Best way to use my own module in my python project - python

I can't find an answer for this question. Probably because I have not the good keywords. If this is too basic, please just tell me where to look for.
We have a Python project our_project in which I want to use a little Python module that I wrote : my_module .
our_project and my_module both have a git repo. I do not want to just put into our_project/ because I want to keep improving my_module independently of our_project and be abble to use it in other projects.
I'm looking for a simple way to acces the most rencent version of my_module from our_project. (for me and my collaborators)
What should I do ?

I would suggest to create a library on another repo with its own setuptools configuration.
You can use pip's editable install to install it and also keep it updated while being develop. It allows you to install dependencies directly from git repositories.


Changes in Python scripts are not accepted

I'm new to Python, so I think my question is very fundamental and is asked a few times before but I cannot really find something (maybe because I do not really know how to search for that problem).
I installed a module in Python (reportlab). Now I wanted to modify a python script in that module but it seems that the python interpreter does not notice the updates in the script. Ironically the import is successful although Python actually should not find that package because I deleted it before. Does Python uses something like a Cache or any other storage for the modules? How can I edit modules and use those updated scripts?
From what you are saying, you downloaded a package and installed it using either a local pip or When you do so, it copies all the files into your python package directory. So after an install, you can delete the source folder because python is not looking here.
If you want to be able to modify, edit, something and see changes, you have to install it in editable mode. Inside the main folder do:
python develop
pip install -e .
This will create a symbolic link to you python package repository. You will be able to modify sources.
Careful for the changes to be effective, you have to restart your python interpreter. You cannot just import again the module or whatever else.

import openpyxl in django

I am quite new to Python and Django. I have a problem with integrating a python package (openpyxl) to my django app. I'd like to use the methods of these files into my file.
My problem is first that I don't know where's the best place to put the openpyxl folder containing all the files in my file hierarchy.
My hierarchy looks like this:
Is it well placed? Should I put it outside the international folder? inside the carte_interactive folder?
And my biggest problem is inside the of openpyxl. I get errors lines like this one:
from openpyxl.xml import LXML
Where there is no resolved reference to LXML, but is actually defined in the xml file of openpyxl.
Is it my bad file placement that caused this? or is it Django?, or is it openpyxl's fault? Do anyone have an idea?
You can see openpyxl's source files here, where I downloaded them:
If you need any more details, please ask!
Thanks in advance!
I applaud your enthusiasm for wanting to learn Django while being new to Python. That said, the way you have things set up right now will make your life unnecessarily difficult to manage.
I would first recommend reading up on best practices for setting up a Django project. Just doing a quick google search for "Django project layout best practices" will give you a lot of resources, but they'll all essentially tell you to do what's in the SO answer above.
The second very basic thing is using pip to install and use other python packages. This is especially important for a django project, where you often have a lot of dependencies outside of Django. Pip is a program to install additionaly python packages. They get installed in your PYTHONPATH, which is just a list of filepaths on disk where python will look for additional packages. If you're on a *NIX system, this is usually in something like /usr/lib/python2.7/. Once you have something in your python path, you can from any piece of code, use other libraries you've installed via the python import system. Essentially, all this more or less does is look through each location in your PYTHONPATHs for the library you're trying to import.
Finally, in regards specifically to lxml, you will want to install it via apt or some other package installer. (e.g. on ubuntu, apt install python-lxml
In order to keep track of all your external python-dependencies, stuff them in a file named "requirements.txt" in the top level directory. This is a pretty standard thing to do for Django projects, so don't worry about shipping code with ALL dependencies inside the project.
Thanks to all of you! I'm using Jetbrains Pycharm and when I wrote import openpyxl, it gave me the choice to install the package. I suppose it does it with pip, which would certainly have worked the same. And I put the package in requirements.txt, so that other users would only have to install this requirement!
It works now! And thanks for the link on the best practices. I'll read that!

python tool to create skeleton for PyPI package?

