I am a chip test engineer, and I have one big text file about 8KK lines. For this file, most lines include '='. Meanwhile I have a log file, which is about 300K lines, each line is show a test failure. I need to change the 300K lines of the original file.
Currently it takes about 15 hours to finish the job.
I have existing solution, but it is too slow.
For the code, the parse_log is used to process the log file and get to know each modification to be made, and the stil_parse include below function:
read file as list in memory;
iterate the file, and modify each line in list if included in log file;
write back to disk;
class MaskStil:
def __init__(self):
self.log_signal_file = ''
self.pattern = r"^([^:]+)(:)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s)([.LH]+)$"
self.log_signal = {}
self.log_lines = []
self.mask_dict = {}
self.stil_name_new = ''
self.stil_name = ''
self.signal_all = {}
self.signal_group = []
self.offset = 0
self.mask_mode = -1 # mask_mode 0: revert between L/H; mask_mode 1: mask L/H to Z
self.convert_value=[{"L":"H", "H":"L"}, {"L":"Z", "H":"Z"}]
for i in range(100):
self.log_signal[i] = ''
def digest(self, log_signal, stil_file, signal_group, offset, mask_mode = 1):
self.log_signal_file = log_signal
self.stil_name = stil_file
self.stil_name_new = stil_file[:-5] + '_mask.stil'
self.signal_group = signal_group.replace('=', '+').strip().split('+')
self.offset = offset
self.mask_mode = mask_mode
for i in range(1, len(self.signal_group)):
self.signal_all[self.signal_group[i]] = (i - 1) / 10 + i
def parse_log(self):
with open(self.log_signal_file) as infile:
line_num = 0
blank_line = 0
for line in infile:
line_num += 1
if line_num == 1:
blank_line = line.count(' ')
if "------------------" in line:
for i in range(blank_line, len(line)):
self.log_signal[i - blank_line] += line[i]
for (key, value) in self.log_signal.items():
self.log_signal[key] = value.rstrip()
with open(self.log_signal_file) as log_in:
self.log_lines = log_in.read().splitlines()
for line in self.log_lines:
if re.match(self.pattern, line):
match = re.match(self.pattern, line)
cycle = int(match.group(9))
signals = match.group(11)
# print cycle,signals
self.mask_dict[cycle] = {}
for i in range(len(signals)):
if signals[i] != '.':
self.mask_dict[cycle][i] = signals[i]
def stil_parse(self):
cycle_keys = []
vector_num = 0
for i in self.mask_dict.keys():
with open(self.stil_name, 'r') as stil_in:
stil_in_list = stil_in.read().splitlines()
total_len = len(stil_in_list)
vector_cycle_dict = {}
with tqdm(total=total_len, ncols=100, desc= " Stil Scanning in RAM Progress") as pbar:
for i_iter in range(total_len):
line = stil_in_list[i_iter]
if "=" in line:
vector_num +=1
if (vector_num in cycle_keys):
vector_cycle_dict[vector_num] = i_iter
status = line[line.find("=") + 1:line.find(";")]
# if cycle + self.offset in cycle_keys:
if vector_num in cycle_keys:
match = 1
for (i, j) in self.mask_dict[vector_num].iteritems():
mask_point = i
mask_signal = self.log_signal[i]
mask_value = j
test_point = self.signal_all[mask_signal]
test_value = status[test_point]
if test_value != mask_value:
print("data did not match for cycle: ", test_value, " VS ", line, j, vector_num, mask_point, mask_signal, test_point, test_value)
match = 0
raise NameError
status = status[:test_point] + self.convert_value[self.mask_mode][test_value] + status[test_point + 1:]
if match == 1:
replace_line = line[:line.find("=") + 1] + status + line[line.find(";"):]
print("data change from :", line)
print(" to:", replace_line)
stil_in_list[i_iter] = replace_line
print("No matching for %d with %s" %(vector_num, line))
raise NameError
with tqdm(total=len(stil_in_list), ncols=100, desc= " Masked-stil to in RAM Progress") as pbar:
with open(self.stil_name_new, 'w') as stil_out:
for new_line in range(len(stil_in_list)):
I was expecting a solution that could finish in about 1 or 2 hours.
