Popen hangs on communicate - python

I am writing a program to communicate to two programs:
output = Popen(shlex.split(query_cmd), stdout=PIPE,stdin=None)
cmd_out = [output.stdout]
while cmd_out:
readable,writeready,exceptready = select.select(cmd_out,[],[],timeout)
for f in readable:
line = f.readline()
snap_result=Popen(shlex.split("snap %s" % (line) ),stdout=PIPE,close_fds=True).communicate()[0]
print snap_result
Supposedly query_cmd will continuously generate lines of result. snap should that use this line as argument, return results and terminate. This works on python2.4. However, on python2.6.6, it seems that the snap will hangs on reading the result.
If I change the query_cmd to "tail -f file". It seems to work too.
I am running this inside a csh script where both stdout/stderr are redirected to a log file.
EDIT: Actually, it is weird, in csh, I redirected both stdout&stderr to log file. If I only redirect stdout, it is running fine. If I redirect stderr, it hangs. I think somehow the stderr is messed up between parent process of python and child process.

Seems not be the problem of the script but because the subprocess is expecting stdin input. Redirect the stdin to null device solve this.


How to flush STDOUT in python CGI file hosted on PCF?

Due to Apache gateway timeouts, and a desire to display more information to the end user, I'd like to be able to flush STDOUT on a python CGI script hosted on PCF, essentially giving updates on the status of the script.
I have tried enabling the -u tag in python (#!/usr/python -u at head of my script), sys.stdout.flush() command, and even using subprocess.call to execute a perl script that is set to flush to STDOUT that prints some progress text ($| = 1; at beginning of perl script). Furthermore, I've double checked that I'm not using any Apache modules that would require buffering (no mod_deflate, for example). Finally, I'll mention that executing a standard perl CGI rather than a python CGI allows for the STDOUT flushing, so I figure it must be something with my python/Apache/PCF configuration.
I'm fresh out of ideas here, and would like some advice.
With any of these above methods, I would have thought stdout would flush. But, none of them have worked!
Thanks in advance for any assisstance.
You can disable buffering using something like this in your Python2 code:
# set stdout as non-buffered
if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'fileno'):
fileno = sys.stdout.fileno()
tmp_fd = os.dup(fileno)
os.dup2(tmp_fd, fileno)
sys.stdout = os.fdopen(fileno, "w", 0)
That is reopening sys.stdout with no buffer (i.e. the 0 as third arg). After you do that, anything writing to sys.stdout should not be buffered.

Python subprocess.PIPE redirect to file

I have the following piece of code. myprg has to run after my script exits. But before exiting, I would like to wait for mystring to be emitted by myprg and then redirect rest of the stderr messages to mylogfile and then exit. Is this possible at all? I tried the following and the python script does not exit. Where am I going wrong?
import subprocess
proc = subprocess.Popen(myprg, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in iter(proc.stderr.readline,'')
if check_string in line:
fh = open (mylogfile,'w')
proc.stderr = fh.fileno()
EDIT: I have temporarily worked around this problem by making myprg to emit check_string to stdout. This is less than optimal, but works for the moment.
shouldn't you call proc.communicate() for the script to exit?

Read stdout from subprocess until there is nothing left

I would like to run several commands in the same shell. After some research I found that I could keep a shell open using the return process from Popen. I can then write and read to stdin and stdout. I tried implementing it as such:
process = Popen(['/bin/sh'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
process.stdin.write('ls -al\n')
out = ' '
while not out == '':
out = process.stdout.readline().rstrip('\n')
print out
Not only is my solution ugly, it doesn't work. out is never empty because it hands on the readline(). How can I successfully end the while loop when there is nothing left to read?
Use iter to read data in real time:
for line in iter(process.stdout.readline,""):
print line
If you just want to write to stdin and get the output you can use communicate to make the process end:
process = Popen(['/bin/sh'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
out,err =process.communicate('ls -al\n')
Or simply get the output use check_output:
from subprocess import check_output
out = check_output(["ls", "-al"])
The command you're running in a subprocess is sh, so the output you're reading is sh's output. Since you didn't indicate to the shell it should quit, it is still alive, thus its stdout is still open.
You can perhaps write exit to its stdin to make it quit, but be aware that in any case, you get to read things you don't need from its stdout, e.g. the prompt.
Bottom line, this approach is flawed to start with...

