Python Syntax Error "Expected indented block" - python

I would just like to ask for help regarding my code as it is giving me an error which I cannot see. Normally, IDLE would highlight the error but this time, it's not giving me any at all so I am quite confused on where my problem is located.
Also just a headsup, I am quite new to python and have just recently tried it out about 2 days ago so I would be thankful if anyone could help this noob(me) with this problem.
import time as t
from os import path
##dest is the string
def createFile(dest):
The script creates a text at the passed in location, names file based on date
date = t.localtime(t.time())
name = '%d_%d_%d.txt'%(date[1],date[2],(date[0]%100))
##if file does not exist
if not(path,isfile(dest+name)):
f = open(dest + name, 'w')
if __name__=='__main__':
destination = 'C:\\Python34\\My Projects in Python\\'

You had couple of issues in your code:
You need to indent the comment as well
You need to move back the name
You need to put path.isfile instead of path,isfile
You need to indent 3 lines after your first if
Here's working code:
import time as t
from os import path
##dest is the string
def createFile(dest):
The script creates a text at the passed in location, names file based on date
date = t.localtime(t.time())
name = '%d_%d_%d.txt'%(date[1],date[2],(date[0]%100))
##if file does not exist
if not(path.isfile(dest+name)):
f = open(dest + name, 'w')
if __name__=='__main__':
destination = 'C:\Python34\My Projects in Python\'


Configparser writes to fie but returns empty result

So this function is a cut-out, from a class that should create and then extract information from an ini file. The problem I have is that the ini file definitely shows that all the added sections exist, but whenever I want the program to extract information or read from the file, it returns [], an empty list. I tried this function in a more basic version using Anaconda Navigator, well it turned out there it worked.
The screenshot shows the ini file.
As seen in the screenshot, the file is indeed not empty and the function successfully wrote to it, problem is whenever the function should print from it or when I want another function to read it, it returns [].
Code is as following:
class cSetup():
import os
import time
import datetime
import configparser as configparser
"""Class creates an ini file, this ini file contains a number of settings which can be read by the get function.
the program will later access this file to check for certain settings.
If the file is not existing yet, a function within the class will create it
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
def write_setup(self):
if os.path.exists("Setup.ini"):
setup_file = open("Setup.ini", "r")
"""This function is the initial setup, it writes all the necessary information to a .ini file."""
global config
"""Asks user for a name"""
Name = input("Please enter your name, note this can be changed in the settings""\n"
"Please enter the name here: ")
"""asks user for prefered input method"""
PreferredInput = input("Input method required: 0 Shutdown, 1 Voice Commands, 2 Text Commands, 3 Dev Mode: ")
setup_file = open("Setup.ini", "w")
self.config.add_section("Setup state")
self.config.set("Setup state", "Activated?", "True") # Convert to Bool later
section_option = "Settings"
self.config.set(section_option, "Name", Name)
self.config.set(section_option, "Preferred Input", PreferredInput) # Convert to int later
setup_file = open("Setup.ini", "r")

Python flask server to retrieve certain records

I have this following python code for a Flask server. I am trying to have this part of the code list all my vehicles that match the horsepower that I put in through my browser. I want it to return all the car names that match the horsepower, but what I have doesn't seem to be working? It returns nothing. I know the issue is somewhere in the "for" statement, but I don't know how to fix it.
This is my first time doing something like this and I've been trying multiple things for hours. I can't figure it out. Could you please help?
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
import os, json
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='flask')
def horsepower():
horsepower = request.args.get('horsepower')
message = "<h3>HORSEPOWER "+str(horsepower)+"</h3>"
path = os.getcwd() + "/data/vehicles.json"
with open(path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
for record in data:
if horsepower == record:
return message
The following example should meet your expectations.
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
import os, json
app = Flask(__name__)
def horsepower():
# The type of the URL parameters are automatically converted to integer.
horsepower = request.args.get('horsepower', type=int)
# Read the file which is located in the data folder relative to the
# application root directory.
path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'data', 'vehicles.json')
with open(path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
# A list of names of the data sets is created,
# the performance of which corresponds to the parameter passed.
cars = [record['Car'] for record in data if horsepower == int(record["Horsepower"])]
# The result is then output separated by commas.
return f'''
<h3>HORSEPOWER {horsepower}</h3>
There are many different ways of writing the loop. I used a short variant in the example. In more detail, you can use these as well.
cars = []
for record in data:
if horsepower == int(record['Horsepower']):
As a tip:
Pay attention to when you overwrite the value of a variable by using the same name.