As I mentioned in the comments, you can get some speedup by refactoring your code to be multithreaded or multiprocess.
I imagine you're also running into memory swapping issues here. If that's the case, this should help:
with open(self.log_signal_file) as log_in:
line = log_in.readline() # First line. Need logic to handle empty logs
while line: #Will return false at EOF
if re.match(self.pattern, line):
match = re.match(self.pattern, line)
cycle = int(match.group(9))
signals = match.group(11)
# print cycle,signals
self.mask_dict[cycle] = {}
for i in range(len(signals)):
if signals[i] != '.':
self.mask_dict[cycle][i] = signals[i]
line = log_in.readline()
Here we only read in one line at a time, so you don't have to try to hold 8KK lines in memory
*In case anyone else didn't know, KK means million apparently.
I managed to optimized the solution, and the timing consumed tremendously reduced to about 1 minute.
Mainly the optimization is in below fields:
instead of keeping checking if (vector_num in cycle_keys):, I use
ordered list and always check whether equal to index_to_mask;
use variable line_find_equal and line_find_coma for further usage
class MaskStil:
def __init__(self):
self.log_signal_file = ''
self.pattern = r"^([^:]+)(:)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s)([.LH]+)$"
self.log_signal = {}
self.log_lines = []
self.mask_dict = {}
self.stil_name_new = ''
self.stil_name = ''
self.signal_all = {}
self.signal_group = []
self.offset = 0
self.mask_mode = -1 # mask_mode 0: revert between L/H; mask_mode 1: mask L/H to Z
self.convert_value=[{"L":"H", "H":"L"}, {"L":"Z", "H":"Z"}]
for i in range(100):
self.log_signal[i] = ''
def digest(self, log_signal, stil_file, signal_group, offset, mask_mode = 1):
self.log_signal_file = log_signal
self.stil_name = stil_file
self.stil_name_new = stil_file[:-5] + '_mask.stil'
self.signal_group = signal_group.replace('=', '+').strip().split('+')
self.offset = offset
self.mask_mode = mask_mode
for i in range(1, len(self.signal_group)):
self.signal_all[self.signal_group[i]] = int(math.floor((i - 1) / 10) + i)
def parse_log(self):
with open(self.log_signal_file) as infile:
line_num = 0
blank_line = 0
for line in infile:
line_num += 1
if line_num == 1:
blank_line = line.count(' ')
if "------------------" in line:
for i in range(blank_line, len(line)):
self.log_signal[i - blank_line] += line[i]
for (key, value) in self.log_signal.items():
self.log_signal[key] = value.rstrip()
with open(self.log_signal_file) as log_in:
self.log_lines = log_in.read().splitlines()
for line in self.log_lines:
if re.match(self.pattern, line):
match = re.match(self.pattern, line)
cycle = int(match.group(9))
signals = match.group(11)
# print cycle,signals
self.mask_dict[cycle] = {}
for i in range(len(signals)):
if signals[i] != '.':
self.mask_dict[cycle][i] = signals[i]
def stil_parse(self):
cycle_keys = []
vector_num = 0
for i in self.mask_dict.keys():
with open(self.stil_name, 'r') as stil_in:
stil_in_list = stil_in.read().splitlines()
total_len = len(stil_in_list)
index_to_mask = 0
with tqdm(total=total_len, ncols=100, desc= " Stil Scanning in RAM Progress") as pbar:
for i_iter in range(total_len):
line = stil_in_list[i_iter]
if "=" in line:
vector_num +=1
if (vector_num<=cycle_keys[-1]):
if (vector_num == cycle_keys[index_to_mask]):
line_find_equal = line.find("=")
line_find_coma = line.find(";")
status = line[line_find_equal + 1:line_find_coma]
# if cycle + self.offset in cycle_keys:
match = 1
for (i, j) in self.mask_dict[vector_num].items():
mask_point = i
mask_signal = self.log_signal[i]
mask_value = j
test_point = self.signal_all[mask_signal]
test_value = status[test_point]
if test_value != mask_value:
print("data did not match for cycle: ", test_value, " VS ", line, j, vector_num, mask_point, mask_signal, test_point, test_value)