Get the output of python subprocess in console

process = subprocess.check_output(BACKEND+"mainbgw setup " + str(NUM_USERS), shell=True,\
I am using the above statement to run a C program in django-python based server for some computations, there are some printf() statements whose output I would like to see on stdout while the server is running and executing the subprocess, how can that be done ?
If you actually don't need the output to be available to your python code as a string, you can just use os.system, or subprocess.call without redirecting stdout elsewhere. Then stdout of your C program will just go directly to stdout of your python program.
If you need both streaming stdout and access to the output as a string, you should use subprocess.Popen (or the old popen2.popen4) to obtain a file descriptor of the output stream, then repeatedly read lines from the stream until you exhausted it. In the mean time, you keep a concatenated version of all data you grabbed. This is an example of the loop.

Interact with a Windows console application via Python

I am using python 2.5 on Windows. I wish to interact with a console process via Popen. I currently have this small snippet of code:
p = Popen( ["console_app.exe"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE )
# issue command 1...
p.stdin.write( 'command1\n' )
result1 = p.stdout.read() # <---- we never return here
# issue command 2...
p.stdin.write( 'command2\n' )
result2 = p.stdout.read()
I can write to stdin but can not read from stdout. Have I missed a step? I don't want to use p.communicate( "command" )[0] as it terminates the process and I need to interact with the process dynamically over time.
Thanks in advance.
Your problem here is that you are trying to control an interactive application.
stdout.read() will continue reading until it has reached the end of the stream, file or pipe. Unfortunately, in case of an interactive program, the pipe is only closed then whe program exits; which is never, if the command you sent it was anything other than "quit".
You will have to revert to reading the output of the subprocess line-by-line using stdout.readline(), and you'd better have a way to tell when the program is ready to accept a command, and when the command you issued to the program is finished and you can supply a new one. In case of a program like cmd.exe, even readline() won't suffice as the line that indicates a new command can be sent is not terminated by a newline, so will have to analyze the output byte-by-byte. Here's a sample script that runs cmd.exe, looks for the prompt, then issues a dir and then an exit:
from subprocess import *
import re
class InteractiveCommand:
def __init__(self, process, prompt):
self.process = process
self.prompt = prompt
self.output = ""
def wait_for_prompt(self):
while not self.prompt.search(self.output):
c = self.process.stdout.read(1)
if c == "":
self.output += c
# Now we're at a prompt; clear the output buffer and return its contents
tmp = self.output
self.output = ""
return tmp
def command(self, command):
self.process.stdin.write(command + "\n")
return self.wait_for_prompt()
p = Popen( ["cmd.exe"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE )
prompt = re.compile(r"^C:\\.*>", re.M)
cmd = InteractiveCommand(p, prompt)
listing = cmd.command("dir")
print listing
If the timing isn't important, and interactivity for a user isn't required, it can be a lot simpler just to batch up the calls:
from subprocess import *
p = Popen( ["cmd.exe"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE )
print p.stdout.read()
Have you tried to force windows end lines?
p.stdin.write( 'command1 \r\n' )
I've just checked the solution on windows cmd.exe and it works with readline(). But it has one problem Popen's stdout.readline blocks. So if the app will ever return something without endline your app will stuck forever.
But there is a work around for that check out: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/440554/
I think you might want to try to use readline() instead?
Edit: sorry, misunderstoud.
Maybe this question can help you?
Is it possible that the console app is buffering its output in some way so that it is only being sent to stdout when the pipe is closed? If you have access to the code for the console app, maybe sticking a flush after a batch of output data might help?
Alternatively, is it actually writing to stderr and instead of stdout for some reason?
Just looked at your code again and thought of something else, I see you're sending in "command\n". Could the console app be simply waiting for a carriage return character instead of a new line? Maybe the console app is waiting for you to submit the command before it produces any output.
Had the exact same problem here. I dug into DrPython source code and stole wx.Execute() solution, which is working fine, especially if your script is already using wx. I never found correct solution on windows platform though...

