Python flask server to retrieve certain records - python

I have this following python code for a Flask server. I am trying to have this part of the code list all my vehicles that match the horsepower that I put in through my browser. I want it to return all the car names that match the horsepower, but what I have doesn't seem to be working? It returns nothing. I know the issue is somewhere in the "for" statement, but I don't know how to fix it.
This is my first time doing something like this and I've been trying multiple things for hours. I can't figure it out. Could you please help?
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
import os, json
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='flask')
def horsepower():
horsepower = request.args.get('horsepower')
message = "<h3>HORSEPOWER "+str(horsepower)+"</h3>"
path = os.getcwd() + "/data/vehicles.json"
with open(path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
for record in data:
if horsepower == record:
return message

The following example should meet your expectations.
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
import os, json
app = Flask(__name__)
def horsepower():
# The type of the URL parameters are automatically converted to integer.
horsepower = request.args.get('horsepower', type=int)
# Read the file which is located in the data folder relative to the
# application root directory.
path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'data', 'vehicles.json')
with open(path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
# A list of names of the data sets is created,
# the performance of which corresponds to the parameter passed.
cars = [record['Car'] for record in data if horsepower == int(record["Horsepower"])]
# The result is then output separated by commas.
return f'''
<h3>HORSEPOWER {horsepower}</h3>
There are many different ways of writing the loop. I used a short variant in the example. In more detail, you can use these as well.
cars = []
for record in data:
if horsepower == int(record['Horsepower']):
As a tip:
Pay attention to when you overwrite the value of a variable by using the same name.


Flask, using form inputs as global variable execute custom ETL module using form submission as input and then display the charts after completion

I currently have my flask running static where I run the ETL job independently and then use the result dataset in my Flask to display chartjs line charts.
However, I'd like to integrate the ETL piece in my web framework where my users can login and submit the input parameter(locations of the input files and an added version id) using HTML form, which will then be used by my ETL job to run and use the resultant data directly to display the charts on same page.
Current Setup:
My custom ETL module has submodules that act together to form a simple pipeline process: - has my globals such as location of the s3 and the etc. ideally i'd like my user's form inputs to be stored here so that they can be used directly in all my submodules wherever necessary.
s3_bkt = 'abc' #change bucket here
s3_loc = 's3://'+s3_bkt+'/'
ip_loc = 'alv-input/'
#Ideally ,I'd like my users form inputs to be sitting here
# ip1 = 'alv_ip.csv'
# ip2 = 'Input_product_ICL_60K_Seg15.xlsx'
#version = 'v1'
op_loc = 'alv-output/' - main function
import module3 as m3
import globals as g
def main(ip1,ip2,version):
data3,ip1,ip2,version = m3.module3(ip1,ip2,version)
----perform some actions on the data and return---
return res_data
import module2 as m2
def mod3(ip1,ip2,version):
data2,ip1,ip2,version = m2.mod2(ip1,ip2,version)
----perform some actions on the data and return---
return data3
import module1 as m1
import globals as g
def mod2(ip1,ip2,version):
data1,ip1,ip2,version = m1.mod1(ip1,ip2,version)
data_cnsts = pd.read_csv(ip2) #this is where i'll be using the user's input for ip2
----perform some actions on the datasets and write them to location with version_id to return---
data1.to_csv(g.op_loc+'data2-'+ version + '.csv', index=False)
return data2
import globals as g
def mod1(ip1,ip2,version):
#this is the location where the form input for the data location should be actually used
data = pd.read_csv(g.s3_loc+g.ip_loc+ip1)
----perform some actions on the data and return---
return data1
Flask setup:
import main-module as mm
app = Flask(__name__)
#this is where the user first hits and submits the form
def form():
return render_template('form.html')
#app.route('/result/',methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def upload():
if request.method == 'GET':
return f"The URL /data is accessed directly. Try going to '/upload' to submit form"
if request.method == 'POST':
ip1 = request.form['ip_file']
ip2 = request.form['ip_sas_file']
version = request.form['version']
data = mm.main(ip1,ip2,version)
grpby_vars = ['a','b','c']
grouped_data = data.groupby(['mob'])[grpby_vars].mean().reset_index()
#labels for the chart
a = [val for val in grouped_data['a']]
#values for the chart
b = [round(val*100,3) for val in grouped_data['b']]
c = [round(val*100,3) for val in grouped_data['c']]
d = [val for val in grouped_data['d']]
return render_template('results.html', title='Predictions',a=a,b=b,c=c,d=d)
The Flask setup works perfectly fine without using any form inputs from the user(if the ETL job and Flask is de-coupled i.e. when I run the ETL and supply the result data location to Flask directly.
The problem after integration is that I'm not very sure how to pass these inputs from users to all my sub-module. Below is the error I get when I use the current setup.
data3,ip1,ip2,version = m3.module3(ip1,ip2,version)
TypeError: module3() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'ip1', 'ip2', and 'version'
So, definitely this is due to the issue with my param passing across my sub-modules.
So my question is how do I use the data from the form as a global variable across my sub-modules. Ideally I'd like them to be stored in my globals so that I'd not have to be passing them as a param through all modules.
Is there a standard way to achieve that? Might sound very trivial but I'm struggling hard to get to my end-state.
Thanks for reading through :)
I realized my dumb mistake, I should've have just included
data,ip1,ip2,version = mm.main(ip1,ip2,version)
I could also instead use my globals file by initiating the inputs with empty string and then import my globals in the flask file and update the values. This way I can avoid the route of passing the params through my sub-modules.