match = 0
raise NameError
status = status[:test_point] + self.convert_value[self.mask_mode][test_value] + status[test_point + 1:]
stil_in_list[i_iter] = line[:line_find_equal + 1] + status + line[line_find_coma:]
# print("data change from :", line)
# print(" to:", stil_in_list[i_iter])
index_to_mask = index_to_mask+1
except (Exception) as e:
print("No matching for %d with %s" %(vector_num, line))
raise NameError
with tqdm(total=len(stil_in_list), ncols=100, desc= " Masked-stil to disk Progress") as pbar:
with open(self.stil_name_new, 'w') as stil_out:
for i_iter in range(len(stil_in_list)):
stil_out.write(stil_in_list[i_iter]+ "\n")
This is what I have gotten while trying to run step 3 of this source code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\User\Desktop\lazykh-main\code\scheduler.py", line 93, in
OS_nextIndex = originalScript.index(wordString,OS_IndexAt)+len(wordString)
ValueError: substring not found
import argparse
import os.path
import json
import numpy as np
import random
def addPhoneme(p, t):
global prevPhoneme
global f
if p != prevPhoneme:
strings[4] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', t)+",phoneme,"+p+"\n")
prevPhoneme = p
def pickNewPose(t):
global pose
global prevPose
global prevPhoneme
global f
newPose = -1
while newPose == -1 or newPose == pose or newPose == prevPose:
newPose = int(random.random()*POSE_COUNT)
prevPose = pose
pose = newPose
strings[3] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', t)+",pose,"+str(pose)+"\n")
prevPhoneme = "na"
strings = [""]*5
emotions = {}
emotions["explain"] = 0
emotions["happy"] = 1
emotions["sad"] = 2
emotions["angry"] = 3
emotions["confused"] = 4
emotions["rq"] = 5
mouthList = [["aa","a"],["ae","a"],["ah","a"],["ao","a"],["aw","au"],
["oov","m"]] # For unknown phonemes, the stick figure will just have a closed mouth ("mmm")
mouths = {}
for x in mouthList:
mouths[x[0]] = x[1]
STOPPERS = [",",";",".",":","!","?"]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='blah')
parser.add_argument('--input_file', type=str, help='the script')
args = parser.parse_args()
INPUT_FILE = args.input_file
f = open(INPUT_FILE+".txt","r+")
originalScript = f.read()
f = open(INPUT_FILE+".json","r+")
fileData = f.read()
data = json.loads(fileData)
WORD_COUNT = len(data['words'])
pose = -1
prevPose = -1
prevPhoneme = "na"
emotion = "0"
pararaph = 0
image = 0
OS_IndexAt = 0
strings[1] += "0,emotion,0\n"
strings[0] += "0,paragraph,0\n"
strings[2] += "0,image,0\n"
strings[4] += "0,phoneme,m\n"
for i in range(WORD_COUNT):
word = data['words'][i]
if "start" not in word:
wordString = word["word"]
timeStart = word["start"]
OS_nextIndex = originalScript.index(wordString,OS_IndexAt)+len(wordString)
if "<" in originalScript[OS_IndexAt:]:
tagStart = originalScript.index("<",OS_IndexAt)
tagEnd = originalScript.index(">",OS_IndexAt)
if OS_nextIndex > tagStart and tagEnd >= OS_nextIndex:
OS_nextIndex = originalScript.index(wordString,tagEnd)+len(wordString)
nextDigest = originalScript[OS_IndexAt:OS_nextIndex]
if "\n" in nextDigest and data['words'][i-1]['case'] != 'not-found-in-audio' and (prevPhoneme == "a" or prevPhoneme == "f" or prevPhoneme == "u" or prevPhoneme == "y"):
addPhoneme("m", data['words'][i-1]["end"])
print(str(OS_IndexAt)+", "+str(OS_nextIndex))
pickedPose = False
for stopper in STOPPERS:
if stopper in nextDigest:
pickedPose = True
if "<" in nextDigest:
leftIndex = nextDigest.index("<")+1
rightIndex = nextDigest.index(">")
emotion = emotions[nextDigest[leftIndex:rightIndex]]
strings[1] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', timeStart)+",emotion,"+str(emotion)+"\n")
prevPhoneme = "na"
if "\n\n" in nextDigest:
pararaph += 1
image += 1 # The line of the script advances 2 lines whenever we hit a /n/n.