Python try finally statement to run another file

I am having an issue getting my try and finally statement to execute properly. I am trying to get another Python file to execute once a user has interacted with the first program.For example, once the first program is run the user will be asked to scan their tag which will create a unique user id for that user; after their tag is scanned a second python file will be executed. My problem is that the second file is constantly being run as soon as the first file is executed regardless if the tag is scanned first or not. I have added my code below with comments to help explain better. Any thoughts?
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from mfrc522 import SimpleMFRC522
# Second File being ran
import medform
reader = SimpleMFRC522()
# user id being created
c = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
op = "".join(choice(c) for x in range(randint(8,16)))
# Printed before tag is scanned
print("Please Scan tag " )
reader.write(op + op)
# if tag is scanned / id created open second file
if reader.write(op + op):
print("Scan Tag First" )
# Print after tag is scanned
print("Scan Complete")
importing a file runs it, there are 2 ways to do what you want:
import the file when you want it to run
define a main function in the other file that you can run from the first one instead of having all the code in the top level
the second option is the best one in most cases, as you normally would not want a file to actually do stuff on import.
so in the second file you would have:
def main():
# the code you want to run (make sure to indent it)
then in the first you can have:
import medform
# ...

How do I run python '__main__' program file from bash prompt in Windows10?

I am trying to run a python3 program file and am getting some unexpected behaviors.
I'll start off first with my PATH and env setup configuration. When I run:
which Python
I get:
/c/Program Files/Python36/python
From there, I cd into the directory where my python program is located to prepare to run the program.
Roughly speaking this is how my python program is set up:
import modulesNeeded
print('1st debug statement to show program execution')
# variables declared as needed
def aFunctionNeeded():
print('2nd debug statement to show fxn exe, never prints')
... function logic...
if __name__ == '__main__':
aFunctionNeeded() # Never gets called
Here is a link to the repository with the code I am working with in case you would like more details as to the implementation. Keep in mind that API keys are not published, but API keys are in local file correctly:
My question revolves around why my 1st debug statements inside the files are printing to the terminal, but not the 2nd debug statements inside the functions?
This is happening in both of the file and the file.
I know I have written my if __name__ == '__main__': program entry point correctly as this is the same exact way I have done it for other programs, but in this case I may be missing something that I am not noticing.
If this is my output when I run my program in my bash terminal:
$ python
inside geo
inside find
then, why does it appear that my aFunctionNeeded() method shown in my pseudo code is not being called from the main?
Why do both programs seem to fail immediately after the first debug statements are printed to the terminal? File that can also be found in link above
from geocode import getGeocodeLocation
import json
import httplib2
import sys
import codecs
print('inside find')
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout)
sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stderr)
foursquare_client_id = "..."
foursquare_client_secret = "..."
def findARestaurant(mealType,location):
print('inside findFxn')
#1. Use getGeocodeLocation to get the latitude and longitude coordinates of the location string.
latitude, longitude = getGeocodeLocation(location)
#2. Use foursquare API to find a nearby restaurant with the latitude, longitude, and mealType strings.
#HINT: format for url will be something like,-74&query=sushi
url = (',%s&query=%s' % (foursquare_client_id, foursquare_client_secret,latitude,longitude,mealType))
h = httplib2.Http()
result = json.loads(h.request(url,'GET')[1])
if result['response']['venues']:
#3. Grab the first restaurant
restaurant = result['response']['venues'][0]
venue_id = restaurant['id']
restaurant_name = restaurant['name']
restaurant_address = restaurant['location']['formattedAddress']
address = ""
for i in restaurant_address:
address += i + " "
restaurant_address = address
#4. Get a 300x300 picture of the restaurant using the venue_id (you can change this by altering the 300x300 value in the URL or replacing it with 'orginal' to get the original picture
url = ('' % ((venue_id,foursquare_client_id,foursquare_client_secret)))
result = json.loads(h.request(url, 'GET')[1])
#5. Grab the first image
if result['response']['photos']['items']:
firstpic = result['response']['photos']['items'][0]
prefix = firstpic['prefix']
suffix = firstpic['suffix']
imageURL = prefix + "300x300" + suffix
#6. if no image available, insert default image url
imageURL = ""
#7. return a dictionary containing the restaurant name, address, and image url
restaurantInfo = {'name':restaurant_name, 'address':restaurant_address, 'image':imageURL}
print ("Restaurant Name: %s" % restaurantInfo['name'])
print ("Restaurant Address: %s" % restaurantInfo['address'])
print ("Image: %s \n" % restaurantInfo['image'])
return restaurantInfo
print ("No Restaurants Found for %s" % location)
return "No Restaurants Found"
if __name__ == '__main__':
findARestaurant("Pizza", "Tokyo, Japan") File that can also be found in link above
import httplib2
import json
print('inside geo')
def getGeocodeLocation(inputString):
print('inside of geoFxn')
# Use Google Maps to convert a location into Latitute/Longitute coordinates
# FORMAT:,+Mountain+View,+CA&key=API_KEY
google_api_key = "..."
locationString = inputString.replace(" ", "+")
url = ('' % (locationString, google_api_key))
h = httplib2.Http()
result = json.loads(h.request(url,'GET')[1])
latitude = result['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']
longitude = result['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']
return (latitude,longitude)
The reason you're not seeing the output of the later parts of your code is that you've rebound the standard output and error streams with these lines:
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout)
sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stderr)
I'm not exactly sure why those lines are breaking things for you, perhaps your console does not expect utf8 encoded output... But because they don't work as intended, you're not seeing anything from the rest of your code, including error messages, since you rebound the stderr stream along with the stdout stream.