Pass flag from a python script to another

Hello if i have a flag in one script, is it possible to pass real time change on others? I mean that, for example i wrote this script. let's name it which reads data from a serial communication and saves it to a .txt file. When the data that i receive is '0' i would like to pass the flag sent_json to script2. So when script2 gets the trigger, POST the data. Any suggestions ?
while True:
try :
a = ser.readline()
timestamped = str(
suma = timestamped + "\t " + a.decode('utf-8')
f = open("current_data.txt", 'a')
if (a.decode().strip() == '0'):
sent_json = True
print("New data is saved!")
sent_json = False
except :
print("Unexpected error: ")
and i have another script, lets name it, in which is the main Flask app :
import sqlite3, json
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from serialNumber_id import serial_number
import sys
app = Flask(__name__)
def PostData():
''' Connect to DB, set the temperature to 2 decimal float, POST Data to DB'''
with open("data.json") as dataFile:
data = json.load(dataFile)
for key, value in data.items():
temperature = "{0:.2f}".format(float(value['data']))
date = value['date']
conn = sqlite3.connect('sensordata.db')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute( """INSERT INTO Temperature_data(temperature, currentdat, currenttime, device) VALUES ((?) , (?), time("now"), (?))""", (temperature, date, serial_number))
open('data.json', 'w').close()
Code something like
while True:
if sent_json :
do something
do something
# if __name__ == "__main__":
#'', port=8181, debug=True)
Note that i have tried in script2
from script1 import sent_json
Also the scripts are in the same folder.
So the absolute simplest thing to do, since you're polling anyway, is to write to some kind of shared resource like a file. So script1 writes something, maybe a timestamp, to a file, and script2 continually polls that file to check to see whether it's changed.
Let me warn you that this, like anything that relies on the filesystem, is a terrible solution if you want performance or efficiency.
Why not just POST the data to your flask app instead of trying to pass it from script to script?
import requests
my_data = {'name':'FooBar'}'http://localhost:3000/', json=data)
from flask import request
#app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def PostData():
data = request.get_json(force=True)
# {'name':'FooBar'}

Self-Updating Code?

