I'm trying to run example named "Using PycURL" from here https://stem.torproject.org/tutorials/to_russia_with_love.html
Everything works fine, but in the final i have this some kind of error:
TypeError : String argument expected, got 'bytes'
Unable to reach http://google.com <<23, 'Failed writing body <0 != 144>'>>
The question is, how can i fix these?
I've tried to use PyCurl as is without any proxy and it works fine.
But this example not works.
I'm running Python 3.4 under Windows, here is my source code http://pastebin.com/zFWrXU5E
P.S. I need this to work exactly with PyCurl, cuz it is most usefull for my tasks.
P.S. #2 : I did little crutch, seems like it work http://pastebin.com/x8PtL9i3
P.S. #3 : Hey! I get the error point, it's in the WRITEFUNCTION of PyCurl, somehow io.StringIO().write function not works ...
Problem was in Python 3.4, cuz StringIO object was changed.
All you need is to change output var type from StringIO to BytesIO and then convert bytes to string for printing result.
Here is working source code : http://pastebin.com/Ad8ENTGe
P.S. Who placed -1 ???
How to fix, "google.auth.exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError: The file C:\Users\camer\Desktop\Video projects__SCRIPTS_VIDEOMASHUP\client_secret_672522134118-dv5sbe08lbtdi7f9o38k52albg7ms37v.apps.googleusercontent.com.json does not have a valid type. Type is None, expected one of ('authorized_user', 'service_account', 'external_account', 'impersonated_service_account')."
I'm using anaconda. I'm trying to get this https://github.com/LamboCreeper/video-mashup to work. I think the problem is my variables aren't set correctly. I use this to setup my google credentials :
[The setting variables attempt][1]
It returned nothing so I thought it worked.
Then, I ran the next line of code (python3 video-mashup <source> <destination> <sentence>) and got this error:
[The code][2]([2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/OJDFY.png)
Also, I when ran the code, you can see on the first line, I change python3 to python because the code wasnt finding the python.
I get an error on this line:
link = ngrok.connect(4040,"http").replace("http","https")
Instance of 'NgrokTunnel' has no 'replace' member
I've tested it.
Your link is no string. You have to convert it into a string in order to replace text.
This works with the function str().
link = str(ngrok.connect()).replace("http", "https")
The accepted answer is not quite correct, as the string you'll end up with is [<NgrokTunnel: "https://<public_sub>.ngrok.io" -> "http://localhost:80">] when the string you want is just the https://<public_sub>.ngrok.io part.
The NgrokTunnel object has a public_url attribute, which is what you want, so do this:
link = ngrok.connect(4040, "http").public_url.replace("http","https")
Moreover, if you don't even need the http port opened, this will just give you the https link by only opening a single tunnel, no need to manipulate the string:
link = ngrok.connect(4040, bind_tls=True).public_url
It's worth noting the accepted answer will work if you are using an older version of pyngrok (pre-5.0.0 release).
I want to take a file of one or more bibtex entries and output it as an html-formatted string. The specific style is not so important, but let's just say APA. Basically, I want the functionality of bibtex2html but with a Python API since I'm working in Django. A few people have asked similar questions here and here. I also found someone who provided a possible solution here.
The first issue I'm having is pretty basic, which is that I can't even get the above solutions to run. I keep getting errors similar to ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pybtex.database'; 'pybtex' is not a package. I definitely have pybtex installed and can make basic API calls in the shell no problem, but whenever I try to import pybtex.database.whatever or pybtex.plugin I keep getting ModuleNotFound errors. Is it maybe a python 2 vs python 3 thing? I'm using the latter.
The second issue is that I'm having trouble understanding the pybtex python API documentation. Specifically, from what I can tell it looks like the format_from_string and format_from_file calls are designed specifically for what I want to do, but I can't seem to get the syntax correct. Specifically, when I do
I get pybtex.plugin.PluginNotFound: plugin pybtex.style.formatting.html not found. I think I'm just not understanding how the call is supposed to work, and I can't find any examples of how to do it properly.