strings[0] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', timeStart)+",paragraph,"+str(pararaph)+"\n")
prevPhoneme = "na"
if "\n" in nextDigest:
image += 1
strings[2] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', timeStart)+",image,"+str(image)+"\n")
prevPhoneme = "na"
if not pickedPose:
pickNewPose(timeStart) # A new image means we also need to have a new pose
phones = word["phones"]
timeAt = timeStart
for phone in phones:
timeAt += phone["duration"]
phoneString = phone["phone"]
if phoneString == "sil":
truePhone = "m"
truePhone = mouths[phoneString[:phoneString.index("_")]]
if len(truePhone) == 2:
addPhoneme(truePhone[0], timeAt-phone["duration"])
addPhoneme(truePhone[1], timeAt-phone["duration"]*0.5)
addPhoneme(truePhone, timeAt-phone["duration"])
OS_IndexAt = OS_nextIndex
f = open(INPUT_FILE+"_schedule.csv","w+")
for i in range(len(strings)):
if i < len(strings)-1:
print(f"Done creating schedule for {INPUT_FILE}.")
ValueError: substring not found
occurs when you try to find the index of a substring in a string which does not contain it in the specified (or default) section, using the index function.
The index method takes 3 parameters:
and it searches for the value between start and end.
So, the error occurred because the substring was not found in the section where it was searched for. The line of
OS_nextIndex = originalScript.index(wordString,tagEnd)+len(wordString)
searches for wordString, starting from tagEnd and searches for the likes of
, but in your case it was not found. You can do one of the following to solve the issue:
you can fix your input if it should always have a match for the search
you can handle the error when the index throws the error
you can use find instead, see https://bobbyhadz.com/blog/python-valueerror-substring-not-found
Note that find also has three parameters, as you can read from https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_string_find.asp
def main_loop():
global errname, errtime, error_detail, conclusion
error_detail = ""
facts_all = {}
facts = []
buffer = 0
current_time = datetime.now()
while os.path.exists("C:\Winusr"):
start_point = 0
old_size = os.path.getsize(paths["wintrace"])
while os.path.getsize(paths["wintrace"])>= old_size:
#fo = open(paths["wintrace"], "rb")
shutil.copyfile(paths["wintrace"], "C:\Winusr\wintrace1.log")
fo = open("C:\Winusr\wintrace1.log", "rb")
fo.seek(start_point, 1)
errtime = datetime(1900, 1, 1)
old_size = os.path.getsize(paths["wintrace"])
#start from here
for line in fo.readlines():
line = str(line.decode('ISO-8859-1'))
if fnmatch.fnmatch(line, "*START DUMP LOG BUFFER*"):
buffer = 1
if fnmatch.fnmatch(line, "*END DUMP LOG BUFFER*"):
buffer = 0
if buffer == 1:
facts_all = collect_facts(line,facts_all,key_string,key_value_dic)
for pattern in error_detect:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(line, pattern):
err_type = df[df["Error Detect Keyword"] == pattern]["Err Type"].to_string(index=False).lstrip()
errname = df[df["Err Type"] == err_type]["Error Name"].tolist()[0].lstrip()
errtime = datetime.strptime(
datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(paths["wintrace"])).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " " + line[:8], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #"%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S"
#errtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(paths["wintrace"])).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " " + line[:8]
#errtime = errtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
product = re.findall(r"[/](.+?)[.]", paths["cur"])
product = product[0].split("/")[-1]
tester = tester_name(paths["cur"])
if len(facts_all) != 0:
#idex = 9999
for fact, line in facts_all.items():
if fact in dic1[errname]:
error_detail = error_detail + line + '\n'
print("err_detail1", error_detail)
if len(facts) != 1:
facts = list(set(facts))
conclusion = inference_engine(facts)
print("errtime", errtime)
print("current_time", current_time)
if conclusion != "cannot find solution for this error" and errtime > current_time:
solutions = sop2(errlist, errname, conclusion)
row = recording(tester, product, errname, errtime, error_detail, conclusion)
print("gg pop out GUI!!!")
