error section--> student_grade_system = StudentGradeSystem(sys.argv1)
errored place-->
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Daphnie\Desktop\Python_code\12\student_grade\", line 111, in
File "C:\Users\Daphnie\Desktop\Python_code\12\student_grade\", line 105, in main
student_grade_system = StudentGradeSystem(sys.argv1)
IndexError: list index out of range
import sys
from student import Student
class StudentGradeSystem(object):
def __init__(self, score_file):
self._score_file = score_file
self._students = []
self._class_avg = 0.0
self._kor_avg = 0.0
self._eng_avg = 0.0
self._math_avg = 0.0
def _register_students(self):
with open(self._score_file, "rt") as fp:
lines = fp.readlines()
for line in lines:
items = (line.strip()).split(",")
num = items[0]
name = items[1]
kor = int(items[2])
eng = int(items[3])
math = int(items[4])
student = Student(num, name, kor, eng, math)
def _calculate_student_order(self):
temp_students = sorted(self._students, key = lambda x:, reverse = True)
order = 1
for student in temp_students:
student.order = order
order = order + 1
self._students = temp_students
def _calculate_class_avg(self):
total = 0
for student in self._students:
total = total +
self._class_avg = total / len(self._students)
def _calculate_kor_avg(self):
total = 0
for student in self._students:
total = total + student.kor
self._kor_avg = total / len(self._students)
def _calculate_eng_avg(self):
total = 0
for student in self._students:
total = total + student.eng
self._eng_avg = total / len(self._students)
def _calculate_math_avg(self):
total = 0
for student in self._students:
total = total + student.math
self._math_avg = total / len(self._students)
def _calculate_class_information(self):
def process(self):
def output_result(self, output_file):
student_output_format = "번호: {:2}, 이름: {}, 국어: {}, 영어: {}, 수학: {}, 총점: {}, 평균: {:.2f}, 등수: {}\n"
with open(output_file, "wt") as fp:
for student in self._students:
student_output = student_output_format.format(student.num,, student.kor, student.eng,
student.math,, student.avg, student.order)
fp.write("반 평균: %.2f\n" % self._class_avg)
fp.write("국어 평균: %.2f\n" % self._kor_avg)
fp.write("영어 평균: %.2f\n" % self._eng_avg)
fp.write("수학 평균: %.2f\n" % self._math_avg)
print("성적 처리가 끝났습니다.")
def main():
student_grade_system = StudentGradeSystem(sys.argv[1])
if __name__ == "__main__":
What don't you understand exactly ? The error message is quite clear: you have an IndexError (you're trying to access a non-existant item in a list, tuple or other similar indexed sequence) at line 105, which is
student_grade_system = StudentGradeSystem(sys.argv[1])
In this line there's only one indexed access - sys.argv[1] - so it's obviously the culprit. Since your program obviously expects some arguments to be passed, it's your responsability to make sure 1. they are documented and 2. there are effectively passed to the program (which is obviously not the case here).
When I use to split my .dat filem I meet the following problem.
line 5 name=str(sys.argv[position+1])
indexerror list index out of range
I use ubuntu and the command is
python3.6 abc.dat
This is the
import sys
arguments = len(sys.argv) - 1
position = 1
name = str(sys.argv[position+1])
while (arguments > position): # changed >= to > to avoid error
bench_freq_names = []
path0 = "./%s/"%name+sys.argv[position]
position = position+1
print("the input file is ",path0)
c_0 = open(path0,'r')
l_0 = c_0.readline()
w_0 = l_0.split()
bench_name = w_0[1]
freq_value = w_0[3]
path_out = path0.split("/")
path_out = path_out[-1].split(".")
print("the benchmark name is ",bench_name)
print("the freq value is ",freq_value)
output_file = "./%s/"%name+path_out[0]+"_"+bench_name+"_"+freq_value+".txt"
m = open(output_file,'a')
for l_0 in c_0: #read lines one by one
w_0 = l_0.split()
if (w_0[1] == bench_name and w_0[3] == freq_value):
else: #new_bench_name or new freq_value
m.close() #close file
bench_name = w_0[1] #update bench
freq_value = w_0[3] #update freq
print("the benchmark name is ",bench_name)
print("the freq value is ",freq_value)
output_file = "./%s/"%name+path_out[0]+"_"+bench_name+"_"+freq_value+".txt"
m = open(output_file,'a')
if [bench_name,freq_value] not in bench_freq_names:
I am a chip test engineer, and I have one big text file about 8KK lines. For this file, most lines include '='. Meanwhile I have a log file, which is about 300K lines, each line is show a test failure. I need to change the 300K lines of the original file.