Here's a function I wrote for a similar use case--incorporating bibliographies into a website generated by Pelican.
from pybtex.plugin import find_plugin
from pybtex.database import parse_string
APA = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', 'apa')()
HTML = find_plugin('pybtex.backends', 'html')()
def bib2html(bibliography, exclude_fields=None):
exclude_fields = exclude_fields or []
if exclude_fields:
bibliography = parse_string(bibliography.to_string('bibtex'), 'bibtex')
for entry in bibliography.entries.values():
for ef in exclude_fields:
if ef in entry.fields.__dict__['_dict']:
del entry.fields.__dict__['_dict'][ef]
formattedBib = APA.format_bibliography(bibliography)
return "<br>".join(entry.text.render(HTML) for entry in formattedBib)
Make sure you've installed the following:
I am having some strange behavior while using urllib2 to open a URL and download a video.
I am trying to open a video resource and here is an example link:
I have the following code:
mp4_url = ''
#response_body is a json response that I get the mp4_url from
if response_body['outputs'][0]['label'] == 'mp4':
mp4_url = response_body['outputs'][0]['url']
if mp4_url:
logging.info('this is the mp4_url')
#if I add the line directly below this then it works just fine
mp4_url = 'https://zencoder-temp-storage-us-east-1.s3.amazonaws.com/o/20130723/b3ed92cc582885e27cb5c8d8b51b9956/b740dc57c2a44ea2dc2d940d93d772e2.mp4?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAI456JQ76GBU7FECA&Signature=S3lvi9n9kHbarCw%2FUKOknfpkkkY%3D&Expires=1374639361'
mp4_video = urllib2.urlopen(mp4_url)
logging.info('succesfully opened the url')
The code works when I add the designated line but it gives me a HTTP Error 403: Forbidden message when I don't which makes me think it is messing up the mp4_url somehow. But the confusing part is that when I check the logging line for mp4_url it is exactly what I hardcoded in there. What could the difference be? Are there some characters in there that may be disrupting it? I have tried converting it to a string by doing:
mp4_video = urllib2.urlopen(str(mp4_url))
But that didn't do anything. Any ideas?
With the suggestion to use print repr(mp4_url) it is giving me:
And I suppose the difference is what is causing the error but what would be the best way to parse this?
It ended up that I did need to cast it to a string but also the source that I was getting the link (an encoded video) needed nearly a 60 second delay before it could serve that URL so that is why it kept working when I hardcoded it because it had that delay. Thanks for the help!
It would be better to simply dump the response obtained. This way you would be able to check what response_body['outputs'][0]['label'] evaluates to. In you case, you are initializing mp4_url to ''. This is not the same as None and hence the condition if mp4_url: will always be true.
You may want to check that the initial if statement where you check that response_body['outputs'][0]['label'] is correct.
I'm using python Textile to store markup in the database. I would like to yield the following HTML snippet:
The obvious doesn't get encoded:
(_asdf_) -> <p>(_asdf_)</p>
The following works, but yields an ugly space:
( _asdf_) -> <p>( <em>asdf</em>)
Am I missing something obvious or is this just not possible using python Textile?
It's hard to say if this is a bug or not; in the form on the Textile website, (_foo_) works as you want, but in the downloadable PHP implementation, it doesn't.
You should be able to do this:
([_asdf_]) -> <p>(<em>asdf</em>)</p>
However, this doesn't work, which is a bug in py-textile. You either need to use this:
or patch textile.py by changing line 918 (in the Textile.span() method) to:
(the difference is in the final group; the brackets are incorrectly reversed.)
You could also change the line to:
(note the added parenthesis) to get the behavior you desire for (_foo_), but I'm not sure if that would break anything else.
Follow up: the latest version of the PHP Textile class does indeed make a similar change to the one I suggested.