#send_email(errname, errtime, tester, error_detail)
GUI(errname, errtime, error_detail, conclusion, solutions, row)
current_time = datetime.now()
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(r"G:\expert system data\Machine Database.xls")
workbook1 = copy(workbook)
ws1 = workbook1.get_sheet(0)
style = xlwt.XFStyle()
style.num_format_str = 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'
ws1.write(row, 8, current_time, style)
workbook1.save(r"G:\expert system data\Machine Database.xls")
error_detail = ""
facts_all = {}
facts = []
error_detail = ""
facts_all = {}
facts = []
start_point = fo.tell()
the paths["wintrace"] is ""C:\Winusr\Wintrace.log", i dont want it is open cause sometimes need to change its name or delete, i copy this file and open the copied one, but it still show it is open, can u help me check where it is opened? besides, i use "filepath = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename()", but dont think it will open the wintrace file.the error screenshot
So i have written a little .rar password "cracker" based on tutorials, using the code underneath. It works fine, but is very slow when the file size is big. The best reason i could find is, that ever so often when you put in a wrong password, it extracts the whole file, before refusing the password. With small files that is not a big problem, but with big files it slows the process a lot.
Is there a way to just check a hashed version of the password against a iterated hash?
import itertools
import rarfile
import time
rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = "path"
rar = rarfile.RarFile("path")
done = False
n = 0
inputList = ["A","B","1","2"]
class h():
startword = ""
rep = 1
start = 0
itrTot = 0
f = open("save.txt")
for x,each in enumerate(f):
if x == 0:
h.rep = int(each)
h.start = int(each)-3
if h.start < 0:
h.start = 0
h.itrTot = len(inputList)**h.rep
def pw_guess():
res = itertools.product(inputList, repeat=h.rep)
for guess in res:
yield guess
start_time = time.time()
while True:
guess_generator = pw_guess()
for guess in guess_generator:
n += 1
if h.startword == "":
h.startword = guess
if guess == h.startword:
h.rep += 1
n = 0
h.itrTot = len(inputList)**h.rep
h.start = 0
print("next rotation, itr rep: "+str(h.rep))
h.startword = ""
if n < h.start:
txt = f"({n}/{h.itrTot}, {round((100/h.itrTot)*n,2)}%) - {h.rep}: {''.join(guess)}"
print("Pass found!")
print(str(n) + " - " + str(h.rep) + ": " + str(''.join(guess)))
done = True
txt2 = f"({n}/{h.itrTot}, {round((100/h.itrTot)*n,2)}%) - {h.rep}: {''.join(guess)}\n"
f = open("pass.txt", "a")
f = open("save.txt", "w")
f.write(str(h.rep) + "\n" + str(n))
if done:
end_time = time.time()
print("End time: " + str(end_time-start_time))
John the ripper is the answer. +20k passwords checked in 2 minutes. But using parts of the script for wordlist generation, is still very fast and functional.
wordlist generator i used:
import itertools
inputList = ["A","B","C","D","1","2","3","4","5"]
itr = 7
WL_path = "path"
f = open(WL_path,"w")
class h():
startword = ""
rep = 1
itrTot = 0
txt = ""
h.itrTot = len(inputList)**itr
print("Wordlist length: " + str(h.itrTot))
def pw_guess():
res = itertools.product(inputList, repeat=h.rep)
for guess in res:
yield guess
while True:
guess_generator = pw_guess()
for guess in guess_generator:
if h.startword == "":
h.startword = guess
if guess == h.startword:
h.rep += 1
print("next rotation, itr rep: " + str(h.rep))
h.startword = ""
h.txt = ''.join(guess)
f = open(WL_path, "a")
if h.rep > itr:
Hello all so i've been tasked to count lines and paragraphs. Counting every line is obviously easy but im stuck on counting the paragraphs. If a paragraph has no character it will give back the number zero and for every paragraph is an increment higher. For example an input file is: Input and an Output should come out Output
so my code is:
def insert_line_para_nums(infile, outfile):
f = open(infile, 'r')
out = open(outfile, 'w')
linecount = 0
for i in f:
paragraphcount = 0
if '\n' in i:
linecount += 1
if len(i) < 2: paragraphcount *= 0
elif len(i) > 2: paragraphcount = paragraphcount + 1
out.write('%-4d %4d %s' % (paragraphcount, linecount, i))
def insert_line_para_nums(infile, outfile):
f = open(infile, 'r')
out = open(outfile, 'w')
linecount = 0
paragraphcount = 0
empty = True
for i in f:
if '\n' in i:
linecount += 1
if len(i) < 2:
empty = True
elif len(i) > 2 and empty is True:
paragraphcount = paragraphcount + 1
empty = False
if empty is True:
paragraphnumber = 0
paragraphnumber = paragraphcount
out.write('%-4d %4d %s' % (paragraphnumber, linecount, i))
This is one way to do it, and not the prettiest.