I want to write my first python package that I can upload to PyPi.
My question is is there any tool to initialize the required skeleton for the PyPi package ?
So far I have found instructions here but it requires me to create all the files manually. I come from a Perl background and in Perl I could use following to create skeleton for cpan module.
module-starter --module=Foo::Bar --author="Foo Bar"
In ruby I could just do
bundle gem foo::bar
I am surprised that there isn't anything similar in python or may be just I couldn't find it.
There is one: cookiecutter-pypackage
By the way, I think you should do it by hand at first so you can have a better understanding about how to creat a python package. When you're familiar with it, you can use tools to make this task automatically.
Further reading:
The official package guide: Python Packaging User Guide
Open Sourcing a Python Project the Right Way
Cookiecutter: Project Templates Made Easy
You can use Pylease, the v0.3 was released just yesterday.
It works pretty simple:
$ mkdir your_project && cd your_project
$ pylease init your_project
This command creates the basic minimal stuff for a Python project: - with a call to the setuptools setup method, supplying the name and the version of your project
setup.cfg - with basic configuration for Pylease
your_project/ - with the __version__ variable defined in the module root
Furthermore you can extend it and customise to fit your needs. For more information see the docs.

Python / Git / Module structure best practice

We have a lot small projects that share common utility "projects"
utility project math contains function add
project A and project B both need math.add
project A has nothing to do with project B
so is it a good idea to have 3 git repositories (project_A,project_B and math) and clone them locally as
and have in /SOMWHERE/workspace/project_A/ something like
import sys
import math
I have read Structuring Your Project but that doesn't handle SCM and sharing modules.
So to sum up my question: is
import math
good practice or is there a more "pythonic" way of doing that?
Submodules are a suboptimal way of sharing modules like you said in your comments. A better way would be to use the tools offered by your language of choice, i.e Python.
First, create virtualenvs to isolate every project python environment. Use pip to install packages and store dependencies in a requirements.txt file.
Then, you can create a specific package for each of your utils library using distutils and share it on Pypi.
If you don't want to release your packages into the wild, you can also host your own Pypi server.
Using this setup, you will be able to use different versions of your libraries and work on them without breaking compatibility with older code bases. You will also avoid using submodules, that are difficult to use with git.
all of what you describe (3 projects) sounds fine except that you shouldn't mess around with sys.path. instead, set the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
also, if you were not aware of distutils i am guessing you may be new to python development, and may not know about virtualenv. you should use that too (it allows you to develope against a "clean" python version that has no packages, or only the packages you install for that env).

How to version a Python program

I'm doing a Python program (for use in a Linux environment) and I want it to support version actualizations of the program. I read somewhere I should add a line like "__ Version __" but I'm not really sure where and how to put it. What I want to achieve is not having to erase my whole program every time I want to install a new version of it.
I highly recommend you to use setuptools instead of manually versioning it. It is the de-facto stanrad now and very simple to use. All you need to do is to create a in your projects root directory:
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
and then just run:
python sdist
and then there will be eggs under your dist folder.
What you actually want to do is make your Python program into a package using distutils.
You would create a A simple example would look something like this:
from distutils.core import setup
This is the most standard way to version and distribute Python code. If your code is open source you can even register it with the cheese shop^M^M^M^MPyPi and install it on any machine in the world with a simple pip install mypackage.
It depends what you want to be versioned.
Single modules with independent versions, or the whole program/package.
You could theoretically add a __version__ string to every class and do dynamic imports, by testing these variables.
If you want to version the main, or whole program you could add a __version__ string somewhere at the top of your file and import this string into you when generating packages. This way you wouldn't have to manually edit multiple files and could be left mostly untouched.
Also consider using a string, not a number or tuple. See PEP 396.
If you are only concerned with versions on your local machine, I would suggest becoming familiar with Git. Information about version control in Git can be found here.
If you are concerned with version control on a module that others would use, information can be found here.