Currently it takes about 15 hours to finish the job.
I have existing solution, but it is too slow.
For the code, the parse_log is used to process the log file and get to know each modification to be made, and the stil_parse include below function:
read file as list in memory;
iterate the file, and modify each line in list if included in log file;
write back to disk;
class MaskStil:
def __init__(self):
self.log_signal_file = ''
self.pattern = r"^([^:]+)(:)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s)([.LH]+)$"
self.log_signal = {}
self.log_lines = []
self.mask_dict = {}
self.stil_name_new = ''
self.stil_name = ''
self.signal_all = {}
self.signal_group = []
self.offset = 0
self.mask_mode = -1 # mask_mode 0: revert between L/H; mask_mode 1: mask L/H to Z
self.convert_value=[{"L":"H", "H":"L"}, {"L":"Z", "H":"Z"}]
for i in range(100):
self.log_signal[i] = ''
def digest(self, log_signal, stil_file, signal_group, offset, mask_mode = 1):
self.log_signal_file = log_signal
self.stil_name = stil_file
self.stil_name_new = stil_file[:-5] + '_mask.stil'
self.signal_group = signal_group.replace('=', '+').strip().split('+')
self.offset = offset
self.mask_mode = mask_mode
for i in range(1, len(self.signal_group)):
self.signal_all[self.signal_group[i]] = (i - 1) / 10 + i
def parse_log(self):
with open(self.log_signal_file) as infile:
line_num = 0
blank_line = 0
for line in infile:
line_num += 1
if line_num == 1:
blank_line = line.count(' ')
if "------------------" in line:
for i in range(blank_line, len(line)):
self.log_signal[i - blank_line] += line[i]
for (key, value) in self.log_signal.items():
self.log_signal[key] = value.rstrip()
with open(self.log_signal_file) as log_in:
self.log_lines =
for line in self.log_lines:
if re.match(self.pattern, line):
match = re.match(self.pattern, line)
cycle = int(
signals =
# print cycle,signals
self.mask_dict[cycle] = {}
for i in range(len(signals)):
if signals[i] != '.':
self.mask_dict[cycle][i] = signals[i]
def stil_parse(self):
cycle_keys = []
vector_num = 0
for i in self.mask_dict.keys():
with open(self.stil_name, 'r') as stil_in:
stil_in_list =
total_len = len(stil_in_list)
vector_cycle_dict = {}
with tqdm(total=total_len, ncols=100, desc= " Stil Scanning in RAM Progress") as pbar:
for i_iter in range(total_len):
line = stil_in_list[i_iter]
if "=" in line:
vector_num +=1
if (vector_num in cycle_keys):
vector_cycle_dict[vector_num] = i_iter
status = line[line.find("=") + 1:line.find(";")]
# if cycle + self.offset in cycle_keys:
if vector_num in cycle_keys:
match = 1
for (i, j) in self.mask_dict[vector_num].iteritems():
mask_point = i
mask_signal = self.log_signal[i]
mask_value = j
test_point = self.signal_all[mask_signal]
test_value = status[test_point]
if test_value != mask_value:
print("data did not match for cycle: ", test_value, " VS ", line, j, vector_num, mask_point, mask_signal, test_point, test_value)
match = 0
raise NameError
status = status[:test_point] + self.convert_value[self.mask_mode][test_value] + status[test_point + 1:]
if match == 1:
replace_line = line[:line.find("=") + 1] + status + line[line.find(";"):]
print("data change from :", line)
print(" to:", replace_line)
stil_in_list[i_iter] = replace_line
print("No matching for %d with %s" %(vector_num, line))
raise NameError
with tqdm(total=len(stil_in_list), ncols=100, desc= " Masked-stil to in RAM Progress") as pbar:
with open(self.stil_name_new, 'w') as stil_out:
for new_line in range(len(stil_in_list)):
I was expecting a solution that could finish in about 1 or 2 hours.