Getting KeyError when parsing JSON containing three layers of keys, using Python

I'm building a Python program to parse some calls to a social media API into CSV and I'm running into an issue with a key that has two keys above it in the hierarchy. I get this error when I run the code with PyDev in Eclipse.
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 413, in <module>
line 390, in main
line 171, in postAgeDemos
age0To17 = str(i["ageCount"]["sortedAgeCounts"]["ZERO_TO_SEVENTEEN"])
Here's the section of the code I'm using for it. I have a few other functions built already that work with two layers of keys.
import urllib.request
import json
def postAgeDemos(monitorID):
print("Enter the date you'd like the data to start on")
startDate = input('The date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. ')
print("Enter the date you'd like the data to end on")
endDate = input('The date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. ')
dates = "&start="+startDate+"&end="+endDate
urlStart = getURL()
authToken = getAuthToken()
endpoint = "/monitor/demographics/age?id=";
urlData = urlStart+endpoint+monitorID+authToken+dates
webURL = urllib.request.urlopen(urlData)
fPath = getFilePath()+"AgeDemographics"+startDate+"&"+endDate+".csv"
if (webURL.getcode() == 200):
print("Connected to "+urlData)
print("This query returns information in a CSV file.")
csvFile = open(fPath, "w+")
data ='utf8')
theJSON = json.loads(data)
for i in theJSON["ageCounts"]:
postDate = i["startDate"]
totalDocs = str(i["numberOfDocuments"])
totalAged = str(i["ageCount"]["totalAgeCount"])
age0To17 = str(i["ageCount"]["sortedAgeCounts"]["ZERO_TO_SEVENTEEN"])
age18To24 = str(i["ageCount"]["sortedAgeCounts"]["EIGHTEEN_TO_TWENTYFOUR"])
age25To34 = str(i["ageCount"]["sortedAgeCounts"]["TWENTYFIVE_TO_THIRTYFOUR"])
age35Over = str(i["ageCount"]["sortedAgeCounts"]["THIRTYFIVE_AND_OVER"])
print("File printed to "+fPath)
print("Server Error, No Data" + str(webURL.getcode()))
Here's a sample of the JSON I'm trying to parse.
Here it is again with line breaks so it's a little easier to read.
I've tried removing the ["sortedAgeCounts"] from in the middle of
age0To17 = str(i["ageCount"]["sortedAgeCounts"]["ZERO_TO_SEVENTEEN"])
but I still get the same error. I've remove the 0-17 section to test the other age ranges and I get the same error for them as well. I tried removing all the underscores from the JSON and then using keys without the underscores.
I've also tried moving the str() to convert to string from the call to where the output is printed but the error persists.
Any ideas? Is this section not actually a JSON key, maybe a problem with the all caps or am I just doing something dumb? Any other code improvements are welcome as well but I'm stuck on this one.
Let me know if you need to see anything else. Thanks in advance for your help.
Edited(This works):
for i in JSON:
print str(JSON[i][0]["ageCount"]["sortedAgeCounts"]["ZERO_TO_SEVENTEEN"])
s is a string which contains the your JSON.

