I want to write my first python package that I can upload to PyPi.
My question is is there any tool to initialize the required skeleton for the PyPi package ?
So far I have found instructions here http://peterdowns.com/posts/first-time-with-pypi.html but it requires me to create all the files manually. I come from a Perl background and in Perl I could use following to create skeleton for cpan module.
module-starter --module=Foo::Bar --author="Foo Bar" --email=foo#bar.com
In ruby I could just do
bundle gem foo::bar
I am surprised that there isn't anything similar in python or may be just I couldn't find it.
There is one: cookiecutter-pypackage
By the way, I think you should do it by hand at first so you can have a better understanding about how to creat a python package. When you're familiar with it, you can use tools to make this task automatically.
Further reading:
The official package guide: Python Packaging User Guide
Open Sourcing a Python Project the Right Way
Cookiecutter: Project Templates Made Easy
You can use Pylease, the v0.3 was released just yesterday.
It works pretty simple:
$ mkdir your_project && cd your_project
$ pylease init your_project
This command creates the basic minimal stuff for a Python project:
setup.py - with a call to the setuptools setup method, supplying the name and the version of your project
setup.cfg - with basic configuration for Pylease
your_project/__init__.py - with the __version__ variable defined in the module root
Furthermore you can extend it and customise to fit your needs. For more information see the docs.
I can't find an answer for this question. Probably because I have not the good keywords. If this is too basic, please just tell me where to look for.
We have a Python project our_project in which I want to use a little Python module that I wrote : my_module .
our_project and my_module both have a git repo. I do not want to just put my_module.py into our_project/ because I want to keep improving my_module independently of our_project and be abble to use it in other projects.
I'm looking for a simple way to acces the most rencent version of my_module from our_project. (for me and my collaborators)
What should I do ?
I would suggest to create a library on another repo with its own setuptools configuration.
You can use pip's editable install to install it and also keep it updated while being develop. It allows you to install dependencies directly from git repositories.
I'm new to Python, so I think my question is very fundamental and is asked a few times before but I cannot really find something (maybe because I do not really know how to search for that problem).
I installed a module in Python (reportlab). Now I wanted to modify a python script in that module but it seems that the python interpreter does not notice the updates in the script. Ironically the import is successful although Python actually should not find that package because I deleted it before. Does Python uses something like a Cache or any other storage for the modules? How can I edit modules and use those updated scripts?
From what you are saying, you downloaded a package and installed it using either a local pip or setup.py. When you do so, it copies all the files into your python package directory. So after an install, you can delete the source folder because python is not looking here.
If you want to be able to modify, edit, something and see changes, you have to install it in editable mode. Inside the main folder do:
python setup.py develop
pip install -e .
This will create a symbolic link to you python package repository. You will be able to modify sources.
Careful for the changes to be effective, you have to restart your python interpreter. You cannot just import again the module or whatever else.
For my simple C library I have a simple Python wrapper using ctypes. I am now writing the Makefile for my library. In it under the install target I have:
install -m 644 mylib.py $(shell python3 -m site | grep $(PREFIX).*packages | cut -d \' -f2)/
This is something I contrived myself. I don't want to use distutils or all those multiple Python installation "solutions" because they are too convoluted for my simple requirements: Once the .so file is installed, all that is really needed for my library to be accessible from Python is for the .py interface to be in the correct import-able location. So I'm figuring a simple copy should do.
Does anyone foresee any problem with what I am doing? If so, is there a better way to do this?
By using setup-tools and uploading your source files to pipy.org, anyone on the world can install your project by simply typing pip install <yourmodule>.
Moreover, larger Python projects which happen to want to use your library will just have to list its name in a single line, either in a requirements.txt file, or on setup.py
if your project is not open source and you don't intend it to be accessible by "the world", the distutils solutions - no quotes needed - allow your project to be fetched from a private git repository, or even a prevate Python "Cheese Shop".
If you absolutely don't care about using the right way to do things, you might as well just drop a plain English line on your README telling the user to copy your ".py" file to any folder he likes - installation won't be as expected by Python users anyway.
Otherwise, just have a minimalist setup.py file and have a make line that goes python setup.py install - it certainly won't hurt (your library will still be short of usable on larger projects that uses several packages - all those projects need to be pip-installable )
The minimalist setup.py file is a two liner and can be found here:
https://docs.python.org/2/distutils/examples.html#pure-python-distribution-by-module - certainly far from "convoluted".
I want to distribute some python code, with a few external dependencies, to machines with only core python installed (and users that unfamiliar with easy_install etc.).
I was wondering if perhaps virtualenv can be used for this purpose? I should be able to write some bash scripts that trigger the virtualenv (with the suitable packages) and then run my code.. but this seems somewhat messy, and I'm wondering if I'm re-inventing the wheel?
Are there any simple solutions to distributing python code with dependencies, that ideally doesn't require sudo on client machines?