As I mentioned in the comments, you can get some speedup by refactoring your code to be multithreaded or multiprocess.
I imagine you're also running into memory swapping issues here. If that's the case, this should help:
with open(self.log_signal_file) as log_in:
line = log_in.readline() # First line. Need logic to handle empty logs
while line: #Will return false at EOF
if re.match(self.pattern, line):
match = re.match(self.pattern, line)
cycle = int(
signals =
# print cycle,signals
self.mask_dict[cycle] = {}
for i in range(len(signals)):
if signals[i] != '.':
self.mask_dict[cycle][i] = signals[i]
line = log_in.readline()
Here we only read in one line at a time, so you don't have to try to hold 8KK lines in memory
*In case anyone else didn't know, KK means million apparently.
I managed to optimized the solution, and the timing consumed tremendously reduced to about 1 minute.
Mainly the optimization is in below fields:
instead of keeping checking if (vector_num in cycle_keys):, I use
ordered list and always check whether equal to index_to_mask;
use variable line_find_equal and line_find_coma for further usage
class MaskStil:
def __init__(self):
self.log_signal_file = ''
self.pattern = r"^([^:]+)(:)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s)([.LH]+)$"
self.log_signal = {}
self.log_lines = []
self.mask_dict = {}
self.stil_name_new = ''
self.stil_name = ''
self.signal_all = {}
self.signal_group = []
self.offset = 0
self.mask_mode = -1 # mask_mode 0: revert between L/H; mask_mode 1: mask L/H to Z
self.convert_value=[{"L":"H", "H":"L"}, {"L":"Z", "H":"Z"}]
for i in range(100):
self.log_signal[i] = ''
def digest(self, log_signal, stil_file, signal_group, offset, mask_mode = 1):
self.log_signal_file = log_signal
self.stil_name = stil_file
self.stil_name_new = stil_file[:-5] + '_mask.stil'
self.signal_group = signal_group.replace('=', '+').strip().split('+')
self.offset = offset
self.mask_mode = mask_mode
for i in range(1, len(self.signal_group)):
self.signal_all[self.signal_group[i]] = int(math.floor((i - 1) / 10) + i)
def parse_log(self):
with open(self.log_signal_file) as infile:
line_num = 0
blank_line = 0
for line in infile:
line_num += 1
if line_num == 1:
blank_line = line.count(' ')
if "------------------" in line:
for i in range(blank_line, len(line)):
self.log_signal[i - blank_line] += line[i]
for (key, value) in self.log_signal.items():
self.log_signal[key] = value.rstrip()
with open(self.log_signal_file) as log_in:
self.log_lines =
for line in self.log_lines:
if re.match(self.pattern, line):
match = re.match(self.pattern, line)
cycle = int(
signals =
# print cycle,signals
self.mask_dict[cycle] = {}
for i in range(len(signals)):
if signals[i] != '.':
self.mask_dict[cycle][i] = signals[i]
def stil_parse(self):
cycle_keys = []
vector_num = 0
for i in self.mask_dict.keys():
with open(self.stil_name, 'r') as stil_in:
stil_in_list =
total_len = len(stil_in_list)
index_to_mask = 0
with tqdm(total=total_len, ncols=100, desc= " Stil Scanning in RAM Progress") as pbar:
for i_iter in range(total_len):
line = stil_in_list[i_iter]
if "=" in line:
vector_num +=1
if (vector_num<=cycle_keys[-1]):
if (vector_num == cycle_keys[index_to_mask]):
line_find_equal = line.find("=")
line_find_coma = line.find(";")
status = line[line_find_equal + 1:line_find_coma]
# if cycle + self.offset in cycle_keys:
match = 1
for (i, j) in self.mask_dict[vector_num].items():
mask_point = i
mask_signal = self.log_signal[i]
mask_value = j
test_point = self.signal_all[mask_signal]
test_value = status[test_point]
if test_value != mask_value:
print("data did not match for cycle: ", test_value, " VS ", line, j, vector_num, mask_point, mask_signal, test_point, test_value)
match = 0
raise NameError
status = status[:test_point] + self.convert_value[self.mask_mode][test_value] + status[test_point + 1:]
stil_in_list[i_iter] = line[:line_find_equal + 1] + status + line[line_find_coma:]
# print("data change from :", line)
# print(" to:", stil_in_list[i_iter])
index_to_mask = index_to_mask+1
except (Exception) as e:
print("No matching for %d with %s" %(vector_num, line))
raise NameError
with tqdm(total=len(stil_in_list), ncols=100, desc= " Masked-stil to disk Progress") as pbar:
with open(self.stil_name_new, 'w') as stil_out:
for i_iter in range(len(stil_in_list)):
stil_out.write(stil_in_list[i_iter]+ "\n")
I am trying to create a list objects that holds data about professional golfers. The different data points are golfer name and putting percentages from different distances. I want to sort this list of objects by name once all the data has been entered for every player object. The list of these objects is called PlayerNumber. When I try to sort PlayerNumber by attribute 'name'. I get an error stating that 'int' has no attribute and I am not sure why PlayerNumber is being referred to as an integer and not a list.
