired value without packing it into a tuple or dictionary. The intermediate results are still available, but only if requested. The call
sumvars(1, 2, 3)
just returns 6 without storing intermediate values. But the call
d = {}
sumvars(1, 2, 3, d)
returns the same answer 6 and inserts the intermediate calculations into the supplied dictionary.
Option 1. Make two separate functions.
Option 2. Use a generator:
>>> def my_func():
... yield 1
... yield 2
>>> result_gen = my_func()
>>> result_gen
<generator object my_func at 0x7f62a8449370>
>>> next(result_gen)
>>> next(result_gen)
>>> next(result_gen)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
Inspired by #zhangxaochen solution, here's my take on your problem using class attributes:
class MyClass():
def __init__(self):
self.i = 4
def f(self):
s = self.i
MyClass.first_step = s
s += self.i
MyClass.second_step = s
s += self.i
return s
def main():
x = MyClass()
print(x.f()) # print final s
Note: I included several prints to make it more explicit how attribute values can be retrieved.

Python one-liner to call list of functions

I've got some old code where I stored lists of functions in Python as class attributes. These lists are used as a sort of event hook.
To call each function in the list with appropriate arguments, I've used one-liners, mixing map with lambda expressions. I'm now concerned that there is unnecessary overhead in using lambda expressions like this.. I guess the recommended way would be to drop both map and lambda and just use a standard for loop, for readability.
Is there a better (read faster) one-liner to do this, though?
For example:
class Foo:
"""Dummy class demonstrating event hook usage."""
pre = [] # list of functions to call before entering loop.
mid = [] # list of functions to call inside loop, with value
post = [] # list of functions to call after loop.
def __init__(self, verbose=False, send=True):
"""Attach functions when initialising class."""
self._results = []
if verbose:
self.mid.append( self._print )
self.mid.append( self._store )
if send: self._send )
def __call__(self, values):
# call each function in self.pre (no functions there)
map( lambda fn: fn(), self.pre )
for val in values:
# call each function in self.mid, with one passed argument
map( lambda fn: fn(val), self.mid )
# call each fn in, with no arguments
map( lambda fn: fn(), )
def _print(self, value):
"""Print argument, when verbose=True."""
print value
def _store(self, value):
"""Store results"""
def _send(self):
"""Send results somewhere"""
# create instance of Foo
foo = Foo(verbose=True)
# equivalent to: foo.__call__( ... )
foo( [1, 2, 3, 4] )
Is there a better way to write those one-liner map calls?
The recommended way is definitely to use for loops, however, if you insist on using map, then operator.methodcaller might be just what you need:
>>> def foo(*args):
... print 'foo',args
>>> def bar(*args):
... print 'bar',args
>>> from operator import methodcaller
>>> map(methodcaller('__call__',1,2,3),[foo,bar])
foo (1, 2, 3)
bar (1, 2, 3)
[None, None]
A word of caution about using map for this -- It won't work if you port your code to python 3 since map became lazy.
You could also use list comprehensions pretty trivially (and that works on python3 also):
[fn() for fn in self.pre]
[fn(val) for fn in self.mid]
First of all "I'm concerned that there is unnecessary overhead" is no way to optimise your code. Use a profiler to find the hotspots.
Secondly, your code could do with comments to let the reader know what is going on.
Finally, until proven otherwise, the following is a fine way to accomplish the task:
for func in self.pre: func()
#apply every function in self.mid to every value in values
for func,val in itertools.product(self.mid, values):
If you wanted to capture the values, you could use a list comprehension; if you wanted to delay evaluation, you could use a generator expression.
>>> def chain(*fn):
>>> return lambda *args, **kwargs: [_(*args, **kwargs) for _ in fn]
>>> def add(x, y):
>>> return(x + y)
>>> def multiply(x, y):
>>> return(x * y)
>>> chained = chain(add, multiply)
>>> chained(2, 6)
[8, 12]

Python, lambda, find minimum

I have foreach function which calls specified function on every element which it contains. I want to get minimum from thise elements but I have no idea how to write lambda or function or even a class that would manage that.
Thanks for every help.
I use my foreach function like this:
o.foreach( lambda i: )
o.foreach( )
I don't like to make a lists or other objects. I want to iterate trough it and find min.
I manage to write a class that do the think but there should be some better solution than that:
class Min:
def __init__(self,i):
self.i = i
def get_min(self):
return self.i
def set_val(self,o):
if o.val < self.i: self.i = o.val
m = Min( xmin )
self.foreach( m.set_val )
xmin = m.get_min()
Ok, so I suppose that my .foreach method is non-python idea. I should do my Class iterable because all your solutions are based on lists and then everything will become easier.
In C# there would be no problem with lambda function like that, so I though that python is also that powerful.
Python has built-in support for finding minimums:
>>> min([1, 2, 3])
If you need to process the list with a function first, you can do that with map:
>>> def double(x):
... return x * 2
>>> min(map(double, [1, 2, 3]))
Or you can get fancy with list comprehensions and generator expressions, for example:
>>> min(double(x) for x in [1, 2, 3])
You can't do this with foreach and a lambda. If you want to do this in a functional style without actually using min, you'll find reduce is pretty close to the function you were trying to define.
l = [5,2,6,7,9,8]
reduce(lambda a,b: a if a < b else b, l[1:], l[0])
Writing foreach method is not very pythonic. You should better make it an iterator so that it works with standard python functions like min.
Instead of writing something like this:
def foreach(self, f):
for d in self._data:
write this:
def __iter__(self):
for d in self._data:
yield d
Now you can call min as min(myobj).
I have foreach function which calls specified function on every element which it contains
It sounds, from the comment you subsequently posted, that you have re-invented the built-in map function.
It sounds like you're looking for something like this:
min(map(f, seq))
where f is the function that you want to call on every item in the list.
As gnibbler shows, if you want to find the value x in the sequence for which f(x) returns the lowest value, you can use:
min(seq, key=f)
...unless you want to find all of the items in seq for which f returns the lowest value. For instance, if seq is a list of dictionaries,
min(seq, key=len)
will return the first dictionary in the list with the smallest number of items, not all dictionaries that contain that number of items.
To get a list of all items in a sequence for which the function f returns the smallest value, do this:
values = map(f, seq)
result = [seq[i] for (i, v) in enumerate(values) if v == min(values)]
Okay, one thing you need to understand: lambda creates a function object for you. But so does plain, ordinary def. Look at this example:
lst = range(10)
print filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, lst)
def is_even(x):
return x % 2 == 0
print filter(is_even, lst)
Both of these work. They produce the same identical result. lambda makes an un-named function object; def makes a named function object. filter() doesn't care whether the function object has a name or not.
So, if your only problem with lambda is that you can't use = in a lambda, you can just make a function using def.
Now, that said, I don't suggest you use your .foreach() method to find a minimum value. Instead, make your main object return a list of values, and simply call the Python min() function.
lst = range(10)
print min(lst)
EDIT: I agree that the answer that was accepted is better. Rather than returning a list of values, it is better to define __iter__() and make the object iterable.
Suppose you have
>>> seq = range(-4,4)
>>> def f(x):
... return x*x-2
for the minimum value of f
>>> min(f(x) for x in seq)
for the value of x at the minimum
>>> min(seq, key=f)
of course you can use lambda too
>>> min((lambda x:x*x-2)(x) for x in range(-4,4))
but that is a little ugly, map looks better here
>>> min(map(lambda x:x*x-2, seq))
>>> min(seq,key=lambda x:x*x-2)
You can use this:
x = lambda x,y,z: min(x,y,z)