Buildout - http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout
As sample look at my clean project: http://hg.jackleo.info/hyde-0.5.3-buildout-enviroment/src its only 2 files that do the magic, more over Makefile is optional but then you'll need bootstrap.py (Make file downloads it, but it runs only on Linux). buildout.cfg is the main file where you write dependency's and configuration how project is laid down.
To get bootstrap.py just download from http://svn.zope.org/repos/main/zc.buildout/trunk/bootstrap/bootstrap.py
Then run python bootstap.py and bin/buildout. I do not recommend to install buildout locally although it is possible, just use the one bootstrap downloads.
I must admit that buildout is not the easiest solution but its really powerful. So learning is worth time.
UPDATE 2014-05-30
Since It was recently up-voted and used as an answer (probably), I wan to notify of few changes.
First of - buildout is now downloaded from github https://raw.githubusercontent.com/buildout/buildout/master/bootstrap/bootstrap.py
That hyde project would probably fail due to buildout 2 breaking changes.
Here you can find better samples http://www.buildout.org/en/latest/docs/index.html also I want to suggest to look at "collection of links related to Buildout" part, it might contain info for your project.
Secondly I am personally more in favor of setup.py script that can be installed using python. More about the egg structure can be found here http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PythonEggs and if that looks too scary - look up google (query for python egg). It's actually more simple in my opinion than buildout (definitely easier to debug) as well as it is probably more useful since it can be distributed more easily and installed anywhere with a help of virtualenv or globally where with buildout you have to provide all of the building scripts with the source all of the time.
You can use a tool like PyInstaller for this purpose. Your application will appear as a single executable on all platforms, and include dependencies. The user doesn't even need Python installed!
See as an example my logview package, which has dependencies on PyQt4 and ZeroMQ and includes distributions for Linux, Mac OSX and Windows all created using PyInstaller.
You don't want to distribute your virtualenv, if that's what you're asking. But you can use pip to create a requirements file - typically called requirements.txt - and tell your users to create a virtualenv then run pip install -r requirements.txt, which will install all the dependencies for them.
See the pip docs for a description of the requirements file format, and the Pinax project for an example of a project that does this very well.
Suppose a programmer has the following problem: he wants to start a new python project. He needs a basic layout of boilerplate stuff, like test directory, source directory, setuptools script etc.. How does he create all this stuff and layout with a single command ?
For example, paster (as suggested in one of the answers, provides you this service)
paster create
Selected and implied templates: PasteScript#basic_package
A basic setuptools-enabled package
but paster is part of a tool whose main scope is not the deployment of packages. What if I want to have a template for a library, and a template for an application? How can I modify the template to add my own personal stuff to it ?
You need something that supports templating to pull this off. The most used in the python community is pastescript.
easy_install pastescript # A one-time install
paster create
If you've already decided on the name of the package, than it's just:
paster create mypackage
If you want to customize the template, than the easiest way is to create your own python package that includes the custom template you want. Once you've installed it into your environment, you can then use this custom template as much as you want. (This is the sort of thing used by frameworks like pylons to create a template for a web application).
paster create -t libtemplate mypackage
paster create -t apptemplate mypackage
For more details on how to create templates (which consist of a mix of code and source files) take a look at: http://pythonpaste.org/script/developer.html#templates You'll notice that templates support inheritance, so that you can, e.g. just build upon the included template, or create your own, from-scratch templates.
For a good example of a customized template, you can take a look at the pylons template in source, here: Pylons Template Code
In addition, if you're not already using it, you should take a look at Ian Bicking's virtualenv. It allows you to create temporary 'virtual' environments that allow you to install python packages without using and/or conflicting with whatever system-wide packages you may have installed.
A standard setup with virtualenv and pastescript might look something like this:
mkdir mypackage && cd mypackage
virtualenv --distribute env
source env/bin/activate # 'Turns on / activates' the environment
easy_install pastescript
paster create mypackage
I'm using modern-package-template to layout my Python projects.
modern-package-template is a PasteScript template to create an initial layout for your Python projects using modern tools and practices followed in the Python community. Thus, your projects will have the following characteristics:
Use Distribute instead of setuptools as the BDFL himself supports it.
Buildout support, though you are not required to make use of it.
README.txt and NEWS.txt automatically included in your package metadata as long_description, thus making them appear in the PyPI page for your project.
Automatic script (or .exe) creation using Distribute
More info and download from pypi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/modern-package-template
You can make your own templates. Really useful, for instance for in-house project structure standards.
Best way to start making your own is to start with an existing example and to copy/paste relevant bits from it. Suggestion: ZopeSkel as it is a quite big one with lots of examples. Browse the source code.
I've been using cookiecutter. It's written in python but can be used for any kind of project; not just python. It uses Jinja for templating and features pre and post hooks (written in python or bash) that can easily create/manage one's virtualenvs or anything else you can think of. You can store your own templates in a local directory or pull other peoples directly from the Internet and run them without storing them locally first. It seems much more versatile, simpler to use, and more useful IMHO then paster (disclosure: I've not tried paster). It also is in active development as well.