import re
f = open('a.txt', 'r')
paragraph = 0
lines = f.readlines()
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
if not line == '\n':
m = re.search(r'\w', line)
str = m.group(0)
# if the line is a newline, and the previous line has a str in it, then
# count it as a paragraph.
if line == '\n' and str in lines[idx-1]:
paragraph +=1
if lines[-1] != '\n': # if the last line is not a new line, count a paragraph.
paragraph +=1
print paragraph
I have a simple program which reads a large file containing few million rows, parses each row (numpy array) and converts into an array of doubles (python array) and later writes into an hdf5 file. I repeat this loop for multiple days. After reading each file, i delete all the objects and call garbage collector. When I run the program, First day is parsed without any error but on the second day i get MemoryError. I monitored the memory usage of my program, during first day of parsing, memory usage is around 1.5 GB. When the first day parsing is finished, memory usage goes down to 50 MB. Now when 2nd day starts and i try to read the lines from the file I get MemoryError. Following is the output of the program.
source file extracted at C:\rfadump\au\2012.08.07.txt
parsing started
current time: 2012-09-16 22:40:16.829000
500000 lines parsed
1000000 lines parsed
1500000 lines parsed
2000000 lines parsed
2500000 lines parsed
3000000 lines parsed
3500000 lines parsed
4000000 lines parsed
4500000 lines parsed
5000000 lines parsed
parsing done.
end time is 2012-09-16 23:34:19.931000
total time elapsed 0:54:03.102000
repacking file
> s:\users\aaj\projects\pythonhf\rfadumptohdf.py(132)generateFiles()
-> while single_date <= self.end_date:
(Pdb) c
*** 2012-08-08 ***
source file extracted at C:\rfadump\au\2012.08.08.txt
cought an exception while generating file for day 2012-08-08.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "rfaDumpToHDF.py", line 175, in generateFile
lines = self.rawfile.read().split('|\n')
I am very sure that windows system task manager shows the memory usage as 50 MB for this process. It looks like the garbage collector or memory manager for Python is not calculating the free memory correcly. There should be lot of free memory but it thinks there is not enough.
Any idea?
Adding my code here
I will put parts of my code. I am new to python, please pardon my python coding style.
module 1
def generateFile(self, current_date):
print "*** %s ***" % current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
if weekday >= 5:
print "skipping weekend"
self.taqdb = taqDB(self.index, self.offset)
cache_filename = os.path.join(self.cache_dir,current_date.strftime("%Y.%m.%d.h5"))
outputFile = config.hdf5.filePath(self.index, date=current_date)
print "cache file: ", cache_filename
print "output file: ", outputFile
tempdir = "C:\\rfadump\\"+self.region+"\\"
input_filename = tempdir + filename
print "source file extracted at %s " % input_filename
## universe
reader = rfaTextToTAQ.rfaTextToTAQ(self.tickobj) ## PARSER
count = 0
self.rawfile = open(input_filename, 'r')
lines = self.rawfile.read().split('|\n')
total_lines = len(lines)
del self.rawfile
print "parsing started"
start_time = dt.datetime.now()
print "current time: %s" % start_time
#while(len(lines) > 0):
while(count < total_lines):
#line = lines.pop(0) ## This slows down processing
result = reader.parseline(lines[count]+"|")
count += 1
if(count % 500000 == 0):
print "%d lines parsed" %(count)
if(result == None):
ric, timestamp, quotes, trades, levelsUpdated, tradeupdate = result
if(len(levelsUpdated) == 0 and tradeupdate == False):
## write to hdf5 TODO
writer = h5Writer.h5Writer(cache_filename, self.tickobj)
del lines
del self.taqdb, self.tickobj
print "parsing done."