Any help would be appreciated. Here is the code:
import operator
import numpy as np
import statistics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from colour import Color
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib3
############### ACCESS WEBPAGES ####################
def makeSoup(url):
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
response = http.request('GET', url)
soupdata = BeautifulSoup(
return soupdata
siteURL = []
for i in range(7):
siteURL[0] = ''
siteURL[1] = '' #>25
siteURL[2] = '' #20-25
siteURL[3] = '' #15-20
siteURL[4] = '' #10-15
siteURL[5] = '' #5-10
siteURL[6] = '' #3-5
############### ACCESS TABLE DATA ###################
def row_number(soupdata):
for row in table.findAll('tr'):
tot_row = row
return tot_row
def parse_table(soupdata):
currRank = []
prevRank = []
playerName = []
rounds = []
pctMake = []
attempts = []
puttsMade = []
table = soupdata.find('tbody')
tot_row = 0
for row in table.findAll('tr'):
#for col in row.findAll('td'):
col = row.find_all('td')
#column_1 = col[0]
#column_2 = col[1]
column_3 = col[2].text
#column_4 = col[3]
column_5 = col[4].text
#column_6 = col[5]
#column_7 = col[6]
tot_row += 1
#return currRank, prevRank, playerName, rounds, pctMake, attempts, puttsMade
return playerName, pctMake, tot_row
>25 ft: distance1
20-25 ft: distance2
15-20 ft: distance3
10-15 ft: distance4
5-10 ft: distance5
3-5 ft: distance6
############### CLASS DEFINITION ###################
class Player:
def __init__(self,name, id, dis1=0.0, dis2=0.0, dis3=0.0, dis4=0.0, dis5=0.0, dis6=0.0): = name
self.dis1 = dis1
self.dis2 = dis2
self.dis3 = dis3
self.dis4 = dis4
self.dis5 = dis5
self.dis6 = dis6 = id
Player.id_list[] = self # save the id as key and self as he value
def addDis1(self,distance1):
self.dis1 = float(distance1)
def addDis2(self,distance2):
self.dis2 = float(distance2)
def addDis3(self,distance3):
self.dis3 = float(distance3)
def addDis4(self,distance4):
self.dis4 = float(distance4)
def addDis5(self,distance5):
self.dis5 = float(distance5)
def addDis6(self,distance6):
self.dis6 = float(distance6)
def displayPlayer(self):
print("Player: ",, '\n'
">25 Ft %: ", self.dis1, '\n'
"20-25 Ft %: ", self.dis2, '\n'
"15-20 Ft %: ", self.dis3, '\n'
"10-15 Ft %: ", self.dis4, '\n'
"5-10 Ft %: ", self.dis5, '\n'
"3-5 Ft %: ", self.dis6, '\n')
def lookup_player_name_by_id(cls, name):
return cls.id_list[name] # return the instance with the id
except KeyError: # error check for if id does not exist
raise KeyError("No user with id %s" % str(id))
############### DATA POPULATION ###################
for i in range(0,195):
for i in range(1,7):
soupdata = makeSoup(siteURL[i])
playerName, pctMake, tot_row = parse_table(soupdata)
for x in range(0,tot_row):
name = playerName[x]
name = name.replace("\xa0", " ")
name = name.replace("\n", "")
if i == 1:
PlayerNumber[x] = Player(name, x)
if i == 2:
val = Player.lookup_player_name_by_id(name)
if i == 3:
val = Player.lookup_player_name_by_id(name)
if i == 4:
val = Player.lookup_player_name_by_id(name)
if i == 5:
val = Player.lookup_player_name_by_id(name)
if i == 6:
val = Player.lookup_player_name_by_id(name)
PlayerNumber.sort(key = operator.attrgetter("name"))
I'm using Python 3.4 spyder IDE. I'm relatively new to python as an FYI.