I have a module that needs to update new variable values from the web, about once a week. I could place those variable values in a file & load those values on startup. Or, a simpler solution would be to simply auto-update the code.
Is this possible in Python?
Something like this...
def self_updating_module_template():
dynamic_var1 = {'dynamic var1'} # some kind of place holder tag
dynamic_var2 = {'dynamic var2'} # some kind of place holder tag
def self_updating_module():
dynamic_var1 = 'old data'
dynamic_var2 = 'old data'
def updater():
new_data_from_web = ''
new_dynamic_var1 = new_data_from_web # Makes API call. gets values.
new_dynamic_var2 = new_data_from_web
# loads self_updating_module_template
dynamic_var1 = new_dynamic_var1
dynamic_var2 = new_dynamic_var2
# replace module place holders with new values.
# overwrite
I would recommend that you use configparser and a set of default values located in an ini-style file.
The ConfigParser class implements a basic configuration file parser
language which provides a structure similar to what you would find on
Microsoft Windows INI files. You can use this to write Python programs
which can be customized by end users easily.
Whenever the configuration values are updated from the web api endpoint, configparser also lets us write those back out to the configuration file. That said, be careful! The reason that most people recommend that configuration files be included at build/deploy time and not at run time is for security/stability. You have to lock down the endpoint that allows updates to your running configuration in production and have some way to verify any configuration value updates before they are retrieved by your application:
import configparser
filename = 'config.ini'
def load_config():
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
if 'WEB_DATA' not in config:
config['WEB_DATA'] = {'dynamic_var1': 'dynamic var1', # some kind of place holder tag
'dynamic_var2': 'dynamic var2'} # some kind of place holder tag
return config
def update_config(config):
new_data_from_web = ''
new_dynamic_var1 = new_data_from_web # Makes API call. gets values.
new_dynamic_var2 = new_data_from_web
config['WEB_DATA']['dynamic_var1'] = new_dynamic_var1
config['WEB_DATA']['dynamic_var2'] = new_dynamic_var2
def save_config(config):
with open(filename, 'w') as configfile:
Example usage::
# Load the configuration
config = load_config()
# Get new data from the web
# Save the newly updated configuration back to the file

cURL method in Python for JSON feed [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to download a file over HTTP?
(30 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
While building a flask website, I'm using an external JSON feed to feed the local mongoDB with content. This feed is parsed and fed while repurposing keys from the JSON to keys in Mongo.
One of the available keys from the feed is called "img_url" and contains, guess what, an url to an image.
Is there a way, in Python, to mimic a php style cURL? I'd like to grab that key, download the image, and store it somewhere locally while keeping other associated keys, and have that as an entry to my db.
Here is my script up to now:
import json
import sys
import urllib2
from datetime import datetime
import pymongo
import pytz
from utils import slugify
# from utils import logger
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
db = client.artlogic
def fetch_artworks():
# logger.debug("downloading artwork data from Artlogic")
AL_artworks = []
AL_artists = []
url = ""
while True:
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
data = json.load(f)
AL_artworks += data['rows']
# logger.debug("retrieved page %s of %s of artwork data" % (data['feed_data']['page'], data['feed_data']['no_of_pages']))
# Stop we are at the last page
if data['feed_data']['page'] == data['feed_data']['no_of_pages']:
url = data['feed_data']['next_page_link']
# Now we have a list called ‘artworks’ in which all the descriptions are stored
# We are going to put them into the mongoDB database,
# Making sure that if the artwork is already encoded (an object with the same id
# already is in the database) we update the existing description instead of
# inserting a new one (‘upsert’).
# logger.debug("updating local mongodb database with %s entries" % len(artworks))
for artwork in AL_artworks:
# Mongo does not like keys that have a dot in their name,
# this property does not seem to be used anyway so let us
# delete it:
if 'artworks.description2' in artwork:
del artwork['artworks.description2']
# upsert int the database:
db.AL_artworks.update({"id": artwork['id']}, artwork, upsert=True)
# artwork['artist_id'] is not functioning properly
db.AL_artists.update({"artist": artwork['artist']},
{"artist_sort": artwork['artist_sort'],
"artist": artwork['artist'],
"slug": slugify(artwork['artist'])},
# db.meta.update({"subject": "artworks"}, {"updated":, "subject": "artworks"}, upsert=True)
return AL_artworks
if __name__ == "__main__":
First, you might like the requests library.
Otherwise, if you want to stick to the stdlib, it will be something in the lines of:
def fetchfile(url, dst):
fi = urllib2.urlopen(url)
fo = open(dst, 'wb')
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk: break
os.path.join('/var/www/static', uuid.uuid1().get_hex()
With the correct exceptions catching (i can develop if you want, but i'm sure the documentation will be clear enough).
You could put the fetchfile() into a pool of async jobs to fetch many files at once.