end_time = dt.datetime.now()
print "end time is %s" % end_time
print "total time elapsed %s" % (end_time - start_time)
defragger = hdf.HDF5Defragmenter()
del defragger
print "done"
print "cought an exception while generating file for day %s." % current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print tb
module 2 - taqdb - to store parsed data in an array
class taqDB:
def __init__(self, index, offset):
self.index = index
self.tickcfg = config.hdf5.getTickConfig(index)
self.offset = offset
self.groups = {}
def getGroup(self,ric):
if (self.groups.has_key(ric) == False):
self.groups[ric] = {}
return self.groups[ric]
def getOrderbookArray(self, ric, group):
datasetname = orderBookName
prodtype = self.tickcfg.getProdType(ric)
if(prodtype == ProdType.INDEX):
orderbookArrayShape = self.tickcfg.getOrderBookArrayShape(prodtype)
if(group.has_key(datasetname) == False):
group[datasetname] = array.array("d")
orderbookArray = self.tickcfg.getOrderBookArray(prodtype)
return orderbookArray
orderbookArray = group[datasetname]
if(len(orderbookArray) == 0):
return self.tickcfg.getOrderBookArray(prodtype)
lastOrderbook = orderbookArray[-orderbookArrayShape[1]:]
return np.array([lastOrderbook])
def addToDataset(self, group, datasetname, timestamp, arr):
if(group.has_key(datasetname) == False):
group[datasetname] = array.array("d")
a1 = group[datasetname]
def addToOrderBook(self, group, timestamp, arr):
self.addToDataset(self, group, orderBookName, timestamp, arr)
def insert(self, data):
ric, timestamp, quotes, trades, levelsUpdated, tradeupdate = data
delta = dt.timedelta(hours=timestamp.hour,minutes=timestamp.minute, seconds=timestamp.second, microseconds=(timestamp.microsecond/1000))
timestamp = float(str(delta.seconds)+'.'+str(delta.microseconds)) + self.offset
## write to array
group = self.getGroup(ric)
orderbookUpdate = False
orderbookArray = self.getOrderbookArray(ric, group)
nonzero = quotes.nonzero()
orderbookArray[nonzero] = quotes[nonzero]
self.addToDataset(group, orderBookName, timestamp, orderbookArray)
if(tradeupdate == True):
self.addToDataset(group, tradeName, timestamp, trades)
Module 3- Parser
class rfaTextToTAQ:
"""RFA Raw dump file reader. Readers single line (record) and returns an array or array of fid value pairs."""