It isn't that PlayerNumber is being referred to as an integer, but rather that PlayerNumber is a list of integers, and every element of that list (and integer) doesn't has an attribute "name", which sort() is trying to access (in order to sort them).
To elaborate, the second to last line in your sample:
PlayerNumber.sort(key = operator.attrgetter("name"))
is trying to sort PlayerNumber, using the comparison function: operator.attrgetter("name"), which means it must call that function on each element of PlayerNumber to get its rank in the sorted array. That is why you are trying to grab a .name attribute from the integers in PlayerNumber.
The Code Below I wrote takes input from a sample file which contains First and Last names. Then it converts those names to sample emails. For some reason the Script keeps printing the same Last name over and over.
namess.txt looks like this:
import os, re, time, getpass, linecache
Original = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop','namess.txt')
File = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop','output.txt')
badNames = []
Names = []
def RemCommas():
outfile = open(os.path.join('C:\\', 'Users', getpass.getuser(), 'Desktop','output.txt'),'w')
Filedata = open(Original).read()
outfile.write(re.sub(',', ' ', Filedata))
def ClassNum():
count = 6
Year = int(time.strftime('%Y'))
Class = str((Year - 2013) + 6)
return Class
def ReadStoreFile():
i = 0
OpenFile = open(File)
LenFile = len(OpenFile.readlines())
while i < LenFile:
i += 1
badNames.append(linecache.getline(File, i))
def CleanNames():
i = 0
while i < len(badNames):
cleaned = badNames[i].rstrip()
i += 1
def NamePrint():
Interns = ''
arrayname = []
i = 0
j = 0
m = 0
while m < len(Names):
Name = Names[m]
Name = Name.lower()
InternName = Name[0] + Name[1]
#------------Checking for space and first name--
while i < len(Name):
if Name[i] == ' ':
i = Name.index(' ')
i += 1
#---------------adding last name in an array----
Namelen = len(Name) - (i+1)
while j < Namelen:
j += 1
i += 1
#---------------Final Name Print----------------
Lastname = ''.join(arrayname)
#print arrayname
#Lastname = Lastname.strip(' ')
#print InternName + Lastname + ClassNum() + Interns
file = open('C:\\Users\\username\\Desktop\\emails.txt', 'a')
file.write(InternName + Lastname + ClassNum() + Interns + '\n')
m += 1
print ''
The reason the last name doesn't change is because you are not resetting arrayname in your loop. You keep appending names to it, and the program picks the first one. So you should put your arrayname = [] after the while m < len(Names):
I guess this what you are trying to do:
import os
import re
import time
def create_mails(input_path, output_path, year, addr):
with open(input_path, 'r') as data:
mail = re.sub(r'(\w+)\s*,\s*(\w+)\n?', r'\1\g<2>%s%s\n' % (year, addr),
with open(output_path, 'w') as output:
print 'Mail addresses generated and saved to', output_path
os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop', 'namess.txt'),
os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop', 'output.txt'),
str(int(time.strftime('%Y')) - 2013 + 6),
If namess.txt is something like this:
First, Last
Spam, Ham
Cabbage, egg
Then output.txt is going to be like this:
I'm currently working on a project, which inputs from a file, the following information:
10015, John, Smith, 2, 3.01
10208, Patrick, Green, 1, 3.95
10334, Jane, Roberts, 4, 3.81
What I need to do is split this information, store each value separately, then print it out to the screen or file based on what the user needs.