Google Analytics and Python

I'm brand new at Python and I'm trying to write an extension to an app that imports GA information and parses it into MySQL. There is a shamfully sparse amount of infomation on the topic. The Google Docs only seem to have examples in JS and Java...
...I have gotten to the point where my user can authenticate into GA using SubAuth. That code is here:
import gdata.service
from django import http
from django import shortcuts
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
def authorize(request):
next = 'http://localhost:8000/authconfirm'
scope = ''
secure = False # set secure=True to request secure AuthSub tokens
session = False
auth_sub_url = gdata.service.GenerateAuthSubRequestUrl(next, scope, secure=secure, session=session)
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(auth_sub_url)
So, step next is getting at the data. I have found this library: (beware, UI is offensive)
However, I have found it difficult to navigate. It seems like I should be, but I'm not sure what it is asking me to pass it.
I would love a push in the right direction. I feel I've exhausted google looking for a working example.
Thank you!!
EDIT: I have gotten farther, but my problem still isn't solved. The below method returns data (I believe).... the error I get is: "'str' object has no attribute '_BecomeChildElement'" I believe I am returning a feed? However, I don't know how to drill into it. Is there a way for me to inspect this object?
def auth_confirm(request):
gdata_service = gdata.service.GDataService('iSample_acctSample_v1.0')
# request feed
feed =
print str(feed)
Maybe this post can help out. Seems like there are not Analytics specific bindings yet, so you are working with the generic gdata.
I've been using GA for a little over a year now and since about April 2009, i have used python bindings supplied in a package called python-googleanalytics by Clint Ecker et al. So far, it works quite well.
Here's where to get it:
Install it the usual way.
To use it: First, so that you don't have to manually pass in your login credentials each time you access the API, put them in a config file like so:
google_account_email =
google_account_password = yourpassword
Name this file '.pythongoogleanalytics' and put it in your home directory.
And from an interactive prompt type:
from googleanalytics import Connection
import datetime
connection = Connection() # pass in id & pw as strings **if** not in config file
account = connection.get_account(<*your GA profile ID goes here*>)
start_date =, 12, 01)
end_data =, 12, 13)
# account object does the work, specify what data you want w/
# 'metrics' & 'dimensions'; see '' file for examples
account.get_data(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, metrics=['visits'])
The 'get_account' method will return a python list (in above instance, bound to the variable 'account'), which contains your data.
You need 3 files within the app. client_secrets.json, analytics.dat and
Create a module within the app:
class Query(object):
def __init__(self, startdate, enddate, filter, metrics):
self.startdate = startdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
self.enddate = enddate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
self.filter = "ga:medium=" + filter
self.metrics = metrics
Example #has the following function
import google_auth
service = googleauth.initialize_service()
def total_visit(self):
object = AnalyticsData.objects.get(utm_source=self.utm_source)
trial = Query(,, object.utm_source, ga:sessions")
result = = 'ga:<your-profile-id>', start_date = trial.startdate, end_date = trial.enddate, filters= trial.filter, metrics = trial.metrics).execute()
total_visit = result.get('rows')
<yr save command, ColumnName.object.create(data=total_visit) goes here>