def __init__(self,tickconfig):
self.tickconfig = tickconfig
self.token = ''
self.state = ReadState.SEQ_NUM
self.fvstate = fvstate.FID
self.quotes = np.array([]) # read from tickconfig
self.trades = np.array([]) # read from tickconfig
self.prodtype = ProdType.STOCK
self.allquotes = {}
self.alltrades = {}
self.acvol = 0
self.levelsUpdated = []
self.quoteUpdate = False
self.tradeUpdate = False
self.depth = 0
def updateLevel(self, index):
if(self.levelsUpdated.__contains__(index) == False):
def updateQuote(self, fidindex, field):
self.value = float(self.value)
if(self.depth == 1):
index = fidindex[0]+(len(self.tickconfig.stkQuotes)*(self.depth - 1))
self.quotes[index[0]][fidindex[1][0]] = self.value
self.quotes[fidindex] = self.value
self.quoteUpdate = True
def updateTrade(self, fidindex, field):
#self.value = float(self.value)
if(self.tickconfig.tradeUpdate(self.depth) == False):
newacvol = float(self.value)
if(field == acvol):
if(self.value > self.acvol):
tradesize = newacvol - self.acvol
self.acvol = newacvol
self.trades[fidindex] = tradesize
if(self.trades.__contains__(0) == False):
self.tradeUpdate = True
self.trades[fidindex] = self.value
if(not (self.trades[0,1]==0 or self.trades[0,2]==0)):
self.tradeUpdate = True
def updateResult(self):
field = ''
valid, field = field_dict.FIDToField(int(self.fid), field)
if(valid == False):
if(self.value == '0'):
if(self.prodtype == ProdType.STOCK):
fidindex = np.where(self.tickconfig.stkQuotes == field)
if(len(fidindex[0]) == 0):
fidindex = np.where(self.tickconfig.stkTrades == field)
if(len(fidindex[0]) == 0):
self.updateTrade(fidindex, field)
self.updateQuote(fidindex, field)
fidindex = np.where(self.tickconfig.futQuotes == field)
if(len(fidindex[0]) == 0):
fidindex = np.where(self.tickconfig.futTrades == field)
if(len(fidindex[0]) == 0):
self.updateTrade(fidindex, field)
self.updateQuote(fidindex, field)
def getOrderBookTrade(self):
if (self.allquotes.has_key(self.ric) == False):
acvol = 0
self.allquotes[self.ric] = self.tickconfig.getOrderBookArray(self.prodtype)
trades = self.tickconfig.getTradesArray()
self.alltrades[self.ric] = [trades, acvol]
return self.allquotes[self.ric], self.alltrades[self.ric]
def parseline(self, line):
self.tradeUpdate = False
self.levelsUpdated = []
pos = 0
length = len(line)
self.state = ReadState.SEQ_NUM
self.fvstate = fvstate.FID
self.token = ''
ch = ''
while(pos < length):
prevChar = ch
ch = line[pos]
pos += 1
if(self.state == ReadState.SEQ_NUM):
if(ch != ','):
self.token += ch
self.seq_num = int(self.token)
self.state = ReadState.TIMESTAMP
self.token = ''
elif(self.state == ReadState.TIMESTAMP):
if(ch == ' '):
self.token = ''
elif(ch != ','):
self.token += ch
if(len(self.token) != 12):
print "Invalid timestamp format. %s. skipping line.\n", self.token
self.state = ReadState.SKIPLINE
self.timestamp = datetime.strptime(self.token,'%H:%M:%S.%f')
self.state = ReadState.RIC
self.token = ''
elif(self.state == ReadState.RIC):
if(ch != ','):
self.token += ch
self.ric = self.token
self.token = ''
self.ric, self.depth = self.tickconfig.replaceRic(self.ric)
self.prodtype = self.tickconfig.getProdType(self.ric)
self.state = ReadState.UPDATE_TYPE
self.quotes, trades = self.getOrderBookTrade()
self.trades = trades[0]
self.acvol = trades[1]
self.state = ReadState.SKIPLINE
elif(self.state == ReadState.UPDATE_TYPE):
if(ch != '|'):
self.token += ch
self.update_type = self.token
self.token = ''
self.state = ReadState.FVPAIRS
elif(self.state == ReadState.SKIPLINE):
return None
elif(self.state == ReadState.FVPAIRS):
if(self.fvstate == fvstate.FID):
if(ch != ','):
if(ch.isdigit() == False):
self.token = self.value+ch
self.fvstate = fvstate.FIDVALUE
self.state = ReadState.FVPAIRS
self.token += ch
self.fid = self.token
self.token = ''
self.fvstate = fvstate.FIDVALUE
self.state = ReadState.FVPAIRS
elif(self.fvstate == fvstate.FIDVALUE):
if(ch != '|'):
self.token += ch
self.value = self.token
self.token = ''
self.state = ReadState.FVPAIRS
self.fvstate = fvstate.FID
# TODO set value
return self.ric, self.timestamp, self.quotes, self.trades, self.levelsUpdated, self.tradeUpdate
The only reliable way to free memory is to terminate the process.
So, if your main program spawns a worker process to do most of the work (the stuff that is done in one day) then when that worker process completes, the memory used will be freed:
import multiprocessing as mp
def work(date):
# Do most of the memory-intensive work here
while single_date <= self.end_date:
proc = mp.Process(target = work, args = (single_date,))