The function which should split and then assign information is this:
def fetchRecord( self ):
#Read the first line of the record.
line = self._inputFile.readline()
line = input.split( ', ' )
if line == "":
return None
#If there is another record, create a storage object and fill it
student = StudentRecord()
student.idNum = int( line[0] )
student.firstName = line[1]
student.lastName = line[2]
student.classCode = int( line[3] )
student.gpa = float( line[4] )
return student
The error I'm currently getting is the following:
builtins.ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '10015, John, Smith, 2, 3.01\n'
The entire code I'm calling is:
class StudentFileReader:
#Create new student reader instance.
def __init__( self, inputSrc ):
self._inputSrc = inputSrc
self._inputFile = None
#Open a connection to the input file.
def open( self ):
self._inputFile = open( self._inputSrc, "r" )
#Close the connection to the input file.
def close( self ):
self._inputFile = None
#Extract all student records and store them in a list.
def fetchAll( self ):
theRecords = list()
student = self.fetchRecord()
while student != None:
theRecords.append( student )
student = self.fetchRecord()
return theRecords
#Extract the next stuent record from the file.
def fetchRecord( self ):
#Read the first line of the record.
line = self._inputFile.readline()
print ( line )
line = line.split( ',' )
print ( line )
if line == "":
return None
#If there is another record, create a storage object and fill it
student = StudentRecord()
student.idNum = int( line[0] )
student.firstName = line[1]
student.lastName = line[2]
student.classCode = int( line[3] )
student.gpa = float( line[4] )
return student
class StudentScreenWriter:
#Prints the student report to screen.
def printReport( theList ):
#The class names associated with the class codes.
classNames = ( None, "Freshman", "Sophomore", "Junior", "Senior" )
#Print the header.
print( "LIST OF STUDNETS".center(50) )
print( "" )
print( "%-5s %-25s %-10s %-4s" % ('ID', 'NAME', 'CLASS', 'GPA' ) )
print( "%5s %25s %10s %4s" % ('-' * 5, '-' * 25, '-' * 10, '-' * 4) )
#Print the body.
for record in theList:
print( "%5d %-25s %-10s %4.2f" % (record.idNum, record.lastName + ", " + record.firstName, classNames[record.classCode], record.gpa) )
#Add a footer.
print( "-" * 50 )
print( "Number of students:", len(theList) )
class StudentFileWriter:
#Prints the student report to file.
def printReport( theList, out ):
for record in theList
record.idNum = str(record.idNum)
record.lastName = str(record.lastName)
record.firstName = str(record.firstName)
record.classCode = str(record.classCode)
record.gpa = str(record.gpa)
out.write( record.idNum + ", " + record.lastName + ", " + record.firstName + ", " + record.classCode + ", " + record.gpa )
out.write( "\n" )
class StudentRecord:
def __init__( self ):
self.idNum = None
self.firstName = None
self.lastName = None
self.classCode = None
self.gpa = None
not the answer you are looking for but you should consider
class StudentRecord:
def __init__(self,idNum=-1,firstName="unknown",lastName="Unknown",classCode=-1,gpa=-1):
self.idNum = idNum
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
self.classCode = classCode
self.gpa = gpa
#... The rest of your class
with csv module
import csv
with open("some.txt") as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for student_details in reader:
student = StudentRecord(*student_details)
without csv module
with open("some.txt") as f:
for line in f:
student_details = line.split(",")
student = StudentRecord(*student_details)
testing with your data
class StudentRecord:
def __init__(self,idNum=-1,firstName="unknown",lastName="Unknown",classCode=-1,gpa=-1):
self.idNum = idNum
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
self.classCode = classCode
self.gpa = gpa
def __str__(self):
return "#%s:%s, %s | %s = %s"%(
def __repr__(self):
return "<Student Record (%s %s)>"%(
with open("txt_data.txt") as f:
for line in f:
student_data = line.strip().split(", ")
student = StudentRecord(*student_data)
print "Student:",student
Student: #10015:Smith, John | 2 = 3.01
Student: #10208:Green, Patrick | 1 = 3.95
Student: #10334:Roberts, Jane | 4 = 3.81
You need to change the line
line = input.split( ', ' )
line = line.split( ',' )
and move it after
if line == "":
return None
input is undefined in the current context.
you may consider this for spliting the data (used your data)
>>> for line in f:
li1 = []
for part in line.split(','):
part = part.strip()
>>> for i in li2:
print i
['10015', 'John', 'Smith', '2', '3.01']
['10208', 'Patrick', 'Green', '1', '3.95']
['10334', 'Jane', 'Roberts', '4', '3.81']
li1andli2are lists. And f is the input file in which each line has a record/data.
You will now have the list. You can use the same method(s) to get and process the name,class code,gpa etc.